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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

Page 24

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  Generally, you all have chosen to create the idea of only being in one place at one time. So any time there comes along an individual that can express more of your actual state of being and capability and create a more expansive expression by being in two places at once, it can seem like a miracle, but it is just moving more into that place that is more representative of your actual nature where you are capable of creating an infinite number of ideas and experiences including being in more than one place at any given moment of time as you create your perception of time.

  Jefferson: What about this idea of "creating the perception?" What do you mean by, "imagine yourself somewhere else?" That would just be imagination!

  Ishuwa: It's all imagination! A nation of images! Your imagination, image nation. That which you choose to focus on continually and put out thus then will draw back to you what you are experiencing. The idea of "Law of Attraction" or "what you put out is what you get back" is the 3rd Law of Creation.

  The world that you perceive is all a reflection of the images that you are projecting out from inward of your being, from your heart, from your mind, as though you were functioning somewhat like a film projector. Your thoughts, and ideas, and feelings, and images, are products of your imagination. This nation of images within your heart-mind is what you project outward, somewhat like how a film projector projects images in a movie theater. You project out your images onto the "screen of life" and then you sit like an audience member and experience these images as they are being reflected back to you in life's surround sound multi-dimensional movie screen.

  Continuing with the analogy of a movie theater, the film projector projects images onto a screen of which then the audience can look at the screen and have an experience from the moving pictures, from images in motion, motion pictures, motion images, a projection reel with thousands of images projected out for you to then experience.

  Making a movie and then watching it is a way of mirroring what you all are always doing in each moment of your life. You are all projecting images from the nation of images within you with your thoughts, and feelings, and ideas, and attitudes, and opinions, and actions. You project all those things outward like a movie projector and then you become like an audience member in a movie, so to speak, as you begin living in your 3D physical reality theater the results that come back to you from all of the images you were projecting outward. You are able to then live in and experience your very own motion pictures that are filled with energy in motion, emotion.

  Activity through your imagination comes from that internal and eternal place of you. It is an infinite connection you have with All That Is, and it brings through a nation of images. There are an infinite number of images within this nation, so you have infinite potential in terms of what you are capable of bringing through and projecting which means you have infinite potential in terms of what you can get back and experience as your physical reality, as your personal life "movie" being projected onto a "multi-dimensional screen" of life experiences. In this sense, imaginations are what you experience in your physical world. It is all a product of what you are projecting out with your imagination through your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, ideas, actions, behaviors and so on. Thus then, it is all simply the result of your imagination, and in that sense, it is all imagination.

  In general, many people have the misperception that experiences they have while watching a film in a movie theater are just the product of their imagination and so aren't really real. But actually, in terms of the Universe’s perspective, those experiences are just as real as the physical experiences you have when you step out of that movie theater and go about your daily activities. It all simply "is." Neither type of experience is actually more real than the other. This is similar to the universal understanding that one idea is not better than or less than another, more holy or evil than another, greater than or lesser than another. Neither type of experience is more real than the other from the Youniverse's perspective, from the perspective of that which eternally "is."

  Human beings have chosen to create a "world play" in which they have the perception that what is going on in their physical world is somehow more real than what they can imagine in their mind’s eye, or more real than what in a book is a product of the writer's imagination, or more real than what in a movie theater on a movie screen is a product of the director, the actors, the producers, and the cinema photographers all working together.

  It is all imagination, but so many of you have for so long been taught to believe that your physical daily activities, which are a product of your imagination, are somehow more real than your imaginations and thus then you tend to place more importance on the physical world and less importance on the ideas that come from within your heart and your mind’s eye.

  As more of your society learns to give their imaginations equal importance to what is happening in their daily life, you will then be able more effectively to grasp those imaginations and access them more fully and focus on putting them out more predominantly, more powerfully, with greater focus. Thus then it becomes easier for you to utilize your imaginations and with them manifest what you prefer to experience in your physical world. Do you follow this idea?

  Jefferson: Yes, thank you!

  Ishuwa: Is there something about this idea you would like to ask further in particular or is it clear for you?

  Jefferson: I always like to ask further. You just never know, right?

  Ishuwa: You always know, but you can create the idea of "never knowing."

  Jefferson: That's so true! Okay, what is the difference, if there is any, between mind and imagination?

  Ishuwa: In the physical world, it is simply the difference that you create there to be.

  Jefferson: Oh.

  Ishuwa: How you perceive it to be different is a result of your own belief systems. The way you define the two. When you put out a definition for what the "mind" is and you put out a definition for what "imagination" is, if those two definitions you are putting out are different, you will thus then get back different experiences of what the "mind" is and what "imagination" is for you.

  In terms of the actual nature of Existence, there is no difference. But in terms of having the ability to create a "play" and have "performances" and experiences on a "stage" of physical reality, you can create the misperception, the illusion, that there is a difference. And again, the difference is determined by how you define the two and the difference in the definitions that you then create and put out will determine how you will experience those two ideas as being different.

  So, for you, how do you experience the mind and imagination as being different? Become more aware of how you are perceiving the idea of the mind and the idea of imagination as being different and then you will start to get a clearer picture on how you must be defining the two as being different. Do you see that idea?

  Jefferson: Yes, I understand! Basically, we are only as limited as our ability to expand our definitions.

  Ishuwa: You limit yourself by having limited definitions and beliefs, and when you choose to expand your definitions and beliefs you can then begin to expand your awareness of Self in a way that is more in alignment with experiencing your whole, infinite, unlimited potential.

  Jefferson: In order to have more expanded definitions, we would need a frame of reference and that may not always be available.

  Ishuwa: Yes, and that was a key element in making it possible to live in a world in which your society could perceive itself as being limited and disconnected. You had to find a way to limit your awareness of your actual unlimited, expansive, nature. So you created the idea of limitations and separations within definitions and belief mechanisms that you could then "put out" knowing you would start "getting back" more and more limited perceptions until you would reach a point where you wouldn’t remember that you actually have an infinite number of choices from which to create your definitions and beliefs from. For example, it's as though the "buffet of life choices" has an infinite num
ber of items available to choose from, but you chose as a collective society to limit the number of buffet items and pretend that there were only a few styles of food available. As a collective, your society found ways to limit the number of dishes available at the buffet.

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: And gradually, over generations, you were able to get it down almost to the point where there was no food available, to the point where as a world there are many people who seem to have no food and who are, in a sense, dying of starvation from a lack of food, as though there are no choices for edible foods from which they can consume and nourish their body.

  If you take that idea into the spiritual heartfelt realms, many people have found a way to create, in a sense, a buffet in which there is no food available of a heartfelt kind, no ideas about reality that reflect your true spiritual nature. So they are, in a sense, dying from within their hearts. Their hearts and their minds are, in a sense, starving. They are dying from malnutrition of the heart, in a sense, due to a disconnection from their heart's actual nature. Many people, thus then, are developing cancers and illnesses of depression because they haven’t been able to find dishes at the buffet table of life possibilities that reflect their more expansive heartfelt nature. They haven't been able to find and dine upon true ideas that would nourish them and give them more awareness of their infinite, unlimited nature in which there can thus then be no heartfelt starvation and no physical dying from starvation as well, for the two go hand-in-hand, the physical starvations and the heart feeling starvations.

  Many people have much money, much food, but their heart is lacking in feeling, nourishment, and awareness of their whole nature. That type of nourishment and those types of food and ingredients are still not being found in the restaurant of "beliefs and definitions" about reality that they "dine within" daily. Even with fat wallets, five star restaurants, and multiple course meals that are available, there are still few foods for the heart that they are yet aware of that will remind them of their actual, whole, divine, unlimited nature and their true Creatorship awareness.

  Jefferson: I loved that explanation, thank you! Can you talk about abundance, perhaps with or without the idea of money? How do you think a person can be abundant within this life where we are today using the powers of their imagination?

  Ishuwa: Abundance can be defined in a multitude of ways. For example, you can have an abundance of money or an abundance of lack of money.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: It helps to get specific, to get clear, and many people simply aren’t really very clear about their ideas around money and having an abundance of money. So, this is one of the key factors that come into play for those who don’t have money. They simply aren’t that clear around this idea.

  More importantly, they aren’t clear and aware of the idea of "what you put out is what you get back." This 3rd Law of Creation is eternal and never changes. This is something they haven't been taught. In fact, quite frequently they are being taught things that are the opposite of that. The media and the institutions of "higher learning" have, unknowingly perhaps, been teaching ideas for many generations that prevent people from getting into contact with the understanding that "what you put out is what you get back." The other three Laws of Creation have been glossed over too, filtered out, rarely taught, and in many instances even considered heretical teachings. Often, these universal understandings that reveal the nature and the structure of Existence are something that many people will be frightened by when they hear about them or when someone suggests they are "dishes" of knowledge that are available for people to consider "tasting."

  In your society, it is as though there are these "dishes" of eternal universal understanding at your daily "table of life choices," but somehow many people still feel if they "take a bite" by considering these understandings that they will then somehow turn into a strange forgotten creature or be cast out into the depths of isolation and despair. This type of fearful response that causes so many people to quickly disregard the universal understandings often grows out of so many of the religious teachings that have been taught in your world in frightening ways and in threatening modes for generations and generations. So many religious followers have become conditioned to automatically repress the universal understandings due to their fears.

  Many people think it's important not to stray from religious teachings so they won't get laughed at, or cast aside, or tortured. They have been afraid to consider that these "dishes" of universal under-standing that are on the "buffet table" of eternal life might somehow be very nourishing, and nutritious, and enlightening, and revealing for their heart and sense of joy in life.

  It's almost as though the universal understandings have been growing like fruit of knowledge on a tree of life, but somehow many people have felt internally that they are being told by the so called higher institutions not to "taste of that fruit" for somehow if they did they would be cast out of the "garden of eden" forever and perhaps then be placed into a world of despair, or placed into a world of depression, or perhaps placed into a world of pharmaceutical dependency, or perhaps placed into a world of fear, and anger, and disagreement, and arguments, and frictions, and inability to get along with others, and even an inability to get along with and communicate comfortably with their self.

  However, contrary to their fears, it appears that by not choosing the fruit of knowledge, by not choosing to share and to teach the information about the Four Laws of Creation that exist in All That Is, it appears that quite the opposite has happened. It appears that without the fruit's heartfelt knowledge being consumable by them, not being accessible from the tree and consumed due to their fears that if they did they would then be cast into a dark burning hell, it appears that they have actually limited their awareness of who they really are to such an extent that they have ended up creating a world of experience that contains all of the ideas they initially feared.

  Look at your world today. You will see so many people are actually living despair, living limitation, living with the illness, living with anger, living with wars, living with conflict. All of these things would not have come into place if everyone had been taught where the tree of life was and how to consume this fruit of knowledge, how to find it within. For it is always within. It cannot ever perish, but shadows from fearful beliefs can be placed over this understanding to such a degree that individuals are no longer able to find it, recognize it, realize it, or even consider that it really does exist. They instead go about their worship of the old limited ideas and abstain from feeding upon their tree of heavenly life to appease unseen gods they fear.

  They have thus then become like stone within their beingness and become absent of the nourishing internal understandings that the tree of life provides them. They have done so to such an extent that they are now at a loss in many given moments of their day. They may feel as though they are missing something, as though there is something not quite right in their life that they would love to reconnect with, as though there must be more to life even though they might have millions of dollars and are living a life of luxury and traveling all around the world. Somehow they still feel as though there is some-thing missing. We suggest that the thing that is missing is their knowledge of who they are.

  Metaphorically: they have yet to taste the fruit of knowledge that grows on their tree of life. The fruit that comes from the tree is like an apple of infinite understanding and realization of who you are. It grows upon the four Laws of Creation that are like a tree of life. This tree has roots that go very deep within the Earth and into the eternity of your actual heartfelt beingness. No matter how much abundance you have of money, without some level of understanding of this tree and its fruit of knowledge about life, there will always be a sense that there is something missing, that you're incomplete, that there is something much more meaningful to life that you aren't yet getting in touch with.

  The common feeling that "something is missing" from life is thus then one of th
e mechanisms that has so many people going about each day "chasing a carrot" that is being "dangled in front of them" with constant temptations suggesting ideas such as: this job is what you are missing in life, or this lavish lifestyle, or having this much money in your bank account, or being able to travel to exotic places or eat at extravagant restaurants is what you are missing.

  These types of "dangling carrots" have been hanging in front of so many people for so long, and no matter how many of these types of "carrots" a person "grasps" they still feel that meaning and purpose in their life is deeply missing. The experience of realizing fulfillment in each moment is left dangling just out of their reach because, again, only with the understanding from their tree of life and it's fruit of infinite knowledge — the Four Laws of Creation — only in under-standing this will a person fully feel like nothing is missing.


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