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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

Page 25

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  It is all within you. The feeling of fulfillment that they have been chasing is within. It can only be found when a person chooses to go inward and accept that they are the one that is creating all of this and realize that it is an infinitely beautiful place. As they choose to allow themselves to accept that, then they will thus begin bringing back experiences that confirm that understanding. And they will do so in ways that will be very fulfilling for them, very meaningful to them. They will have a sense of abundance that they are very delighted with, and they will feel in tune with this abundance. They will feel incredibly abundant in ways that they always enjoy. They will realize this abundance can never be taken away from them. They will thus then never have a lack of any of the experiences that they truly, from within their own nature, prefer to resonate within and be able to thus then manifest in ways that will be absolutely magical beyond that of any magician performing on a stage in Las Vegas or any concert theater hall. Do you follow some of this idea or perhaps all of it?

  Jefferson: Thank you! So there is a sense of lack that creates a need for security and —

  Ishuwa: The sense of lack does not create the need for security.

  Jefferson: What does?

  Ishuwa: People create the need for security. You are infinitely secure in your infinite existence within the ecstasy that you are. However, "what you put out is what you get back," and because people in your world have been taught to create and put out the idea that you are disconnected from your Creatorship and you are disconnected from your infinite eternal abundance and ability to experience it securely, people are thus then getting back experiences of having lack and of having to work to secure their existence here.

  Remember, your existence is eternal. The more that people accept and understand that idea, that tree, the more then they will begin to grow branches and leaves on this understanding. And then they will begin to grow flowers and fruits of realization on this understanding. They will begin to grow, many, many, many, many trees and they will have a whole orchard of trees, many of them "fruit trees," many of them will provide other forms of meaningful nourishment. For there is within this understanding the ability to create an infinite number of trees. That is the nature of the tree of life, the fruit of knowledge. When a person is more in tune with this, realizes it is real, they will begin more and more effortlessly to create in their physical reality experiences that support this, for "what you put out is what you get back," and thus then they will let go of the idea that they need to work hard at something in order to create a sense of security. There also will be no more "false senses of security" being manifested, for presently there are many people who have done and followed the ways of your society's teachings for so long who still end up jobless or feeling unfulfilled.

  Many people go to church. They do what the "good book" says. They do their best to follow the good book terminologies even though this book has been interpreted in so many different ways on your world today, even in ways that are contradicting one another and that itself is a clue that something isn’t in alignment. There are hundreds of different versions of the good book. There are so many people that are interpreting this book in so many contradictory ways. Perhaps people will begin to get to the core of how it can be that they are interpreting anything in any way to begin with. It is in understanding that, that they begin to get into contact with their actual nature as the Creator of everything they are experiencing. "What you put out is what you get back," which makes it possible to create several different interpretations of that book or any other book.

  As people begin to understand how it is they are creating all these contradictory ideas, they begin choosing to create one whole resonant idea and let go of the book. The teachings that are within it that are aligned with the infinite nature of Existence will remain intact in a way that everyone can agree resonantly and peacefully with for there are some teachings in there that are in alignment with your eternal nature and only those will remain. All of the other teachings within it will simply perish.

  Jefferson: It seems that when we talk about creating abundance, if our intention is clear then the desired result appears!

  Ishuwa: And if the desired result has not appeared then the intention is not yet clear enough! Is that clear?

  Jefferson: Very much so! Thank you!

  Ishuwa: Rather than giving up by saying, "I studied some teachings about creating abundance by using the Law of Attraction, but the abundance hasn’t shown up yet so this Law of Attraction stuff must not work," rather than questioning its ability to work for you, just acknowledge that it really does work and acknowledge that you must not yet have gotten clear enough yet in what it is you are putting out. Whatever you are "getting back" will let you know what you are actually "putting out." When you are getting back abundance in the ways that you prefer, then you are being clear with what you are putting out.

  Jefferson: I would assume that there are infinite ways that the Youniverse has to manifest what has been asked for?

  Ishuwa: Yes! Yes, an infinite number of ways!

  Jefferson: Is one of the ways related to our spirit guides that can arrange synchronicities?

  Ishuwa: Yes. Spirit guides can provide a form of support in the manifesting of something an individual is choosing or intending to create for their experiencing in physical reality.

  Jefferson: Are these guides part of the person that is being guided or are these guides like an individual with a separate identity?

  Ishuwa: It simply depends on how you choose to define them, for "the one is the all, and the all are the one."

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: So they can be seen as you from a different frequency, a different perspective of you that is helping you. Or you can, if you want to, choose to give them a definition that somehow they are different in some particular way. You can choose to define them as being different from you.

  Jefferson: Yeah, but then in that case are they like yourself because I can also say that you are a part of myself since we all come from the One, but still you are an individual and you have your consciousness and you are a separate individual, so to speak, so are spirit guides the same?

  Ishuwa: Creating the experience that I am separate from you gives you the opportunity to have this experience. If you were aware of everything that I am as being everything you are then you wouldn’t be having this experience because I and you would be completely in alignment as one in how we are perceiving ourself in any given moment. So you wouldn’t be able to have this interaction in this way, this play, this performance, this kind of experience.

  That's all it really comes down to. You're choosing to play and to interact in this way. You have to have some, in a sense, companions in order to have this experience. So you create in your imagination some other characters to talk to, to play with, somewhat like how a child living on a country farm might choose to create one or two imaginary characters to play with in a way that would give it's parents the perception that their child was simply talking to itself. In a sense, that's what you're doing now. You are just taking to yourself, me. I am you from a different perspective. This allows you to have an experience. It can be fun, or you can create the idea that it is exasperating, or challenging, or frightening, or life threatening, or uplifting, or joyful, or expansive. You are the one that is creating the experiences you have, always, always, always. You create the experiences that you have. You are the one responsible for all of your experiences without exception.

  So, are you enjoying this play you are having today in this way with your imaginationary beingness?

  Jefferson: If everything that I am experiencing here in this physical world is a product of my imagination and my physical senses are interpreters of vibration then I can also see you as something separate from me the same way as I see this table or this computer as separate. Regarding the idea you shared earlier that if I were to see both of us in unity then perhaps I wouldn’t be in physical form anymore since I would be in full ali
gnment with the One, it seems that there has to be some sort of space, and time, and physicality, in order to have separation to begin with otherwise everybody would be the total being of God.

  Ishuwa: Space and time is simply something you are choosing to create. It isn’t representative of your actual beingness, your actual nature. You choose to create the idea of time and space. There are many different worlds that create time and space in different ways than your world is used to. There are an infinite number of ways to create the perspective of time and space, the experience of time and space. There are worlds that can be created that are not concepts that include time and space as well. There are different ways to create experiences that are entirely incomprehensible to you in your physical state of awareness and being as you experience yourself to be in this moment.

  If you, Jefferson, were aligned and focused in the eternal state of being, then you aren’t really going to be having a physical experience. You aren’t going to be talking to me in this way particularly.

  In physical reality you choose, in a sense, to take your focus out of the infinite non-space, non-time state of eternal being so that you can create the perception of a physical realm of experience filled with life explorations. You create the experience of other people. You create the perception that they are different and separate from you so you

  can have a play, but you simply are All That Is. You simply exist eternally.

  You are all things, and if you were to focus on this state of infinite awareness you wouldn’t be having a physical experience because, in a sense, all things exist here and now. They are all Isness. You are all of those things here and now, in a sense. You simply are everything simultaneously. There is no sense of yesterday, no sense of tomorrow, no sense of what you did five minutes ago, no sense of what you're going to do five minutes from now, because you already are all of those things, aware of all of those things already right now. So there's no way you can go from here to there because you already are here and there. You can’t go from five minutes ago to five minutes from now because you already are five minutes ago and you are five minutes from now. You already are all of those things. You can’t be born and have the experience of being five years old and growing to six years old and growing to ten years old because you already are five years old, six years old, and ten years old now!

  Jefferson: Interesting.

  Ishuwa: You can’t go in the kitchen and cook eggs to make an omelet and watch the cheese melting because you already are the eggs, you already are the cheese melting, you already are the omelet, you already are you consuming the omelet, you already are you as the consumed omelet, you already are all of those things here an now, in a sense. So you can’t, when you are functioning from that level of infinite awareness where you would be aware of all these things existing simultaneously, you can't then have an experience of the egg cooking, or of growing from five to six years old in age development, or of yesterday, or tomorrow, because you already are yesterday, and you're today, and you're now, you're all of those things because everything simply is here and now, in a sense. Do you begin to get an understanding of this idea?

  Jefferson: I am, but it doesn’t seem to be fun. If you already are everything, what's the point —

  Ishuwa: Well then that is simply how you have been taught to perceive this idea.

  Jefferson: Oh.

  Ishuwa: For the state of infinite awareness is a state of absolute ecstasy beyond anything you have ever imagined in your physical lifetime I assure you!

  Jefferson: I have been told that before!

  Ishuwa: There is no way we can prove it to you. The proof, in that sense, is in the tasting of the pudding. Only as you begin to be willing to define this as an aspect of yourself, as a reality for yourself, and also then ask to begin having more experiences that will be reflective of this idea, only then, because "what you put out is what you get back," only then can you begin getting back experiences that will begin confirming this for you in a way that will be like you tasting the pudding. Thus then you'll begin getting the proof. More and more you will feel more of this ecstasy and the more you will then begin to be willing to acknowledge, "Yes, to be more in alignment with my actual nature is more what I prefer. It feels magnificent to me!"

  As a human living in this world that you have on Earth, you have so far only experienced ever so slightly the actual magnitude of your infinite nature!

  Jefferson: And that was the idea right?

  Ishuwa: That was, in a sense, a choice that you all as a collective chose to make for various reasons.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: So the you that is listening to me now is seemingly choosing to step out of the eternal, all knowing, all omniscient state of your actual nature so that you can have this physical experience. With that idea in mind, we aren’t suggesting that there is a goal to get back into that place where you are being all omniscient, all knowing, because you actually already are there. If you focus back into that state of awareness, then you will seem to have to step out of this place where you are focused now, and you will not then have the awareness of living this life you are having now because this life requires you to have the perception of past, present, and future. So then that wouldn’t be the thing we suggest you do.

  The idea again, we are not suggesting you set a goal to get back where you can be in this omniscient state of awareness. You already are in that place, but you, Jefferson, are choosing to create the idea that you are having a physical experience on Earth because that in this moment is actually what is really most preferable for you. So as you realize this and are willing to let go of the idea of trying to get back to that place of the all omniscient state of infinite beingness, forget trying to get back there, you already are there. You already are all of those things.

  The idea we suggest is to learn to acknowledge that you already are all things and to also realize that you are a master of creating interactions in your physical reality and thus can remember how to create in ways that can be delicious, revealing, tantalizing, and a joy for you to have experiencings of in your world, in your life, in ways that will for you be fascinating, and enjoyable, and meaningful, and purposeful, and enriching, and feel like the great abundance that you prefer. You will be without any sense of the need for security for you will recognize that your security is infinitely secured for you already simply because you are an infinite being.

  To simply be willing to follow your heart is what we want to suggest here for it knows what is most enjoyable for you to experience in this life without question. It does not hesitate to move forward in ways that will be of greatest joy for you, that will provide you with the greatest joyful experience in this lifetime, that will be the most meaningful and give the greatest sense of purpose, the greatest sense of secured abundance in the ways you prefer.

  Your heart can guide you in these ways because it is simply more in alignment with your actual infinite state of beingness. It is the guidance mechanism that will not fail you. It will, for many, take time to learn how to get back into contact with this internal heartfelt guidance system, for it is so simple. It is so effortless that it can be hard to locate for many people who have been struggling for so long, who have been carrying so much mental weight and feel weighed down, who have been taught so many heavy serious concepts that have filtered and fogged up their ability to see more clearly, more easily, more effortlessly.

  Learn once again how to recognize delicate beautiful sensations and feelings that come from the heart, the infinitely knowledgeable guidance system within that is like an internal tree of life, fruit of life, that has knowledge and infinite understandings that are always fruitfully available for you to realize, to taste, to dine upon, in ways that are always available and in ways in which that fruit of heartfelt guidance will not and cannot perish and need not be zipped up in a plastic baggie and placed into a dark frozen box of ice crystals. It is eternal so it does not need to be secured. Its existence within you is infinite.

  As more people are willing to define their heart as being the guidance mechanism that will allow them to be more in alignment with the path and purpose of their truest self in this incarnation in their current physical life, it becomes easier for them to then open the "mental ice box," in a sense, and take out the plastic baggies that contain old frozen crystallized ideas and beliefs. They can easily unzip and dispose of those old frozen definitions of limitation and separation and then enjoy the fresh fruits of eternal knowledge that their heart can guide them to continually and remind them of consistently so they will be able to enjoy more of their life's actual flavors, aromas, and ingredients that have, in a sense, infinite vitamins and minerals that will boost the body of physiology, the body of feeling, the body of thought, the body of psychic abilities, the body of psychology, the body of your spiritual beingness, and do so in the most nourishing ways, in the most healing of ways everyday!


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