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URBAN: What A Thug Wants

Page 4

by Shantel Johnson

  “I remember when Marco first brought us here. There were all these old niggas holding court right over there in the corner,” he pointed. “And, they still there.” He said laughing.

  Mook took a swallow from his beer and laughed too. “Yeah, those were the good ole days…me, you, Marco, Bokine, Big Cissy and when Reese wasn’t so crazy.”

  “Speaking of Marco…I know I asked before, but nobody knows what happened to him?”

  “Nobody. Disappeared like a ghost. I hated what he did to you all. Hated seeing you go down for something he was responsible for. Hated seeing and hearing about Bokine, dead. Even if he had stayed around I wouldn’t have anything to do with him. Marco was trouble from the start. Think about it King, he used us. We were just stupid little kids trying to make some money.”

  “Yeah,” King said, rubbing his head. “You right. We were vulnerable and we followed him without questions. No matter how you look at it bruh it all comes down to somebody snitched on me and Bokine, because as Reese would say, dead men don’t talk. It had to be Marco, nobody else knew.

  “You right, but if it was Marco, then that may explain his disappearance. Maybe witness protection. Funny thing, word on the street says it was a girl, a redhead.”

  “A girl. Only girl hanging with us was Big Cissy and she wasn’t even in on the pickup.”

  “Maybe one of Marco’s girls, you know he had a stable of them. He could have just sent somebody, you know.”

  “Yeah, that shit still got me fucked up and now Reese.”

  “Reese? What about Reese? It’s true isn’t it. You back in? Damn man, when you gonna get enough at least Marco was smart enough to keep his mouth shut. Reese going all over town talking about he hit up the Nicaraguans. I can’t believe it.” He said getting up. “I’m out!”

  “Wait,” King said, grabbing Mook’s arm. “Man, it ain’t like that. I’m done. I did that one thing and I didn’t even know shit was gonna go down like that. I am really a changed man, really, sit down. I ain’t fucking with Reese no more. I ain’t fucking with drugs no more. I just needed a little more money man. I need to get out of my mamas house, get an apartment. It wasn’t even worth it man. I ain’t fucking crazy like Reese and I got too many strikes against me, I’m a felon, I’m on probation and nobody will hire me for minimum wage. But I still got to fucking live. You feel me?”

  The music changed in the background from the earlier hip hop to some old R&B.

  I’ve been feeling fine baby…trying to hold back…Let’s get it on….

  Mook sat back down, and gave his friend a serious look, one not only of concern but of love. All of a sudden he along with the others in the bar joined in singing a few bars of the song. Everything felt good again.

  “Look King, I almost lost you 4 years ago and I spent every single day worrying about you in prison. No matter how many times you told me everything was okay…it was not okay. You didn’t deserve to be there. This was not your doing and now you voluntarily go back to the same shit that could have killed you or better yet send you back up. I don’t’ know man. You have to make better choices.”

  “True That Bruh! Here, raise your glass. Toast to us on making it. That’s a promise Mook!” King said, raising his glass.

  “To making it!”


  Big Cissy filled bowls with popcorn, while Bae grabbed the beers. It was movie night with the crew. The movie chosen, “Best Man Holiday”, everybody had seen it except King, so in his honor it was chosen.

  “Is Mook coming?” Big Cissy asked.

  “Yeah, I invited him. Bae replied.

  “And King?”

  “He sure is!” Bae said smiling.

  Big Cissy stopped pouring popcorn. Something about the way Bae was acting caused her concern. “Wait a minute, wait a minute, little sister, look at me.” She said.

  Bae turned around. “What?”

  “OMG, y’all fucking. You and King are fucking!” Big Cissy screamed.

  “Shut up, no we are not. Now stop Cissy.”

  “Yes you are, you just proved it. You know how you get all proper…No we are not. You get proper when you are lying. Ooooh I’m gonna tell. Mook gonna have a fit, cuz I know you ain’t told him.”

  “Please Cissy,” Bae said grabbing her. “Don’t say a thing. Okay, yes and No he don’t know. We are building a relationship and are friends now.”

  “I bet that nigga busted a liter in your pussy. I hope you was wearing protection, because if not you are guaranteed pregnant. That nigga’s balls were bigger than melons, weren’t they? You ain’t got to tell me. Shit, 4 years without no sex I heard men’s balls be big ass hell. You sore Boo Boo? Let me see you walk? I bet you walking gap-legged. Wait a minute does he have a Wee-Wee?”

  Bae laughed. “Stop!”

  “ Really, you can tell me. You know just because a nigga all big and tall and chiseled. Looking like God’s gift to women, don’t’ mean his dick is huge. We be thinking them motherfuckers got rods and they show up with Wee-Wees!”

  Bae was laughing and crying at the same time. “No, Cissy he is well endowed, no problem there.

  “So, y’all friends with benefits? Bwahhhh” She laughed. “And you think that’s gonna make Mook happier. Girl, y’all both just need to get ready for an ass whooping and I’m gonna be front seat when it goes down.

  “I hate you Cissy, and you never know, Mook will probably be okay. After all they are best friends.”

  “Really Bae, that makes the shit worse! You’ll see.”


  Carmen was coming on the weekend and King didn’t know how to break it to Bae, or even how. True he had developed a special interest in Bae and they had been spending lots of time together, good times, but he also still had love for Carmen.

  They met in Centennial Park on the most beautiful fall day. The leaves were just beginning to change and yet they still had the fountain going at full force.

  “This is so nice King, and a wonderful surprise. Thank you!” Bae said kissing him. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do without you.”

  That statement made King feel uncomfortable, especially when he broke the news to her about Carmen’s visit.

  “You know about Carmen right? My high school girlfriend?”

  Bae sat up. “Yeah, what about her?”

  “She held me down while in prison, all the four years we stayed in touch and talked just about every day. Until you, I planned on marrying her, but things have changed.”

  “What are you saying King? You telling me you are getting back with Carmen?”

  “I don’t know. She’s coming for a visit this weekend and I don’t’ know what’s gonna happen. But I do know things have changed between us.”

  “So tell her not to come.”

  “I can’t do that Bae. I mean, I already bought the ticket. That was $400 dollars I don’t want to waste.”

  Bae hopped up off the blanket, obviously upset. “You mean to tell me you are laying up with me, making me promises of a future and also setting up a rendezvous with your ex-girlfriend? What kind of bitch do you think I am? You must be out your motherfucking mind! Take me home King! Now!”

  “Bae, you knew about Carmen. Everybody knew about Carmen. I didn’t know this thing would happen between us and it’s too late to tell her not to come. Why you tripping?”

  “Why I’m tripping? You have obviously been away too long. You are fucking stupid King. Take me home!”

  “Okay, but at least try to understand my point. Can you do that?”

  Bae started folding the blanket and throwing things into the basket they brought. “Really King, what’s to understand? You are going to spend a weekend fucking some other bitch and what, then you want to return to fucking me when she leaves. Hell fucking nah. If she comes here, we are done. Period. Now, I’m really ready to go home.”

  That was the end of it. After King dropped off Bae he felt really bad and knew that what he said truly hurt her. Days spent without Bae was literall
y driving him insane, the only good thing was that Carmen would be there in a day. Sure she could take his mind off of Bae, but some part of him knew it wasn’t going to be that easy.

  Chapter 4

  It was Friday night and King didn’t have anywhere to be. He was supposed to be laid up in the luxurious Ritz Carlton having great sex with Carmen, but just 24 hours ago he canceled that and therefore canceled their relationship. Carmen’s begging ass kept asking for money. She needed money to shop, money to get her nails done. Money, money, money. He saw there would be no end to it. In the end, she got on his fucking nerves. He hadn’t told Bae yet, hadn’t even spoken to her since the picnic. There were some things he needed to get off his chest and first on that list was coming clean with Mook.

  “Mook, yo! Man what you up to tonight?”

  “Nothing man, but I thought you would be all tied up with your girl.”

  “Naw man, that didn’t work out. She’s not coming.”

  “Awe man, that sucks. So what’s up? You want to cry over a beer and some shots?”

  “Well, something like that. How about we meet up at Magic City. Reese invited me out, but I just didn’t want to be stuck with his crazy ass. I really need to vent.”

  “Alright Bruh, I’ll see you there, around 10pm.”


  Enrique pounded his bag, unaware of the pain or anything else. He pounded so hard, his bones cracked and jumped in unison.

  “Everything is worked out, no slip ups,” he said breathing heavily into the phone.

  “Yes,” Jose responded, “No slip ups. We get him, we get the money and whatever else he got.”

  Enrique paused. “Just make sure to keep it clean, no witnesses and no survivors.”


  This wasn’t King’s first time at a strip club but it had been a minute. He decided to roll with Reese and meet up with Mook. The girls were on stage doing their thing and to be quite frank he was enjoying it. He thought he recognized a few from way back, like a girl named Tanisha he went to school with. She waved from the stage then gave him a quick hug before returning to her routine.

  Across the floor, sitting in the opposite corner from him he noticed a bunch of angry looking esse’s staring at him. It didn’t’ immediately hype him up but it was something he would have Reese checkout. King took a seat at the bar and waited on Mook to show up. After a couple of drinks he became concerned, it was well after 10pm and Mook hadn’t arrived. He gave him a call, but his call went unanswered, so he just continued to shoot the shit with Reese and his homeboys.

  Just about a quarter to twelve, Mook walked in looking angry at the world. He walked right past Reese and his boys without a hello, heading straight for King.

  King stood up. “Mook…” but Mook didn’t say a word and through a punch which in simple terms knocked King the fuck out. When King came to, he saw Mook standing over him with his fists drawn, and shouting.

  “Stand up Motherfucker! If you think you can get away with fucking my sister, then fucking her over you got another thing coming.”

  “Ahhh,” King tried to stand up, but stood only with the help of Reese. “Mook, it is not what you think.”

  “Man, fuck you! That’s all you say…is that your answer for everything? It’s not what you think…it wasn’t me.” He said pointing his finger in Kings face. “ I told you not to fuck with Bae and you still did, so don’t tell me no more bullshit about it being not what you think. It is what I think.”

  King understood. In fact, if it had been his sister he would have done the same. He could only ask for forgiveness and hope his friend comes to terms and recognizes like he had come to recognize that he loved Bae and meant her no harm.

  “You right Mook. I’m wrong and I respect your wishes from now on. I never meant to hurt Bae or you. Y’all all the family I got man, word is bond. You, Bae, Cissy and Reese…you all I got.”

  Mook turned around and headed towards the door. King went after him, with Reese close behind screaming Kings name.

  “King, King! Hold up, let him go, cool out!” Reese called.

  Across the street in a dark tinted car were Enrique’s crew and once they heard the name King, they made a move. Speeding across the street, windows down they fired at the threesome. Bullets riddled and bounced off every window and wall. King, Mook and Reese tried to avoid the fire by docking behind cars. Reese was the only one carrying. He spun around them and fired. Soon others from the bar came out and a war broke out in the parking lot of Magic City.

  “Pop, pop, pop, pop!”

  The bullets never let up. King counted about twenty-four shots in all. These dudes had plenty of fire power, so he couldn’t count on them running out of bullets. Then all of a sudden just like it started it ended. Nothing but silence and the hum of motors nearby.

  More of Reese’s crew exited the building to bullet ridden cars, glass and bodies. They moved Reese and King inside. Both of them were fine.

  “Where’s Mook?” King asked. “I don’t see Mook.”

  Reese jumped up from his chair. “He was right next to me…oh fuck!” Reese said, both of them running outside.

  “Fuck!” Reese screamed.

  King ran to Mook’s side, turning him over and seeing that his friend had took multiple hits. “Oh hell naw Mook! Somebody call 911! Now! He checked for a pulse and found one but there was so much blood, and King feared the worst.

  “Hold on man,” King pleaded holding Mook’s head in his lap. He wasn’t a praying man but he did pray. He prayed that God would save Mook. He prayed that Bae would forgive him, because surely she was gonna blame him for this and he prayed that Mook forgive him too.


  No matter how many times King washed his hands, he just couldn’t get the sight of all that blood out his mind. After returning from the bathroom a third time, he was approached by two officers.

  “Hold up son, what’s your name?” The officer asked.

  “Kenan. Kenan Ivory.”

  Here came the shakedown. King knew it was coming. It didn’t matter if he had anything to do with the shooting or not. Black men were never seen as victims.

  The officer circled around him like he was looking for something.

  “You got some ID?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I got some ID.” King said handing him his driver’s license.

  The officer took it and headed out the door. King knew they were looking him up and yes they would learn he was on parole too. It was a very good chance he was going to jail tonight. He stood their quiet while he watched the other cop make his way around the room. Pretty soon the club was filled with cops, almost two to one of the remaining patrons. He got a text from Bae and was about to return it when the cop stopped him.

  “Don’t answer that! We are in the middle of an investigation. Hand me your phone!” He screamed.

  “Look officer, my friend just got shot and this is his sister. She probably just wants to know where they took him, if he is okay, what hospital?”

  “I don’t give a shit if it is Jesus Christ. You better not be texting nobody. In fact I am taking possession of your phone. Now hand it over to me Boy!”


  This night had gone from bad to worse. King gave him the phone just as the other cop returned from outside. He could tell by the look on his face that he was getting locked up.

  “Kenan Penn Ivory you’re under arrest. Turn around and put your hands behind your back! He screamed.

  “For what?” King asked. “Fuck you! This is bullshit!”

  The two cops manhandled him, knocking him to the ground and slapping the cuffs on way too tight. The first officer, held King down, pressing his hands around his neck. If he didn’t know any better he would swear the cop was trying to choke him to death. King gasped, trying to catch his breath. He knew they were winning this match, so he just lay still until they decided to let go. Off in the distance he heard Reese and Big Cissy being arrested, along with everyone in the club. It was some sort of
shakedown and they couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

  From the backseat of the patrol car, King stared through the wire steel mesh at the chaos around him. In just a matter of moments so much had changed. The whole thing was fucked up and no matter how it seemed like a revenge hit, he had more questions than answers. Why him? A motherfucker didn’t own shit. That shit Reese and him snatched wasn’t even a fucking grand a piece. Something just didn’t add up. He wondered about his friend Mook. No matter how he was feeling, nothing could be worse than being shot.


  King talked to his Probation Officer, he talked with the DA, talked with his assigned lawyer, telling them all the same story. He had nothing to do with the shootout.

  “So you telling me…you just an innocent man King? Oh yeah, I know your street name. Kenan King Ivory. The same King Ivory who we indicted on manslaughter and robbery charges 4 years ago. The same King Ivory who told us the exact same thing. It wasn’t you!” The DA mocked.

  King didn’t care. This motherfucker never did like him. In fact he didn’t like niggas period. So, it was just best he kept his mouth shut and the motherfucker run his.

  “King, King, King…King Kong MOTHERFUCKER!” He gestured like Denzel Washington, then laughed. “You know what, you all make it so easy. So fucking easy to lock you up. I mean, all you had to do is stay away from motherfuckers like you, get a job, go to school, stay clean and you pretty much would have your life back in say like, 6 years. Yeah, I know minimum wage can’t pay rent, but that’s when you get not one, but two or even three jobs. The point is you lazy, all of you are lazy. I’m gonna give you a bit of advice King. If, and that is a big if you manage to stay out of jail, get bond, get another chance…don’t come back here, because if you do I promise you I am going to give you the maximum sentence.” He stood up and motioned to the cops. “Now, get him out of here.”


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