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URBAN: What A Thug Wants

Page 5

by Shantel Johnson

  He made bail.

  King didn’t know who had paid his bail. At first he thought it was his mama, but she said she couldn’t raise that kind of money. Bail was set at 100K, a cash down payment of 10K was paid on his behalf and later he would learn Reese and Cissy’s as well.

  Straight out of jail, King, Reese and Cissy headed to the hospital.


  Mook nearly lost his life three times. First on the street and twice on the surgeons table. The family swarmed around him every day with chatter, prayers, food and news. He was never alone.

  It was tense at first between King and Mook. Mook even refused to see him for days on end, but he eventually let him in and they squashed things like brothers do.

  On this particular day Mook was in a talkative mood and had a lot of questions that not even King could answer.

  “The way I see it Mook, Reese hit up those Nicaraguans, and because of that they exacted revenge. Looks clear and simple right, but why is it so quiet now? Wouldn’t they keep hitting us until they one either get their money and drugs back or two when both me and Reese are dead?”

  “Yeah bruh, sounds suspicious and then you telling me some anonymous donor bails all three of you out of jail to the tune of a whopping 30k? Not many people running around with that type of bread. You feel me?”

  “Yeah, I feel ya bruh. Somebody is going to want a favor and that’s the shit I don’t like.”

  “Speaking of favors…King. I would appreciate you looking out for Bae, you know until I get well. She might need something, some help around the house. She would always call me.”

  “Aw man, no doubt. I got you. So,” King paused. “You not tripping on me and Bae? You cool?”

  “Yeah bruh,” Mook reached for his hand, slapping it, “We cool!”


  Reese had a really good idea who hit us up and the only thing on his mind was revenge.

  “It was either the Nicaraguans or the Puerto-Ricans…Fucking Marco! See, I’ve been checking them out.” Reese said, stumbling towards the door. “They set us up!”

  King was shocked to hear him say Marco. Even with Reese being higher than usual, he made a viable point. This smelled of Marco. Marco was the one guy who had the money to bail them out, who else would care?

  “King, I’m going to kill all them motherfuckers!”

  “Yeah, I know Reese, but not just yet.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” He nodded. “I’m cool.”

  King managed to convince him to table it until Mook was well. The police on the other hand blamed everyone and that’s really why neither of them made a move. They were watching, the other dealers were watching, everybody waiting around to see who was going to make the first move. A chess game of sorts and their crew was the pawns. With upcoming court dates, everyone just chilled.

  Bae forgave King and the two of them worked on building a real solid relationship, based on honesty and truth, well at least for the most part. He moved in with Bae two weeks after the incident. He managed to get his credentials together and ready for school in the fall. You could say things were really looking up for him. That bullshit job he had wasn’t doing it for him, so believe it or not he listened to that DA and got him two jobs, that and a little slinging on the side, just small stuff kept money in his pocket and enough to help Bae out with her bills.

  Reese had found him a new connect so he was back on the street doing what he knew best. Just like Marco back in the day, he recruited him a small crew to handle the everyday dealings. King tried to get him a job at the warehouse he was working at, but Reese ain’t never worked a real job in his life and so he wasn’t having it.


  Big Cissy came around the corner catching Bae and King in a kiss. “Why don’t you all get a fucking room?”

  They both laughed. “You jealous Cissy?” Bae teased. “Don’t be, I hear Reese been checking you out.”

  “Oh hell naw, girl! I need to slap you in your mouth for that one! You stupid!”

  Bae gave King another kiss. “Hey baby, I need to make a run, so can you finish up with that staining of my porch while I’m gone and I promise I’ll have a surprise for you when I get back.”


  While on the other side of town…

  Marco poured himself a drink. “You sure you don’t want anything? I’m pouring me one now?

  “No!” A female voice hollered from the bathroom.

  “I like how you work girl! Now that Enrique is shutdown, we can get back to making some money. Sometimes it just takes time and patience and a really good woman. You feel me? Wow I see us back on top of the world and they will never see us coming.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” she said taking a sip from his glass. Everything is in place, all we have to do is just work it. Finally, we can get back to business.”

  “Girl no doubt, you just keep your legs wrapped around that nigga, tight! If anybody’s pussy can do it, I know yours can.” He laughed.

  “Oh baby, no worries, I got him just where I want him.”

  “Yep, just like old times.” Marco said slapping her ass. “That’s my Bae!”



  A Thug’s Destiny

  Shantel Johnson

  © 2015 Sensual Ink Publishing

  “Mommy, who’s that nappy headed boy across the street?” I asked, staring out the gated window of the one bedroom apartment I shared with my mother. She was too busy in the kitchen and talking on the phone to pay any attention to me. The smell of chicken filled the stuffy apartment and made my mouth water, but I was still too focused on the boy next door. It had been awhile since anyone new came to the block. Most everyone knew each other through gossip and grapevine rumors, and the kids all played together at the park. Someone new was kind of…exciting. My hair was standing on end as i gripped the gate tightly, trying to get my face closer to see the boy more clearly.

  All I saw was an untamed afro, some cheap basketball shorts and a sweat covered wifebeater. He wasn’t much to look at but curiosity got the best of me. Looking it back on it now, I can say that this was probably my first crush. I was nothing but a little girl trying to act like a grown woman with a kid I knew nothing about.

  It was summer when he first moved in. School had just let out and I needed something to keep me occupied and out of momma’s hair. She didn’t like me around when she was doing her client’s hair at home. Said I fussed too much. But that was only because there was nothing to do in the projects ‘cept go to the corner store, watch the older boys play Basketball, and wait until someone busted open a fire hydrant so we could play in it. Seeing this new boy could mean something else for me to do. So i watched closely as he struggled to pull boxes out from the back of a nice van. Another man came out the driver’s side looking scary as all hell. I remember his muscles and the way his Jordan’s seemed to gleam in the afternoon sun. The gold chain around his neck served as a beam of light, calling out all the mothers around the block to go talk to him. It was almost as if they smelled money, and it wasn’t everyday that a father would be taking care of his son. They were dying to get their claws in him. I wondered if momma would want to do the same. She always said she didn’t have time for men but I would hear them come in and out the house late at night. it wasn’t often but it did happen. She was probably just as lonely as the other mothers out there. I don’t blame her because deep down I was the same way.

  I didn’t have many friends. The girls around here were rude ass little bitches who stuck with their clique and teased you about any and everything. I hated them. I hated their jelly shoes, and their nice Barbies, and their big jewelry that they got from quarter machines. They were tailing just behind their mothers, looking for their own little man to claim. I rolled my eyes and sighed just as I heard my mother scream my name.

  “Tamina!! Get in here!”

  I pulled away from the window and retreated to the kitchen where a dinner pl
ate was already waiting for me.

  “What the hell you spending so much time looking out the window fo’? Go outside or something!”

  I sipped at my Iced tea before taking the steaming piece of fried chicken. “There’s a new boy across the street. He and his daddy movin’ in or something. All the other ladies from around the block are there already.”

  My mother looked out the window and down at the situation below. I heard her suck her teeth as she patted her rolled up curls under her hair wrap. “Bunch of hoes is what they are. Can’t wait to get the next piece of dick. Don’t go over to the boy’s house. You ain’t got no business over there.” She said as she sat down next to me.

  That was the first warning she gave me, and the first warning I soon ignored. I knew I was going to go talk to that boy it was just figuring out when.


  I got my chance when Momma sent me down to the beauty supply place. She had needed some more relaxer and sent me to go get it. It wasn’t that far from our apartment building but it felt like forever in this heat. The sun was beaming down on my head making my thick curls frizz out. If I had enough change left over I was gonna buy a big icee all for myself and eat it before I got home. When I got into the store a gust of wind from the stationary fans hit me much to my relief. I went towards the back where the weaves and wigs were and began looking for Momma’s favorite relaxer. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him, down the aisle picking up a tub of rubber-bands. I could feel my cheeks turning pink against my honey colored skin and all kinds of butterflies in my stomach. I wanted to talk to him even if Momma said I couldn’t. I pulled out my roll on fruit lipgloss and reapplied making sure my lips were shiny and plump. With a deep breath I sashayed over to him, trying to be all cute.

  “Hey,” I said, giving as much attitude an 8 year old could give.

  His deep brown eyes lit up as he saw me. It seemed like his mind was racing with everything his Daddy had taught him to do around girls. He tried to act all cool even though he was at a beauty supply place just like I was.

  “‘Sup, ma.” He said as his eyes raked over me.

  “What you doing in a beauty supply place? Yo’ momma asked you to get stuff for her too?”

  He shook his head. “Nah, i don’t live with my ma no more. I just live with my Pops. I had to come get these so I can get some braids done. Ma used to braid my hair all the time and Pops doesn’t know how to do it. He said if I don’t keep it braided he gon’ buzz it all off. I don’t want that.”

  I smiled, realizing that this was my perfect chance. “My Momma does hair all the time. If you want I can see if she’ll do it for you. Yo’ Daddy just gotta pay up.”

  “That ain’t a problem. My Pops got lots of money. Where you live?”

  “Across the street from you. I saw ya’ll movin’ in the other day. All the ladies on the block came to see you.” I replied walking towards the counter once I had gotten Momma’s relaxer.

  “Oh yeah. They all wanted to talk to my Pops or something. They were so annoying. We just wanted to move all our stuff in. Was your Ma there?” he asked.

  I gave the cashier the money Momma had given me. “No, she was too busy cooking dinner for us. She didn’t have no time to go stare all wide eyed at yo’ daddy. What’s you’re name tho’?”

  “Markus. What about you?”

  “I’m Tamina. You wanna get an icee with me?”

  Markus smiled at me, giving me the cutest pretty boy smile I ever saw. His teeth were better than most of the boys around here. “Yeah, let’s go. I’ll race you there!”

  “Nah-uh! It’s too hot for that!! I ain’t messing up my hair running after you!” I giggled, and ran after him after he raced out the store. I didn’t want to chase after him, he should’ve been the one chasing after me but I would soon find out that I would do a lot of things I didn’t want to for this boy.


  We grew up together, Markus and I. From the time we finished elementary school all the way up until the first years of high school. Everyone would tease us and ask us if we were dating. I never knew what to say. We never said anything about dating, we just hung out a lot. We would walk home from school together, play basketball together, sometimes if Momma was feeling generous she would let Markus over for dinner—but only Markus.

  Momma wasn’t really a fan of Markus’ daddy. Said that he was too much of a gangbanger. She would go on a rant forever about how my daddy was the same way and she had already learned her lesson.

  “That boy is gon’ end up just like him. Probably in jail before he even finish high school. That’s how all these lil’ hood rats end up. Damn shame.” She would say.

  I would try and tell her that Markus was different. In the few years that we had known each other he had stayed away from most of the dealing and stuff. His daddy’s crew would follow him around from time to time as a precaution but he wasn’t wrapped up in it, at least that’s what he told me. I chose to believe him because of course I was in love with him. I would do anything for Markus and I would defend him ‘till the day I died. I wanted to be his ride or die chick but I knew Momma wouldn’t let me.

  “He’s not like that, Momma. He’s fine. We always play basketball and stuff. He’s not like his daddy. He don’t got a crew, he don’t sell, he just go to school with me and come home.” I protested.

  “Girl, please. Don’t try to tell me I’m wrong. I’m right and I know it. Now get your little behind in the shower and go to bed. You got school tomorrow.”

  Night time was the worse. I could never wait until school the next morning. I didn’t like school because I was learning and shit, I liked school because I could see Markus. I would always hang out with him and his boys during recess, which is probably why they thought we were dating. Girls didn’t usually hang with the guys unless they were dating. They would get teased for being annoying or some dumb shit like that. I always stepped to his friends anyway so they knew not to mess with me. Markus would always defend me anyway especially if I told him to. He knew if he didn’t that I would get mad at him and he never wanted to be on my bad side.

  That night when I was laying in bed I heard someone out my window. It woke me up instantly and I was ready to scream for Momma to get her gun but I saw that smug smile against the gate and I knew who it was. Quietly, I got out of bed so Momma wouldn’t hear me moving and crept towards my window.

  “What you doin’ here? Momma will kill you if she finds out you at my window this late.” I whispered.

  Markus laughed. “Then you gotta keep that big mouth of yours shut. I just wanted to chill with you. I couldn’t sleep.” He sat back on the fire escape as i sat on my window sill so we could face each other.

  “So you walked across the street and climbed up the fire escape just to bother me, hmm?”

  “You know I ain’t bothering you. Besides I wanted to ask you something…”

  “Ask me something? Like what? It better not be to borrow any money!” I said jokingly.

  Markus shook his head. “Nah, it ain’t that. I was wondering…like you know how my boys always be saying that we together and shit like that?”

  “Yeah, what about it?” I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, hoping and praying that I knew what was about to come out of his mouth next.

  “You wanna like…be my girl, fo’ real? They always talking about it so i figured we could just make it official or something.” His deep brown eyes turned away. It was so cute how shy he was being. Dudes always had to be all hard when they were out in the streets but get them around a girl and they would become nothing but jello.

  I reached through the window gate and took his hand in mine. “You so stupid, you know that? I’ve pretty much been yo’ girl since we were eight. You better recognize, homie. Step yo’ game up.”

  He smiled at me and laughed. “Man, shut up. I can leave yo’ ass right here. I don’t gotta be yo’ man.”

  “But I want you to be.”

  Ohhhh, I was so damn smooth. I
knew he couldn’t resist that shit. And i was finally gonna get what I had been wanting all these years. Markus moved closer to the gate puckering his lips just a little bit. When my lips met his it was like heaven. Soft, sensual, light, and still a little nerve wracking. This was my first kiss, my best friend and I were kissing, becoming one. Markus was mine and no one could take him away from me. Well that was what I thought. But I was wrong. So, so wrong.


  It seemed like the very next day that Markus disappeared. But I knew where he was going. There was no doubt about that. He hadn’t been in school that day, which made me worry. Something was up. Markus would usually tell me if he was going to miss school or something. But I hadn’t heard anything from him. When I walked home from school that day I saw what seemed like the whole block gathered around Markus’ apartment building. Police were there, i could see the flashing lights shine across everyone’s confused faces. I pushed my way through the crowd trying to see what was going on. I prayed the Lord would forgive me for thinking it, but I hoped that they were taking away Markus’ daddy and not him.


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