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Moonlight Mist: A Limited Edition Collection of Fantasy & Paranormal)

Page 49

by Nicole Morgan

  “You have a tentacle fetish,” he stated as he studied the numerous drawings of octopi, squid and all things tentacle she’d drawn, framed and hung on the walls.

  Her cheeks grew warm. She sensed in the way his eyes gleamed while he studied each piece that he truly appreciated her art. Finally, a man she just might be interested in.

  “I enjoy drawing them.”

  “That’s why you were intrigued by what I sent?” His gaze swept away from her pictures and latched onto her. At the sight of his intense, green eyes, her heart hammered insanely against her chest. Such lovely coloring in those eyes. As green as the ocean on a cloudy day. Very attractive.

  “Yes,” she admitted in a whisper.

  “Do you have any tattoos on your body?”

  Oh my. Personal question time or what?

  “A couple,” she lied. Normally she didn’t allow her clients to see the numerous tentacle tattoos that practically devoured every inch of her body. So she only showed the one gorgeous, plump heart with an arrow shooting through it that she had on the back of her right hand, and the black rose on her left wrist, and wore long sleeves and pants during work hours. Sometimes she showed more of her tattoos to her customers, if she was comfortable with them, and this man made her very uncomfortable, but in a sensual way.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee? I’ve put on a fresh pot. It should be ready.” A change of subject was appropriate as it was getting way too warm in here. And the heated way she was reacting to him had nothing to do with the warm breeze blowing in through the several windows she’d propped open this morning.

  He smiled and nodded. “Black, please.”

  She ushered him to the bench seat and quickly grabbed a couple of clean mugs she’d placed on the table earlier. She poured some steaming hot coffee for both of them.

  “Yep, you definitely have a tentacle fetish,” he grinned.

  She jolted at that smile again. This time he showed her an even set of white teeth. Teeth she wouldn’t mind exploring with her tongue.

  Oh Cat! Stop thinking like this!

  He nodded to his coffee mug which had a decal of an octopus with, of course, tons of suction-cupped tentacles on it.

  “Caught red-handed,” she laughed as she sat down on the bench seat opposite him. From the nearby file folder, she removed the graphic he’d sent.

  “I can do this for you, but I wanted to meet you in person because, first of all, so I can discuss with you how the bamboo tattooing procedure I mentioned to you via email will work, that is…if you decide to go ahead with the project and—”

  He held up his hand. “No reason to explain. I’ve done my research. In laymen’s terms the bamboo technique gives a more vibrant color. It’s less invasive to the flesh and the healing time between sessions is quicker. That’s good enough for me. Just tell me how much and I’m all yours.”

  She’d already figured out how much this would cost him with the ink colors and everything she needed, plus her time, which she’d dropped the price drastically on to entice him into allowing her to do the project. She pulled the estimate from her file folder and placed it in front of him.

  Thankfully, the price didn’t appear to shock him. He didn’t so much as flinch. Yes, he’d definitely done his homework.

  “I would have thought it would be way much more.” He didn’t wait for her answer. “Can we get started right away?

  Oh my, but he was in a hurry, wasn’t he?

  “If you’re comfortable with starting now, then yes. I have a few hours open for you today.” She’d cleared her schedule and her clients in the hopes he would be as eager as she was to get started. She’d begin slowly, just to break him in easily, since he’d informed her in his email he’d never had a tattoo before.

  “You can undress in the bathroom at the end of the hall. Remove your clothing from your waist down. You’ll find paper drapes in there on a shelf. Just wrap one around your waist. Take off your shoes, but you can leave on your socks. You can come back to the tattoo room which is just in the next room here. Last door to your right when you come out of the bathroom.” She pointed to the hallway.

  “Can’t wait,” he said. He got up and towered over her. Her gaze dropped to where he’d already started unbuckling his jeans and she didn’t miss the impressive bulge between his thighs. Her breath halted in her lungs as he strolled down the narrow hallway of her RV.

  Wow! His wide shoulders almost touched the walls. Oh yes, yummy, big man. When the door to the bathroom clicked closed behind him, she hurried to the tattoo room to gather the items she needed.

  Calder Croft’s three hearts crashed against his chest as he undressed in the small bathroom. Being in his human form was hard enough, but how his body was reacting to the beautiful Catalina with the tentacle fetish was just plain annoying, yet very interesting too. He stood in front of the full-length mirror hanging on the inside of the bathroom door and admired his human form. Well, he admired the area below his waist, because the rest of him remained clothed.

  His cock appeared quite long, thick and swollen and very erect. Research showed some human women preferred long and thick. He hoped Catalina did too. He’d sensed her attention to him the instant she’d opened the door. Her sexy scent had just about dropped him and it had taken his every strength to remain standing there as if he wasn’t so affected by her nearness. Yes, she was definitely his mate and he hoped his human shape would do perfectly to seduce her.

  It became obvious to him immediately she had no knowledge she was a shifter. He’d seen it in the confused way she had stared at him. He’d noticed her sharp intake of breath when she’d first opened the door. Then erotic interest gleamed in her eyes as she’d sensually inspected him from head to toe. Her entire body had tensed with awareness and her female scent had increased tenfold, informing him she was extremely curious about him.

  He assumed her parents hadn’t broken the news to her that she might eventually become a shifter. Some waited until their offspring were about to shift before telling them of their heritage. While other parents remained silent about their own abilities, hoping their child would never become a shifter, therefore giving them a somewhat stable environment until the need to tell them ever arose. It looked like the latter had happened with Catalina. He would have to do some quick investigating about her and find out her personal circumstances.

  Females took longer to shift than males and he sensed by the intoxicating scent only male Octoposeidons could smell she would be ready to shift soon. He needed to find a way to tell her the truth, to prepare her. She actually thought she was a human, so telling her needed to be handled delicately, gently.

  Reaching down, he touched his rigid cock, his warm fingers rubbing the length of the swollen shaft until it was flushed a very nice shade of purplish-blue. He clenched his teeth as the urge to fuck her almost overwhelmed him. He’d been without a female human for a very long time and it was hard, to say the least, to be around one now, especially a shifter. His best course would be to wait until she turned and take her in the ocean. In Octoposeidon form, females were instinctual. Theirs would be natural mating. In human form, she would be much harder to take. Humans weren’t instinctual. Especially the females. Over the centuries, they’d learned to suppress their instincts. They were emotional beings and, in many instances, cautious with the opposite sex.

  When he’d first turned, he’d experimented quite a bit, sexually, in his human form. He sensed he would be able to perform and give her the utmost sexual satisfaction. But first he needed to present himself to her, and then he’d let her guide the way.

  Blowing out a tense breath, Calder grabbed one of the paper drapes she’d mentioned from a nearby shelf, wrapped it around his waist and let himself out of the bathroom.

  Chapter Two

  Catalina had all the items she needed set out on her nearby trays when the bathroom door opened and Calder’s steps approached down the hall. Odd that she loved the slap of his bare feet against the floor. As
he entered her tattoo parlor, everything about her just seemed to zoom in on everything about him. She’d never experienced such an interesting, intense reaction to a man before. But her work ethics were ingrained deeply inside of her and she would not allow herself to sleep with a client. No matter how much she was attracted to him. And she was definitely attracted to this hunk.

  This swish of the paper drape made her turn around. He stood in the doorway, his eyes quite fierce as he stared at her. Oh if his eyes could fuck, he’d be taking her right here and right now.

  She blinked that insane thought away. The man was her client and she had to keep her mind on her job!

  “Please, have a seat and we can get started,” she said.

  He did as she asked and sat on the chair, placing his socked feet onto the plastic-covered foot stirrups. She slipped on some latex gloves, grabbed the stirrups and moved them outward until she was able to roll her chair in between his wide-spread legs.

  “So, I was thinking we should start with measuring the main tentacle…ummm if…you don’t mind.” Gosh, had she called his cock a tentacle?

  Oh my, it truly was getting hot in here. She should turn on the air-con. A huge bulge pressed against the paper, leaving her the distinct impression he was aroused. Okay forget the air-con for now. The man was definitely excited. Just as much as she was. What wasn’t there to be excited about? She was a woman and she’d be handling his shaft. Totally understandable he might get aroused at that idea.

  “How long have you been doing this?” His strong voice sounded confident, as if he allowed himself to have his cock tattooed every day.

  “Since I was sixteen, actually,” she said as she lifted the paper sheet to reveal his big erection.

  Oh boy.

  She swore her mouth dropped open at the size of his engorged cock. Have mercy, but the man was built like a stallion. Her pussy pulsed and creamed warmly as visions of him making love to her rolled around in her mind. Small talk. Yeah, small talk. She needed to keep him occupied so he wouldn’t be frightened off over the way she was staring at him…down there.

  Boy, he was big. Too hot in here. Way too hot.

  “How did you get interested in tattooing at such an early age?” he asked as she tucked the sheet in and around his erect cock and big balls.

  Gosh, she couldn’t even think let alone answer his question or begin to measure his shaft to figure out where she should start on him. All she wanted to do was take his swollen erection into her hands and run her fingers along his silky-looking flesh or, better yet, take him into her mouth. Oh yeah. She’d like that too. Very much.

  She struggled to gather her thoughts as she tried to figure out which area was best to start on.

  “A good friend of mine's older brother had a tattoo shop.” Catalina finally managed to pull her thoughts back to her job and return to a semiprofessional frame of mind. It wasn’t easy, but she began measuring. Sweet heavens, he had a web of veins. Wide girth. Plenty of flesh to work on.

  “We went over to his shop a lot because I had a crush on him, so of course I found every excuse under the sun to see him.” She laughed, remembering getting her first tattoo by Chad, right smack in the valley of her breasts.

  Gosh, she’d loved the way his gaze had languished on her flesh. But Chad had always been strictly professional, much to her disappointment.

  “If you had a crush on a tattoo artist then you definitely have tattoos on your body.”

  She swallowed, loving the way he was looking at her, awaiting her answer with such interest.

  “I’ve got a few,” she confessed.

  “Don’t most people get tattoos so others can see them?” he asked.

  She nodded, wrote down the measurements she’d gotten so far. Length, ten inches. Girth, three inches at the base and two and a half inches at the cock head.

  Oh boy, his cock looked so damned perfect.

  “My tattoos were put in areas were a girl with a crush on a guy would want only him to see.”

  He grinned at her. “I see.”

  His smile literally swept her breath away and for a few seconds she was floating wonderfully, like on some cloud, before free-falling back to reality. Reluctantly, she covered his gorgeous erection.

  “Okay, now we need to disinfect the area I’ll be working on. I received the email with your answers to my questions regarding any allergies and sensitivities, so we’re good there.”

  He nodded.

  She cleared her throat, pushed her feet against the ground, letting her stool roll her out from between his legs. She grabbed the nearby tray containing the spray cleanser and disinfectant wipes and swung it toward her client so it would be within easy reach. Then she pulled her chair in between his legs again and noticed he had powerful-looking muscles in his calves.

  “Do you work out?” she asked, struggling into small-talk mode again as she slipped off the gloves and put on a fresh pair. In her business, she needed to prevent cross contamination and to be as clean as possible, so with every new step she got rid of the old gloves and put on a new pair.

  Once again, she moved his paper sheet to reveal that delightfully engorged cock.

  “I run. Jogging along the beach every morning.”

  Excitement splashed through her. “Me too. I love the way the wind blows against me when I run. And I love the highs that come with running too.”

  He chuckled. “Those highs are addictive.”

  She refocused on her job. “Just so you know, this is going to be a bit cold.”

  “Cold might be what I need,” he said in a guttural voice.

  Her body hummed and, from the intense way he looked at her with those fuck-me eyes, he desired her.

  She kept silent and sprayed cleanser along his hard, swollen erection. He winced at every shot.

  “Okay?” she asked.

  He cleared his throat, and then chuckled. “What do you think?”

  She shrugged. “I can’t comment. I’m not a guy.”

  He laughed so deeply, the rich sound seared right into her heart.

  “Now for the baby wipes, to make sure every area is reached to prevent infection,” she said, her voice low and sexy.

  She hoped he didn’t read too much into the trembling of her hands as she wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and held tight while she continued to wipe along his erection. Gosh, his flesh was ultra hot and so velvety hard against her palm and fingers. How he would feel sliding into her pussy? How hard would his thrusts be?

  Just thinking about having sex with him had her catching a moan. His breath was coming quickly too and she wondered if he was enjoying the way she held him. What would he do if she suddenly started trailing her fingers up and down? If she leaned over and gobbled that delicious-looking cock head into her mouth and just sucked on him like a lollipop?

  Oh my, she was thinking very unprofessionally. She finished wiping around his balls and pulled away. Her breath shook as he blinked. He smiled confidently, seemingly not the least bit embarrassed. So why should she be?

  The man was well hung and there was nothing to be embarrassed about. For either of them.

  “When I come back, I’ll shave you along the area I’ll be working on, and then I’ll give it another disinfecting before I begin. As I explained in the email, shaving before I do the tattoo will help prevent infection, and I also need to remind you when the time comes to tattoo your other areas, we’ll need to shave there to help prevent infection too.”

  “I understand.” Excitement danced in his eyes at that prospect and her heart fluttered. Gosh, he looked so cute when he studied her with his sultry gaze. His eyes shone and the sides of his lips turned upward.

  Professional, Cat. Remain professional.

  “Okay, next, I’ll do some quick calculations and then we’ll start outlining the design onto your…um…tentacle.”

  He laughed, a rich rumble that swept through her like a rushing wave.

  “Tentacle fetish, a girl after my own hear

  Oh? What did he mean by that? She chose not to ask. Maybe she would ask later.

  She left the room and, with her heart crashing insanely against her chest, she made the calculations at the table where she’d sat earlier with him, figuring out where the suction cups would go. A few minutes later, she had a mind’s-eye picture of where everything was going to be placed.

  “Okay,” she said as she returned to her client. “Um, because of your size, I can get in a few more suction cups.” Gosh was her face as red as it felt?

  “That’s great. The more cups, the better the cling. My girlfriend is going to love it.”

  Girlfriend? Her excitement shattered. Why did he have to mention he had a girlfriend?

  For a moment, she’d been happily fantasizing she’d be able to have his cock tentacle thrusting into her.

  “Why the sudden frown? Did I say something wrong?” he asked. His eyes glowed with what she perceived as teasing. But why would he be teasing her? Why try to make her jealous?

  Cat shoved away those insane thoughts.

  “I’m just hoping your girlfriend will like what you have planned for her,” she lied, quickly covering her momentary surprise. She grabbed her outlining pen and placed it on the nearby tray with the measurements plus the drawing he’d sent via email. “I mean some women don’t like their men to be covered in tattoos.”

  She inhaled softly and her pussy clenched when she moved the sheet and revealed that gorgeous cock again.

  Intense heat suffused her body at the sight and she wished she could just dive into the ocean…and cool down.

  “Don’t you mean have sex with him in the ocean?” a naughty little voice whispered.

  Yeah, she’d like that. Sex with this stranger. His tentacle plunging into her. No strings. Nice.

  “She’ll love this,” he said with such confidence she suddenly had no doubt his girlfriend would like it.

  “Um, did you want your foreskin tattooed also?” she asked, hoping he’d say yes. She caught her breath as his gaze darkened with arousal. Getting way too hot!


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