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Moonlight Mist: A Limited Edition Collection of Fantasy & Paranormal)

Page 50

by Nicole Morgan

  “I mean… It’ll be quite delicate. Uncomfortable when I do it. But the discomfort will only last a few hours.”

  “Which way will look better?”

  Oh boy. Cheeks flaming. Body trembling. Pussy creaming.

  “With the foreskin included,” she admitted, wishing she could slap a bunch of ice cubes over her burning cheeks.

  He grinned and her pussy did some mighty sensual flip-flops and warm creaming.

  Gazing at his engorged cock, she tried to keep a steady hand as she reached for the can of shaving cream she’d placed on another nearby tray. She began to spray the lather onto him.

  He sucked in a sharp breath and she stopped.

  “Sorry, should have warned you.”

  “It’s not that.” He peered at her with an extreme concentration, one that said he rather enjoyed her spraying lather onto his shaft.

  Her cheeks were on fire now.

  “Oh,” she whispered, understanding, and tried really hard to focus back on her job.

  After a moment of silence, he asked, “Do you have a boyfriend? Or are you married?”

  “No. I’m a loner. Prefer to stay that way,” she said as she continued spraying.

  He didn’t say anything, which was good.

  When she had his entire cock lathered, she uncapped the plastic from the disposable razor and held the tip of his erection. Ignoring another rush of his breath, she began to shave him carefully.

  Beneath her fingertips, his flesh vibrated ever so slightly. He obviously enjoyed her touches. His cock pulsed and the heat from his member seared her fingers. She hurried the task, gliding up and down until she’d shaved its entirety. He could have shaved himself, but she’d wanted to make sure it was done right.

  Yeah, right. More like you wanted to get another good look at him. Touch him some more.

  “Okay here comes more. I’ll just do a little around near the base area,” she warned him as she lifted his shaft, grabbed the shaving cream and sprayed his scrotum.

  “Shit,” he whispered.


  “Don’t be.”

  She tried not to read into what he’d just said, but what else could she do? His eyes were scrunched tight as she proceeded to shave along where the base of his erection and scrotum met. Quick glances at his face revealed muscles twitching in his strong jawline. It seemed as if he was holding onto a thread of self-control.

  Wow. He certainly was a virile man, wasn’t he?

  She completed the shaving then wiped the area clean before spraying on another dose of disinfectant.

  “There, all done. Now the fun part starts.”

  His breath continued heavily and when he popped open his eyes, they sparkled and his eyelids appeared drowsy with arousal.

  She responded at the intense way he gazed at her. Heat suffused her entire body and her breath came soft and sultry. She swallowed and quickly grabbed her tracing pen. “I’ll start at the base and work toward the tip.”

  “You’re the boss.” His voice was thick and sensual, stroking her senses.

  Yeah, well, if she were the boss, she’d be straddling him about now. She held her breath as she outlined the area she’d work on today.

  “I plan on doing this in small patches. Every day a patch until we’re finished. After I’m done with today’s session we can check the appointment book and schedule you in.”

  “Great. So, how do you work? Do you need quiet to tattoo or lots of noise?” he asked.

  “Depends on how hard the tattoo is. If it’s easy, I can talk. If it’s hard,” like your cock, “I need to concentrate.”

  “Right now it’s hard,” she admitted, avoiding his gaze. Oh yeah, baby, you are so hard.

  She swallowed and eased a soft breath into her lungs. He smelled way too good too. Kind of like when she stood on a beach on a sunny day—everything fresh and sparking clean with a delicate hint of salt in the breeze. That’s exactly how he smelled. Like he belonged near the ocean or something. For a split second, she imagined she really was standing on a pristine beach with the warm sand sifting past her bare toes. Naked, after having come out of the water. He would be there with her. Sparkles of water dripping off his heavily muscled body.

  She blinked and the awesome vision disintegrated. Oh man, for a bit she’d felt as if she’d been right there on the beach. Wow! She had it bad for this guy, didn’t she?

  “It looks fantastic,” he said softly.


  She followed his gaze downward and blinked in utter disbelief as a full outline of a tentacle, complete with suckers, ran up his cock.

  What the fuck?

  She didn’t even remember drawing it.

  Okay, this was way too weird. How could she not remember drawing this outline? She hadn’t wanted to do the entire penis. Just pieces. But it looked perfect.

  “You were really into it, I’m impressed. I can’t wait to see how it looks with color and shading,” he continued.

  The excitement lacing his voice seemed to enter her bloodstream, pushing aside her concern for not remembering. Yeah, she had artistic highs were she got lost in a tattoo, but the customer always ripped her out of it with a cough or something. She bit her lip as she surveyed her work. She had to admit it did look fantastic, even if it was just an outline.

  “I’m glad you’re happy with it. Give me a few minutes to get the colors together. You should stand up and stretch and walk around.”

  What in the world had just happened to her? Why didn’t she remember drawing that outline?

  Ignoring her suddenly trembling hands, she placed her pen on the nearby tray, removed her gloves, tossed them in the wastebasket and rolled her chair away from him.

  To her surprise, he didn’t even cover his lower half as he stood. His cock was so engorged it curled upward against his belly as he padded past her.

  “Coffee? I need coffee. Can I get you a cup?” he asked as he paused in the doorway.

  “No, thanks.” Like, wasn’t she jittery enough?

  She sighed with relief as he left the room. His presence had overpowered her and she could actually think now. She’d started drawing on his flesh and then she’d been on the beach with him. It had seemed so lifelike. So real. Too freaking real. Artistic high? Could one happen so quickly during a project? It had never happened so fast before. But it did happen. She could lose hours on a tattoo and it would seem as if only a few minutes had gone by. Just like now. She gazed at the clock. Half an hour.

  Absolutely freaking amazing!

  Okay, she needed to get the colors next. Yes, the ink colors. She would need black for the outline and she would mix some of the other colors she wanted too.

  My, oh my, but she was so wonderfully hot! And aware of him. And aroused. It was insane. But in an erotic kind of way. Catalina hurried to grab the ink bottles she needed from a nearby shelf and set up her workstation.

  Calder slowly sipped his black coffee and listened for more movement from the tattoo parlor. He could sense Catalina was confused due to the fact she’d gone into a trance while she’d traced the outline on his cock. Her spell was an indication she was going to shapeshift sooner than he’d anticipated. Obviously, she had no clue of her true heritage, but over the next few days she would begin to question the changes in her body and wonder about the blackouts that were common before a first shift.

  He blew out a hot breath as his cock hardened even more. He didn’t even need to stroke himself into arousal now. Just thinking of her was all he needed.

  He sipped more coffee, enjoying the soothing way it melted along his parched throat. He enjoyed being a human mainly because he was addicted to the coffee.

  Tonight, before he turned and went into the ocean, he’d make sure he switched on the auto brew, so when he returned from the depths his coffee would be ready and hot for him. Just like Catalina would be hot and ready for him the next time he came here. He could hardly wait.

  “Okay, you’re going to feel some pain,” Ca
talina warned. “There will be some sharp pinpricks, but I need you to hold still.” After setting up her inks and other supplies, she’d washed her hands again, slipped on a new pair of latex gloves and dashed some numbing gel and healing ointment on the area she would begin tattooing.

  “I’m into a bit of pain.” He grinned at her and her tummy somersaulted.

  Oh man, she wished he wouldn’t do that. His smile was lethal to her visual senses. Heck he was lethal to all her senses. Yet, miraculously, her concentration seemed focused and unbelievably clear as she dipped her bamboo tipped with needles into the black ink and moved over to the base of his shaft. She asked him to hold his cock steady and he wrapped his fingers around his cock head, holding himself still. She didn’t dare look up to gaze into his eyes, because she just knew what she’d find there. Arousal, excitement and that exquisite need for sexual release. His and hers.

  Blowing out a steadying breath, she slipped the bamboo stalk between her middle finger and forefinger and let it lean against the area between her thumb and forefinger, then began a gentle up and down motion, tapping along the lines on his flesh.

  After a few seconds, she stopped and forced herself to cast her gaze at him. “Okay?”

  He nodded. “Not bad, I expected worse. Please, do continue. It feels kind of pleasant.”

  “Wish all my customers said that,” she said and began tapping again.

  Thankfully, he remained silent as she allowed the bamboo stalk to slide quickly and confidently against his flesh. Tattooing always relaxed her, and it relaxed her now too as she pummeled his hard and swollen erection, following the black lines. His heavy flesh pulsed erotically against her fingers. What he would say if she stopped tattooing and slipped off her shorts and panties and just slid his juicy cock into her vagina as she sat on his lap? Gosh, she hadn’t even realized how sexy a man could look with his thighs spread and his feet settled into her stirrups. She swore when he left she would fantasize about those foot stirrups.

  She’d undress in front of him. Kind of like an erotic dancer. She’d take off her clothing seductively, leisurely, starting with her blouse first…

  Staring at him while she slowly unbuttoned her shirt, his eyes darkened as if an erotic storm was swirling within him. She removed her blouse and then her bra. Her breasts spilled free for his heated gaze. She twirled her bra in the air like a lasso before tossing it at him. He caught it with his foot and grinned at her.

  “What do I look like? A garment holder?” he whispered, the tip of his pink tongue pushing out from between his lush lips.

  She didn’t reply, her gaze sweeping to that enticing tongue of his. She unclasped the button on her jeans, slipping down the zipper. He tensed, the muscles in his chest and shoulders jumping magnificently as his hands grabbed the armrest of the tattoo chair. She loved that he was fighting for self-control.

  She swallowed as she continued, peeling her jeans over her wide hips. He sucked in a breath as she stepped out of them.

  “If you go any further, I can’t be responsible for what happens next,” he whispered hoarsely.

  Oh, she loved the tortured coarseness in his voice. It made her tremble. Made her daring. She’d never felt daring with a man.

  Until him.

  Stepping closer, between his wide-spread legs, she inhaled and moaned as he reached out and cupped her heavy breasts. His hands were warm as he cradled her.

  “Move closer,” he whispered.

  She whimpered as she leaned in and he kissed the tight tip of one of her breasts.

  Oh, so gentle. So beautiful.

  He opened his mouth and sucked her sensitive nipple inside. His mouth was so hot she literally ached there. His teeth nipped delicately, unleashing an incredible pulsing deep inside her vagina. Oh wow, she’d never been this wanton before with a man’s mouth on her breast.

  He tugged on her nipple and then laved his tongue around the peak. His mouth made love to her and she couldn’t stop her gasps as he moved on to her other breast and continued to work his wonderful magic. She sensed he was pushing her toward something awesome as he tugged gently then bit tenderly.

  Her breath came faster and was soon out of control. She arched closer to him, slipping her hands against his waist, holding him tight as his suckling grew firmer, rougher. The incredible tingles racing through her spun into something desperate and unmanageable.

  Sharp desire coursed through her, rocked her, and she sailed right along with it. His tongue lashed her like a whip, the sweet bite of his sharp teeth erotic pinpricks. Suddenly her entire body throbbed with intense need and she exploded on a groan as she quickly rubbed her pussy against his thick shaft. She wanted to reach down and grab his cock and slip his thickness inside her, but his hands were suddenly on her hands, holding them firmly on his waist, keeping her hostage as she pressed and gyrated against his hot erection.

  She cried out as her pussy spasmed around empty air, her body climaxing. The deep shudders were endless as she gyrated and moaned and drowned in the vortex. Her mind splintered and her body instinctively enjoyed his gift of pleasure.

  Soon, the spasms ebbed away and their heavy breathing burst through the small room. Oh wow! She’d never climaxed while a man fucked her breasts with his mouth.

  She blew out a fierce breath as sudden reality crashed in around her and she blinked.

  The first thing she noticed was her clothing. She hadn’t removed them at all! Somehow she’d slipped into one heck of a naughty fantasy. The second thing she noticed was his awesome tentacle tattoo. Vibrant colors literally leapt off his cock. The greens, the gray and black shadings, the circles of suction cups were so lifelike. His cock seriously looked like a tentacle.

  Oh. My. Goodness.

  “Your work is breathtaking,” he whispered as he stared directly at her with an intensity that snapped like a live wire right into her core.

  What the hell had just happened? Why was he acting as if everything was normal? Anxiety burst through her, but she managed to shake it off.

  “Um…thanks.” Her voice came out strangled and harsh.

  Have mercy! Had she gone into some sort of artistic, erotic high? She swore she could not remember tattooing his entire cock. It should have taken her the course of several days to get such an intricate design.

  And yet… She glanced at her clock. Four hours had gone by! It seemed like only a few minutes. What in the world was wrong with her?

  Chapter Three

  She was frightened. Fear flashed in her pretty blue eyes as she spread the soothing ointment all over his cock with freshly gloved hands. Her fingers trembled against his hot, aching flesh and her breathing was erratic. She would be questioning what had happened to her. He pondered whether he should tell her that many times, sometimes days and even hours before a female shifted, she went into erotic spells. Part of her mind splintered into hot, sexual fantasies, while another part continued as if nothing was happening. Any human male couldn’t even tell, but Calder could. Her sexy enticing scent had increased tenfold the instant she’d slipped into the mind trance, and it had taken every ounce of his strength to remain seated in his chair when all he’d wanted to do was start fucking her.

  It had been hell. It was still hell. He just wanted to dive into her fragrance, her mind and body and simply make love to her.

  No, he wouldn’t tell her. She would have to undergo more changes and she would have to have more questions before she would be receptive to even considering her true heritage as a possibility. Right now he sensed she wasn’t ready for the truth. Not yet.

  He gritted his teeth as her sensual caresses made love to his human flesh. His cock was so engorged and a little sore too, but enduring the needles piercing his tender tissue had been worth it.

  “This tattoo lube will help prevent infection and promote healing. It has all natural ingredients like vitamin E and aloe vera to help heal.”

  Her voice was shaky. He hoped she would be all right. He would like to stay and keep her co
mpany, to soothe her, but he didn’t wish to frighten her any more due to the fact he could barely keep his hands to himself and all he wanted to do was touch her.

  “Before you leave, I’ll give you more instructions plus your own tube of lube. Because it’s a bamboo tattoo, you’ll have to wait only one hour before you can take a swim or go out in the sun. It’ll be healed in a day.”

  He nodded. He’d done his homework on bamboo tattooing and it was different than getting a machine tat.

  “Because this technique allows the needles to barely break the skin to get the color and there’s minimal damage, you’ll be ready to have another one in a day or two. The pain is temporary and as you can see the detailing is very accurate and lifelike.”

  “You sound surprised,” he teased.

  She tried to smile, but it came off wobbly. She still hadn’t fully recuperated from her mind clicking out. Understandable.

  “And it barely hurts.”

  She smiled, obviously pleased. “Well, at least I’m not using bamboo thorns like the ancient cultures did.”


  She covered his cock with the paper drape, removed her gloves, tossed them into a wastebasket, and then handed him the bamboo pole she’d used on him, minus the needles, which she’d thrown into a nearby hazard container. “For you. A souvenir. I never use the same bamboo pole twice. It cuts out cross contamination in my work space.”

  “Thanks.” It would be a very nice souvenir. His first tattoo, one of many he hoped, by his mate. She wheeled her chair away from between his legs then stood. She stretched like a cat, her arms and hands going up into the air, her lush breasts poking against a work apron which covered the front of her blouse and dropped to mid-thigh.

  “I’ll leave you to get dressed,” she said. “Meet me be back out in the main foyer and we’ll schedule you in.”

  She turned and briskly left the room.

  Having her out of his sight brought a sadness he’d never experienced before, but the Ancients had said this would be expected. Once she turned, the intensity of their need for each other would only increase. It was the way of their species. One of many built-in procreation instincts that kept mates close to each other, so others of their species had less chance of trying to move in on one’s mate.


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