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My Best Friend's Little Sister: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 3

by Lauren Wood

  “What’s up with you two this morning? Did you kiss and makeup?”

  Sherry gave him a dirty look. “Everything is fine as long as you keep your naked friends out of my room Charlie. Nothing ever changes, does it?”

  I didn’t like how she said that, but I could see her point. I just didn’t like how against it all she was. Was she not feeling the same thing I was feeling about it all? I felt like I wanted her back in my arms because that was where she belonged. It didn’t matter if it was wrong or right, it just was and I wanted her badly. I don’t know why, I never looked at her like this before, but now I saw Sherry for what she was and I was sure that she was one hot chick that I needed to pay more attention to. It was unfortunate that I was friends with her brother, because it was going to be hard to deny how I felt. I could feel other parts of me being clear about my needs as well.

  “Something changed.”

  She stole a look at me and I knew that she got my drift. Charlie didn’t and that was a good thing. He would never see that, I don’t think anyways. He knew that I would never do anything like that. It was wrong. I just had to keep reminding myself of that. She was off limits, no matter how hot she was now and no matter how much she had changed.

  “Well sis it was good to see you. I can say that it is never boring when you are back in the house, but we got to hit the road. I have some business to attend to, we both do.”

  I agreed with him, but I was also dragging my feet. When a meal was announced, I found myself walking into the dining room, making the excuse that I was hungry. I wanted to hear more about Sherry and since she hadn’t been back in a while, this meal was where it was going to happen. What had the little minx been up to?

  It didn’t take long to get into it. Rosalyn wanted to know what I was asking myself, but she had no reason to temper her questions and interest like I did.

  “So what are you going to do now hon? I can’t believe you are back in town. I didn’t think I was going to see you again until next summer.”

  “I almost started the last two years right away, but it just felt like the time to take a break and see where I am. I wanted to see if I can get a little experience before I get into a specialty. Sometimes the job sounds good in theory, but is actually a big mess. I don’t want that to happen, so a few real assignments in the city should give me a good gauge of what I want to do.”

  Rosalyn was happy with the answer. It was clear that she had thought about her future and for once I was impressed as well. I had to wonder how much further I would have gone in life if I would have been as determined as Sherry was.

  “So what about Dennis? You told me that he might come over next week?”

  I didn’t like the mention of a guy coming to see her, but again I knew that I had to keep a straight face and let it all go. It wasn’t supposed to bother me.

  “Yeah ma, you will like him. I met him on campus and we just hit it off real quickly.”

  “If it gets me grandkids out of this, then I am all for it.”

  I groaned inwardly and was happy to see that Charlie was just as disturbed as I was about it all. At least someone seemed to have some sense about it all. She shouldn’t be with anyone. She was too young and now that I saw her again after all of these years, I really wanted to make her mine. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about some guy name Dennis and how long the two of them had been dating. It wasn’t a subject that was continued, the discussion moving along to other things and never roping back to it. It as what I wondered the most, but it was unanswered.

  “You don’t think she is a little young for all of that Miss Rosalyn?”

  She waved me off with her hand. “No, it is about time. You all need to think about your future or your life is just going to pass you by and you won’t even know what happened. I would have regretted never having children of being young enough to enjoy them.”

  There was a truth to her words, but why was I making it all about her daughter? Why was I thinking about Sherry when she talked about such things? Was Rosalyn doing some kind of voodoo on me?

  Chapter 7


  “Well I will be happy to get out of here and get back to the city where things are normal. Are we going to pick up Candy on the way?”

  I cast a look at Charlie, trying to get him to see that he was talking about things in front of Sherry that he shouldn’t have been. What would we say if she asked about Candy? She was hard to explain and I for one didn’t want to.

  “Yes, that is the plan, but we can discuss this later. It is business after all and I don’t want to bore anyone with it.”

  Charlie looked at me strangely like he didn’t know what I was talking about and I was unable to express myself with Sherry next to us, listening to it all. She wasn’t stupid. She would get that we were trying to keep something from her.

  “You were the one that wanted to bring Candy along, Rex. You said she would be good for the business. I just thought we were picking her up and I was just making sure that was still the case. We are still taking her back to Chicago with us, right?”

  Sherry wanted to know who Candy was and what business we were talking about. “I would like to know what you do now for a living brother. It is apparently the best kept secret around, not even mom and dad know about it and I am sure they have asked repeatedly.”

  “Rex and I just opened up a business together. It is just a small start-up in the city. No big deal, really.”

  “Oh, the way mom talks about it, you guys are always working on something big.”

  Charlie shrugged. “I wouldn’t say that, but it keeps us busy to say the least. Keeps us busy and tired most of the time. That’s why it is so hard to visit back home that often.”

  “Will you give me a ride up to Chicago as well and somewhere to stay for a few days? I could be ready to go in like ten minutes. I haven’t even unpacked my bags.”

  “Woah Sherry, you can’t stay with me.” His words were hoarse and panicked and I could tell what he was thinking. Charlie was worried about what happened if his two worlds that were so crafted by design to be apart started to collide. I could see the fear in his face and I actually felt bad for him.


  I could tell that he couldn’t think of a good reason and he was floundering. If his sister hadn’t been smiling at me in such a way, maybe I would have been able to come to his aid. But instead he just blurted something out and it wasn’t very convincing. “Cause Rex is staying there and there isn’t enough room.”

  “Come on Charlie. It isn’t that crowded there. I think it will be fine if your sister comes and stays for a few days.” I couldn’t help my mind’s progression of what could happen between us. My mind was still on the night before and feeling her bared body against mine.

  He glared at him and I was certain that Charlie wanted to skin me alive. It was clear that he didn’t want her coming with, but I didn’t see any harm in it and I wanted to get to know her a little better.

  “It won’t be fine. You think that the business stuff isn’t going to be a little distracting for my little sister Rex?”

  It was then that I realized he was worried about the club and everything that went with it. Charlie was scared that his parents would find out and everything that we had worked to keep to ourselves would be for nothing. I had a little more faith in it all, but it was clear that he wasn’t that convinced that it would be okay. I felt bad that I had let my need for his sister cloud my judgment in such a way.

  “I didn’t think about that, Charlie. Sorry about that. You are right.”

  “No Sherry, I wish I could say yes, but everything is a bit too hectic right now. The place is a mad house and I don’t want you in the middle of it. Mom and dad don’t want you around that sort of thing.”

  His refusal just made her push harder. She was too much like her mom, not taking no for an answer. I was starting to wish she would this time around at least. Maybe Charlie was right and this was a bad idea. Maybe we were asking for
it. But then again at the same time, I wanted her to come and I was torn between what was right and what I really wanted.

  “Come on Charlie. I wouldn’t say anything to the parents about what you guys do when I am up there. It is none of my business. I just need a place to crash for a couple of days so I can look for a job. I will get an apartment in the city when it is time to. Right now I just want to check out a couple of places and see how it all goes. See if I even like Chicago. I have never been there more than an overnight trip to the museum with my eleventh grade class. I promise I will stay out of your way.”

  I could tell that he was torn on what it was that he was supposed to do. I felt bad for him in a way because his sister was rather demanding and the more I thought about it, the more I was sure that he was going to back down. I could see it in my friend’s eyes. He always did have a hard time telling Sherry no. Charlie sighed loudly and I could tell he was going to do as I thought, give in to the woman.

  “I will allow it Sherry, but only for a couple of days. I have a lot going on and I will be gone most of the time. So if you really just want a place to crash for a couple of days, I am more than happy to help you out Sherry. I don’t know about any more than that. I won’t be able to give you a tour or anything like that.”

  “That’s because you know that mom would make you take me anyways, but thanks big brother. I don’t need a tour. I am not a tourist to see the sites. I just need a place to stay while I put in a few resumes. A couple of days should do it.”

  He smiled at her. “She probably would have, but this way I am doing what I said I would do. You can stay for a couple of days, no more. Find something, get acquainted with Chicago and then go home.”

  She agreed, but there was something in her eyes. Sherry never let things go and I wasn’t going to expect this to be any different. Sherry was going to find out and I was going to have to figure out a way to explain it to her when she did. I was starting to really think that Charlie was right. Sherry was going to cause trouble and now it was too late. She was going to Chicago and we were going to have to keep everything under wraps somehow. She was just too nosy for her own good and once she realized that there was something amiss, she wouldn’t stop until she figured it out, to me and her brother’s detriment.

  Chapter 8


  Charlie was acting weird when I asked him for a ride to the city. I had a feeling that he was hiding something and I knew that I was going to find out what it was. He never had been able to keep much from me, even when he tried really hard to. Charlie wasn’t a good liar and I knew something was up with the way he was acting. Mom worried about him getting into drugs or something like that, but I knew better. Charlie never had liked drugs when we were younger and he almost lost his lid when he caught me smoking pot at 16. He just got so mad that I knew it wasn’t drugs. I am not sure what it is that has him acting this way, but it has to be good.

  I rode up to Chicago with them and I was put in the back seat. It was not too bad because I was still tired and I wanted to take a nap on the way, but it was hard to when the two guys in the front seat kept talking. Candy, the girl they had picked up on the way was nice enough, but she didn’t seem to be the kind of girl that either one of them should be hanging out with. She kept trying to talk to me and it was quick to realize that we had absolutely nothing in common.

  She asked about a job that they had given her and I had to wonder what kind of job she was doing for them. She really didn’t look like the type of woman to be in any respectable business, but I knew better than to judge. I did notice that she was really hands on with Rex and I can’t say that I liked it all that much. He wasn’t mine and I didn’t think about him in that way, but I knew Rex for a long time and I couldn’t help thinking that he could do better. Candy was pretty, but she wasn’t very smart.

  “So Candy, what do you do for a living?”

  She smiled at me, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder. It looked like she was posing for a magazine or something and I met my brother’s eyes in the rearview mirror.

  “She is going to be a hostess for us.”

  “Oh, I see. So what kind of place do you need a hostess for? Maybe you could give me a job bro? Help a sister out. It is not what I am looking for, but I need to get make some money.”

  “No! Absolutely not!”

  The answer was boomed from the front seat and I had to wonder what made him react like that. Candy seemed upset that he had yelled and she was bothered by my brother’s shortness. She put her manicured hand on my knee. “Don’t worry about it Sherry. I am sure there are plenty of jobs in Chicago for you. You don’t seem like the type anyways.”

  My brother turned the music up so loud that I wasn’t able to ask her what that meant. Charlie was definitely keeping something from me and I was going to find out what it was.


  As soon as we got into town, we went to drop Candy off at an apartment building. There looked to be four apartments in the place and Charlie walked in like he was the landlord. There were a couple more women that reminded me of Candy that came to the door, but I waited in the car. I wasn’t to know their business and even though I was dying to know, I figured I would find out another time. The place kind of gave me the creeps a little bit.

  “What is my brother doing in there?”

  Rex just shrugged his shoulders and looked towards the door my brother had gone into.

  “He is just checking on some things, that’s all.”

  “What are you two hiding from me?”

  Rex didn’t answer and finally he turned around and had a very serious look on his face. “Your brother wants to keep you out of it for a reason. You should have a little more faith in him. He just wants you to be okay Sherry and not get roped into anything.”

  “It’s drugs, isn’t it?” It was the last thing that made sense to me. It was the last thing in a line of reasons that I had ruled out. It had to be for something. He wouldn’t act this way for nothing. I had to know what it was that made them both act this way and be so secretive.

  Rex smiled and then shook his head. “No, it isn’t drugs. We are smarter than that.”

  “Well is it something illegal?”

  Again he shook his head that it wasn’t, but he wasn’t offering anything up, either. There was a long silence in between us while I waited for Charlie to come back out. I was going to figure it out whether they told me something or not. I always got what I wanted and at the moment I wanted to know what in the world was going on.

  I was mum the rest of the way back to their place and like before, I couldn’t find anything suspicious. I finally lay down on the guest bed that they had downstairs and tried not to worry too much about it. All would reveal itself in time.


  I heard my name and jumped when Rex materialized at the door.


  “We have to go out for a little while. Just stay around here, order some pizza, whatever you like. We will be back in a little bit.”

  It was midnight, but it seemed to be a normal occurrence. I wasn’t going to ask him what they were doing out this late at night. I wasn’t supposed to know and at the moment I was too tired to care. Whatever it was, I was going to figure it all out tomorrow when I had a little more sleep under my belt.

  “You guys have a good night. I think I am just going to get some sleep. The drive up here is long.”

  He smiled at me and shut the door. One minute he was looking at me as if he wanted me for dinner, yet the very next he was looking at me like a younger sister. I preferred the previous to the latter. I wanted him to see me as more than my brother’s sister. I wanted him to see me as the woman that had yearned for him for years.

  But it seemed that he was as oblivious as he ever was before.

  Chapter 9


  Leaving the club unmanned was never a good idea. It had only been two days, but I was sure that we were going to be walking into a catastr
ophe. I wanted to make sure that everything was fine. It was me that wanted to go down there at midnight. Charlie was fine to see what happened in the morning, but I was the one that insisted.

  I needed to get away from his little sister and get her out of my mind. There were many women at the club that were experts at doing just that. I wasn’t at Sunrise more than a few minutes before I was called to the back by a cute little redhead that I had personally recruited from another titty-bar in the area. Here was classier and I told her that she deserved that. Little did I know that Ruby was about as trashy as they got. It also meant that she was down for whatever and would let me do what I needed, no matter how strange or different it would appear to be.

  I pulled her into the back dressing room and shooed out the other women that were getting ready. Ruby giggled and the sound was magnetic.

  “Are you in a rush baby? I like when you take your time.”

  I didn’t have the will or the control to and I told her so. Pulling my pants down, she immediately went to her knees and sucked me quickly into her mouth. I groaned out loud at the sudden pleasure in her mouth, but she wasn’t having any of it for long. Ruby wanted more and she wasn’t satisfied until I was pushing her away. I didn’t want to blast off in her mouth. I had a need to be inside of her, but I needed her face down and ass up. I didn’t want to look into her eyes. I wanted to pretend that she was someone else.

  Moving her to the edge of the vanity, I had her brace herself and I pushed her head down with a touch to the back of her head. She whimpered when I pulled off her panties and we both heard them rip when I did it too quickly. I just didn’t have any more patience, no matter how hard I tried. I needed to be inside of her right this instance and the fabric had gotten in my way.

  Plowing forward, I groaned out a name that was on my mind and Ruby didn’t care. All she cared about was how hard and fast I fucked her. She called out every time I bottomed out inside of her. She cursed and finally I had to push her face down into the vanity. I didn’t want to hear her voice. It was ruining my fantasy.


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