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My Best Friend's Little Sister: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 4

by Lauren Wood

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  Ruby did as she was told and I could feel her coming around my cock. The muscles inside twitched and milked me. She was so tight. It tugged a little out of her as I slammed forward over and over again. She felt great and I knew it was because of the twenty four hours that I hadn’t sunk into a woman. Being around Charlie and his sister all day left me in need of a good screw to release some of the pent-up need I had.

  “Tell me you want me, Sherry.”

  Ruby begged for me, telling me that she wanted only me. “I need you inside of me Rex. Fuck me harder!”

  It wasn’t perfect, but it was enough to get the final relief that I wanted. I pulled out, splashing my hot stickiness on her ass and I smacked it once for good measure. “Sorry that was so quick Ruby, but fuck you felt good tonight.”

  “You always please me Rex. It doesn’t take me long to get what I need with you. It’s the exercises that I have been doing. Do you feel the difference?”

  I nodded my head, still a bit out of breath from my quick little burst of energy. I was feeling lighter, but the light talk and banter was not what I was looking for.

  “Can I ask you something Rex?”

  I had just plowed into her with no warm up and only made her come a couple of times. I felt like I owed her that much at least. ‘What’s that?”

  “Who is Sherry?”

  I grimaced at the sound of her name on the woman’s lips. It felt like it sullied it in some way or another. “Just a woman that I know. Don’t say that name to anyone else Ruby. This is just between me and you.”

  She made a gesture like she was sealing her lips as she wiped my eagerness off of herself. “Well doll, I don’t say anything that happens between us. You keep fucking me like that and you can call me whoever you want to.”

  The smile was genuine and if it was a different world, this was the woman that I would make mine. She was accepting of my ways and even thanked me before getting another outfit on. “I am do up on stage. I will see you later if you want a repeat. Anything you want Rex, just tell me.”

  It was a good offer and one that I wasn’t sure I would use yet. It was hard to say no to such a nice piece of ass, but after such a good release, I was still feeling a gnawing inside of me like I was still missing out on something. I was still not all the way there and I knew what it was that would push it over the edge. It was the fact that I wanted someone that I couldn’t have. It was a hard pill to swallow and the moment of relief was gone.

  I went out of the dressing room with a clear head, but heaviness in the pit of my stomach. Now it was time to get some work done and I was no closer to having her off of my head as before.

  Chapter 10


  I slept for a little while, but I woke up around two in the morning and found that I was still alone. I had to wonder what the guys were up to, but I knew that I wasn’t going to find out by asking them about it. I was going to have to figure it out myself, no matter how impossible it felt sometimes. I had been figuring out Charlie’s secrets for as long as I could remember and this time wasn’t going to be any different.

  After I lay awake in bed for what felt like the longest time ever, I decided that I was going to have to do some snooping. It wasn’t what I had in mind when I first decided to figure it out, but now I was sure that it was going to be necessary.

  Starting in the kitchen, all I could gather from the mess that I cleaned as I went was that the two guys that lived here really needed a maid. It was a mess, but that was nothing too strange. The living room didn’t have any clues, but whatever it was, there was a lot of money involved. The place was well decorated and everything looked expensive. My brother was doing well for himself, even though I still didn’t know how he was doing it.

  I kept running across these matchbooks for a club not too far from here and I pocketed one of them. I wanted to see what that was all about, but I hadn’t quite zoned in on it yet. I knew that there had to be more.

  I went into Charlie’s room with very little bother, but it felt strange to even step foot into Rex’s room and when I flicked the light on from the doorway, I still saw more than I was supposed to. It wasn’t quite as messy in this room as the rest of the house, but there was certainly questionable décor. There were naked pictures and posters of strippers on the walls and scattered large print photos on a coffee table by the bed. My eyes fell to the silver sati sheets on the man’s bed and it made me blush just to think about what it would be like to be in the middle of that bed with him. The flash of his nakedness the night before flashed into my head and made me gasp.

  It wasn’t long before I was clicking the light off again and closing the door behind me. I was starting to think that Rex was a true sex addict or something of that nature. I had never seen so much sex in all of my life and my senses were assaulted with it all.

  I heard the door open and I jumped about a foot out of my skin. It was the guys coming back and I didn’t think that I could face them after seeing Rex’s room. I had guilt for snooping and a throbbing in my nether regions from the idea of Rex in all kinds of vexing scenarios. I knew seeing him naked was going to drive me insane.

  Not wanting to get caught awake and then have to face them, I ran back to the room I was staying in and got in the bed, closing the door softly behind me like a coward. I stayed there for a moment and strained my ears to hear them. It didn’t take long to pick up their conversation with the quiet in the apartment.

  “That new bitch is going to work out just fine. I told you Charlie. You always worry too much.”

  “I just don’t like that she is from Hartford. She may go home one day and tell someone what she does for a living. Do you really think she has any shame in it? That girl is a pro and she is loose lipped as hell when she has a couple of shots. I don’t know. I just don’t like it. Every time you get your dick wet, we get another girl on the stage.”

  “It’s not like we don’t need them. The extra stage in the back is getting us more people and revenue and we need more girls. When is the last time you actually did a schedule for a week?”

  There was a silence and I was so intrigued with it all. I was starting to put it all together and it was Charlie and Rex that was finally giving me the clues. Snooping had done nothing to help me solve the mystery.

  “I told you that I would do it next week.”

  “Good, because they are all asking for the weekend off for the festival.”

  “How the hell do you do that Rex?”


  “How the hell do you get me off the subject so that I don’t even remember what I was saying?”

  I heard Rex chuckling and just the sound was enough to get me going. I had no idea what exactly they were talking about, but I was still lost on the dick wet comments. Did that mean what I thought it meant?

  “It’s nothing, both questions. Candy is going to be a great dancer. She is hot as hell and very willing to please. You will like her.”

  I gasped and covered my mouth to hide the sound, sure that they were going to find out that I was in here listening to them. The two men walked away and my mind was back on Rex. Was he offering Candy away and did that mean they had slept together. Was she the one that he had gotten his sick wet with? Why did I hate the idea of any of it so much?

  Laying there for what felt like hours, was the only way I could process what was going on. If I wasn’t completely off, my brother and Rex had started a club, likely the one that I keep finding on match books. It was a strip club. I wasn’t sure how to feel or respond to that. I didn’t know how to act. I hoped that the next day at breakfast, I would be able to hold myself together. It was a lot of new information to take in with no comment.

  Chapter 11


  The next morning I was feeling a lot better about everything. I had a semi-clear head and I thought I had her out of my system. I was thinking about Ruby when I woke up, but as soon as I got downstairs to the good smell in the
air, I knew I was done for.

  Sherry was already up and she had her dark brown hair popped up into the cutest little pony tail. It make me want to grab it and jerk her around for a kiss. She was wearing a small pair of shorts that were barely visible underneath the bigger T shirt that I imagined she had worn to bed. Sherry had the rumpled look down pat and what I walked into was her leaning down and looking into oven, I was in heaven. The shorts rode up her legs, giving me a great view that I had to stop and admire.

  I couldn’t see her panties, but I could see the line on her round ass. It looked damn good and the more I stood there, the harder it was for me to make myself known. I don’t know if I was frozen in that same spot for a minute or two, but I heard Charlie coming down and knew that I had to snap out of it.

  I cleared my throat and waited for her to hear me and turn around. When she finally did, she kind of jumped a little when she saw me.

  “Gosh you scared me Rex. I will have breakfast ready in a few minutes.”

  I wasn’t going to argue with that or the cup of coffee and glass of juice that she had put out for me. There was a twinkle in her eyes that I couldn’t quite place, but my member was quick to see it as an invitation. I sat down before it was clear that I was far too horny to be where I was. I needed to go take a cold shower. What the hell was the woman doing to me?

  “So what are you plans sis?”

  “I need to go put a couple of resumes in. Right now I am trying to figure out the bus system here. It looks really complicated and I don’t know if I am going to find what I am looking for or if I am going to get lost. I forgot how big Chicago is. What parts was I not supposed to go into again?”

  I didn’t like the uncertainty in her voice. I also didn’t like the idea that she would get lost in a bad part of town and come to trouble. Chicago was a scary place for women and I knew that her going alone was not going to be the way to go about it. She was from Hartford after all.

  “You should just get a taxi to take you around. Then you wouldn’t have to worry about the bus. I don’t think that the public transportation is very good around here for someone like you.”

  “I don’t have that sort of money. I was wiped out getting a taxi home from the airport the other night. I can’t spend all of my money on taxis. I didn’t bring enough.”

  I reached into my pocket and fished out some bills. I had enough to get me through until I went to the back. It was a few hundred dollars and I figured that it would be enough.

  “I can’t take your money.”

  “You can. It’s fine. If not, I am going to have to spend the day driving you around. It is cheaper this way because I got work to do.”

  She agreed and took the money after I basically pushed it on her. I was still trying to get my wits about me, but at least it was something I could do to help.

  “Thank you Rex. I will give you whatever is left. This is a lot of money.”

  “Nah, don’t worry about it. It is just a little pocket change is all. There is plenty of that to go around, so don’t worry about it.”

  “Yeah, thanks Rex, you are ever so helpful.”

  “What? Do you really want her to ride the bus Charlie?” I looked at him with meaning since the last two girls that we had picked up in the city to work at the club were found on the buses. It took him a minute to get it and he shook his head knowingly.

  “No, I guess you are right. I just don’t think this city is for you sis. You are too…”

  “I am not that innocent sixteen years old that you have to save anymore Charlie. I have grown up.”

  “Well it doesn’t mean that I have to like it.”

  “No, you don’t have to like it, but if I am going to be back here for a while, I need you guys to treat me like an adult. I can’t go back. I have lived in Washington all of these years doing whatever I wanted. Between you and mom, I swear you guys want me to stay in that house in Hartford for the rest of my life.”

  She was getting emotional and Charlie wasn’t backing down. I felt like I had to get involved a little bit to smooth things over. I didn’t know that this was going to turn into a family thing.

  “No one wants that Sherry. We have just lived here for a while and it isn’t like Seattle. There aren’t too many nice parks to walk in and most of the city you have to stay out of at certain times of the day. There is a dark element to the city and he just worries about you. We both do. Take the taxi that I will call and then you will be a lot safer and I think everyone will be able to calm down.”

  Charlie agreed, but Sherry still didn’t like that we were in her business or worried about her.

  “Just think of it as a good thing. We are worried about you and want to make sure that you are okay. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  Her blue eyes changed a little as she looked at me and I still wasn’t sure if she was going to listen, but it got them off of the past that no one really wanted to talk about again.

  “Come on Charlie, we have our own plans for the day. We will see you later Sherry. Have a good day and good luck. They would be stupid not to hire a bad ass scientist like you.”

  Chapter 12


  I went to the few places I wrote down to try. I had already been in contact with the aquarium and I had a couple of hours until I had to go there for an interview. It felt good and I had a good feeling that I was going to get the job. Which left me to my other business that I had decided was now my business.

  I needed to figure out what Charlie and Rex were up to, just for my own peace of mind. I knew that I was on the right track with the strip joint, but there was still a part of me that didn’t believe it. It made sense, but it was hard to figure Charlie for doing that kind of thing. After seeing Rex’s bedroom, I was leaning to the fact that he was the sex-crazed one that had pushed the establishment type. I just had to know for sure. It was just too juicy not to find out.

  So I got that little matchbook out of my pocket this morning and I pulled it out of my purse now to see if I could get a ride there. When I told the man the address, the driver turned to look at me. “Why would you want to go there?”

  I told him that I was going to meet someone there, but he seemed hesitant. “Rex told me that you would take me whenever I wanted to go, was that not true? I can always go get another driver and car if that is what I need to do.”

  Usually I wasn’t that confrontational, but it felt strange to be questioned. If nothing else, it was just a titty bar. I mean, how bad could it be?

  “That won’t be necessary. I just didn’t think that the boss would want you going there.”

  “The boss?”

  The driver turned back around and proceeded to go to the address on my little piece of paper. I had known then that I was going to have to figure something out, but now I wasn’t so sure of what to do when I did. The way everyone was acting made me more intrigued, but at the same time, it made me wonder what else was going on.

  When we got to the place, the driver stopped the car and let me get a good look at the place before he asked me if I really wanted to get out here. “You know what kind of place this is now. This is not the sort of place that a lady like you should be at.”

  It didn’t seem so bad. I have seen strip clubs before, but with Charlie and Rex as the owners, I really took my time to take it all in. It felt like it could be their place and I was staring, looking for some kind of clue that would tell me decisively one way or another.

  “It will be fine. I won’t be long at all Ernest. Thanks for bringing me and don’t worry, I am not a lady.”

  The older, dark man just gave me a look that he wasn’t sure about something, but I didn’t give into the wonder of what it was. I had other things to think about and as I walked up to the front, I noticed that a lot of the posters were the same that were in Rex’s room. I really hoped than that he was just in charge of the advertising and not some sex crazed maniac. I was into him and I didn’t want that to worry about as well.

>   When I got to the door, I was stopped by a tall guy wearing all black. It was the middle of a sunny day and even up in the north in fall it was still warm in the day time. He looked out of place.

  “Can I help you?”

  “I would like to go in. Please.” Why was I being stopped at the door? Was this normal for Chicago?

  “I am sorry miss, but no unaccompanied females can come in. You understand, right?”

  I didn’t, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. I went back to the car. “Ernest, can you accompany me into this place? This guy won’t let me in without a guy. How sexist is that?”

  Ernest didn’t want to, but he finally sighed after I gave him a sad look, talking about knowing that he was going to regret it. He wasn’t. I assure him of that, but I had little doubt that he actually believed me.

  We walked back up and the two men exchanged a look and then the bouncer in front of the door finally shrugged like he didn’t care one way or another and he let us in. The place was dark on the inside and it took several minutes for my eyes to adjust to the new dimmer setting. There were several girls walking around with very little on and I pulled the shirt I was wearing a little tighter. I don’t know what I was going to expect here, but it wasn’t this. Was my brother really the owner of a place like this?

  I went to the bartender and ordered a drink for me and a soda for Ernest who had to drive. I tried to casually ask about the owner and was quickly told that one was upstairs. “I will call him and let him know you are coming up. I am sure he is looking forward to seeing you.”

  Something was being mistaken, but my curiosity got the best of me. They might as well know that I know what is going on. I was a little shaky as I made my way up the stairs, not sure which owner I was going to meet. What if I was wrong about everything and neither Charlie nor Rex even owned this place? There was really no telling who was going to be on the other side of the door when I got up there.


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