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Night Walker (Undeadly Secrets Book 1)

Page 5

by Aaron L Speer

  That last one seemed like a good place to start. Lauren clicked and began to read:

  Humble Beginnings.

  The history of T begins in the 1950s. John and Julie Fields turned their coffee shop on Darlinghurst Road in Kings Cross into a late-night dance bar, originally to be called Temptation, but instead named JJ’s, after their late son, Justin. Before long, it was the place to go. People of all walks of life came to have a look, and at least have their picture taken in front of the famous magenta JJ’s sign.

  Taking On the Big Boys

  John and Julie had been ahead of the game when they predicted the influx of young people into Kings Cross, but this also proved to be their downfall. By the 1970’s, Kings Cross had undergone massive transformations and the area around their little dance bar was soon developed and surrounded by nightclubs and theatres, attracting thousands every night. “The Cross” began to get even bigger, expanding and upgrading to accommodate the population increase. And with expansion came a rise in corruption and violence. Developers had visited the couple on several occasions, hoping to buy them out, as JJ’s was on prime property, but no deal was ever reached.

  A Fiery End

  There were some, such as journalist and publisher Juanita Nielsen, who campaigned against property development in the Kings Cross until her sudden and well documented disappearance on 4 July 1975. A coronial inquest determined that Nielsen had been murdered, and although the case has never been officially solved, it is widely believed that Nielsen was killed by agents of the developers. This had a profound impact on John and Julie, who for the first time could appreciate the perceived sinister turn Kings Cross was taking. They refused all talks with developers. Not long after, on August 6, 1975, JJ’s was destroyed by a blaze.

  The fire had crippled the couple’s dreams and their savings, when Spanish businessman Esteban Delavega offered them twice what the previous developers had been offering. Humbled and grateful, the couple took the money. Esteban did not develop the land, however, and little was heard from Delavega after that. What is known is he and the Fields shared a close bond. The three of them went into business together with two award-winning, vampire-themed restaurant/cabaret theatre shows, which are still going strong in Melbourne and the Gold Coast.

  T Arrives

  In September 2005, after years of planning, Esteban’s son Dante took what was an old church and transformed it into what is now one of the jewels in Sydney’s CBD. The original plans were for it to be in Kings Cross, on the site JJ’s had occupied, but these plans did not work out in the end. At the grand opening, Delavega had this to say: “It is a shame John, Julie and Justin aren’t here today. Re-opening JJ’s to honour John and Julie was a long-time dream of my father’s, but he always said the timing wasn’t quite right. This site was actually the beginnings of the Wayside Chapel, a foundation both my father and the Fields passionately supported. Everything just came together. I decided to honour their friendship by opening a club here, with my father’s original idea, and christening it a shortened version of John and Julie’s original concept.”

  T Today

  Like JJ’s, T has been affectionately titled, “The People’s Club.” T has accommodated almost a half a million people in less than a decade of business. Our low prices, state-of-the-art sound and light system, and extremely friendly staff are all part of what makes T the IT place to be.

  Swing and a miss, Lauren thought. She went back and tried to search his name again, just to make sure she hadn’t missed anything. She hadn’t. There was virtually no record of him on social media or the internet in general. No photos either. Not a single one. It wasn’t unheard of, but still definitely weird.

  Still pondering this, her mobile tinkled its text message tune, showing a number rather than a name on her screen.

  Hey Loz, you didn’t have to run off so quick, lol! Was gonna buy u brkfast.

  This was different. She never gave a one-nighter her number. She must have been in worse shape than she originally thought. She pulled a face and replied, Yeah had to get goin. Didn’t want things 2 get weird. Sorry.

  She turned on the TV and flicked through the channels to the cartoon network and grabbed a small bottle of moisturiser, rubbing the cream vigorously onto her feet and legs when her phone plinged again.

  Lol why would it be weird? When can I c u again?

  Ugh!This was going to be harder than she’d first thought.Hey look I don’t mean to be a bitch but can you delete my number? I don’t even remember giving it 2 u and I feel weird about that, ok?

  Fair enough

  A few minutes later her phone chimed yet again. It was Alex this time. Hey kitten, you get home ok? Matt’s taking me out 2nite, but dunno where so might not be home till late. xxx

  Lauren thought about ignoring it, but instead textedHave a good time. She was still pretty pissed off and jealous about last night. She thought Alex could have done more to divert Dante’s attention. In fact, it seemed very much like Alex had been enjoying Dante’s attention immensely, even with her boyfriend sitting and dozing next to her. Another message chirped at her. Lauren opened it without looking at the sender, sure it was Alex again. But it wasn’t. Not unless Alex had the sudden ability to achieve a raging hard-on. She was looking at an image of a hand holding the base of an erect penis, with the tagline “—Ryan”. Ew, she thought. This dude sure was arrogant. She decided to knock him off his perch a little.

  I’ve seen bigger. Don’t think you’re getting a pic in return

  Nah, it’s cool. The vids we made will do just fine.

  What vids?

  Jeez your memory really sux, lol.

  Lauren was suddenly very anxious. What the hell happened last night? She had given sexy pictures of herself to guys before, who hadn’t? Topless ones, skimpy ones, even nude ones, driving them crazy, making them want to see more. Usually it made the sex better. She loved to tease first. But she’d never agreed to a video. She was terrified of having it leaked on the net. It was different for guys. If their mates saw them getting laid, they got a high five, but for girls, they got branded a slut for life.

  I really want you to delete them. Please


  I’m not fucking around. Last night was last night, but it’s not going to happen again, I don’t want to leave any evidence.

  But I like them

  FUCK I DON’T CARE! Look whatever, be an asshole. Even if u told me u deleted them I wouldn’t believe it. I’m sorry I ever met u.

  Is it really that important to u?


  Then I was only playin. If you really want them gone I will, but if I could ask for one tiny condition?

  Lauren typed with as much malice as she could.What?

  Meet me so I can show you that I have done it. I’ll delete them in front of you


  Awww, come on. Heaps sorry I pissed you off and I wanna make it right.

  Lauren thought about this last message, before typing Send me one. A minute later she received a video and opened it. She began to hear moans and groans. The camera phone started at a female navel and then adjusted, going down to catch all the makings of a porn movie, and then rose up. With a sinking feeling, she recognised her own voice and body. He wasn’t kidding, she really had let him video tape them having sex with his phone.

  How many are there? She typed.


  Meet me at the steak place on Anzac Parade, next to the bottle-o. 1 hour. Don’t keep me waiting.

  She removed the towel, stood and stretched. She really wanted the videos gone and she had to be sure they would be. But that was not the only reason she would go. She was pissed off, but also curious. By the sounds she had heard, she had been urging him on. She must have known she was being filmed, but didn’t care. It was like finding a part of yourself you didn’t realise existed. She would make sure they were deleted, but there was no harm in having a little peek at them first.


  Lauren s
at in a booth looking out the huge double windows that showed Anzac Parade. She checked her watch; he had three minutes till he would be officially late. She kept fiddling with her hair and phone. The place was never busy for lunch, but she couldn’t help feeling she was being watched—that somehow people knew she was here waiting on someone. She hated that feeling.

  “Did you want something to drink?” the waitress asked politely.

  “No thanks. I don’t think I’ll be staying.”

  The waitress gave an apologetic smile and moved on to another table. Lauren looked up as a silver sports car parked outside. A young guy got out and Lauren realised she’d only had a vague idea of what Ryan looked like. Was this him? She remembered he’d been wearing some stupid Hawaiian shirt last night, but this guy was wearing a suit with open collar and aviator glasses. The look of him didn’t exactly disagree with her. She certainly hoped it was him. Sure enough he was walking towards the entrance.

  The hostess met him at the door and after a moment, pointed toward Lauren’s table. For no reason at all, Lauren pretended she hadn’t noticed him.

  “Hello there.”

  Bright and cheery. She took a few seconds to think of an adequate way to reply. She raised her head and looked at him. “Hi,” was the best she could come up with.

  He took this as his invitation to sit opposite her.

  “Okay so where’s the phone?” Lauren asked.

  Ryan looked from left to right before returning to her. “Can I order something first?”

  “Don’t even think about drawing this out.”

  Ryan looked a touch affronted. “I’m just hungry. I can’t remember the last time I have been this exhausted.”

  He winked at her and grinned playfully. If she wasn’t so hung over and pissed at him she might have thought it was cute. Might have.

  “Ok, fine. Order. Then you show me what’s on your phone, I delete it, then I go.”

  “You’re not staying?”


  “You’re not going to let me buy you lunch?”

  “No thanks.”

  Ryan sat a little straighter in his chair, looking concerned. “Oh, hey. I hope you don’t think I’m trying to…pay you, or something? I just want to buy you lunch. Really”

  Lauren closed her eyes and breathed through her nose. “Fine.” Ryan sat back in silent victory, before she added, “I don’t see why it’s such a big deal to you.”

  “Well, I did say that I am not trying to pay you, but you at least deserve this. You’re a genius in bed. White or red?”


  Ryan gestured to the waitress that was standing beside the table and Lauren felt her cheeks go hot. She answered his question with a mumble about not caring, and she saw Ryan order the most expensive bottle on the menu. “Can you be a bit more discreet?”

  “Can’t take a compliment, can you?” he asked with a grin.

  “Not like that no. Can you just cool it? Fuck…”

  Ryan shrugged. “Sure.”

  The waitress uncorked the bottle upon her return and asked to take their orders. Ryan hadn’t even checked his menu for more than five seconds before he was ready.

  “I’ll have number fourteen. Does it have garlic?”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  “What about the sauce? I’m allergic.”

  “It may have, but I am not sure. Everything’s freshly made, so I will ask chef not to put any in.”

  “Thanks very much,” Ryan replied pleasantly.

  “Not at all,” she said, returning his smile. “And for you?”

  Lauren had been breezing over the menu, and her stomach growled, reminding her she hadn’t eaten anything all day and most of last night. “I’ll have the Caesar salad, thanks.”

  “Entrée size or main?”


  Ryan halted the waitress as she turned to leave, but addressed Lauren.

  “Is that all? You look starving. That can’t be enough for you.”

  Lauren gave a fake laugh for the waitress. “It’s a Caesar salad. It’s not exactly healthy.” What is his deal?

  Ryan continued to eye her. “This isn’t a date remember? I know you’re hungry. Eat.”

  She smiled at the waitress again, feeling embarrassed. It’s only lunch for gods’ sake. “Uh, ok, I’ll have the outback steak, rare with mushroom sauce. And can I get a side of the chunky chips, please?”

  The waitress jotted it down and left without a word.

  “God what is your problem? Why can’t you just let me order what I wanted?” Lauren said, holding her forehead, straining to make sense of it.

  Ryan fished into his pocket. “I did. You’re hungry, I can tell. But you were just gonna get a salad, presumably to get this over with sooner. Loz, we screwed the hell out of each other last night, you don’t have to hide anything from me. I know you’re not overjoyed to be here and that I probably won’t see you again, which is a shame. But there is no reason for you to not be yourself. Anyway, here…” he said, placing his phone on the table in front of her. “Just like I promised. The code is three, three, one, four.”

  Lauren took the phone and unlocked it. She flicked through a number of images and videos until she found the latest ones—the ones of her.

  “I brought these as well,” Ryan said, handing her a pair of ear phones. “You were pretty…well, let’s just say I recommend wearing them.”

  Lauren did not reply. She simply placed the buds in, wary of what she was about to see. She felt a tensing in her stomach as she positioned her finger over the first video. Finally, she tapped it.

  Immediately her ears were engulfed with gasps and cries of lust like she had heard earlier. This video left nothing to the imagination either. This particular one was filmed with Ryan behind her, working away with gusto. Every thrust brought a new gasp and moan, every move brought more swearing from her. The camera phone barely moved, concentrating only on what a guy would want to see when watching porn. The other clips were different only in what positions they showed. All of them surprised Lauren. She could never remember having been this vocal before.

  But there was something unnerving about it.

  There were the usual moans and groans, but every so often she would whimper like she was crying or about to, and literally scream herself hoarse. If it wasn’t for the encouraging words and phrases she said, or even the breathless repetitions of “oh god…oh fuck,” she would’ve sworn she was in severe pain, no, perpetual agony.

  Briefly she wondered a second time if this was really her. She knew herself, and no matter how drunk she was she was never this much out of control. Yet just as the thought crossed her mind, it left again for the same reason. She knew herself, she knew her own body. Every lustful curve and every unsightly blemish, and they were all there.

  When she had watched all the videos, she pulled the earphones out and slowly, deliberately wrapped them around the phone.

  “Cracked pepper?”

  Lauren looked up at the waitress that she hadn’t even known was there, who was clearly waiting for a reply. Lauren looked to see her salad was in front of her, and Ryan was eagerly twirling his fork full of pasta.

  “Um, no. Thank you.”

  The waitress left and Lauren decided she must think this was the strangest lunch meeting ever.

  “So…” Ryan began, swallowing his food and licking his lips. “What did you think?”

  “I’m not sure,” she replied, holding the phone in both hands. This was true; she was confused as to how her reaction to the videos should be. She thought she should be angry, but last night she obviously did not offer any protest, and he hadn’t even been the one holding the camera the whole time. One video showed him with his head between her legs; who else could’ve filmed it but her? “You didn’t show my face.”

  “That’s the one thing you told me last night I couldn’t show,” he replied, raising his wine glass and sipping it. “Wow, you seem really…mortified.”
  “I’m just shocked. I never thought I would let a guy do that with me.”

  “It’s not what you think. I mean, yeah, I wanted to do it for obvious reasons but the truth is you were pretty drunk, and the only reason you even talked to me was because I gave you the chance to make the other guy jealous. Don’t think I don’t know that you were drunk, angry and horny, which is why I got lucky. I was hoping I would wake up before you. I didn’t want you waking up next to the guy you were ready to slap the night before and accuse me of slipping you something. But in case you did, I could show you the videos. I really didn’t want you thinking I was a creep, that’s all. Make sense?”

  Surprisingly yes. It was also thoughtful, but she would never tell him. She picked the phone up and paused, wondering what to do. Finally she moved the phone back to him.

  “Keep them if you want. A present from me to you.”

  “Thanks, but now you know I’m not a psycho, I’ll probably delete them anyway.”


  “They would be awesome to look at for a while, but the urge to call you would be too hard to resist.”

  Lauren’s shoulders relaxed a little. She jabbed at the salad with her fork and took a bite. “A booty call, huh?”

  “Who am I kidding? I would call to wake you up at three in the morning just to hear you yell at me.”

  Ryan bent his head to take another bite of pasta, and completely missed Lauren’s hint of a smile. In a weird way, that was probably one of the nicest things a guy had ever said to her.


  Ryan had driven Lauren home. He chatted and joked with her all the way to the front doors.

  “Thank you for today, for everything. You surprised me and it was…really nice,” Lauren said, facing him.

  Ryan gave a tiny nod. “You’re very welcome.”

  Then silence. Oh god. What a time to run out of conversation.

  “Well, I better be getting up…”

  Ryan gently leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. She kept still but let him continue, her mind in two very different places. “I want to see you again,” he said.

  “Look, I— I’m not good at this,” Lauren blurted, trying to explain without knowing how. “Relationships, lovey dovey stuff.”


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