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Night Walker (Undeadly Secrets Book 1)

Page 6

by Aaron L Speer

  “Don’t worry,” he said, thumbing her ear. When his hand came into view again he held a heart-shaped, foil-wrapped chocolate in it. “I am.”

  Her lips curved. Smooth bastard. “That’s a nice trick.”

  Ryan pushed her gently to the wall, pressing against her body. “I’ve got more.”

  “Really?” she asked, running her hands up and down his arms.

  “Yes, really. Besides, don’t you want to remember some this time?” He kissed her again as she reached behind her for the handle, dragging him inside.


  Even for a Sunday night, Il Giardinio’s was packed. The local Italian restaurant had a reputation in the Mascot area for being the best, and as Alex looked around at the critics’ awards and the smell of the fresh wood-fire pizzas filling her head, she remembered why.

  Matt had taken her here for their first date over three years ago, and for no particular reason they hadn’t been back for quite some time.

  “Can you imagine what it would have been like if our first date was like tonight?” Matt said with a head shake.

  It really had been terrible. Alex had been messaging Lauren and had only received the one response earlier that afternoon. Four messages and still no reply. Alex wasn’t exactly worried, but it was unusual for Lauren not to respond unless she had the shits.

  Matt had been held up at work and was forty-five minutes late. Not only that, he had sped through a traffic light and been picked up by a camera trying to make up the time. They had held up the table by waiting so long, and now the place was packed. They had been waiting for half an hour and their entrees hadn’t even arrived.

  “I think we both would’ve taken it as a sign,” Alex replied helplessly. “You wanna just go?”

  “Yeah, ok. I’m really sorry. I’ll make us something.”

  “It’s all good. I’m not that hungry anyway,” Alex replied as they both got up.

  “Don’t be like that.”

  “I’m not being like anything,” Alex said earnestly, as she held the door open for Matt as they walked out. “I guess I’m just tired. I wish Lauren would message already.”

  “Give her a break. She’s probably icing down her thighs after last night.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  “Or rubbing her jaw with Dencorub. It would’ve been one hell of a rage fuck. I mean after all, the one guy that ever turned her down was all over you—”

  “Ok, enough.”

  “Oh, come on. You still can’t see how weird that was?”


  They both got into Matt’s car. Matt started the engine and looked over at Alex, but she ignored him. She didn’t want to even hear a half-arsed apology. She looked out the window pointedly, prompting Matt to turn the wheel, getting the message.

  The drive back to Alex and Lauren’s apartment took about twenty minutes, but with neither of them speaking to each other, it felt like an hour. Matt pulled up behind a silver sports car. Alex immediately released the seat belt and got out. Matt jumped out and jogged to her. “Hey, whoa… Whoa.”

  Matt grabbed her from behind and placed his chin on her shoulder, putting his hands around her waist.

  “Can I speak now?” he asked. She only half-heartedly tried to get him off her. “I’m sorry. I hate seeing you pissed off. It was a stupid way to cheer you up. The night was shit and I felt bad, like it was my fault. Plus I’ve still got that weird feeling about Dante in my head.”

  Alex turned and faced him. “Why do you have to say that stuff? You know I hate it, but you do it anyway just because you feel bad? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you liked making digs at Lauren because it felt good.”

  “What if it does though? It’s just jokes. What’s the problem?”

  Alex stepped forward, her voice soft, indicating she really meant her following words. “Because we’re all supposed to be friends. She’s been my best friend since high school and she means a lot to me, remember? She was there for me after…after all that,” she finished with a wave of her hand.

  “Alex, sooner or later that same excuse stops working. You were a baby when it happened. When are you going to let that go?”

  “Let it go?” she asked. “You think it’s an excuse I keep on using? What about you with Dante? I get that you’re jealous, ok? I get that you don’t like him. I also get that Lauren shits you, but I don’t want to hear it! It has nothing to do with you and me. I have nice friends, one of which helped me through one of the hardest things someone could go through.”

  “Ok, ok,” Matt said, holding up his hands. “But what’s the point of holding on to bad memories? Remember it if you want, but you can’t keep letting it determine what you do for the rest of your life.”

  Alex was ready to explode, but sighed the effort out. It just wasn’t worth it. It had been a long night, both were tired and cranky. Matt was obviously trying to help, but was failing big time. He just didn’t understand.

  “I’m going up,” she said, turning to walk away. He had hurt her feelings and she wanted him to know. “Call me tomorrow,” she said, walking towards the entrance.

  Alex put her keys in her purse after unlocking the door and was almost bowled over on the stairs by a man struggling to put his shirt on.

  “Oh, sorry.”

  “Nah, it’s ok.”

  Just like that, the young guy that was strangely familiar disappeared in a flash towards the doors Alex had just come through. Weird.

  Alex got to her flat door and noticed a gap between the door and the wall, so opened it. No lights were on in the living room.

  “Loz, you home?”

  No answer.


  Alex put her bag on the kitchen counter and went to Lauren’s room, flicking on the light. The bed was a mess, so someone had been here today. Where the hell is she? Alex returned to the living room and switched on that light, jumping back with a small yelp. Lauren stood behind her, dressed in a bathrobe.

  Alex immediately hugged her in relief.

  “Why didn’t you answer me?”

  “I didn’t hear you. Dryer,” she replied, picking at a few strands of her hair.

  “What about today, why didn’t you message me?”

  “I did.” Lauren frowned.

  “Yeah, once and then nothing.”

  “Oh sorry, I didn’t realise you sent more. Been a bit preoccupied,” she yawned, rolling her head in a slow arc, stretching her neck.

  “No worries. I just thought you had the shits with me. Glad I worried for nothing.” Alex sunk into a recliner and massaged her temples with two fingers on both hands, closing her eyes.

  “Uh-oh. I’ve seen that look before. What’s up?” asked Lauren.

  “Just a stupid fight Matt and I had at the end of an already shitty day. It got me thinking. I love him, but he drives me crazy sometimes. He is sweet but so immature. After three years I thought he would’ve calmed down a bit. He just says stupid things.”

  “Like what?” Lauren asked, yawning.

  “Oh just some stuff about you…”

  “So? I put just as much shit on the old ranga limp dick, as he does on me.” Lauren said, winking at the look Alex gave her. “It’s all good.”

  Alex took a few seconds before letting a small laugh out, mainly through her nose. “It’s just…”

  “It’s just what, babe?”

  “Stuff about my parents.”

  “What about them?” Lauren looked suddenly concerned.

  But Alex couldn’t answer. She felt a tightness in her throat as she thought of how best to explain.

  “What about your parents?” Lauren hissed, planting herself down next to Alex.

  Alex shook her head quickly, clearing the tightness away. When she spoke, there were no tears, but her voice was a little husky with the threat of them. She went through what Matt had said, before adding, “The thing is, I know he’s right in a way.”

  “No he’s not. It didn’t happen to him. Who’s
he to say what you should feel? You should tell him to go fuck himself.”

  “Hey, I am not saying I want to break up,” Alex countered.

  “No, you’re saying you want a husband, a house with a white picket fence and kids, but can you really do that with him?”

  “Of course I can. Just not right now.”

  “So who are you waiting for to be ready, him or you?”

  Alex did not know how to answer that. “It’s easier for someone who hates the idea of a relationship to see things in black and white. But the world is grey.”

  “Yeah, about that, I assume you met the guy coming down the stairs?”

  “I was centimetres away from meeting the floor when he bumped into me, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Oh. Are you ok? It’s just that I heard Matt’s voice outside and shooed him out. What would you say if I invited Ryan to T with us next week?”

  “Ryan? Really? The surfie dude you hooked up with yesterday? I thought I recognised him. Is this a thing?” Alex asked, mouth pointedly agape.

  “It’s nothing yet.” Lauren shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s just the right mix of naughty and nice to keep me interested so far. Very up and down in bed, but we’ll see.”

  Alex laughed. “Up and down?”

  “Yeah, it’s hard to explain. It was all right this afternoon, but last night, from what little I could tell, was way better. Still, I think I like him.”

  “Wow, you found a guy that can keep your interest on the same night I tell you…”

  “That you’re having second thoughts?”

  “I’m not really having second thoughts, I’m just blowing off steam. If it was a big deal I would talk to him. But it’s just the little things that are annoying, not who he is.”

  “Just as long as you’re happy. Anyways, I am off to bed. I have work tomorrow, and the labels will not sell themselves, unfortunately.”

  “Oh by the way, you got a message from work, they want to know if you’ll be in a charity donation for that Youth Off the Streets thing.”

  Lauren groaned. “Another charity? Christ, you do it once and then they hound you forever.”

  “Well, I told them I would give them some, so you can go halves if you like?”

  “Really? But you don’t even work there.”

  “So? It’s a good cause.” Alex shrugged.

  “Ugh, I hate you so much sometimes. Can’t you be a selfish, conniving cow just once?”

  “I’ll work on it.”

  “Sleep tight, Glinda,” said Lauren, leaning down.

  The girls kissed each other good night.

  “Ugh, Matt vapours,” Lauren said, pretending to spit.

  “Essence of Ryan,” Alex replied, scrunching her face.

  Both girls giggled and Lauren disappeared into her bedroom.

  Alex yawned, ready to crash for the night herself. She took her phone out of her bag to charge it and send a quick goodnight message to Matt. She had one new message already.

  I saw the guy get into his car. Do you believe me now? Matt 1 Alex 0

  She instantly wished she hadn’t read it.


  Lauren pressed the numbers in a flash, holding the phone up to her ear as she paced back and forth across her room, thoroughly pissed. The number rang out.

  “Don’t even think about it,” she muttered, slamming her thumb down on the redial button. Finally after three rings, Matt picked up.


  Lauren spoke in a harsh whisper. “Don’t what me. What the hell is going on with you and Alex?”

  “It’s really none of your business.”

  “Fuck that. I walked past her room just now and she was crying.”

  “She was?” To give him credit, he did seem uneasy now.

  “Yes! So out with it. You aren’t here to fix this, so I have to.”

  “Well, if you must know it was over you and your target of the week. I wanted to have a nice weekend away with her, but no, she drags me to T and has me sit next to her when dick-face comes over. The same dick-face you were creaming yourself for. The only reason we even went to T in the first place was for you to add him to your list. And there we were, there he was. What happened? You froze, and he spent the entire time chatting to Alex, with me and you right there! Both of them ignored us. Then, out of nowhere you get another dude without even trying and I’m left with dick-face staring me down and tells me to take care of Alex. Who the fuck is he to say that? There is something about the way he acts with her that puts me off.”

  “And you’re the moral compass for everyone when it comes to being faithful, right?”

  There was a long pause, and then, “Fuck off about that, already. A person can’t keep on saying they’re sorry over and over for one mistake.”

  Lauren let out a breath. “Look, I can’t judge anyone. I’ve broken homes before. But Alex is a good person. She doesn’t deserve this shit, Matt. I don’t know if it helps or not, but I was pissed about the Dante thing, too. Even pissed at Alex. I thought she could’ve done more to divert his attention, but whatever. I know she didn’t do it deliberately and I know she isn’t trying to fuck him. He’s hot and he likes talking to her. Get over it.”

  “I will when I know for sure he isn’t a fucking wacko. I’m telling you, there is something about the way he looks at her…”

  Lauren groaned. “Oh, Christ. All right, listen. Next week, all four of us are going to T—”

  “Four? Who’s the fourth?”

  “The surfie you introduced me to.”

  “I see. You helped him find what he lost, eh?”

  “Anyway…” Lauren ignored the remark. “I’m asking you to pull your head in and be the guy Alex deserves until then at least? Then we’ll see what’s going on with Dante, together.”


  “I’ll be there with a guy. Let’s see if that doesn’t change Dante’s mind.”

  “So you’ll still be using your wax head to try to get Dante?”

  “I dunno, I don’t know what all that is just yet. But it doesn’t matter right now. What matters is Alex’s upset and I want to make it right.”

  “So do I.”

  “Then prove it.”

  Chapter Five

  All For One

  Alex was trying, she really was, but Ryan was getting on her nerves. It had been exactly a week since they’d run into each other on the stairs, and today Lauren had brought him over to the girls’ apartment for the “official” introduction.

  The double date had begun when Lauren arrived with Ryan to meet Matt and Alex for early drinks. He’d seemed nice enough, but Alex’s first warning sign was something she had always been taught her to watch out for: a dead-fish handshake. That, coupled with the fact he got a little too close to her lips when he kissed her in greeting. Really though, she reminded herself, that was all in all not a big deal.

  What did piss her off was the inappropriate way he spoke, the insane amount of swearing and that he was plainly hitting on her. He was attempting to disguise it by also complimenting Lauren, who was sitting on his lap.

  “Fuck, man,” he guffawed in Matt’s direction. “I thought I was on a good thing, but fuck you are a lucky cunt. If we had a four-way, I think my life would be fuckin’ complete.”

  Then again, maybe it was all in her head. After all, Matt was right there and laughing along with the others.

  “Take me now!” Matt joked and then shook his head. “Sorry, dude, I don’t share my toys.”

  Matt slapped Alex on the arse as he walked out the door, something he knew she hated, eliciting more laughs from the others. Ryan appeared to be bringing out the worst in Matt too; another thing giving Alex hell. He was acting like a dick just to keep up with Ryan.

  Alex found herself chanting over and over in her mind, He makes Lauren happy. He makes Lauren happy.

  At this rate, it was going to be a very long night.


  The foursome stepped out of the cab
and crossed the street to T. The line that greeted them was as long, if not longer than the last time they’d been here. Lauren did not try to approach the bouncers again. They were the same ones that had turned her down last time.

  “So, who brought the deck of cards for the boys?” Ryan asked the rest of them, looking over the line of waiting people, clearly thinking this was a funny question.

  “What about for the girls?” Lauren asked, putting her arm around his.

  “A double-ended dildo and exotic oils, of course,” he replied.

  Lauren giggled. “Typical man,” just as Alex rounded on him, fuming.

  Seriously, what the hell was with this guy? She thought.


  Alex turned when she heard the unfamiliar voice say her name. One of the bouncers beckoned her over.


  “You and your friends can go in.”

  “Oh— Seriously?” she asked, frowning. She had never been allowed to cut before. Lauren yes, but not her. She had no idea if this was some sort of gag.

  “You don’t have to wait. Dante’s orders.”


  “Oh, great. Dante Dele-fag-a’s orders. Yay,” Matt lamented loudly.

  “Fuck, who cares which cunt gets us in?” Ryan exclaimed joyfully. “Let’s go in!”

  Alex felt Ryan’s hand on the lower back, feeling his fingers on the top most part of her bum as he enthusiastically edged her and Lauren forward. Alex shook him off and marched a few steps ahead. The completely unnecessary touch was too much. She didn’t want to ruin the night for Lauren but Alex had pretty much made up her mind. Ryan was a dick, pure and simple, but now was not the time to break it to Lauren. Maybe she could get a quiet word with her friend later that night.

  When they crossed the threshold into the lights and music, Alex noted the place wasn’t as busy as the time before. Then she remembered they’d had to wait in line for nearly an hour and the line outside would filter in eventually. The table they had occupied last time was free again, so she headed straight for it, happy to leave Ryan and the others behind for a moment. When they reached the table, Alex announced the first round was on her.


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