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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

Page 35

by L M Lacee

  ‘What the hayda does that mean?’ Darby asked as she and Melody stared confusedly at Frand.

  Hurriedly she said. ‘I will tell you later.’

  ‘Madam?’ Frand asked with a wicked look in his eyes.

  Coraan walked in, took one look at the holo screen and barked. ‘On the mat when you get done here.’ Then stormed from the room.

  Peyton asked Melody. ‘Was he talking to Frand or you?’

  Melody shrugged, but did not remove her eyes from the screen.

  With a small bow Frand said. ‘Worth it, what can I do for you ladies?’

  Melody told him. ‘I have your bonded here.’

  Frand looked baffled for a min, then an enormous smile spread over his face. ‘I will come down.’

  ‘No... no.’ Peyton hurriedly told him. The more time Coraan had to cool down, the better. ‘We will send him up to you. Melody will take care of it.’ She closed down the Holo as Melody nodded. ‘Right, well come on Riim, let’s go.’

  As they left, Hope, Enara and Enuru arrived.


  ‘Yes, Hope.’

  ‘Are you angry?’

  ‘I am mostly disappointed you ran away from Auntie Karen, she is beside herself with worry. You all made her screech, and she did it here. Uncle Reeve was upset, and he growled at me.’

  Hope sadly said as she and the twins hung their heads. ‘Oh, that was not good, Mama.’

  The twins who were just as sad as Hope said. ‘Auntie Peyton, we are sorry too.’

  ‘I am sure you are, just as Hope is, but that does not negate the fact you are in trouble. Now you will find your Auntie Karen in medical. She had to go there for the screeching. It was most disturbing.’ She shook her head, then said. ‘You will go and apologize and explain to her your reasoning for running off and accept the punishment she decides on. Then you will go and find Uncle Reeve and tell him how sorry you are, you made Auntie Karen screech and upset him. Also, you will explain yourselves to Harm and Heather. After that you are required in the main lounge, we will meet you there.’

  The three girls nodded and walked from the room. Peyton with the others watched them go. Darby said to Avana. ‘See how she said it was about her and then Reeve?’

  ‘I heard.’

  Peyton had no time to answer her snarky sister because Rayvan and Draykin arrived, carried in Carrick’s arms. Peyton admonished both young boys. ‘You two are in trouble.’

  Carrick placed them on their feet as she said. ‘You both ran from your Urnu, which is not acceptable for any reason. He is there to protect you, he cannot do so if you run from him.’

  Both boys hung their heads similar to the girls and looked sad, Draykin’s bottom lip quivered as Rayvan’s eyes filled with tears. Peyton’s heart broke at the pic they made, but her voice was firm as she said. ‘Now your Urnu will set your punishment.’

  He looked terrified until Darby said. ‘I think no story tonight should do.’

  They looked at her and both said. ‘Yes, Ma’am.’

  Carrick said. ‘I will take them to shower.’

  Peyton said. ‘Thank you Urnu, we require them in the lounge and afterwards they will have an afternoon nap.’

  ‘Mama!’ Cried Rayvan. ‘I am no baby. I don’t have naps.’

  ‘Yet you disobeyed Carrick, so nap!’

  He crossed his arms and stared at her, she nearly faltered when Draykin tried to do the same and almost fell over. She told Rayvan. ‘It is that or five nights of no desserts.’

  Rayvan opened his eyes wide. ‘Mama no, five is more than two.’

  ‘Yes, many, many, more.’

  They both turned sad eyes on Darby who said. ‘I agree, you were disrespectful to your Urnu.’

  ‘Me nap.’ Draykin capitulated and took Carrick’s hand.

  Rayvan pouted and said when he saw his mother would not budge. ‘Me nap.’

  ‘Thank you boys and you as well, Carrick.’

  After she made sure they were gone, Peyton fell onto her chair. ‘Oh my, that was close, I almost caved.’

  Darby said. ‘Me too. They are so adorable.’

  Esther assured them both. ‘You did well. They need to know there will be consequences for their actions. Just because they are related to you, does not mean they get a free pass.’

  ‘Yeah, that way lies nasty horrible tyrants.’ Darby agreed as Peyton nodded.

  Esther said. ‘Exactly, and in saying that, my poor babies.’ They all looked at her. ‘Do not judge me, I am their grandmother.’

  ‘It is the girls I feel sorry for.’ Avana said as the other three looked at her.

  Darby asked. ‘Why?’

  ‘They have to face Hawk and Reeve.’ Penny said as she came in and shivered. ‘So bad.’

  ‘Well, they were naughty.’ Peyton held her hand up. ‘No excuses, to run away from Karen and Carrick is not okay. They have to learn that.’

  Darby agreed. ‘But Hope did something naughty, she is starting to act normal.’

  Peyton smiled proudly. ‘Yeah, she is.’


  Rage said as he entered. They come.

  ‘How many?’ Peyton asked the large Prowler. Thirty- five. Five are very young kits. He sounded concerned. Brother Reeve is leading them and Captain’s Kent and Sarn are carrying the kits.

  Darby asked Jax. ‘Jax comm Kate, please.’

  Penny whispered as she watched them come into the outer office. ‘Here they are, oh my stars they are adorable.’

  The kits slid down to the floor and stood on either side of Rage. Penny watched them and thought, it’s almost as though they are being tutored. Rage stood between the new arrivals and Peyton and demanded of their leader.

  Why are you in my territory?

  A female, solid cream with smoke-colored eyes, short pointed ears and a black fluffy tail, moved from the ranks of the Casmal and bowed. Seconds later the others followed her.

  Pride Leader: I am Lia of the Casmal. The reason for venturing into your territory is we do not wish to cease to be. We were asked to come and bond with members from your Pride and were assured if we mated with Prowlers, we would breed true and therefore the Casmal would survive.

  Peyton smiled as she came forward with Darby to stand with Rage and the kits. ‘Did the Ancient Ones say who you were to bond with?’

  Lia bowed to Peyton, and her eyes drifted to Avana as she replied. They said there were young and others who needed us. Bipeds who will need our type of personal protection. In the past, the Casmal were much sought after to protect the young and females of the royal families.

  Peyton nodded. ‘Were royalty the only ones to benefit from the Casmal’s protection?’

  In the past this was so. Lia looked at several older Casmal who nodded, then she said. Many yentas ago my Pride, the Cenarta broke from the Casmal. Our Pride Leaders did not agree with the policy of the Casmal leaders.

  Darby asked. ‘Do you believe everyone warrants protection even if they are not royalty?’

  Lia said. This is what we the remaining Cenarta Pride believe.

  Peyton smiled and asked. ‘Do the Casmal believe in bonding?’

  To find our bondmate is a gift. All Casmal know this.

  Penny asked. ‘Are there other Casmal Prides?’

  Yes, but where they are, we do not know. We have been told Casmal numbers are small.

  Peyton asked Lia. ‘You realize that Rage and Fanharr are the Pride Leaders here.’

  You are the Star Daughter?

  ‘Yes, but not Pride Leader.’

  I see.

  Rage told her. She is our Beloved.

  Lia’s voice became lighter, as though she was satisfied with that answer. It makes no matter, Beloved, we came because we do not want to be like others and fade into history, never to be remembered. We will be safe and able to have nests here. We will grow in number and become what we should be, proud guardians. It is what the Tuarillians bred us for.

  Darby asked her. ‘You want to do th

  Peyton told them. ‘This is Specialist Darby, my sister, she is bondmate to Honor.’

  Lia smiled and gracefully said. Sister Darby, we want nothing more than to be loved and eventually to mate. To fulfil our destinies. We will again have a purpose for our lives.

  Rage said. I accept you into the Maikonian Pride. You will be known as Maikonian Casmal, we do not want you to lose your identity.

  Lia and the others all bowed. We accept and thank you.

  Thank you for coming. Peyton mind-sent along with a welcoming warmth.

  Lia stilled and turned her head to her. They said you would be pleased.

  ‘I am most pleased. Do any need medical attention?’

  Yes, there are some who were injured and there are the kits. They are not from any of my Pride, we found them before we left the world we have resided on. We believe their parents left them where we could find them and have passed to the afterlife. They are days from being weaned.

  Kate walked in with Kitolin. ‘What have you got for me?’

  Reeve, Kent, and Sarn showed her the kits. She nodded, then ordered. ‘Okay, all those that need medical attention with me.’ She instructed Kent and Sarn to place the kits in a carrier which resembled an egg cradle.

  Reeve admired the cradle. ‘Clever.’

  She smiled. ‘We borrowed the idea from the egg cradles, it works.’

  Rage said. I will go with you, Artar Kate. They will need clarifying on the chain of command. He told Peyton. I will call Raley as well. Rave will be here shortly to help with the others.

  She nodded, and he left with Kate, followed by twenty of the Casmal.

  ‘Are all your people female?’ Darby asked Lia.

  No, there are four young males still here. She pointed with her nose to the four males who sat in a row as they dipped their heads shyly at Peyton, who grinned at each of them saying. ‘Cute.’

  ‘So cute.’ Darby agreed.

  Melody walked back into the room. ‘I just passed Rage and Kate.’ She smiled and inclined her head to Lia as she asked. ‘What are their ages?’

  Lia replied. You are the Tivna?

  I am. They all bowed to her with deep respect.

  We are pleased to meet you, Tivna. We hope you will find us worthy of a bond.

  ‘I already know you are worthy and I will endeavor to match you with an equally worthy bondmate.’

  Lia smiled, then told her. We believe the kits are just over twenty-one days old. These four males range in age from seven to ten. We also have several kits aged five yentas old, and there are ten females between the ages of ten and fifteen. The rest are my age, which is twenty-five, and several are over thirty.

  Each time she mentioned an age, the Prowler nodded. Peyton asked Melody. ‘Are there bondmates for the children?’

  ‘Yes for all of them.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Do you know which ones?’

  ‘Seriously, am I not the Tivna?’

  ‘I suppose.’

  ‘Rude female.’ Melody grumbled as Darby and Penny smiled.

  Lia asked. Beloved, may I go to my bondmate?

  Peyton asked. ‘Of course, do you know the oath?’

  She looked at Peyton as she assured her. All know the oath. She then moved to where Avana stood and said. I am Lia, I am for you.

  Avana smiled and said. ‘I am Avana, I am for you.’

  Melody walked over to the couple and told Avana. ‘One of the weaned kits is for Koana but not yet, they are very weak and unsettled. They will need Telfor and time to adjust. I think in a lunera or two, maybe longer. Fanharr or Salmah will tell you when they are ready.’

  ‘Thank you Melody.’

  Melody smiled as she told her. ‘Your match is strong, which I am sure you know. Also you should know Lia has latent abilities, she will need guidance.’

  ‘I will have Mama speak with her.’

  ‘Good idea.’

  Avana walked toward Peyton, who asked. ‘Was this it?’

  ‘Yes, thank you, Peyton.’ They grinned at each other, then Avana’s grin widened and she told Lia.

  ‘Let us go meet my Koana and introduce you to the family, Lia, they will love you.’

  Darby said. ‘Hate to be rude, but first stop the groomers.’

  Avana nodded and joyfully agreed. ‘Most definitely.’


  Not long after the first Prowlers arrived on Prime, a few of the ladies who had worked in zoos and animal shelters, opened a grooming complex. Now known as the, ‘Pride Groomers.’

  It was all high tech with showers, dryers and automated lifts for any Prowler who was hurt or old. The lifts allowed them to enjoy the baths which resembled swimming pools. They also lifted them onto tables where they were manicured and brushed.

  Raley paid the groomers a salary and there were at last count twenty-five groomers and they were expanding. It did not replace the brushing at night that the Prowlers enjoyed.

  As with the Prowlers Groomers, the salon for the other inhabitants of Prime was very popular. Peyton often saw the Warriors visiting the hairstylists. Trina told her it was such a new experience for them. To allow someone to not only style their hair, but to relax enough to enjoy all the attention the stylists gave them.

  The stylists used nano technology introduced to Maikonia by Rose and Teenarlo, the nanos attached to the hair follicle and changed the hair color or added fullness and length. Almost every female had tried them even Darby had changed her hair color to a deep blue, much to Reeve’s horror. Peyton had refrained from calling her a blue plum at the time, but it took immense will power.

  Netta changed the tips of her hair to bright green. It was a startling change, and she was amused each time someone did a double take. She told Peyton she was going to keep the color for a while longer, then try something more outrageous. Peyton could hardly wait to see what color she would choose.

  Darby had visited the salon the day before and was now sporting a streaked white and black look which Reeve was just as irritated with. Although the children loved it. Peyton thought she looked like a skunk and decided she would show Reeve pics of the animal, so he could then show Darby. As her sister, she felt it was her duty.

  The stylists had been upset to realize they could not change the color of Peyton’s hair, no matter what nanos they used. She had been just as disappointed and had commiserated with them, she too had been looking forward to startling everyone as Darby and Netta had. She assured the stylists she could have nail polish and coverup applied, which they did with relish.

  The wonder of having a wand like instrument pass over her nails and watching them grow or shorten as they were manicured or permanently colored until the next appointment, was still a novelty. It was the same for coverup, there was no such thing as color fade lipstick, eye shadow or liner and mascara. Once applied it stayed as fresh as the day it was applied until you had it removed or changed. She and Netta had spent a considerable amount of time trying different products to remove the coverup and only succeeded in giving themselves rashes. Which meant a visit to medical, where Heather spent several long mins lecturing them on the foolishness of trying something without asking first.

  Next to the hair salon was a relatively new establishment that catered to massages. It was like nothing the Terrans had experienced before. Placing one’s hands and feet into boxes, which then proceeded to massage them, took some getting used to. Although it was reported that Peyton and Melody had been known to fall asleep during the process. Rose had not long purchased massage tables, which apparently were similar to a regenerator, but instead of healing they massaged the body from head to toe. Heather and Commander Kolin had tested them before they were allowed to be installed and said they were amazing. Heather was impressed with the number of different massages the tables would administer. She told Peyton the machine would assess the recipient and then adjust the massage, depending on what was required.

  Peyton had heard Nina had ordered several for the hard-working
people of Terra, where the benefit of a therapeutic massage was warranted. She had not heard whether the Warriors had used them. She was booked for a massage at the end of the weken, or so Darby told her.

  Peyton smiled as Avana left her office, then called out. ‘Penny!’

  ‘I am right here.’

  ‘Oh well, stop hiding.’

  ‘Why would I hide?’

  ‘I ask myself that all the time.’

  ‘What did you want?’ Penny asked in an exasperated tone, which did not go unnoticed by Peyton.

  ‘Can you book them all in at the groomers please?’


  A small Casmal with soft grey eyes walked to Penny and said shyly. My name is Aylee, I am for you.

  Penny grinned and softly said. ‘I am Penny, I am for you.’ She rubbed her ears. ‘Absolutely delightful.’

  Penny looked at Peyton, a soft smile in her eyes along with the one on her lips. ‘Peyton look, I have a bondmate.’

  Peyton hugged her. ‘I see, Aylee, Penny makes a very tasty cookie.’

  What is a cookie?

  Jade burst into the room, followed by Kerol, Penny told them with a mixture of delight and amazement. ‘Look Kerol, Jade, we have Aylee, she is going to join our family.’

  Aylee sniffed at Jade who did likewise to her, Jade said. I will show you cookies.

  You will?

  How old are you?

  Aylee shyly answered. I am seven.

  I am older. I am ten, we go to Prowler center.

  What is center?

  I will teach you, we are to have a kit.

  We are?

  Yes, my Kerol and your Peenny is with kit, we are most excited.

  I am too.

  Peyton laughed at the totally bemused look on Penny’s face. ‘Penny go, we are fine here. Go with Kerol and your girls. Oh, here are Lott and Honor, are you taking the others to the groomers?’

  Lott said. Beloved we are, then we will take them to homes that Fanharr is organizing. She will have females there to guide them.

  Peyton said gently to the Casmal. Please go with Lott and Honor, they will look after you.

  Melody pointed to the waiting kits. ‘Except you five.’ She picked out two males and three females. ‘You will come with us and meet your bondmates.’ She looked at Peyton and said. ‘I really like that description, it is better than just bond or bonded. I am amazed you came up with it.’


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