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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

Page 36

by L M Lacee

  ‘Just rude. I invent wonderful new words every day.’

  Darby snorted. ‘I would not call them wonderful, but this one I like.’

  ‘You know…’

  Esther said loudly. ‘I and Honor and Lott will come with you to introduce the children to their bondmates. I am guessing that is what we are doing Melody?’

  ‘Yes Ma’am.’

  Jax said, I will record it for you, Lady Esther.

  ‘Thank you, Jax.’

  Peyton, Darby, Melody and Esther, with the five kits Melody had asked to remain, walked from Peyton’s office only to be met by Rave. He looked the kits over and told Peyton. I am to escort you.


  He fell into step with them as they moved unhurriedly along the hallway to the airlifts giving the kits time to look around themselves. Bacon came bounding in from outside and skidded to a halt when he saw the five new Prowlers and said.

  I am Bacon. Who you?

  One of the males stood in front of the others and made a low, deep growl. Bacon stiff legged walked over and growled low and deep in return.

  Rave stood nearby observing the interplay, Melody went to move between the kits when Rave shook his head. She bit her bottom lip but silently remained where she was and watched the events unfold.

  The new Prowler growled again, instantly Bacon went into combat mode, followed a split second later by the other Prowler. Then they both seemed to stand taller and puff their fur out. Bacon was a little taller and bigger as he stood over the top of the newcomer. Growling deep from his chest and lifting his top lip in a display Melody had not seen before. The other male stood his ground and growled with the same intensity as Bacon, not intimidated at all by the bigger Prowler. He may be smaller, but he was no less fierce.

  They stayed like that for the count of six heart beats then they both dropped their posturing and started toward the lift side by side. The other kits following them.

  Melody looked at Rave, who told her. Bacon has the qualities of a Pride Leader as does the male Casmal.

  Darby said. ‘I thought Rage was Pride Leader!’

  Peyton said. ‘It is like Commanders, just like Rave is a Pride Leader. Maybe we should look at changing the name?’

  To what? Rave asked, intrigued at the possibilities.

  Melody said. ‘On Earth, the top wolf was called Alpha. Now that is a title that holds respect.’

  Esther agreed. ‘It would be easier on us bipeds.’

  Rave agreed. Tivna we can discuss it at the next meeting.

  Melody replied. ‘Sounds good.’

  ‘Oh, I get that, leaders, yeah I see.’ Darby growled at Rave. ‘You know, you could have just said that when I asked.’

  He replied. You talk like the giant one.

  Darby demanded. ‘Stop calling him that.’

  Rave said nothing, just laughed and moved ahead of them as she called to him. ‘You know it hurts his feelings.’

  Peyton, Melody and Esther turned to look at her, she grumbled. ‘It so would if he cared.’

  Esther said. ‘Yes dearle.’

  ‘You know you encourage this behavior, if you keep agreeing with her.’ Peyton told Esther as she and Melody stepped onto the lift.

  They heard Melody say as it moved upward. ‘This is true, we have to nip it in the bud.’

  ‘What is…? NINA!’ Yelled Peyton as she rushed from the lift to hug Nina.

  Darby and Esther looked at each other. ‘Nina is here, good or bad.’ Darby asked the older female.

  Esther murmured. ‘I am voting for good.’

  Darby whispered. ‘Okay, I will too.’

  Peyton rushed into speech. ‘Why are you here, do you miss me?’ She wailed in despair. ‘Oh my stars, the coffee plants. Are they gone, destroyed, did something eat them?’

  Nina’s blood-shot eyes stared out at her from a tear-stained face. It was obvious she had shed copious amounts of tears and had repeatedly run her hands through her hair. She mumbled and hesitantly said. ‘No… no, your plants are well, thriving.’

  Everyone who had been holding their breaths relaxed. Peyton held her away and looked into her face and sharply said. ‘Nina, no... Dayam it.’ She stamped her foot and cried. ‘No! I will not even entertain it. Stop that right now, you have never been anything other than my friend. I will never believe you are anything else, so this will not be discussed again.’ She gently shook her and asked. ‘Do you understand me?’

  Nina cried. ‘Peyton, you cannot say that. It was people from my world that tried to kill you. No I am…’

  ‘Enough!’ Peyton said sharply again.

  Nina sighed and closed her eyes as tears once more filled them. Softer Peyton tried to ease her guilt. ‘Nina look at me, come on sweetie look at me.’ When she finally opened her eyes, Peyton smiled in relief and placed her hand over Nina’s heart. ‘I know this heart. I know what you hold in here for me and there is no room for deceit. You are my family and just like you said, it was people from your world, not you. And I am sorry for the betrayal they inflicted on you and the friends they were building a life with. Nothing you and I can do or say will change what they did or why. Let this go or it will eat your needar and heart away.’

  Nina leaned her head on Peyton’s shoulder and cried deep body wracking sobs. Releasing all the pent up anger, terror and sadness she had been living with since she learned of the attack on Peyton’s shuttle.

  Reeve, walking into the room, mournfully asked Darby. ‘Why does she do this, she has made another cry. Does she not like me?’

  Darby rolled her eyes and answered with an exasperated tone. ‘It is not all about you.’

  Reeve sniffed, as he had seen his mate do. ‘I find that hard to believe, I am an Elite.’

  Darby replied by rolling her eyes again. Heather entered with Fern, who had gone to get her as soon as they arrived. Peyton nodded, and Heather placed the hypo against Nina’s neck, instantly she slumped in Peyton’s arms.

  Reeve took her from Peyton as he growled. ‘No more... No more tears or screeching.’

  ‘It is not my fault.’ She snarled right back.

  He growled deeper as he leaned down so his nose almost touched hers. ‘You say that, but they all cry and make that intolerable noise around you.’

  Before, Peyton could blast him with a scathing reply about him having delicate ears.

  Heather hurriedly said. ‘This way please Reeve.’

  With one sharp look at Peyton, he turned and followed Heather from the room with Nina cradled gently in his arms.

  Fern hugged Peyton, saying. ‘She has driven herself crazy since we found out. We could not come until today, and she would not let any of us comm you. I know she has not slept and was worried about everyone on the shuttle. I tried reasoning with her, but Nina is Nina.’ She shrugged as much to say, what can you do?

  Peyton returned the hug, saying. ‘Fern, it is done with now. We cannot change what happened, just learn from it and make sure nothing like that is repeated. Now are you all well over there?’

  ‘Yes, Malchol brought several Mystics with him and scanned everyone, and they are counseling people now. Jarrod gave us the all clear this morn.’

  Before they could say anything more, Telfor arrived wild-eyed and with his normally well-groomed hair in disarray, he was definitely not his usual suave self. He bristled with overflowing emotions, and his eyes and vibrating body showed his agitation. His voice was deep and raspy as he demanded. ‘I have come for my one, what have you done with her?’

  ‘Aww!’ Peyton said. ‘Telfor, you are Nina’s mate.’

  He looked around. ‘I do not know, yes... perhaps, what does this mean?’

  Cemeru and Kenera walked in, and his mother laid her hand on his arm. ‘Steady, my son.’

  His father told Peyton and the others. ‘We were called by Jax.’

  Peyton said. ‘Oh good thinking Jax.’

  Thank you, Madam.

  Peyton launched into an explanation. ‘So what ha
ppened was, I came off the lift and…’

  Esther cut her off by saying. ‘Yes dearle, let me explain.’

  Peyton pouted. ‘I could get a complex about this.’

  Ignoring her, Esther explained to Cemeru and Kenera. ‘It seems Telfor has realized his mate is here and it would seem it is Nina, she is from Terra. This is her sister, Fern.’

  She stepped forward as Peyton said. ‘That is exactly what I was going to say.’

  Melody muttered to Darby. ‘Except it would have taken a weken to get there.’

  Peyton hearing her stated. ‘So rude.’

  ‘So truthful.’ Commented a smug Darby.

  ‘Ladies.’ Esther said sharply, making them all say. ‘Yes Ma’am.’

  Fern gave them each a dirty look, then with a strained smile, said to a bewildered Telfor and his parents. ‘If you would like, I will take you to Nina, she had a little problem and is just getting herself together.’

  Peyton said to Darby. ‘Seriously, meltdown more like it and I thought they knocked her out.’

  Darby agreed. ‘Me too, maybe they don’t want her future parents- in-law and mate to know she is slightly unstable and you know stuff like that?’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘Well you would know, excitable female that you are.’

  Darby grinned. ‘That I am.’

  Melody mentioned quietly. ‘She does look after your coffee plants, maybe that is why she is nuts.’

  Peyton looked horrified as it dawned on her Nina and Fern were both here. ‘Who is looking after my plants now Fern, did you leave my plants alone?’

  ‘No, you coffee addict, they are fine. Seriously, I am trying here.’ To the three people, two of which were amused, she said. ‘Nina is perfectly sane, which is saying something considering she deals with her all the time.’ She pointed at Peyton, who looked affronted as Fern hustled the three Mystics from the room, while shooting death glares at the females.

  Peyton looked after the four and said. ‘That seemed rude to me.’

  ‘Probably doesn’t know about that first impression thing you worry about.’ Melody said thoughtfully.

  ‘Oh yeah, maybe I should explain it to her.’ She took a step and halted as Esther said. ‘In the lounge now, Prowlers with us, please.’

  Peyton smiled down at the kits who had remained quiet as they surveyed their new territory.

  ‘Yes, let us get to it, so young Prowlers, you are to be bonded.’

  Yes, Mama Star.

  Peyton grinned. ‘Bacon, did you teach them that?’

  Yes, Mama Star, I told them that was your name.

  ‘Thank you, sweet boy.’

  He wiggled in pleasure all the while the new Prowler’s eyes were glued to him as he said. Kay.

  Then the Casmal kits all wiggled as well and said. Kay.

  ‘Ohh! You are so sweet. So let’s go.’

  Esther told them. ‘Afterward you are all to go to the groomers.’

  Bacon explained. Groomers are where we bathe and get cleaned. It is a good place. My Mama Melody takes me there all the time, cause I always get dirty. I will come with you.

  Kay. They all chorused. Then they looked at Esther and said. Yes, Omperea.

  Peyton gushed. ‘Oh so sweet, you are all just so sweet.’

  ‘You are not going to keep on saying that, are you?’ Melody asked as she passed Peyton, who detected tone in the question.

  ‘Probably not now.’ She answered sourly.

  Darby looked at her suspiciously as they all walked into the lounge.


  Heather and Harm stood with Rave and smiled at Peyton as she and the others entered. The five children were on couches, looking apprehensively at the Prowlers as they followed behind Esther and Melody, who stated. ‘Casmal Prowlers you are to become bondmates to Hope and Rayvan, Draykin, Enara and Enuru.’

  Yes Tivna.

  Heather asked. ‘Bondmates?’

  Melody nodded. ‘Yes, it is what we are calling the bonded now, it is a more accurate description.’

  ‘I like it, did you come up with it?’

  Melody grinned and raised her eyebrows. ‘Ahh no, guess who did?’

  Heather laughed and looked over at Peyton. ‘It sounds nicer than just bonded.’

  Smugly, she agreed. ‘I thought so.’

  Harm asked. ‘Rave, what do the Prowlers think?’

  Rave inclined his head. We like it, for that is who we are.

  Melody indicated Carrick and introduced the kits to him. ‘This is Commander Carrick. He is Urnu to the children.’

  Yes Tivna.

  ‘Do you all know what an Urnu is?’

  Yes Tivna.

  Reeve stood behind the couch the boys were seated on. Arms crossed, wearing a neutral expression which matched Carrick’s who stood behind the girl’s couch. Melody grinned and found a seat with Esther while Darby went to Draykin.

  Peyton asked the children as she stood near Rayvan. ‘I am assuming you have all done your apologies and accepted your punishments?’

  They all nodded and said. ‘Yes.’

  Draykin smiled at Peyton. ‘Me too, Auntie Peyton.’

  Peyton grinned as her eyes softened, she did love the boy. ‘I thank you. Now, these young Prowlers are special, they are called Casmal. We are very lucky they have decided to make Maikonia their new home. They are to live with us and help your Urnu and everyone else keep you safe. Like you they are still young and will have to go to class. Each one of you will be bonded, yes Draykin even you.’

  His worried expression morphed into delight as he looked at his mother. She smiled and nodded to him, and he puffed out his chest and said. ‘Papa me get bondmate.’

  Reeve glanced down at him with a smile as he softly said. ‘I am pleased for you, my son.’

  Draykin nodded once in reply, much like Reeve was seen to do.

  Melody told them. ‘Remember, we are all here to help you, so the first thing to do is introduce yourselves to each other. Then your bondmate will take you to the groomers who are waiting for you. Alright, let’s do this.’

  It was like they had been waiting for those exact words. Within seconds a small, dark cream male with copper eyes sat in front of Draykin and said.

  I am Tag, I am for you.

  He wiggled as Draykin giggled and said. ‘Mama, what I do?’

  Darby said. ‘Say after me. I am Draykin, I am for you.’ He repeated her words, then turned to Reeve, his eyes shining. ‘Papa me has a bondmate.’

  ‘You do my boy. What is his name?’

  ‘It is Tag.’

  ‘A good name for a strong Prowler.’

  Draykin told Tag. ‘That is my Papa.’

  Tag stared up at Reeve and wiggled. Isa like him.

  Reeve looked down at the kit. ‘You are welcomed to our home, Tag.’

  Tag wiggled more as Darby smiled and smoothed the fur on his back. Draykin said. ‘This is Mama, she is the best snuggla.’

  ‘Welcome Tag.’ Darby greeted him. He wiggled and ducked his head a little.

  Draykin said. ‘We have Honor, she is big and clever.’ Both Draykin and Tag wiggled with pleasure at this.

  Reeve looked toward Rayvan and asked. ‘What about you warrior boy?’

  Rayvan looked at the Prowler who had sat in front of him and stared into his eyes. He was the Casmal who had the stand-off with Bacon.

  I am Kosmo, I am for you.

  Rayvan held his hand out and said. ‘I am Rayvan, I am for you.’

  Kosmo moved forward and licked his hand as Rayvan said. ‘Uncle Reeve, his name is Kosmo.’

  ‘Another strong name.’

  Rayvan told Kosmo. ‘This is my Uncle Reeve he is Draykin’s Papa, he never lies and is the best uncle. He lets us cry and never says we are a baby.’

  He does? Kosmo looked way up to Reeve as Rayvan told him. ‘Yep, and Draykin’s Mama is my auntie, she is the smartest person ever, and she snuggles real nice.’ He then pointed to where Esther and Melody sat. ‘That is our Au
ntie Melody, she is the Tivna and is fierce. Uncle Hawk says that Grammie Esta is very special like Grandpa Marlo, we love her heaps.’ He pointed to Heather and Harm. ‘Auntie Heather is a healer, and Uncle Harm is very clever and sneaky. Mama says he is trustful and they have girls, which is okay.’

  Heather and Harm smiled as Rayvan explained who they all were. Harm grinned at the description, which was definitely Peyton’s term.

  Rayvan told Kosmo. ‘We have Hope, she is a girl and our sister. Enara and Enuru are not our sisters, but they are bossy like Hope, so they are kind of sisters.’

  Hope and the twins rolled their eyes as he spoke, causing Draykin to giggle. ‘We also have Auntie Netta, she is very dangerous and keeps Mama safe. Uncle Reeve says it is because she is an Elite.’ Rayvan told him proudly.

  Kosmo looked at all the people his bondmate had pointed to and latched onto the one thing he really understood. Can Isa snuggle.


  Do we have a Papa?

  ‘We do, but he’s not here yet, he is the mightiest Elite for all the Warriors. He is brother to Uncle Reeve and Uncle Dinas’s and Uncle Hawk. Uncle Dinas is a healer and Uncle Hawk is Mama’s First Commander. He makes Mama safe too.’

  Kosmo asked. We have a Mama?

  ‘Yes, she is Mama Star. She has a big heart, and she cuddles all the time. We share our Mama’s cuddles with Draykin.’

  A little confused and overwhelmed, the kit said, Kay.

  ‘I will show you our other Grandpas and Grammies later and our family. Me and Draykin have loads of friends too.’


  Peyton turned to Reeve, as unsurprised as he was to know Rayvan knew of Kardan. Instead, she asked. My boy cries.

  Reeve looked at her and saw the worry in her eyes. Gently, he ran his finger down her cheek. Every child cries sweet mama, it means he is normal. Do not worry, he knows he is loved. Tears never hurt anyone.


  ‘Mama, did you hear?’ Rayvan asked unaware of their conversation.

  Peyton smiled as she kissed his forehead. ‘I did my son, Uncle Reeve is correct, it is a good name for a friend. Welcome Kosmo to our home.’


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