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Grace After the Storm

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by Sandy Sinnett

  Grace After the Storm

  Sandy Sinnett

  Author of Hope In the Rain

  This is a fictional work. The names, characters, incidents, places, and locations are solely the concepts and products of the author’s imagination or are used to create a fictitious story and should not be construed as real.


  PO Box 16507

  Denver, CO 80216

  Digital ISBN 13: 978-1-63112-145-6 1631121456

  Grace After the Storm

  Sandy Sinnett

  Copyright Sandy Sinnett 2016

  Published by 5 Prince Publishing

  Front Cover Ermisenda Alvarez

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations, reviews, and articles. For any other permission please contact 5 Prince Publishing and Books, LLC.

  First Edition/First Printing January 2016 Printed U.S.A.


  For Jesse, Wyatt,

  Emily and Ethan


  To my four amazing kids… I am so blessed, and proud to be your mom.

  I love you with all my heart!

  Jesse, my firstborn, and most passionate child of all… never settle for anything less than the life you want – do what makes you happy and fills you up inside, always keeping God at the center.

  Wyatt, you make me laugh, and give me joy each and every day with your sense of humor. You have overcome so much, and now stand proud and tall. Never stop writing!

  Emily, my sweet girl, you’re the delight of my life! You are a gifted artist my dear – not only with make-up, but also in your writing. My life would be so much less without you in it. Thank you for ‘Finding Nemo’ with me… my favorite.

  Ethan, you are my little miracle! Your generous spirit, your kind heart, your bright smile and your belly laugh fills my soul. I thank God for the gift of your life every day.

  And to the two that I never met… you are never forgotten. I look forward to seeing you one day.

  Monty, thank you for your unending support and encouragement of me during this long, winding road together. You are a wonderful, loving father to our kids, and my friend forever and always. I’m so proud of the man you are today and will always love you.

  To my wonderful mom and dad – thank you for loving me through everything, the good and the bad. I love you both so much! Without you, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. I am proud to be your daughter, and will continue to make you proud as I move forward on this new journey.

  To my precious grandmother - I will always treasure all the wonderful memories I have of our time together. You’ve taught me so much over the years – how to flip burgers, and count change without a calculator; how to put on makeup, and how to be a strong, independent woman.

  I love you!

  Lastly, to my readers and faithful fans: THANK YOU for all your support and kind words, and for taking a chance on me and my book. I write for you as much as myself.

  Grace After the Storm





  Hannah watched from her porch as the ‘suit’ pounded the foreclosure sign into the cold, hard ground next to the edge of the road. Every blow of the mallet rang in her ears and the reality of her situation could no longer be ignored. It signified the end of her family’s legacy. Of course it was nothing for the man in the suit, as he drove the sign farther and farther into the ground, but for Hannah it meant losing her family’s estate. The final nail being driven into her virtual coffin.

  She’d lost so much in the last ten years – everything worth living for had managed to slip through her fingers one by one. The love of her life had walked away from her eight years ago and although she hated to admit it, her soul still cried out for him even today. Then the boating accident took her parents away just six short years ago, leaving her to care for the family winery and bed and breakfast – Foxhead Estates. Her choice to move back to Washington and run her family’s estate sent her then husband on his merry way. His investment in their marriage had been minimal to say the least. It was hard to admit that she was now a divorcée, but she now realized that she’d only married him to make herself feel safe and secure.

  Hannah’s 89 year-old ailing grandmother was the only family she had left now and lived with her at the estate. It was only a matter of time before she would lose her too. She watched as the ‘suit’ climbed back into his fancy car and went hopefully on his way back in to whatever hole he had crawled out of, then she collapsed onto the porch floor. Her insides ached and it was hard to breathe, so she wrapped her arms around her stomach and forced one deep breath at a time, each one like a needle piercing her lung all the way through to her spine. She sobbed uncontrollably, heaving and gasping for air, and soaking the knees of her jeans. Her world was crashing down, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Except… well, maybe God. In a last ditch effort to find some semblance of comfort, she calmed herself and lifted her tear-stained cheeks to the sky, silently waiting for the courage to make her petition known to the Almighty. She whispered.

  “Hey God? It’s… it’s me – Hannah. I know it’s been a while, but hopefully you can hear me. Do you remember me? Please God, please help me! I need your grace now more than ever. Is that still a thing – grace? I know I don’t deserve any, but if only for my grandmother’s sake, I hope you can send a little our way. We can use all the help we can get. Oh, and I’m sorry about that tantrum I threw at the church picnic last year. I hope you won’t hold that against me. Honestly, Ms. Rumple had it coming! She’s so snooty and….ugh! Sorry, Lord. So… thanks for listening and well… just thanks.”

  Hannah stood up and wiped her tears. The ‘suit’ had finally left and it began to rain. “Ugh… this is how you answer me? You know how I hate the rain!”

  1 - A Season of Drought

  Even as a young girl, rain was a source of hope for Laci Kramer, and she believed that good things would always follow it. So what happens when those rains keep falling and falling and don’t stop? It becomes a flood; potentially damaging anything in its path. There are times though, when people simply need a flood. Not a literal one, but a personal one. A flood that completely washes away the things in our lives that have been there far too long – a sort of cleansing that brings healing and renewal. Rain is healing, but it’s not until after it stops and the land is dry that we see an opportunity to start over and rebuild things better and stronger than they were before.

  For Laci, being without the rain for even a time helped her appreciate its value and purpose in the world. Too long without it though, every living thing begins to suffer and dry up… including herself. When she can’t see or feel the rain, her heart becomes lifeless, longing for a healing that only rain can bring.

  One year ago, she experienced her own personal flood of sorts when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. That diagnosis was definitely a ‘washing’ – stripping her of a will to live, her dignity and self-worth. Thankfully, she had Mitch, the second love of her life. It was his stubborn love that lifted her up out of the ashes… with a little help from the rain. She’s cancer-free now, and the prognosis has remained positive so far, but she was a little nervous about being pregnant so soon after treatment, especially now that she was over 40 years old. The doctor said everything looked good and she shouldn’t worry. She did anyway.

  It had been three months since she shocked Mitch with the news about their baby, and tomorrow they would have their first sonogram appointment – the first gl
impse of baby Young. Tonight though, she would have to endure the weekly family dinner over at Maggie’s house, Mitch’s mother. Her joyful anticipation overflowed!

  I have NO desire to go to Maggie’s tonight… but I don’t have the heart to tell Mitch, Laci thought to herself. Things didn’t start off too well between her and Mitch’s mother. After the wedding though, things improved. There were still a few tense moments between them off and on, but overall Laci tried very hard to get along with her. For some reason, Maggie had trouble accepting her and she didn’t know why. She hoped the arrival of their new baby would make things better.

  Adding even more fun to the occasion, Maggie had asked her to come over early so she could teach her the Young family’s secret recipe for cinnamon raisin bread pudding. Apparently, Maggie refused to write the recipe down, not for anyone.

  “Laci, Darlin’, can you get me some sugar from the pantry?” Maggie asked in her sweet southern accent.

  Laci turned and rolled her eyes as she opened the pantry door. I suppose I should feel honored that she wants to share the recipe with me, but I get the feeling she has ulterior motives. Why is it that I feel like a rooster at a hen party in her kitchen…not welcome until invited in? Yeah for me… I was invited in! Lord help me! “Sure, Maggie. Here you go.” Laci set the sugar next to her on the counter.

  “Normally I would ask you to memorize this recipe so it doesn’t leave the family, but I know how busy you are with work and all, so I decided to make an exception this one time.”

  Laci wasn’t sure whether to be flattered, or feel guilty by her comment. How secret can a recipe for bread pudding be anyway? Tiramisu maybe… but definitely not bread pudding. “Did you teach Karin how to make this recipe too?” Laci asked, knowing full well she had opened a big old can of thick, southern molasses.

  “Yes. Karin loved to cook. She was a natural. But, being a stay-at-home mother gave her time to practice.” Maggie’s southern tongue had struck, and left a stinging sensation that was hard to ignore.

  “Well, I’ll do my best to practice in between breast feeding your new grandchild, hosting events at the winery, and raising my other three kids. I’m sure there will be plenty of time in there somewhere.” Laci’s tone was curt, to say the least.

  Maggie turned toward Laci with a puzzled look on her face, then touched her arm gently.

  “I’m afraid you mistook my words, Laci. I wasn’t trying to insult you because you work. I was merely stating a fact that if you were home, you would have more time, that’s all. Please don’t be upset dear, it will only upset the baby. Now, where were we?”

  A little smirk appeared on Laci’s face. I know where I’d like to send you. Ugh! Sorry, Lord. Not nice… I know, she thought to herself. The two carried on with the pudding-making class, but very little conversation took place after that. Once Mitch and the kids arrived, he sensed that Laci wasn’t herself and pulled her into the living room before dinner.

  “Let me guess… my mom pushed your buttons again?” he asked.

  “Oh, you could say that. Apparently my less-than-favorable career choice is impeding my ability to cook. It’s my own fault though.”

  “Why is it your fault?”

  “Because I asked about Karin and if she had learned the recipe – it took a nose dive from there. Plus I didn’t have the heart to tell her I don’t even like raisins.”

  Mitch laughed out loud, “Yeah… I can see how that might not have played well. But cut her some slack, Lace. This is still new for her too. She does love you, trust me.” He smiled and pulled her into his strong arms for a warm hug.

  “I’m sure you’re right,” she whispered.

  That next morning, Laci woke up still feeling a little miffed at Mitch’s mom, but she tried not to let it ruin her excitement.

  “Laci, it’s time to go! We don’t want to be late for the sonogram,” Mitch called out from downstairs.

  “I’m almost ready – down in a sec!” she shouted in return. So impatient that man… but so handsome! It’s no wonder I let him get away with everything. Laci smiled.

  Laci was so happy to finally see her little baby bump – the small pillow-sized tummy bulge that held an even smaller bundle of joy inside. There were moments when she couldn’t take her eyes from it. Even after having had four children, she was still fascinated by the miracle of it all. She finished brushing her hair and gave it a good coat of hairspray. I’m a North Carolina girl now, so it’s my duty to start every day with a heavy coat of hairspray – humidity is the enemy!

  As she looked herself over in the large full-length mirror, turning sideways to see the bump, she couldn’t help but notice that it looked a little different today. She was only twelve weeks along, but somehow it seemed… deflated. She shrugged the thought away and gave her little bump a pat, then whispered, “Mommy and daddy are anxious to see you today, little one.” She snatched up her purse and walked downstairs to meet Mitch.

  “Do I look smaller to you?” she asked.

  “Smaller? Um, is this a trick question or are you fishing for a compliment?”

  “My stomach, you weenie… you know, the baby bump. Is it smaller?” She pointed to her stomach, as if he couldn’t figure out where it was. Mitch walked over behind her and wrapped his arms snuggly around her tummy, resting his chin atop her shoulder.

  “You are stunningly beautiful, and your belly doesn’t look any smaller – it’s huge actually! I was going to mention that you might want to cut back on all those Krispy Kreme donuts you’ve been inhaling lately,” he said, a quirky grin on his face, then laughed.

  “Oh you!” she huffed, then playfully slapped him on the arm. “Let’s get out of here – I want to see what’s on the inside of this bump and hear his little heartbeat again.”

  “His heartbeat? Why did you say his?”

  “It just came out – seems more natural I guess. No premonitions on the sex, don’t worry. There is just as much chance that it’s a ‘her’, Darlin’.”

  “I’ve got a premonition of my own about the sex, but it doesn’t pertain to the baby…” he laughed and kissed her softly. She pushed him away.

  “You are a handful, Mitch Young! It’s no wonder I’m in this condition.” They laughed and walked to the car.

  After she checked in at the front desk of the OB office, they took a seat in the waiting area and listened for them to call her name. I am so excited to see him! At least, I think it’s a ‘him’, but I’d love to have a ‘her’ too. She honestly didn’t care as long as he was healthy. As she sat waiting, going back and forth on the subject with herself, she realized that her pregnancy seemed to have made her even more scatter-brained than before. She kept rubbing her little baby bump, still feeling that it looked a bit different. She also felt bloated, which wasn’t normal for her either. The nurse called Laci’s name and she and Mitch followed her back to a small, quiet room – a little TV monitor stationed at the end of the table which held the sonogram equipment. She climbed up on the table and rolled the top of her pants down to expose her belly for the occasion. A few minutes later, the sonographer came in to greet them.

  “Good morning, Laci. I’m Amber. How are things going? Are you excited to see your baby?” she asked.

  “More than excited! But I admit I do feel a little out of sorts this morning. Nothing big though,” Laci replied.

  “Well, your body is going through a lot of changes – you’ll have days like that. You know that of course, after having four kids.” She smiled and prepared the machine.

  “That’s for sure.”

  “Okay, I think we’re all set here. I’m going to put some warm jelly on your tummy and we’ll listen for the heartbeat first.”

  The nurse pulled Laci’s blouse up a little and tucked it under her bra, applied the jelly, then gently moved it across her belly in slow, smooth motions – looking for just the right spot to pick up the heartbeat. She moved it from one side to the other, holding still in several places, but there was nothing ther
e except static.

  “Why can’t you find it? Is everything okay?” Mitch asked, his voice disquiet.

  “I’m sure everything is fine. Babies are notorious for scooting in behind mom’s organs or turning in a position where the heart faces the inside, which makes it impossible to hear sometimes. They are very squirmy at this stage,” she assured them with a smile. “Let’s go ahead and take a look on the screen – once we find him it will help me position the wand.” She changed over to the ultrasound wand, and turned the TV monitor toward Laci and Mitch so they could see. It only took a second before she spotted their baby – his little body clearly visible on the screen, nestled in a tiny ball at the bottom of the screen.

  “Look, Mitch! There he is! I can see his head and arms!” Laci exclaimed softly, a huge smile spread over her face.

  “I see him, Darlin’! Holy cow – it’s really real!” He almost sounded surprised to actually find a baby inside.

  “See… it’s not all donuts in there after all,” she laughed, overjoyed to finally see their beautiful baby. He was real. He was theirs.

  Amber kept quiet, gliding the wand to different positions around Laci’s stomach, taking pictures and measuring baby parts visible on the screen. Her face was void of any emotion though, and the smile that was there just moments ago, was gone. After a few minutes of watching the screen, Laci noticed that their little bump wasn’t very active. Actually, he wasn’t moving at all.

  “Why isn’t he squirming around in there – is he sleeping?” Laci’s brow creased as a building sense of worry crept over her.

  Amber hesitated to reply, knowing full-well she wasn’t to discuss anything she saw on the screen, however this was one of those rare exceptions. “Laci,” she said softly, “I need to step out and get the doctor. I’m not getting any life activity on the monitor and there isn’t a heartbeat. Normally there should be movement by now,” a look of remorse apparent on her face.


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