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Grace After the Storm

Page 22

by Sandy Sinnett

  Cheeks now flushed and red, Hannah waved and found the nerve to speak. “Thank you everyone. It’s been a long road getting here, but I’m so grateful to all of you for your support and friendship. I see many of you here tonight that have been with me on this entire journey and I am forever grateful. Especially to you, Andréa!” Hannah lifted her glass toward her dear friend who sat at the table next to theirs.

  “I’m always here for you sweet girl!” Andréa shouted, and everyone laughed together.

  Hannah sat back down, and Brad continued his toast. “Hannah is the heart and soul of this place. Without her, it just doesn’t work. It’s her family’s legacy, and part of my job was to save that legacy. You see, I’m actually from North Carolina, and I run a winery there with my brother, Mitch and his wife Laci, who are both here with us tonight.” Mitch and Laci gave a little wave to be gracious. “Those two stumbled across this estate one weekend during a romantic getaway, not realizing that Hannah was about to lose it in foreclosure. After Hannah’s parents died, she kept running this place and also had to take care of her ailing grandmother, who has since gone on to be with the Lord. Hannah offered Mitch and Laci a place to sleep for the night and after a good heavy rain, Mitch and I were buying this estate. That’s an entirely different story of its own, but suffice it to say, the rain played a big part,” Brad laughed and shook his head. “It was my job to come up and finalize the sale, and get things up and running. What we didn’t realize, was that the owner, Miss Hannah here… was also a love from my past… the love of my life to be exact.” The crowd ‘oohed and aahed’, but Hannah’s gaze remained fixed on Brad as he spoke, tears spilling down her cheeks.

  “Back then, I knew Hannah as Jules McRae… not Hannah Blake. Apparently that was her nickname, but it’s the only one I knew. I fell in love with her the first time I set eyes on her. I even asked her to marry me, but I screwed it up and lost her. I remember my daddy always telling us boys that God worked in mysterious ways… we just had to pay attention so we don’t miss the moments of grace He gives us. After I got up here and saw her again after all these years, I realized that was God giving me a little grace even though I didn’t deserve it. She didn’t make it easy on me though. After the accident, I was worried I would lose her again… forever, and I couldn’t bear living one more day without her,” Brad stared in Jules’ eyes as he continued. “She’s a tough cookie though, this girl… and after everything we’ve been through these last several months, I was given a second chance. She agreed to marry me again!” he smiled, pulling Hannah up out of the chair and to his side while everyone whistled and clapped.

  “Hannah already knows this, but part of the agreement in our purchase of this estate was to donate it back to her after ninety days, so as of last month, Hannah Blake is once again the sole owner and proprietor of Foxhead Estates, and rightfully so.” Guests clapped and hollered in support of her new status, a few shedding tears.

  “Okay… I won’t drag this out much longer, I’m sure you’re all starving and ready for some of that amazing salmon over there, so I just have one more thing to add,” Brad reached inside his jacket pocket and pulled out a little box. “Jules… I know you already said you would marry me, but I didn’t have a ring to give you. So, I had a little elf do some work for me, and I decided to take the ring I gave you years ago, and make it new again. Like us. We found each other once, then parted ways. Our souls remained connected though, gently drawing us together again after all these years. Even your grandmother knew it.”

  Hannah’s mouth dropped open. “What? You… you told my grandmother about this?”

  “Yeah. I went to the hospital one night, when she first went into the hospital, and asked her permission to marry you. It’s funny, but Lois knew we would be together again from the moment I arrived.”

  “You’re right. She did know. She… she told me there would be grace after the storm, in my dream.” Hannah’s head was spinning, almost in a daze.

  Clare shot up out of her seat. “Wait a minute!” she shouted, “Grams said that to you in your dream?” The crowd was silent.

  “Yes,” Hannah looked directly at Brad. “In my dream, you and I were getting married. Laci and Mitch were there too – holding their baby boy.”

  Laci looked at Mitch, shaken to the core by Hannah’s statement. A chill fell over her, apparent by the goosebumps on her arms. Mitch pulled her close and held her hand tight.

  Hannah continued, “… then Grams and my parents walked up and said that very same statement to both of us. Why is it important, Clare?”

  “Jules… your grandmother told me the same thing that night in the hospital. Right before she died. She… she wanted me to tell you that there is always ‘grace after the storm’ – that you would know what it meant. With everything that happened though, I was so upset and worried about you, that I forgot to tell you until now. Lois is here, Jules. That is your sign,” Clare added, then walked over and gave Hannah a big hug. They cried together. “See? You’re exactly where you’re meant to be,” Clare whispered in her ear.

  “Thank you, Clare. I love you!” Hannah squeezed her tight, overwhelmed by the timing of the moment.

  Clare turned to Brad. “Sorry to interrupt… please continue.” The crowd laughed quietly.

  “Thanks Clare.”

  Without another word, Brad picked up a small black box, then dropped down on one knee, taking Hannah’s hand in his. “Hannah Jule McRae, my Jules, the love of my life and the mate of my soul… will you please be my bride once and for all?” he asked.

  Hannah couldn’t catch her breath. She looked down and saw the ring – the same ring he had given her years ago, but it was now set inside a circle of diamonds that shone as bright as the sun – complete. Tears flowed from her eyes as she held out her hand, quivering like a newborn foal. “I have been and forever will be yours, Brad Young.”

  Brad slipped the ring on her finger, then stood up and pulled her into a kiss, breathing her in as he lingered in the moment. Just for fun, he dipped her backwards and quickly brought her back up, their guests clapping and crying, enjoying the moment along with them.

  “Let’s eat!” a guest called out – it was the happy guy who was singing to his lady earlier.

  Brad and Hannah laughed, pulling away from each other reluctantly. “Okay, okay. Everyone raise your glasses to my future wife! To Hannah, to Foxhead Estates, to new beginnings, and to grabbing hold of happiness wherever you can, whatever that looks like.”

  “Cheers!” everyone shouted in unison.

  The evening was filled with laughter, tears, joyous reunions with friends and family, good food, and great wine. As the guests mingled and enjoyed themselves, Brad took Hannah aside for a walk down the hill to get some air and steal a few minutes alone with her. They stopped at the bench overlooking the hillside and sat down.

  “How are you feeling? This hasn’t been too much has it?”

  She looked at him, scooting close to him as he wrapped his arm around her. “I haven’t felt this good in years. It’s all because of you. You make me so happy, Brad, and somehow you’ve managed to fill all the empty places inside of me that were longing to be whole again. I sometimes wonder how I ever made it this far without you. I love you so much.” She leaned over and kissed him softly.

  “I love you too, Darlin’. It still amazes me how all this happened, but I know it was God who brought us together again. Speaking of which… I don’t think we should wait around to make it official Jules, so I need to ask you something…” Brad took a deep breath, nervous about disclosing his plan. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain here dude… just buck up and ask her already! She already said yes, remember? Giving himself a pep talk.

  “What is it? What more could you do to surprise me? The ring was pretty incredible.”

  “I brought Laci and Mitch up here for the grand opening, but I also want them here for our wedding day….” He waited for her reply.

  Hannah raised a brow. �
�What are you talking about? How is that supposed to happen? It takes months to plan and prepare for a wedding. I’m sure they’re not staying that long.”

  “I don’t want to wait, Jules. We’ve been through too much and I want to marry you as soon as humanly possible. Tomorrow to be exact,” he exhaled.

  She leaned away and her eyes blew up like balloons. “Wait a minute… did you say tomorrow?”

  “I did. I want us all to drive up to Cannon Beach tomorrow. I want to marry you, Jules. I don’t want to wait any longer. We’ve waited far too long as it is. What do you say? Everyone else is on board, and I’ve already talked with a local minister who can meet us there. You can invite whoever you want… but it’s time for you to be my wife. I can’t wait another day.”

  Brad’s big brown puppy dog eyes were irresistible to her, and as the wind tossed his dark brown hair back and forth, she melted. She sucked in her breath at the thought of finally becoming his bride, and it moved her to tears. “It sounds perfect, Brad. Better than perfect… let’s do it!” she squealed, and threw her arms around him and held him tight.

  He pulled away just slightly, then took her face in his hands and slowly pressed his lips to hers and sinking into her tender lips. Hannah’s body was riddled with chills, and since he was wearing her favorite cologne, the smell made her head spin all the more. She felt his warm hands glide up and down her back, shivering at his touch and longing to feel his bare skin on hers, but the kiss would have to be enough for now. She would happily wait for him – for the moment when their two hearts and bodies would become one soul. Brad was everything she had ever hoped for in a soul mate. The one who knew her heart better than any other… even after so much time had passed. She was amazed at how one word from him during her day could send her heart aflutter, and the way he could see through to her very core, knowing exactly when she was having an off day. They were connected in ways that even she couldn’t understand – a connection that would last a lifetime.

  Out of breath, she pulled away. “I’m glad the storm has passed.”

  “Me too, Jules… me too.”

  They walked back to the patio to wrap up the evening and say goodbye to their guests. The event was a success, and several were asking about prices and already making reservations for parties. Brad was busy doing his ‘smooth salesman’ act, so Hannah walked over to Laci and took her by the arm, guiding her across the patio.

  “Hey girl! Where did you two slip off to, and where are we going?” Laci asked.

  “Well, apparently I need a wedding dress…” Hannah’s eyes beamed with delight.

  Laci squealed after hearing her news. “SWEET! I knew you’d say yes! But wait, where are we going?”

  “To visit the queen of fashion – sitting right over there.” Hannah pointed to her friend.


  “Yep – she’s the master, and the only one who can pull this off in less than 24 hours. You sure didn’t give me much time to plan!” Hannah laughed.

  Andréa was talking with friends when they walked up next to her. “Ahhh! Jules, Laci! You two are a hoot!” Her passionate enthusiasm overflowed, “I knew you’d fall for him again, Jules!” she boasted, then looked at Laci. “And you Miss Laci… I had a feeling about you the minute you walked into my store. You have the magic touch, missy.”

  “Andréa… pipe down! We need to talk dresses. I’m getting married tomorrow.”

  “What? Wait… that’s ridiculous! Tomorrow? Are you serious?”

  “Yes, tomorrow, and yes I’m serious,” Hannah affirmed.

  “Oh my, you’re not kidding! Oh my goodness! We have to get to my store. Right now. Let’s go!” she demanded.

  “I still have guests, Andréa. I can’t just walk out,” Hannah replied.

  “Brad! Get over here!” Andréa shouted.

  Brad heard her little chirp over the clamor and walked over. “What’s up?”

  “We’re leaving big boy. Can you wrap things up here? We have to get to my shop and find this woman a dress apparently… you sure don’t have much patience do ya?”

  “I’ve been patient for nine years, Andréa. This is long overdue,” he replied, laughing.


  Laci walked down the hall to Hannah’s room and knocked on the door.

  “Hannah? Do you need help getting ready, sweet girl?” Laci asked.

  Thank God! What took her so long? I can’t go out there looking like this. “Uh… yes. Please come in!” Hannah replied, a desperate tone in her voice.

  Laci walked inside her room and saw Hannah trying to fiddle with her hair and flower piece. Luckily, she arrived just in time. Hannah’s red hair was shooting out in all directions and the flower hair piece was sitting crooked on her head… it was a disaster.

  “Don’t touch it… just stop. Let me have the brush,” Laci said politely.

  “I know it’s bad, trust me. I’m not ‘girlie’ like you. Most days I just throw my hair up and go, or wear a hat. I miss Grandma… she would know how to fix it for me,” Hannah’s head dropped.

  “She’s here, Sweetie, trust me,” she paused. “Do you remember when we first met and you told me how much you hated the rain?” Laci asked.

  “Yes. I didn’t know you then, or your belief in all the good that rain brings. Gotta say – I thought it was a little weird,” Hannah laughed.

  “That’s okay. Mitch did too at first. You’ve had to deal with so many storms lately-literally–and you’ve done it with incredible grace. But you’ve forgotten one important piece. You have to look for the beauty that only comes after the storm has passed. The storms have passed, Hannah, at least for now. It’s time to embrace all the good things you have around you now.” Laci reached around Hannah’s shoulders and gave her a tight squeeze.

  “I wouldn’t have found him again if it weren’t for you and your rain. I’m a believer now, don’t worry. Thank you, Laci… for having faith in us… in me. I love you, sis,” Hannah smiled.

  “You and Brad were always meant to be together, and were already being drawn together long before you ever realized. Mitch and I just happen to be in the right place at the right time to help connect the pieces. You did all the rest, sweet girl,” Laci wiped her tears. “Ugh! Enough sap – my makeup is already a mess. Now let’s see what we can do about your hair. I’ll do the best I can, and hopefully Grams will approve,” she smiled.


  It was a glorious July day, and the sun was shining low on the horizon, not quite sunset yet. Perfect weather for a wedding on the beach. The wind was surprisingly calm, and the whooshing sound from the waves crashing into the shore – one at a time – was the only music required.

  Hannah stood barefoot in the sand, staring into Brad’s eyes and waited for the words to be spoken. In her arms, she held a little bouquet of yellow and white flowers tied together with a thin pink satin ribbon. She looked stunning in her short, white chiffon, spaghetti-strapped dress. A ring of tiny white flowers sat atop her head and a little pearl necklace laid gently on her neck. Clare stood next to Hannah, wearing a similar band of yellow flowers on her head and a long, pale yellow skirt with a white blouse, the sleeves dropped down off the shoulders.

  Hannah turned to Clare and pulled up her sleeves. “Will you stop fussing? I’m eighteen now Jules. It’s okay if my shoulders show a little,” Clare laughed.

  “I know, I know… I can’t help it. I just want you to stay young as long as you can okay? Don’t be in a hurry to grow up,” Hannah began to cry.

  “Don’t you dare cry before the ceremony even begins! I can’t handle it,” Clare said.

  “I’m doing my best. I’m still new at this remember? I’m just so proud of you, Clare, and I am so glad you are here to share this with me today. I love you, girl.”

  “I love you too… Mom,” Clare smiled, then kicked her foot around in the sand, uncomfortable with touchy-feely moments. “Alright… let’s get this show on the road okay?”

  Brad didn’t disappoi
nt in his tan Dockers, the bottoms rolled up exposing his bare feet. His white button-down shirt showed off his tan skin and dark brown chest hair. He and Mitch looked more alike that day than ever with their matching outfits and goatees.

  Laci stood by Hannah’s side wearing a long white skirt, and a lovely yellow blouse that fell loosely around her shoulders and tummy, her little baby bump already growing larger by the day. She couldn’t help but stare across at Mitch as the minister spoke, admiring her handsome husband and still reveling in their love for one another. Mitch caught her gaze and he winked at her. ‘I love you’, he mouthed silently, and she smiled in reply.

  The ceremony was simple – an intimate gathering with just Mitch and Laci, Clare, Andréa and a guest, the chef from Romuls, and a few other close friends from town. The vows were mostly traditional, with some added words from the bride and groom.

  “Hannah, do you have any words to share?” the minister asked.

  Squeezing Brad’s hands, she began. “I lost you once, and I kept the ring you gave me in hopes that it would bring you back to me… somehow, someway. I wasn’t always a true believer though. I wavered. I had given up, thinking I would never be with the one true mate to my soul. God never played a big part in my life until recently, but I will always be grateful that He didn’t give up on His plan to reunite us again. Grams was right – ‘God’s timing’ is not always our own. It could have been a little sooner,” the others giggled quietly, “… but I understand now why it wasn’t. I wasn’t able to love you the right way back then. Today, I love you more than I ever thought I could love another person. You are everything to me, and I now give you every part of me. My heart has been, and always will be, yours. Forever.”


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