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Grace After the Storm

Page 23

by Sandy Sinnett

  Laci sniffed, wiping her tears. Mitch shook his head and smiled, loving that his wife was always the first one to cry at weddings.

  “Brad, it’s your turn if you’d like to say something,” the minister added.

  Brad took a deep breath, still finding it hard to believe they were together, on the beach, about to become man and wife. He let go of Hannah’s hand for a second, then turned around to Mitch. “Hey… I need the letter,” he whispered.

  “I’ve got it – don’t panic, big brother.” Mitch reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, then handed it to Brad and smiled.

  Hannah’s eyebrow raised a little. He WROTE his vows? What the…. I didn’t write anything down! I thought this was supposed to be off the cuff? Oh boy. He’s going to make me cry now. I can’t cry! “What did you do?” Hannah asked, smiling.

  Brad cleared his throat. “After I left you, it didn’t take me long to figure out that I had just lost the best thing that had ever come into my life. It took me months to function normally again. I lost my job, my friends, and ended up moving back home to start over. That’s when I wrote my first letter to you – on what would have been our one year wedding anniversary. I figured the only way I could move forward was to talk to you… to ask for your forgiveness. The letter however, was written to you as if you were already my wife – telling you things that I would have said on our anniversary if we had been together.” He took a quick breath, then continued. “I wrote you a letter every year on that day. Eight letters now in all.” He held up the paper in his hand. “This one is the most recent, and oddly enough, written while Laci and Mitch were here with you just weeks before we would meet again.” He unfolded the letter, and read…

  My Jules, my bride…

  My beautiful wife. The love of my life. My arm candy, who looks so good in that little black dress you always wear on special occasions. If I could do it all over again, if I had my way… I would give you everything you desired – for you to live out your passions, help others in need, and enjoy life to the fullest.

  I would start in January, kissing you at midnight on New Year’s Eve, and every day after.

  In February, I would make you my one and only Valentine as we shared our favorite chocolate.

  In March, I would thank my ‘lucky’ shamrocks that I was blessed with your love.

  In April, I would dance with you in the rain.

  In May, I would love you in a bed filled with petals from the flowers grown in our garden.

  In June, I would toss sleepless in your arms on hot summer nights, longing for your touch.

  In July, I would hold you close while we watch fireworks in the sky, admiring you from the glow of their light.

  In August, I would learn new ways to love you more with each passing day.

  In September, I would labor by your side, taking time to enjoy the fruits of what we accomplished together.

  In October, I would sneak up on you and give you a thousand treats and kisses on a full moon.

  In November, I would be thankful for our life and that you came back to me after all these years apart.

  In December, I would ask Santa to give me this list of wishes all over again, forever.

  And if I do get a chance to do it all over, I would wish for ten thousand nights and mornings waking up next to you… and then ask for more.

  When Brad looked up, he saw alligator tears sliding down Hannah’s face. He folded the letter and tucked it inside his pocket. “Jules… I love you and I want to spend the rest of my days with you if you’ll have me. I wrote that letter never expecting to see you again. It was my prayer, but I never expected to receive an answer. It was my dream, but I never expected it to come true. Yet, here you are standing before me about to become my wife, proving that God’s perfect timing is not always our own. I also remember your grandmother telling you that your name meant ‘Daughter of Grace’…”

  Jules’ eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped open, finding it difficult to breathe. “I never told you that,” she said softly, now tasting her salty tears on her lips.

  “I was standing in the foyer, eavesdropping. Sorry. I didn’t want to interrupt,” He smiled, then shrugged his shoulders as the wedding guests snickered quietly. “Anyway, she was right. You are God’s gift of grace to me, even after all the stupid things I’ve done, and all the storms we’ve both endured… He saw fit to give us a second chance. That is the very definition of grace. I love you with all my heart, and no matter what happens to us, no matter where we are or where this life takes us, this love for you will forever live on in my heart.”

  Hannah looked at the minister, “Can I please kiss the groom now?” she asked, then broke into laughter as tears poured from her eyes and rolled down her bright pink cheeks.

  “Oh, of course,” the minister chuckled. “I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Young. By all means… kiss your groom!”

  There wasn’t a dry eye among them. Clare was especially emotional, opening her second pack of travel tissues. She had never felt happier than she did at that moment, watching her once ‘big sister’, then best friend, and now adopted mother, find true happiness with the man she was always meant to love.

  Hannah tossed her petite bouquet behind her head and threw her arms around Brad’s neck, nearly knocking him down on the sand. He smiled his rugged smile, and pulled her into his arms, her feet dangling above the sand. The increasing rhythm of his heartbeat was music to her ears as she enjoyed the warmth of his lips, still sweet from the lip balm he’d applied earlier. Their first kiss as husband and wife was like air to Hannah’s lungs, finally with the love of her life. As their kissed lingered on, the guests became a bit restless.

  “Alright you two… save some for the honeymoon!” Clare shouted.

  The newlyweds pulled away from each other as the group broke into laughter, then Brad pulled his brother off to the side.

  “You’re gonna tend house for us tonight right?” he asked Mitch.

  “I’m all over it, brother. All I need are the keys and you are free to go off the beaten path for a while. Don’t get too crazy though old man… I have a flight to catch in a couple of days,” Mitch winked.

  “Thanks, Mitch. Thanks for everything – for always being there for me. I don’t know what I would have done without you all these years.” Brad hugged his brother, then handed him the keys.

  “That’s what brothers are for, right? I’ll always be here for you, man. Now go enjoy your new wife. You two deserve this more than any two people I know.” The wedding party walked around the beach for a tad longer, taking in the view, then said their goodbyes and headed back to the estate. Andréa had given the newlyweds the perfect gift – spending a couple of nights at her condo right on the beach – their honeymoon suite was only a few feet away from the ocean.

  Brad and Hannah walked hand in hand along the shore, watching the sun set over the water. The waves were picking up speed as the tide rolled in, splashing the bottom of Hannah’s tea length wedding dress.

  “We’d better get back to the room – you’re going to be soaking wet soon,” Brad said.

  “Not yet. Just a few more minutes… please? I want to see the sun go down – it becomes a beautiful watercolor painting when the orange and pink mingle together. That’s my favorite part!” She leaned against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

  The ocean had always captivated Hannah – a beautiful and dangerous wonder at the same time. She marveled as the golden rays reflected off the water’s surface, like a piece of twisted, stained glass, standing in the arms of her beloved.

  “Okay… we can go now,” she said softly. She turned and kissed him gently before they returned to their room.

  It wasn’t just any wedding night. It was a passionate reunion of first love – a culmination of emotions that had flowed through them since the day they met, and every day since over the last nine years. It was finally their turn – sharing all the love they had for one an
other and breathing in their new life as one. Hannah’s body quivered as Brad took her in his arms, laying her in the bed. She sensed they were both a bit nervous, and excited, and anxious… and happy all at the same time – beyond anything words could describe.

  Brad pulled Hannah on top of him, wanting her to face him. She wore an elegant, sheer pink robe with satin trim, slightly agape and revealing a glimpse of her full breasts peeking out from under her long hair. Her hands ran gently over his chest and she smiled down at him, seeming to enjoy the feel of his thick hair between her fingers. He closed his eyes, excited by her touch. Slowly, he pulled the tie from her robe and slid it off one sleeve at a time, letting it fall to the floor. Beholding her exquisite beauty, he caressed every part of her, and loved her gently – his one true love. They gave in to their intense desires, and fulfilled every request of the other.

  Hannah’s heart overflowed with a fire that had burned for Brad since the first day they met, nearly consuming her when she lost him. Now, that same fire grew even stronger as she took him in, wrapping him inside the warmth of her love – a love that would last a lifetime. His soft hands caressed her body, bringing immense pleasure and delight, and she longed for more – not wanting the night to end. His lips were sweeter than her best wine, and like the finest whiskey, he loved her smooth and strong. Never were two people more in sync or connected, and as the intense rhythm of their bodies steadily increased, Hannah’s love erupted and spilled out in moans of sheer ecstasy.

  The candles burned low, and they rested in each other’s arms. Brad turned on his side, and pulled Hannah in toward his chest. He cradled her head in the nook of one arm, and wrapped his other arm on top of her, cupping her breast in his hand. Every curve of her warm body was curled tight inside his. He draped his leg over her thigh, and she stroked it, tickling him lightly with her fingernails. There, in the arms of the man she loved, she drifted off to sleep.

  They began as two wandering hearts… now bound as one soul.


  Mitch and Laci waited in the doctor’s office lobby, her first checkup since returning from their trip to Washington. Laci’s foot tapped incessantly against the wood floor, as her anxiety before these visits were always nerve wracking. She stewed and worried, awaiting the doctor’s news – that the baby was still healthy and growing strong, but always fearing the worst until she heart the words.

  Mitch put his arm around her and pulled her close. “Stop fidgeting, Darlin’. Everything is fine – just believe it. Besides, Hannah dreamt we had a little boy remember? We just have to believe it will come true. Think about something that makes you happy – like Evan coming home today.” Mitch’s sweet southern voice always comforted her like some magic spell.

  “You’re right. I’m just a worry-wart – I’ll be fine after I hear his heartbeat,” she paused. “I can’t believe he is moving back home to stay. It will be nice having him around again. I’ve missed him. Maybe he’ll even meet a nice girl here. Caleb could always introduce him to someone he knows!”

  “Oh no. Don’t start. I think Caleb has enough to worry about right now without trying to play matchmaker. Evan will be a nice addition to the winery though, especially since Caleb will be leaving soon. We’re trading one son for the other I guess,” Mitch’s voice dropped. “It will all work out. Caleb needs this – he’s on the right path for his life and going away to school will help him grow.”

  “Yeah, I only hope he can stay focused. This ‘Jenny’ girl seems to have turned his world upside down. I’m worried he’s getting too serious too soon.”

  “He’s an adult, Mitch. You have to let him find his own way. You raised him right and he’ll make the right choices for his life. He’s a good young man.”

  “Thanks. We both have some pretty special kids.

  “We do, don’t we?” she kissed his cheek.

  Mitch looked up and saw their regular nurse enter the lobby. “I think we’re up next, Darlin’.” The nurse called Laci’s name. They walked back to the exam room, and Laci prepped for the usual routine, her anxiety working overtime as she waited.

  Dr. Greene entered the exam room and smiled, hearing Laci’s fingernails click against the edge of the table. “Hi Laci. You seem more nervous than usual today. Anything going on?”

  “Huh? Oh, no. It’s just been a long couple of months with traveling and family stuff. Being away from home is getting hard on me. I get tired so easily around this time.”

  “Mitch, would you mind giving us a couple of minutes alone? I’d like to ask Laci a few questions – doctor to patient. We’ll only be a minute.”

  “Sure, Doc. You good, Lace?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m good. It’s okay,” Laci smiled, but on the inside, she was an emotional train wreck. Mitch walked out of the office and closed the door behind.

  Dr. Greene took Laci’s hand to offer some comfort. “Now. Do you want to tell me what’s really going on? Something isn’t right with you.”

  “It’s not the baby. At least, I don’t think it is. I just don’t feel right. I can’t explain it. Last time, I knew something was wrong with the baby even though I didn’t want to believe it. This time, I think it’s me. I can’t put my finger on it. I’m worried that my cancer is returning. I’m scared, Dr. Greene.”

  “Well, let’s not jump to conclusions yet. I’ll take a few blood samples today. I had planned on checking your enzyme levels anyway. What are you feeling? Is it something you can articulate or is it simply a feeling right now?”

  “I guess it’s a ‘not-quite-right’ feeling. Physically, I feel fine, outside of being tired,” Laci replied.

  “Is there anything else going on at home? Marriage okay? Kids?”

  “Marriage is amazing. He’s the love of my life and I couldn’t be happier. My oldest son is moving back home, and Mitch’s son is leaving for college soon. My dad had a heart attack, and my mom isn’t in the best health either. I can’t stand not being at home to help them.”

  The doctor sighed, and then a smile spread across her face.

  “What? What is it?” Laci asked, even more worried.

  “Did you hear yourself rattle off all of those huge worries in your life? You are extremely stressed, Laci – way too much on your plate right now and that has to change, my dear.”

  “Yeah, I guess there is a lot going on. I haven’t thought about it much. I was so involved with Brad’s happy reunion and helping with buying the new winery, plus running events here, that I haven’t had much time to myself.”

  “What do you love to do, to calm yourself and relax?”

  “I love to write, play the piano, and run. I haven’t been able to run lately, for obvious reasons, but I do miss walking in the woods,” Laci smiled as she remembered walking with Mitch to their special bridge over the river.

  “Then do more of those things – doctor’s orders. You have to make time for yourself, Laci. You’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and it’s not your job. Your job is you, and taking care of this little life in your tummy,” The doctor placed the heart monitor wand on Laci’s tummy, immediately picking up a strong heartbeat, “and this little life sounds like he’s doing quite well,” she added.

  Laci let out a huge sigh of relief and smiled, shedding a few tears. “Can we let Mitch in now?”

  “Of course” The doctor opened the door and motioned for Mitch to join them.

  “All good in here, Doc?” he asked.

  “Well, listen for yourself, dad.” She found the baby’s heartbeat again, announcing himself with a loud screech through the monitor. They laughed.

  “Sounds good to me. You okay, Darlin’?” Mitch took Laci’s hand and leaned down to kiss her on the cheek, wiping away what was left of her tears.

  “I’m better than good. We’re going to have a baby….”

  “By the way, are you still certain you don’t want to know the sex of the baby? We can look today if you want,” the doctor stated.

  Laci l
ooked at Mitch and smiled. “Nah… I think we might have a pretty good idea. We’ll wait and see.”

  “Then I’ll see you both next month. You’re in the home stretch, Laci. Only four months to go. Get plenty of rest, and whatever you do… enjoy being pregnant. Stop worrying.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  During their drive back home, Mitch took Laci’s hand and lifted it up to his lips, kissing it lightly, in his loving way. “Can you believe he’ll be here in four more months?” he asked.

  “I… I’d rather not think that far ahead yet. Let’s take it one day at a time, okay? It’s easier that way.”

  “Stay positive, Lace, and have faith. Lean on the one who brought us together – who gives us the rain, and storms, and even the snow.”

  Laci gazed out the window as they drove. “Snow. What a beautiful way to end the year… meeting our baby, and the hope of frozen, delicate rain drops floating down to earth as snowflakes, covering everything in a soft white blanket.”

  “It will be the best Christmas yet – receiving the gift of our child. Maybe if we have enough faith, it will be a white Christmas,” Mitch replied.

  “Well, I have hope in the rain. Lois said there was always grace after the storm. So surely there must be a little faith from falling snow, right?”

  Mitch smiled. “Absolutely, Darlin’,” he let out a little laugh.



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