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Yours Completely

Page 16

by Joya Ryan

  He thrust to the hilt and I gasped, my muscles relaxing because, finally, he was inside me completely. A part of me.

  Keeping his hand on my mound, he spread two fingers like a V so that he could feel his cock slide in and out of me with every thrust. All the while, his other strong arm held me captive. Fucking me from behind, yet wrapping me up all at the same time.

  I looked down to see where we joined. Watching him disappear inside of me over and over was enough to make me come again. But I wanted to see his face first. Feel his pleasure. In a different way than ever before.

  “I want to see you come, baby,” I whispered.

  I turned my head so I could see the side of his face. He looked at me and I ran a hand over his, over where we were joined, then up to my stomach and breast. “Let me see it?”

  “Anything you want,” he rasped and fucked me harder. Though the moment was beyond intense and loving, it was hard and fast. He was in total control of my body. Feeling everything, watching everything.

  I reached behind me and cupped his head. He kissed along my neck then bit down gently just as he pulled out of my body, his heavy cock rested against my core and he came hard. His release lashing my skin like a hot brand along my stomach.

  His breaths were rough and fast. He kissed my shoulder, neck, and ear. I just cupped his head and kept him close. Then he did something unexpected, he grabbed his still hard, pulsing cock and slipped back inside me.

  “Oh, God!” I jolted.

  He stirred deep and the orgasm that had been brewing shot to life and overtook me.

  “Fucking incredible,” he growled in my ear. “Watching you come apart while marked by me.” He gripped around my breasts tighter. “You’re mine, Lana,” he said with so much command it made me shudder. I’d never heard him so dominating before. I liked it. It also reminded me that there was something very demanding and deep hidden in Cal. Something very primal that went with his protectiveness.

  My body gently shook as we clung to each other. I felt free and totally confined at the same time.

  “You’re mine,” he whispered again.

  The only thing I could say was the truth. “Yes. I’m yours.”

  Chapter 18

  “Come here, Kitten,” Cal said, holding out his hand. He was gloriously naked and standing by the steaming shower, waiting for me.

  Taking his hand, he guided me beneath the spray of the water and joined me. The water washed away my tired muscles and the evidence of our lovemaking from just moments ago.

  He grabbed my shampoo, squirted some into his hands, and massaged my scalp.

  “Wow, this is quite the treatment,” I said with closed eyes, loving the relaxation his fingers worked into my head.

  “I’m a full service kind of guy,” he said, and I could hear his grin.

  “Yes, you are.”

  He gently pinched my nipple, and I jumped.

  Anchoring me under the spray again, he rinsed my hair, and followed with conditioner. Facing him, he ran his fingers through my hair and up high until the wet strands dropped from his fingers and slapped my back.

  “Are you…playing?”

  “Yeah,” he said unapologetically, combing his fingers through my hair again, lifting his arms high until…

  Slap, slap, slap, the wet locks came down. I couldn’t really complain because watching his impressive body stretch and all those ab muscles flex was a mighty fine sight.

  “Well then, I suppose I should get busy with you then.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  Holy crap, his cock was already stirring and semi-hard. The man was a machine. I grabbed my loofah. “I meant wash you. Good Lord, are you ever satisfied?” I asked, glancing down at his, yep, definitely growing, erection.

  “With you? I’m insatiable.”

  He kissed me quickly and continued playing with my hair. The act was so comfortable. Just tra la la, taking a shower, no big deal, totally naked with the man I—


  I glanced at his face and started slow circles over his chest with the bubbly loofah. I loved Cal. Somehow when I wasn’t supposed to. Somehow throughout the pain and broken ache in my chest, the last half of my soul left reached out for him, and loved him. I may have thought there were similarities between him and Jack, I knew there were just as many, if not more, differences.

  Yet one thing stood out:

  “You said I was yours,” I whispered, concentrating on my task of washing him. His hands on me stilled.


  “What does that mean…how does that work?” I’d been down this road with Jack. Everything was left up to his control, for the most part. I was along for the ride and took what I could, and grew and learned, but in the end, I was on his time.

  Now, Cal was staking a claim, the same one Jack had once made. It forced the leftover bits of my heart to hurt a little.

  “Honestly, I don’t know how all of this is going to work,” he said. Gently taking the loofah from me, he started gently washing my chest, breasts, and down to my stomach. “There will be realities we can’t avoid.”

  “Like Jack,” I said.

  “Yes, like Jack.” Cal didn’t sound confident in that, but he also didn’t sound deterred. He sounded almost prepared. Like, whenever Jack showed up, he’d be ready.

  “What I feel and what is actually possible are pulling at each other.”

  “What do you feel?”

  We’d alluded to this earlier, but time to come out and say it.

  “I love you,” I said, and met his stare. “To be honest, that was easier than trusting you. But I do. I know better, I’ve been hurt and I won’t lie to you…but I don’t know if I’ll ever be the same. Jack changed something in me. Took a piece of me with him.” I closed my eyes and tried to gather myself before the sting behind my eyes hurt too badly. “But I trust you, so much. And somewhere in that, I fell in love with you too.”

  Cal’s brows sliced down and he looked at me like he was both shocked and angry? Did I upset him by talking about Jack?

  “I just wanted to be honest with you,” I started quickly, defending my words, but he cut me off.

  “I always want you to be honest with me. I know your feelings about Jack and the struggle.” He dropped the loofah and cupped my face. “I’m just glad you have some room left for me.”

  I blinked several times. How could be so understanding? It hit me then that Cal knew what to expect and was the calm before the storm. A storm Jack would bring with him. A storm we’d have to face at some point. A storm I’d have to weather.

  “Hey, hey, don’t look so sad,” he said. “Listen to me carefully. This moment, right now, is what I’m going to hold on to. Whatever happens, however we deal with it, right now is what I’m betting on. Okay?”

  I nodded. “Okay,” I whispered.

  He kissed me, and both of us went under the spray just as tears fell from my eyes. I squeezed them shut and wrapped my arms around Cal. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He fastened me to his cock like I was meant to be there, like he was meant to be inside of me.

  I moaned and just kissed him, staying still and reveling in the feeling of him simply inside me. A part of me. A few quick turns of the knobs and the shower was off, and Cal was walking us back to bed. He sat down with me in his lap and our wet skin sliding against each other’s. I just kissed him and kissed him, afraid to let him go. Afraid he’d take back his words, his claim. Afraid of the future and what it held.

  Afraid that I wouldn’t know what to do when it came.

  Chapter 19

  I choked out a sob and shot up in bed. Breathing hard and trying to clear the fog from my sleepy eyes, I looked around my bedroom. Dark. But I wasn’t alone. Cal was next to me, sitting up, his blue eyes fused to mine. I reached for him. “I’m sorry, I must have been having a nightmare.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Are you okay? You were mumbling in your sleep,” he said in a low voice.

sp; “Yeah.” I took another breath and grabbed his bicep, as if I physically needed to feel his support. I couldn’t remember what I was dreaming of, but I knew I was scared.

  A creak came from the front room.

  “Shhh.” Cal put up his hand, and in a fast, silent action, got out of bed and put on his jeans.

  Another creak sounded.

  He leaned over onto to the bed, his face an inch from mine, and cupped my jaw. “There’s someone in the house.” My blood instantly flooded my brain, and fear shot through every vein, as I tensed to run. Cal gripped me. “Do you have a phone in here?” he whispered quietly.

  “No.” My cell was out in the front room, and judging by the look on Cal’s face, he didn’t have his either.

  He grabbed his shirt and pulled it over my head. “You’re going to hide in that corner,” he pointed to the one next to the window. “The second I leave this room, you go out that window and run to the firehouse. Do you understand?”

  I shook my head wildly. “No, no you can’t—”

  “I will take care of the person in the house, you run. I won’t let him come after you or hurt you.” With that, he left me, and quietly and shut the bedroom door behind him.

  No! No, this wasn’t happening. I was terrified. Someone was in my home, and I had a pretty good idea who it was. Brock. He wouldn’t leave me alone. He never would.

  I heard a crash of something breaking, and then the front door slammed.

  “Cal!” I screamed, and ran into the front room. The vase was broken in the kitchen, and I looked around in the dark, but saw no one. Flipping on the light, I screamed for Cal again. Screeching tires from down the street sounded, and I ran to the front door and opened it. Cal was hustling back toward me, barefoot and shirtless.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he barked. “I told you to run.”

  I threw myself into his arms and hugged him tight. He caught me and hugged me back.

  “Are you okay?” I whispered.

  “Yeah, Kitten. Are you?” He set me back to look at me.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. What happened? Who was it?”

  He took my hand and brought me inside, locked my door, and sat me on the couch with a blanket. Picking up my cell, he called the police.

  “I didn’t make out who the person was. It looks like they got in with no force. Does anyone have a key?”

  “No, no one except Harper and me.”

  Cal scrubbed a hand down his face. “He had someone waiting in the car. It was a silver 4x4. I couldn’t make out the plate, but he got away. He had help.”

  “Was it Brock?”

  “I can’t be sure.”

  I closed my eyes, and the blue and red started flashing, followed by a knock at the door. The police.

  “Why?” I asked.

  Cal cupped my face. “I don’t know. But I’m going to keep you safe. Whether they were looking for you, or just house burglars, this won’t happen again.”

  “This isn’t your fault,” I said.

  “I disarmed the alarm.”

  “But the doors were locked.”

  “I should have known better.” He shook his head. “You’re not leaving my sight.”

  Just then, the police officers came in and Cal started talking to one of them while the other spoke with me, recapping what happened.

  “Do you know of anyone who’d want to break in or hurt you, Miss Case?” the officer asked.

  Yes, I did. But they couldn’t help me beat him.


  “They were looking for something,” I said to Aunt Bea, who handed me a cup of tea and sat right next to me on her couch. “The police don’t know what it was, but all my books and the small desk in the corner of the living room were messed up.”

  “Did they take anything?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “Not that I can tell.”

  “Thank God you were there, Cal,” Bea said, looking at her nephew, who was pacing the floor. It had been a long night. By the time we wrapped things up with the police, it was dawn. Cal had packed me a bag and brought me straight here.

  “I disarmed the alarm,” he mumbled. “So, it was actually bad I was there.”

  “You heard what the police said,” I defended. “Some people will mess with alarms to get them to chirp so they get turned off. I would have done it eventually.”

  “That also means someone is watching you and waiting.” He shook his head. “It’s that fucker step-brother of yours.”

  Yeah, I thought that too. Problem was, we had no evidence, and we both knew it. Someone has been messing with me for a while. I’d thought someone had been in my home a couple months back. But what did they want? If it was Brock, looking to hurt me, wouldn’t he have come straight to my room?

  I shook my head.

  “He wants something.” I just didn’t know what. “Or he’s just trying to keep me scared.” Which he was doing a bang up job of at the moment. I was scared. But also mad. Not to mention, Cal had been a ball of fury for the past twelve hours.

  He looked at his watch. “Shit, I’ve got two on, so for the next forty-eight hours, you’re staying here,” he said to me.

  “Yes, I already made up the guest room,” Bea agreed.

  “Thank you.” Normally, I wouldn’t want to be scared out of my home, but Cal was furious. I was actually scared, and didn’t want to be alone. Especially when I had a feeling this mess ran deeper than I was aware of.

  I followed Cal out to his truck, and before he opened the door, I grabbed his hand.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you and go out the window like you said.”

  “My concern right now is you and your safety.”

  “I appreciate what you did and…” I looked at him. “I ran after you because it was just instinct.”

  He cupped my face and kissed me softly. “Yes.” Another soft kiss. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  He got in his truck and pulled away. Forty-eight hours. I had class and was staying with Bea. In the meantime, I needed to focus on what the hell was happening in my life. And why someone insisted on messing with me.

  Chapter 20

  It was late, and after helping Bea clean up from dinner, we sat in the living room. The same brown shag carpet stretched the entire length of the house, and the small coffee table in the middle of the room had a couple chips and dings on it. I looked closer, it also had what appeared to be crayon and marker. This house probably looked exactly how it did when Cal was growing up. And that thought comforted me.

  “You want to talk, honey? Today must be weighing on you.”

  I nodded, loving that she was so supportive and took time to chat with me.

  “It’s more than that.” I had my final meeting with my advisor tomorrow to take my thesis proposal to the board for approval. Then the real work would begin. Not to mention Cal and Jack, and my brain was not cooperating.

  I just kept replaying those three words in my mind: You are mine.

  They both had said them to me.

  “It’s funny, a couple months ago, I would have been paralyzed with fear right now over what happened. I mean, I’m scared,” I said, “But I’m dealing with it.”

  “That’s a good thing. You’ve grown.”

  “I’ve grown because Jack helped me do that. But he’s gone. I’m not the same in good and bad ways because he left.”

  Bea nodded. “Jack needs certain things in his life to function. Like control. But he’s also loyal to a fault. He would do anything for people he loves.”

  I hung my head. I wasn’t one of those people. Cal and Bea were, I hadn’t been. The pain still stabbed, but there was nothing I could do. And I was happy with Cal.

  “I love Cal,” I admitted, and Bea smiled.

  “I know, honey.”

  “But what if I can’t get Jack’s shadow out of my system?”

  “Jack’s presence is a powerful one. That’s what happens when someone affects your life, both in good and bad ways. They linger.

  “I feel like I’m betraying Cal.”

  “No, honey, you’re dealing with emotions that are strong. The boys know what they got themselves into with you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Bea just looked at me with a little shock and then softness. Softness that resembled pity. “They’re like brothers, honey,” she said, like I wasn’t aware of how close they were. “Just because Jack isn’t in Denver doesn’t mean that stops.”

  Cal admitted that Jack already knew about us. But it didn’t occur to me that they spoke regularly. “So, you think Jack and Cal talk a lot?”

  “I know that those two boys are thick and have never kept secrets from each other. I also know they wouldn’t hurt each other, or you.”

  And yet, Jack left. But Bea’s admission shouldn’t shock me. Of course they would talk. I wasn’t a part of any of that, and probably for a good reason. I told Cal once that I didn’t want to know.

  “I don’t know all the details. The boys have had their own language since they were kids that I just don’t understand, but what I do know is that you’re in the middle.”

  My lips parted because so much concern plagued her face. “They’ve gone through some tough times together, but you’re the only thing I’ve been truly worried about.”

  “Worried?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Honey, you’re the only thing powerful enough to wreck them both.”

  I gasped. “That…no, I wouldn’t—”

  “I know you wouldn’t. But it doesn’t mean that’s not how it will end up.”

  “But Jack left. He wrecked me.”

  I hated sounding like I was pleading my own case, but I had no choice. It was the first time I’d really talked out loud about details and remembered the way Jack looked at me before he turned his back.

  “I fought for him,” I said, water lining my voice. “And he walked.”

  “I know, honey.” She pulled me into a hug. “I know. But don’t think Jack walked away without some scratches too.”


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