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161. Joel Monégro, “Fat Protocols,” Union Square Ventures Blog, August 8, 2016, http://www.usv.com/blog/fat-protocols.
162. Smolenski, Natalie. Discussion with the author. July 2018.
163. Rangan, Gopi. Discussion with the author. May 2018.
164. Chwierut, Matt. Discussion with the author. May 2018.
165. Bogart, Spencer. Discussion with the author. December 2018.
166. Owyang, Jeremiah. Discussion with the author. June 2018.
167. Lopardo, Joe. Discussion with the author. July 2018.
168. Owyang, Jeremiah. Discussion with the author. June 2018.
169. Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization (New York: Doubleday, 2016).
170. CB Insights, “State of Innovation,” 2018, http://www.cbinsights.com/reports/CB-Insights_State-of-Innovation-2018.pdf.
171. Owyang, Jeremiah. Discussion with the author. June 2018.
172. Fabiano, Amanda. Discussion with the author. July 2018.
173. Josh Bersin, “Agile Organization Models Are Going Mainstream,” January 18, 2018, https://joshbersin.com/2018/01/agile-organization-models-are-going-mainstream.
174. Amy Edmondson and Susan Slater Reynolds, Building the Future: Big Teaming for Audacious Innovation (Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2016).
175. Edmondson, Amy. Discussion with the author. June 2018.
176. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, episode 123, aired March 11, 2018, on HBO, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6iDZspbRMg.
177. Groopman, Jessica. Discussion with the author. June 2018.
178. Le Merle, Matthew and Davis, Alison. Discussion with the author. December 2018.
179. CB Insights, “Blockchain Investment Trends in Review,” https://www.cbinsights.com/research/report/blockchain-trends-opportunities.
180. Jon Victor, “Harvard, Stanford, MIT Endowments Invest in Crypto Funds,” The Information, October 10, 2018, https://www.theinformation.com/articles/harvard-stanford-mit-endowments-invest-in-cryptofunds.
181. Ibid.
182. Bogart, Spencer. Discussion with the author. December 2018.
183. Borda, Mason. Discussion with the author. December 2018.
184. CB Insights, “What’s Next in Blockchain,” 2019, https://www.cbinsights.com/research/report/blockchain-trends-opportunities.
185. Fred Ehrsam, “Blockchain Governance: Programming Our Future,” Medium, November 27, 2017, https://medium.com/%40FEhrsam/blockchain-governance-programming-our-future-c3bfe30f2d74.
186. Ian Bogost, “Cryptocurrency Might Be a Path to Authoritarianism,” The Atlantic, May 30, 2017, https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/05/blockchain-of-command/528543.
action questions, Action
adoption of new technologies, increasing rate of, Why Now?
advertisingblockchains having potential to solve biggest challenges, Using Blockchains to Ensure Quality
blockchains helping to carry more impact, Using Tokens to Shape Individual Behavior
bot fraud and click farms, New Tools Haven’t Always Driven ROI
browsers bogged down by ads and trackers, Brave: Get Paid to Browse
filtering and blocking out by consumers, Being Heard Is Harder Than Ever
agile strategies, Agile Strategies, Smarter Marketingagile organization models, Time to Rethink Innovation
agriculture, blockchain applications in, Blockchains Across Industries
Airbnb, When Cost Is Uncovered, A Broad Range of Industries Are Vulnerable
aligned incentives (see incentives, aligned)
applicationscreating and monetizing using fat protocols, Atomization of business
decentralized, creating new internet for, The Big Flip and “Super Platforms”
fat applications and thin protocols in internet, The Big Flip and “Super Platforms”
fat protocols and thin applications in blockchain era, The Big Flip and “Super Platforms”
future, decentralized world of, The Big Flip and “Super Platforms”
shrinking in respect to protocols, As Things Get Smaller, Value Gets Bigger
artificial intelligence (AI), KINDLING, MEET MATCHOcean case study, Ocean: Unlocking More Data
aspiration questions, Aspiration
assessment questions, Assessment
assetsatomizing and liquifying, Atomize—and liquify—assets
programmable, Programmable Assets
atomizing, As Things Get Smaller, Value Gets Biggerand liquifying assets, Atomize—and liquify—assets
atomization of business, Atomization of business
education credentials, Education: atomizing credentials
attentionbartering or selling your own, The Era of the Unblocked Customer
compensation for, promise of blockchains, Blockchains Promise Direct and Feature-rich Compensation
donation by users, Imbalance is Baked into our Digital Norms
economics of, We’ve Been Willingly Looking Away, Being Heard Is Harder Than Ever
harvesting on the internet, The Internet: Built to Fail
auto manufacturing industry, new services from, The Sharing Economy, Everywhere
B2B ecosystem of businesses, tokens used to align interests of, More Powerful, Aligned Communities
behaviordangers of a coin-operated world, The Dangers of a Coin-Operated World
effectively influencing with immediate gratification, Fine-Tuned Calibration—and Impact
programming incentives and programming behavior, Implications: Program the Incentives, Program the Behavior-The Power of Partnership
targeting tokens to micro-behaviors, Fine-Tuned Calibration—and Impact
behavioral psychology, tokens' foundation in, Tokens Build on a Foundation of Behavioral Psychology
Berners-Lee, Tim, The Internet: Built to Fail, Know Thy Data, Know Thyself, uPort: Take Back Control of Identity
big data, Businesses Fueled by Big Data(see also bigger data)
bigger data, Summary-Ocean: Unlocking More Databigger, better data with blockchains, Bigger, Better Databetter digital experiences through data, Know Thy Data, Know Thyself
data science quality, increasing in importance, Data Science Quality Could Be More Important Than Ever
enabling new wave of innovation, Enabling a New Wave of Innovation?
growing awareness of value of privacy, Growing Awareness of the Value of Privacy
implications of shift in concept of data ownership, A Shift That Presents Nuanced Challenges
importance of mission, The Importance of Mission
power of relationships, The Power of Relationships
redefinition of competitive advantage, The Redefinition of Competitive Advantage
vision of the data marketplace, The Vision of the Data Marketplace
businesses fueled by big data, Businesses Fueled by Big Data
cautions and considerations, Cautions and Considerations-Take a critical look at your missionbeing behind in data science, You are behind in data science
boosting data culture in advance of blockchains, Boost your data culture in advance of blockchains
business model reliant on proprietary consumer data, A business model reliant on proprietary consumer data
entering blockchain era with trust deficit, Entering the blockchain era with a trust deficit
taking critical look at your mission, Take a critical look at your mission
tapping into state of blockchain identity work, Tap into the state of blockchain identity work
working on relationship with customers, Work on your relationship
data collected by IoT, IoT Fuels the Fire
falling short of big data promise, Falling Short of the Big Data Pro
fighting idea of corporations owning our personal data, Fighting the Idea of Ownership
in blockchain space, examples of, ExamplesOcean, unlocking more data, Ocean: Unlocking More Data
uPort, taking back control of identity, uPort: Take Back Control of Identity
New Deal on Data, Is It Time for a New Deal on Data?
what blockchains make possibleblack box of identity data, Your Very Own Black Box
blockchains as public data layers, The Blockchains Themselves Are Public Data Layers
consumer at the controls, Consumer at the Controls
potential of new, powerful data layers, The Potential of New, Powerful Data Layers
still in early days, At the Starting Line
two-edged sword of blockchain data story, The Two-Edged Sword of the Blockchain Data Story
who really owns data, Who Really Owns the Data?
Biggs, Diana, Diana Biggs: From Cypherpunk to Enterprise Innovation Leader-Diana Biggs: From Cypherpunk to Enterprise Innovation Leader
bitcoin, Opportunity Hidden by Complexity, A Broad Range of Industries Are Vulnerableacceptance of, Value Will Solidify (One Way or Another) with Market Maturation
and blockchains, What Does Bitcoin Have to Do with Blockchains?
international money transfers with, Value Is Not One-Size-Fits-All
stratospheric ascent of, How Far Along Are We?
Bitcoin blockchain, At the Center: Decentralization, GiveTrack: Holding Charities Accountable for Use of Donations, Powerful Incentives at Scaleadding new block to, Why is it Called a Blockchain?
genesis block, What Does Bitcoin Have to Do with Blockchains?
ICOs (initial coin offerings), Unlocking the New Tools of Open Innovation
proof of work consensus mechanism, Consensus Mechanisms Are an Ongoing Battle
Blockcerts, for trustworthy digital records, Blockcerts: Trustworthy Digital Records, Education: atomizing credentials
blockchain literacy, inceasing, Time to Rethink Innovation
blockchains, KINDLING, MEET MATCHaddressing failings of internet, Enter Blockchains
age of open innovation, The Age of Open Innovation
areas that are still raw, Bite While the Apple Is Raw
bigger data with, Summaryblack box of identity data, Your Very Own Black Box
blockchains as public data layers, The Blockchains Themselves Are Public Data Layers
consumer at the controls, Consumer at the Controls
ownership of data, Who Really Owns the Data?
potential of new, powerful data layers, The Potential of New, Powerful Data Layers
securing and protecting the data, Securing and Protecting the Data
still in early days, At the Starting Line
two-edged sword of blockchain data story, The Two-Edged Sword of the Blockchain Data Story
breaking away from Silicon Valley in age of open innovation, Breaking Away from Silicon Valley
building on backs of failure, Building on The Backs of Failure
combatting fake news, Tracking the Intangibles: Can Blockchains Kill Fake News?
corporate investing in, CORPORATE INVESTING IN BLOCKCHAINS-A New Frontier for the Corporationchallenge and opportunity in early moves, The Challenge and Opportunity in Early Moves
cryptoassets in portfolio strategies, Debuting Cryptoassets in Portfolio Strategies
investing in disruptive capability, Investing in Disruptive Capability
investment strategies, Three Investment Strategies for the Corporation
new frontier for the corporation, A New Frontier for the Corporation
using tokenization to remove friction from capital, Using Tokenization to Remove Friction from Capital
current state of, How Far Along Are We?
decentralization of entrepreneurship, The Decentralization of Entrepreneurship
deeper transparency withall-seeing meets ever-knowing, All-Seeing Meets the Ever-Knowing
cautions and considerations, Cautions and Considerations-Identify a pilot with impact
challenges of, Blockchains for the Bold and the Brave
coding for trust, Coding for Trust
cutting costs and generating new revenue, The Appeal of a Killer Combination-A New Spin on Spin?
making it harder to cheat, A Step Toward a Better World
one feature set driving value for all, One Feature Set Drives Value for All
openness, building on older foundations, This Is a Natural Next Step in Our Journey
enterprises' use of, KINDLING, MEET MATCH
evolution in business to customer relationships, Blockchain-Era Expectations Will Put More Pressure on Businesses
evolution of, KINDLING, MEET MATCH
fair compensation based on, examples of, Examples-Brave: Get Paid to BrowseBrave, paying customers for browsing, Brave: Get Paid to Browse
Steemit, compensation for contributions, Steemit: Compensation for Contribution
financial incentives of and capital amassed by enthusiasts, KINDLING, MEET MATCH
foundation for more sustainable digital future, Blockchains as a Foundation for a More Sustainable Digital Future
identity and data projects, examples of, Examples
incentive alignment with, Powerful Incentives at Scale-Blurring the Lines between Business Owners and Participantsblurring lines between business owners and participants, Blurring the Lines between Business Owners and Participants
cautions and considerations with new incentive model, Cautions and Considerations-Use someone else’s application or platform to run test campaigns
choosing among tokens, Your Token or Mine?
dangers of coin-operated world, The Dangers of a Coin-Operated World
fine-tuned calibration and impact of tokens, Fine-Tuned Calibration—and Impact
more powerful, aligned communities, More Powerful, Aligned Communities
potency of tokens and gamification, The Potency of Tokens + Gamification
tokens' foundation in behavioral psychology, Tokens Build on a Foundation of Behavioral Psychology
tokens, defined, Hit Me Again, Please: What the Heck Are Tokens?
incentive alignment, examples ofMobivity, aligning brands and consumers, Mobivity: Aligning an Ecosystem of Brands and Consumers
Swytch, incenting global adoption of renewable energy, Swytch: Incenting Global-Scale Adoption of Renewable Energy
key questions to help compose your next step, Key Questions to Help You Compose Your Next Stepaction, Action
aspiration, Aspiration
assessment, Assessment
making the sharing economy available everywhere, The Sharing Economy, Everywhere
new business models driven by, Summary-Social-Aligned Models
new paradigm unleashed by, CATCHING FIRE
opportunities hidden by complexity, Opportunity Hidden by Complexity
overview, Beth Is Correct-Blockchains Across Industriesapplications across industries, Blockchains Across Industries
bitcoin and blockchains, What Does Bitcoin Have to Do with Blockchains?
decentralization at center of, At the Center: Decentralization
many roles of cryptoassets, The Many Roles of Cryptoassets
origins of the name, Why is it Called a Blockchain?
promise of blockchains, So What?
retaining privacy with open ledger, Retaining Privacy When the Ledger is Open to Everyone
smarter value exchange through smart contracts, Value Exchange Made Smarter Through “Smart Contracts”
terminology, blockchain vs. blockchains, Blockchain or Blockchains?
potential to fight ad fraud, Seek a lower-friction place to learn
programming humanity into the code, THE OPPORTUNITY AND THE HOPE ARE HUMAN
programming incentives to shape behavior, Implications: Program the Incentives, Program the Behavior-The Power of Partnership
promise of direct and feature-rich compensation,
Blockchains Promise Direct and Feature-rich Compensation
pure peer-to-peer commerce in, Pure Peer-to-Peer
reasons to adopt technology now, Why Now?
value of an ecosystem, The Value of an Ecosystem
warnings about, THE BIG SMALL PRINT-But Above All, Maintain Vigilancebest technology may not win, The Best Technology May Not Win
consensus mechanisms, an ongoing battle, Consensus Mechanisms Are an Ongoing Battle
don't write off the toys, Don’t Write off the Toys
governance, figuring out, We’re Still Figuring out Governance
identity hasn't been solved, Identity Hasn’t Been Solved
maintaining vigilance, But Above All, Maintain Vigilance
network effects, It’s Nothing without Network Effects
not overestimating privacy concerns, Don’t Overestimate Who Cares about Privacy
prime importance of scalability, Nothing Matters without Scalability
questioning need for a blockchain, Be Skeptical
token instability, Token Instability Hasn’t Been Cracked
where to begin with, Now, Where to Begin?-Diana Biggs: From Cypherpunk to Enterprise Innovation Leaderchange agents in action, examples of, Change Agents in Action-Diana Biggs: From Cypherpunk to Enterprise Innovation Leader
connecting nodes across the corporation, Connect the Nodes