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dealing with flood of blockchain disruption, In the Blockchain Era, This Is Not Good Enough
effective and diverse perspectives on, Effective and Diverse
heterogeneous collaboration required, Heterogeneous Collaboration Required
isolated or integrated efforts, Isolate or Integrate?
open mindset and collaboration, Open Mindset
organization models birthed from disruption, Organization Models Birthed from Disruption
putting the customer at the core, Put the Customer at the Core
rethinking innovation, Time to Rethink Innovation
searching within for passion and expertise, First, Search Within
blocks (in blockchains), Why is it Called a Blockchain?
Blockstack, uPort: Take Back Control of Identity, The Big Flip and “Super Platforms”
books, availability of, societal revolution through, Enter Blockchains
brandsbusiness control over, using marketing, Seeking Assurance in a Complex World
compensating consumers for contribution to value creation, Toward a More Balanced Future
transparency affecting perceptions of, Transparency Affects How Our Brain Perceives a Brand
Brave, paying customers for browsing, Brave: Get Paid to Browse
businessatomization of, Atomization of business
blockchain era putting more pressure on, Blockchain-Era Expectations Will Put More Pressure on Businesses
case for urgency in understanding the supply chain, A Business Case for Urgency
centralized network effect businesses primed for displacement, Blurring the Lines between Business Owners and Participants
challenges in corporate adoption of blockchain technologies, How Far Along Are We?
corporations considering or deploying blockchain technology, How Far Along Are We?
data-driven corportions, consequences of blockchain data story, The Two-Edged Sword of the Blockchain Data Story
disruptions coming from blockchains and related technologies, CATCHING FIRE
focus on sustainability, The Focus on Sustainability Is Here to Stay
knowledge of new technologies, importance of, Bite While the Apple Is Raw
middlemen, role in blockchain economy, Summary
new layer of expectations of unblocked customers, A Whole New Layer of Expectations
obsession with big data, Businesses Fueled by Big Data
targets for disruption by blockchains, A Broad Range of Industries Are Vulnerable
token-driven platforms blurring lines between owners and participants, Blurring the Lines between Business Owners and Participants
business models, new, The Six Forces of an Unblocked Era, Summary-Social-Aligned Modelsbig flip and super platforms, The Big Flip and “Super Platforms”
extreme peer-to-peer, Extreme Peer-to-Peerglobal commerce, Peer-to-peer global commerce
ride sharing, Peer-to-peer ride sharing
flipping conventional wisdom, Flipping Conventional Wisdom
machines working together to serve us, Machines Working Together to Serve Us
programmable assets, Programmable Assets
social-aligned models, Social-Aligned Models
things get smaller and value gets bigger, As Things Get Smaller, Value Gets Biggeratomization of business, Atomization of business
atomizing and liquifying assets, Atomize—and liquify—assets
atomizing education credentials, Education: atomizing credentials
atomizing time and space in insurance, Insurance: atomization of time and space
Cambridge Analytica, misuse of Facebook data, But Now, We are Poised for a Shift, Fighting the Idea of Ownership
capital, influx into blockchain-backed initiatives, Bite While the Apple Is Rawtoken sales, Unlocking the New Tools of Open Innovation
car ride services, The Sharing Economy, Everywhere
centralizationabuse of blockchains by authoritarian government, The First Technology with Democratization Baked In?
forms of value best delivered by centralized organization, Put a Spotlight on Hidden Value
inherent bias toward, How Far Along Are We?
possibility of blockchains centralizing power, THE OPPORTUNITY AND THE HOPE ARE HUMAN
chains (in blockchains), Why is it Called a Blockchain?
change agents in actionDiana Biggs, from cypherpunk to enterprise innovation leader, Diana Biggs: From Cypherpunk to Enterprise Innovation Leader-Diana Biggs: From Cypherpunk to Enterprise Innovation Leader
Lydia Krefta, shared knowledge drives innovation, Lydia Krefta: Shared Knowledge Drives Innovation-Lydia Krefta: Shared Knowledge Drives Innovation
charities, holding accountable for use of donations, GiveTrack: Holding Charities Accountable for Use of Donations
charrettes, Effective and Diverse
code in blockchains, In Code We Trust
Coinbase, Where It Could All Begin
collaboration between businesses and blockchain era customers, Blockchain-Era Expectations Will Put More Pressure on Businesses, The Next-Gen Middleman
commitment, escalated, driving, Driving Escalating Commitment
communitiesblockchains motivating community-level action, More Powerful, Aligned Communities
community members vs. shareholders, incentive alignment for, Blurring the Lines between Business Owners and Participants
importance in next era, It’s Nothing without Network Effects
in blockchain era, businesses doing right by, The Dangers of a Coin-Operated World
stoking community through token, Stoking Community through Tokens
understanding intersection of community, ecosystem, and mission, Understand how your community, ecosystem, and mission intersect
compensation, fair, Summaryblockchains as foundation for more sustainable digital future, Blockchains as a Foundation for a More Sustainable Digital Future
blockchains promising direct and feature-rich compensation, Blockchains Promise Direct and Feature-rich Compensation
cautions and considerations, Cautions and Considerations-Find ways to experiment—and learn—earlyexperimenting with compensation, Find ways to experiment—and learn—early
finding and collaborating with early adopters of cryptoassets, Find your early adopters and collaborate with them
inherent portability of tokens, The inherent portability of tokens
moving too early or too late, Moving too early or too late
not considering how quickly established players can move, Not considering how quickly an established player could move
not learning from others' successes and failures, Throwing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater
not taking emerging alternatives seriously, Not taking emerging alternatives seriously
understanding how customers perceive value of their contributions, Take a baseline of your customers’ current mindset
understanding what customers' contribution means to your business, Understand what customers’ contribution means to your business
compensation other than financial, Compensation Doesn’t Always Mean Money
driving force in unblocked era, The Six Forces of an Unblocked Era
imbalance baked into our digital norms, Imbalance is Baked into our Digital Norms
in blockchain space, examples of, Examples-Brave: Get Paid to BrowseBrave, paying customers for browsing, Brave: Get Paid to Browse
Steemit, compensation for contributions, Steemit: Compensation for Contribution
in businesses of one, Atomization of business
primed for better alternative to participation in platforms, Primed for a Better Alternative
shifting our views on giving away data and content, But Now, We are Poised for a Shift
toward a more balanced future, Toward a More Balanced Future
value of cryptoassets for, Value Will Solidify (One Way or Another) with Market Maturation
en customers know their worthbirth of alternatives, The Birth of the Alternative
journey from exposure to expectation, The Short Journey from Exposure to Expectation
where it could begin, Where It Could All Begin
willingly donating personal data and content to internet companies, We’ve Been Willingly Looking Away
competitive advantagechanging drivers of, The Potential of New, Powerful Data Layers
depending on stores of consumer data for, The Two-Edged Sword of the Blockchain Data Story
learning as a key to achieving, Organization Models Birthed from Disruption
redefiinition of, The Redefinition of Competitive Advantage
complexity of blockchain technologies, Opportunity Hidden by Complexity
concentration of power, KINDLING, MEET MATCH(see also power)
consensus mechanisms, Consensus Mechanisms Are an Ongoing Battle
consortia, Open Mindsetfor corporate exploration into blockchain space, Investing in Disruptive Capability
consumerization of IT, At Some Point, the Unblocked Customer Will Question Your Worth
consumersas resources, not customers, Imbalance is Baked into our Digital Norms
awareness of value of privacy, Growing Awareness of the Value of Privacy
broad adoption of blockchain-based identities, At the Starting Line
changes in expectations from blockchain technologies, CATCHING FIRE
controlling their data on blockchains, Consumer at the Controls
customer loyalty programs failing to meet expectations, Loyalty Programs Are Broken
customers knowing their worthbirth of alternatives, The Birth of the Alternative
journey from exposure to expectation, The Short Journey from Exposure to Expectation
deeper sharing of data in blockchain era, Bigger, Better Data
difficulty of earning attention and engagement of, Being Heard Is Harder Than Ever
educating about the value a business provides, The Importance of Clear Value
executives not having responsibility for customers, Executives don’t think they have responsibility for the customer
expanding definition of quality, Summary
finding crypto-savvy customers and collaborating with them, Find your crypto-savvy customers and collaborate with them
genesis of unblocked customer, The Consumer Technology Created-The First Technology with Democratization Baked In?consumer created by technology, The Consumer Technology Created
democratization and blockchains, The First Technology with Democratization Baked In?
era of unblocked customer, The Era of the Unblocked Customer
expectations putting more pressure on businesses, Blockchain-Era Expectations Will Put More Pressure on Businesses
huge and disillusioned generation, A Huge and Disillusioned Generation
internet, built to fail, The Internet: Built to Fail
new layer of expectations, A Whole New Layer of Expectations
reasons to adopt blockchain technology, Why Now?
getting closer to what customers value, Get closer to what customers value
getting meaning from interactions with businesses, Driving Escalating Commitment
identifiying customer priorities for transparency, Get your priorities down now
judgment on creator, provenance, and journey of goods into their hands, Consumers Expect More
lack of understanding of costs hidden in layers of middlemen, Customers Don’t Understand What They Can’t See
mission clearly communicating value to, The Importance of Mission
Mobivity, aligning ecosystem of brands and consumers, Mobivity: Aligning an Ecosystem of Brands and Consumers
new engagement channels, difficulty in leveraging, New Tools Haven’t Always Driven ROI
putting the customer at the core, Put the Customer at the Core
refining customers' taste for transparency, Refining Customers’ Taste for Transparency
steady extinction of the loyal customer, The Steady Extinction of the Loyal Customer
struggling to gain or retain customer trust, Entering the blockchain era with a trust deficit
technology adoption, challenges in, How Far Along Are We?
treating like a social experiment, Treating customers like a social experiment
trusting businesses with personal data, The Power of Relationships
unblocked customers, The Era of the Unblocked Customer
unblocked customers questioning of middlemen's worth, At Some Point, the Unblocked Customer Will Question Your Worth
understanding how customers perceive value of their contributions, Take a baseline of your customers’ current mindset
understanding what customers' contributions mean to your business, Understand what customers’ contribution means to your business
unified customer profile, Bigger, Better Data
value of tokens to, Overestimating (or underestimating) the value of tokens to the consumer
working on relationship with, Work on your relationship
contentbartering or selling your own, The Era of the Unblocked Customer
compensation for users' content, Blockchains Promise Direct and Feature-rich Compensation
individuals selling content, Atomization of business
understanding meaning of quality content, Understand what quality engagement and content means to you
contracts, smart (see smart contracts)
contributionsfrom sources other than human, Contribution Doesn’t Always Mean Human
of unblocked customers, bartering or selling, The Era of the Unblocked Customer
corporate investing in blockchains, CORPORATE INVESTING IN BLOCKCHAINS-A New Frontier for the Corporationchallenge and opportunity in early moves, The Challenge and Opportunity in Early Moves
cryptoassets in portfolio strategies, Debuting Cryptoassets in Portfolio Strategies
investing in disruptive capability, Investing in Disruptive Capability
investment strategies, Three Investment Strategies for the Corporation
new frontier for the corporation, A New Frontier for the Corporation
using tokenization to remove friction from capital, Using Tokenization to Remove Friction from Capital
corporate responsibility (CR) reporting, Sustainability and Responsibility: The New Corporate Norm
corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, Sustainability and Responsibility: The New Corporate Normpioneers pushing progress for hyper-transparency, Society-First View: Will Pioneers Push Progress?
without adequate transparency, A New Spin on Spin?
costscutting costs and generating new revenue, The Appeal of a Killer Combination-A New Spin on Spin?
for new middleman services, The Hinge is Value
learning how to cut, Seek a lower-friction place to learn
rising cost of middlemen, The Rising Cost—and Power—of the Middleman
true costs of participation in a platform, Primed for a Better Alternative
uncovered, in direct-to-consumer and sharing economy, When Cost Is Uncovered
Crossing the Chasm (Moore), How Far Along Are We?
crowd accelerated innovation, The Age of Open Innovation
crypto-enthusiasts, Where It Could All Begin
cryptoassets, What Does Bitcoin Have to Do with Blockchains?as compensation, spreading knowledge and trust of, Where It Could All Begin
corporate investment in, Three Investment Strategies for the Corporation
debuting in portfolio strategies, Debuting Cryptoassets in Portfolio Strategies
finding early adopters and collaborating with them, Find your early adopters and collaborate with them, Find your crypto-savvy customers and collaborate with them
fueling flip to fat protocols and thin applications, The Big Flip and “Super Platforms”
knowledge of and businesses experimenting with tokens, But Where Do You Start?
bsp; legal tokens and regulatory uncertainty surrounding, Your Token or Mine?
many roles of, The Many Roles of Cryptoassets
token sales or ICOs, Unlocking the New Tools of Open Innovation
value of, solidifying with market maturation, Value Will Solidify (One Way or Another) with Market Maturation
cryptocurrency, Opportunity Hidden by Complexityand blockchains, What Does Bitcoin Have to Do with Blockchains?
instability of, Token Instability Hasn’t Been Cracked
mining industry, The Many Roles of Cryptoassets
cryptoeconomics, There Will Be Blood
cryptographyadvances in, combined with advancements in data science, Fighting the Idea of Ownership
keeping data private on blockchains, Securing and Protecting the Data
cultural shifts driving unblocked era, The Six Forces of an Unblocked Era
currenciesdigital, Opportunity Hidden by Complexity
traditional, exchanging tokens for, Your Token or Mine?
customer journeycentralized vs. decentralized delivery of, Put a Spotlight on Hidden Value
how blockchains could change, The Value of an Ecosystem
customer service, The Importance of Clear Valuecentralized vs. decentralized delivery of, Put a Spotlight on Hidden Value
customers (see consumers)
cypherpunk movement, Diana Biggs: From Cypherpunk to Enterprise Innovation Leader
data, Summary(see also bigger data)
from unblocked customers, bartering or selling their own, The Era of the Unblocked Customer