3 Book High School Romance Bundle: A Kiss at Midnight & Prom King & Under My Skin
Page 55
"And I suppose you're staying with your mother too?" He asked the immobile figure of Essa who was lingering in the doorway. It pained him to see his youngest daughter agree to his statement.
Managing to clear her throat, Essa took a step into the kitchen with her chin held up high. "I go where mum goes," she found herself saying.
Essa had given her living arrangements deep thought throughout her stay at Chris', and it didn't take her long for her to reach her verdict. For one thing if she had decided that she would live with her father, there was the possibility of meeting the other woman. And there was also the fact that if she moved in with her dad, she wouldn't be able to see Chris and her other school friends as often.
Understanding he had lost this battle and out-welcomed his stay, Harold sighed. "I should go," he stated, getting to his feet.
He knew there was nothing else to say to rectify the situation though he wanted to apologise to his daughters, but knew that they would have none of it. It was obvious Erica was furious with him, and he knew that Essa most likely felt the same way. Turning to his suitcases, he gave the three women one final studying glance before making his way out of the house which he once called 'home'.
Hesitating briefly, Harold halted at the doorway and shifted back to his wife. "Ava," he breathed. "I know that there's nothing I can do to fix things but I just want you to know that it was never you." He informed, "Things between that woman and me are over, and they've been over for a while."
Not knowing how to react, Ava was unable to meet her husband's gaze. "Thank you," she replied. "I'll tell the lawyers to forward the divorce papers to your new residence."
Comprehending her words and her final decision, Harold knew there was nothing left to say. Grabbing his bags, he fought the urge to turn back for one final glance at his 'girls' and exited the house that he and Ava built together…
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Essa found herself seated across her two female companions at the ice-cream store she loved so much and visited numerous times a month. It was a sunny afternoon and school was done for the day.
Licking the creamy vanilla ice-cream from her cone, the dark headed figure leaned back in her seat, patting her golden retriever, Simba. Visiting the ice-cream parlour with her dog was tradition, so wherever Essa went Simba followed.
"I can't believe he had the nerve to say that," Trisha voiced. "Did he expect your mother to forgive him?"
Shrugging, Essa focussed on her waffle cone. "I don't care anymore," she found herself answering. "And even if my mother forgives him, I highly doubt she'd be able to forget."
Sophia dug a spoonful of strawberry ice-cream, letting samba lick it off the spoon. Observing with her bright brown eyes as the golden retriever licked at her spoon enthusiastically, she took a moment before lifting her gaze to her friend.
Smiling gently, Soph broke the momentary peace. "But how do you feel Ess? I mean it's alright to be angry and hurt now, but you'll always love your father and he'll always love you." The brunette stated.
Silence ensued and both Trish and Soph eyed one another. They despised feeling hopeless and helpless but neither of them could really relate to what Essa was going through.
Sighing, Essa pursed her lips. "I'm angry for one thing, but I'm also devastated that he hasn't tried contacting me since Sunday."
Scratching Simba behind the ears, Soph took her time to reply. Growing up with just her mother and her, the brown eyed beauty never knew the feeling of having a father and having him leave. It had always been her and her mother from the start – the two of them together.
Trisha on the other hand couldn't relate to Essa's case on a whole new level. She had had a father, but then she grew up hating the man even though she had everything the world could offer. It was her father that brought her up, however she was never thankful for it. She had spent majority of her life growing up on her own simply because her father was too busy with his illegal drug dealing.
Falling out of her reverie at the feel of Simba licking her fingers, Soph spoke softly. "I'm sure he wants to talk to you more than anything Ess." She began, trying to put herself in Harold Evan's position. "But he probably thinks that you don't want to see or have anything to do with him ever again."
The frown disappeared momentarily as Essa absorbed Sophia's words. She nodded her head in a casual manner, not wanting to discuss the subject any further. "I guess," she responded simply. "At least that's what Creston said too."
Sensing that her best friend didn't want to talk about her parent's divorce anymore, Trisha took the opportunity to change topic. It wasn't because she didn't have anything to say about the topic that made her quiet, it was because the dark eyed girl had so much to express but she was afraid of the horrid and blunt statements that she'd make due to her experience.
"Speaking of Spencer, you two seem awfully chummy these days,"
Perking up at those words, Essa frowned. "No way!!" She exclaimed, "That jerk kept pestering me throughout my stay at Chris'. And today in English he kept trying to make me teach him to draw people only to realise he wanted to draw naked figures of females." Pausing for breath, Essa started glaring at the laughing figures of her friends. "Not funny."
There were a few more minutes of laughter as Essa continued to throw death glares at her friends through her long black locks of wavy hair.
"Aww c'mon Ess, you gotta admit that the guy isn't as bad as you once thought," Trisha voiced, settling down after her fit of laughter. "Hell! Even I'm beginning to change my mind about him,"
Averting her eyes to Sophia who was almost always the sanest person out of the three, Essa gave her a pleading look as if to say 'don't tell me you agree'. When the brunette kept smiling, Essa knew she had lost this battle.
In all honesty Essa knew that she and Spencer had somehow managed to decrease the hate between them. Though the 'hate' wasn't replaced by 'love' - that was just ridiculous. Essa knew that after the events at Chris', she had learned to respect Spencer more and it was frightening to perceive him as a 'good guy'. She knew she had a lot to thank him for…
Although she had just told her friends that Spencer had been 'pestering' her throughout her stay at Chris', she knew that it was all a lie. Creston had been nothing more than kind and caring towards her, and in a way he was good company to be around.
"… maybe he likes her, you have seen him give her the look right?" Sophia mumbled.
Arching a brow, Trisha shook her head. "I dunno. The guy is a player. I mean he's not too bad anymore, but that doesn't erase his man-whoring ways. Nor does it alter the fact that he's got a long list of scary exes,"
Smiling faintly, Sophia noticed Essa hadn't responded yet. "But," she commented, "People can change. Besides I don't think I've seen him with any girl for the past few weeks. And I'm sure the girls won't touch Ess if she's Creston's girlfriend."
Blinking and only just realising her two best friends were talking about her; Essa's eyes began to focus. As her mind relayed the words spoken by Trish and Soph, she began to make sense of the remarks and found herself frowning deeper.
"You guys are crazy" she accentuated after a while.
"It's only the truth," Trisha stated bluntly. "I only speak of what I see. And Essa my dear, Creston Spencer has definitely been giving you the look."
Glaring, Essa took a bite from her cone. "Well Trisha Regan Davis," she breathed. "I'm giving you the look right now,"
Trying not to laugh at the fact that her friend just used her full name, Trish tried biting her lower lip but nothing would cease the giggles that were about to erupt. As her body wracked with spasms of pure joy, her dark eyes trained back to Ess to find the girl was also laughing along.
Wagging his tail in delight, Simba licked his owner's arm and was grateful when she handed him the remainder of her cone.
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Cassandra Wilkins sat silently on the cold tiled floors of her bathroom, a w
hite stick grasped in her shaky hands as she sat silently waiting... She prayed to God that the results were negative. She prayed that it was just her change of diet and the stress her parents have been giving her that caused her usual cycle to be late. But deep within, the speck of doubt within was growing larger and larger as seconds lapsed.
Bringing a trembling hand to pull her now stringy, lifeless blonde hair behind her eyes, she took in a deep breath trying to calm her nerves before her pale green eyes trailed down to the white device. As she took in the colour now visible, tears started welling up in her eyes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The masculine figure of Creston studied his surroundings briefly. He didn't want to appear as if he cared, however he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. It had almost been five days since he'd last spotted Cassandra around, and to his utter disbelief he was getting quite concerned. He knew the blonde too well and she definitely wasn't the type to play 'missing' simply because it was in her nature to revel in people's attention.
"Earth to Spencer who keeps staring up girl's skirts," Tynan remarked and smirked when his mate blinked and met his gaze. Able to read the light brown head figure, Chris settled in his seat. "Yo, you alright?" He queried.
Shaking his head to clear his mind, Creston managed to smile – the dimple in his right cheek showing. "Yeah, just tired. Stayed up watching the soccer." He lied, "You know, trying to figure out some tactics for this Friday's match."
Smiling, Chris nodded, patting his mate on the back. "That's m'boy." He voiced, "But no need to fret Cressie, the Chris-inator will save the day!"
"You didn't just say that," interrupted a feminine voice from Creston's right.
Without responding, Creston waited for the figure of Essa Evans to seat herself at their usual cafeteria table. For some odd reason, the table Essa, Trish and Soph occupied for lunch now became the table that the girls, Chris and Creston now ate at. Instead of sitting at the crowded table with the rest of the soccer team and their fan clubs, both Creston and Chris now frequently hung where the 'girls' sat.
It was evident that by sitting with Essa it was earning her death glares and death threats, but surprisingly she wasn't in the least perturbed. Creston remembered bringing up the subject with Chris, who simply replied 'All the more reason to be hanging with her, we'll be her bodyguards from now'.
So now, observing with his stormy grey-blue eyes, Spencer noticed the raven haired figure located comfortably beside him.
"As if I'm not the 'Chris-inator' Ginger Ale," Tynan challenged, leaning over the table to add some effect.
Shrugging nonchalantly, Essa peeled the plastic lid off her pasta. "You are not 'Terminator' or in your case an imitation of 'Terminator'," she informed with finality. "Call me Ginger Ale once more and I will terminate you," the threatened with a glimmer to her eye.
Before anymore words were exchanged, the profile of Sophia and Trish took their respectful seats. Settling down in her seat in a rather heated manner, Trisha blew her fringe from her face and she half slammed her lunch onto the table.
"I cannot wait until classes end for the year," she announced with a rather peeved expression etched across her strong features. "I swear Mr. Dolton has it in for me."
Unable to hold back his comment, Creston smirked. "He's just going senile."
Silence filled the air before Chris erupted into a fit of laughter.
"I can understand why Dolton has a grudge for Spencer, but not for you," he half-snorted at Trish, commencing to pour over the story of Creston and Mr. Dolton.
As Essa continued munching on her lunch, she casually listened to the details Chris provided. Apparently Spencer had arrived to Dolton's class in his fashionably late manner and had incurred an immediate detention. Mr. Dolton who was renowned for his detentions, held them in his office which was decorated with pictures of his beloved family.
Creston being the arrogant jerk he was had made a comment about Dolton's daughter who he deemed 'looked too much like her father'. He then added a remark which basically said he sympathised for the male that was to marry Dolton's girl, because marrying her meant meeting the male version of her. And to have your wife resemble her father was a man's worse nightmare.
Shaking her head in dismay, Essa threw the figure to her right a half glare. "Guess jerks will always be jerks."
"Jealous sweetheart?" she heard him respond and was instantly irritated by his pet name.
She didn't know what or why she would be jealous, though she found herself reacting. "You wish Montgomery," she shot back and fell into pure rage when he gave her that egotistical smirk she loathed deeply. "Can't wait until today's over…" She muttered under her breath.
Catching her words, Creston chuckled aloud. "The day has only just begun babe." He found himself answering, "We still have English together, so I guess you'll never get enough of me."
Having the sudden desire to throw the remainder of her pasta at Creston, Essa managed to stomp down the urge. She absolutely, positively despised it when Spencer was in his usual prick mode. For one thing he kept calling her "sweetheart" and now "babe" which to her sounded so derogatory. She didn't want to be called those endearments which she heard Chris use on bimbo girls at Ocean High.
Rolling her eyes to the ceiling whilst releasing a sigh, Ess pursed her lips. "Lord have mercy!!"
Only able to watch both Creston and Essa with pure amusement, Chris shook his head. There were some things that never changed…
Chapter Eleven
Loud female screaming filled her ears as she focussed onto the figures of Creston and Chris on the field. As yet another girl from Creston's fan club squealed out his name, Essa couldn't help but roll her eyes to the sky in irritation. She didn't know how Spencer had managed to convince her to come, but now that she was here, she absolutely loathed the bimbos.
"Tell me why I'm here again," Trisha asked whilst scanning the scantily dressed figures of the 'bimbos'. "Clearly we've got a little too much clothing for this occasion. Aren't they freezing?"
Smiling, Essa leaned down to speak. "They've got no brains remember? No brain for their sense of 'feel' to relay back to."
As if she just had an epiphany, Trish nodded. "Ahhh…" She cooed, "Ten bucks says ones of them will flash by the end of the game."
Shaking her head in answer, Essa had to place a few strands of her dark hair behind her ears for they were covering her eyes. "No, they're not that dumb. But heck!! If Creston's team wins tonight, I'd bet three of them will go for the home run."
"Pfft… That's no bet! I already knew that was gonna happen."
"You're no fun," Essa grinned.
Lifting her head from her psychology textbook, Sophia glanced at her friends. "You guys are terrible," she called and her attention averted back down to her text.
"So says the girl that's busy studying at a soccer match," Trisha retorted as Soph poked her tongue out in response. "How can you possibly study in this kinda noise?! Exams aren't until another month and a half!"
Without losing her train of thought, Sophia spoke. "Better early than late. Besides you know I don't like soccer."
Nudging Trish to silence her, Essa hoped that her friend got the hint as she nodded her chin to the field. It wasn't because Sophia hated soccer that she was studying right this instance, it was the fact that Kieran Wolenski was on the field… There had been a time when Soph loved the sport, but after being dumped by Kieran, she had lost her fetish for the game.
With her eyes glued back onto the field, Essa noticed the atmosphere was getting intense as girls screamed loudly whenever members of the Ocean High soccer team obtained the soccer ball. Right now Chris was dribbling away as he gradually closed in on the goals. Observing with keenly, Essa couldn't help but cheer as the blonde prepared to shoot.
The scores were currently 2-0, the opposition in the lead. Essa knew this game was the deciding game which would either qualify Creston's team for the next round, or br
and them the 'losers of the season'. Oddly enough, the raven haired beauty wished with all her might that Ocean High did win this game even if her passion for soccer didn't run as deep as Chris' or Creston's.
"He's not gonna make the goal!" Trish half shouted.
Only able to stare at the scene playing out before her, Essa felt herself stop breathing momentarily. "Don't say that," she found herself responding. "He's the CHRIS-INATOR!!!" She screamed and could have sworn she spotted a small grin dance across Tynan's face.
As the game increased with intensity, Essa found herself holding her breath as she observed Tynan… She was doubtful that Chris would be able to score from his current position seeing as the goalie and the opposition was getting ready to retrieve the ball and block all attacks.