3 Book High School Romance Bundle: A Kiss at Midnight & Prom King & Under My Skin
Page 56
Standing in the goals was a large, beefy male that looked like he was going to devour the ball. As Chris lifted his right leg in a kicking gesture, he somehow managed to stealthily pass the ball over to Rowell who was in the perfect spot to shoot. Able to see the ball coming, Rowell stopped it with his feet and without a moment's hesitation, he kicked the ball skilfully.
Everything was playing out in slow motion by now – or at least Essa thought the scene before her was in slow motion. She observed with wide eyes as the ball came in contact with Rowell Parker's expensive soccer shoes, it then rebounded and went flying to the goals. The goalie who had been caught off guard had tried leaping for it, however he had been a fraction of a second too slow. As the cheerleaders and the crowd erupted in delight, the numbers on the score board altered to 2-1.
Finding she was able to breathe again, Essa watched as Creston approached both Chris and Rowell, patting them in an encouraging manner. The Ocean High soccer team all shared a big 'family' hug before running back into their rightful positions.
In all honesty, Essa admired the way Creston acted and handled the role of soccer team captain. He was graceful on field as well as off. She had been watching him play for almost the entire game and had been pleased with his conduct.
She would have never thought Creston Spencer the majority-of-the-time-idiot was capable of being a fair team player considering he was such a prick to her on most occasions. However in a game of soccer, Spencer was rational – passing the ball around to his team mates when they were open. He didn't hog the ball because of his ego, nor was he trying to be the 'star' of the team. He had the skills and he definitely had the moves.
"Essa!" Trish called,
Only just hearing her name, Essa shifted her attention back to her friends. "What?"
"Geez, you're in your own world or something, I've been calling your name for the past minute." Trish explained.
Speechless and rather shocked by the fact that she had tuned out, Essa looked at Soph for some help.
"It's true Ess…" Soph drifted,
"Sorry, you guys were saying?" Essa queried and noticed the look her two best friends shared. "I saw that," she stated pointedly.
"And we saw you checking out Spencer and drool," Trish shot back.
With her jaw practically dropping to the floor, Essa couldn't help but glare-stare in a horrified manner. "Drool?!?!" She half shouted but didn't say another word as the crowd started chanting Creston's name.
Turning her profile back to the field, Essa saw Spencer running like crazy and tactfully dribble the ball down the field. He had passed the ball a few times to his teammates when they were open, however they all returned the ball back to him. Now he was nearing the goals, a perfect opportunity to break-even with the opposition. As he lifted his leg for the kill, out of nowhere came a figure diving for the ball, attempting to intercept Creston's effort to shoot.
As the other player's powerful leg managed to kick the ball away, he lost balance and came crashing down onto Creston, causing the captain to fall the floor. Essa watched as the two of them came tumbling down onto the grass – it was quite an amateur move on the opposition player's behalf – Creston appeared to be injured. As the referee blew his whistle to stop the game, Creston's fan club got to their feet, half of them ready to jump the barriers to get to their worshipped 'god'.
Only able to observe from a distance, Essa could see Creston was unable to continue playing as Chris and the referee assisted him off the field. As a substitute player replaced the captain, Creston seated himself at the bench as a nurse made their way over to him. As the team were awarded with a penalty shot, Ocean High managed to break-even.
"Should we go and take a look at him? Seems like they're moving him to the sick bay," Trish informed.
Getting to her feet, Essa observed the event that was unfolding before her. Seeing that Creston was being escorted away from the soccer match, Essa decided to follow. "I'll be back in a few," she told Trish and Soph who nodded their heads. "And tell me who wins!" Walking down the aisle and slipping between cheering fans, Essa managed to get out, trudging her way to the office.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Rest up for now, I'll be back in 30 with a new icepack for ya," ordered the office lady as she exited the sick bay.
Staring down at his sore and now swollen ankle, Creston heaved a sigh. There was nothing more he wanted than to be watching the soccer match – though the nurse had said he was slightly dehydrated and needed to rest. So here he was, seated alone on top of the sick bay bed with an icepack settled atop his outstretched leg. No doubt everyone else was busy enjoying themselves at the game – it was after all the deciding match for his team.
Running a hand through his spiky and slightly damp hair, Creston settled down, lying on his back. Staring up at the ceiling, he didn't make a move when his icepack slid off his leg and onto the floor. As he closed his eyes briefly, a soft knock reverberated off the door.
Entering the rather unwelcoming room with its cheap linoleum floor, and rather hideous furniture, Essa studied the unmoving form of Creston. "You're in quite a state," she breathed whilst bending down to retrieve the icepack.
Placing his arms behind his head, it surprised Creston when the girl set the pack back onto his ankle.
"Why aren't you watching the game with the others?" He shot at her and winced slightly when she applied pressure onto his leg.
"Sorry," Essa whispered, not meaning to be so brutal. She had been curious as to how the slight lump felt, so she had poked it. "I thought you might like some company,"
Smirking, Creston closed his eyes. "Guess you like me a little more than you think sweetheart," he remarked and sensed the immediate anger rise within the seated form.
Feeling herself getting defensive, Essa stood. "Fine Spencer, I'll just let you enjoy being alone then," she said stiffly and made a move to leave.
With fast reflexes, Creston grabbed hold of her wrist and spotted those angry blue-green eyes of hers. If anything, he had been flattered that she had thought of him, and now that he did have somebody to keep him sane in this rather dingy room, he wasn't planning on letting her go that easily.
"Wait," he mumbled, "Stay please."
Staring down at him and then at his warm hand which was clutching her arm, the fury that had been burning inside her instantly dissipated. Finding that she was being led to settle on the bed beside Creston's resting figure, she took the seat with reluctance.
"You're quite the damsel in distress," she joked and was caught off guard by the smooth chuckle Creston breathed. "But you idiot should have at least attempted to dodge that buffoon,"
Shrugging, Creston cocked his brows. "That was easier said than done, he just came out of nowhere and I had no time to react."
"Isn't that why you train so hard every week? You should be agile enough," Essa remarked.
Clamping his mouth shut, Creston didn't respond but Essa could tell he was smiling for the dint in his check was present. Knowing it was a little cruel; she applied pressure onto the icepack and was satisfied with the vanishing smirk on Spencer's lips.
"What's that for?" he burst, shuffling away from her touch. "You are quite the devil, taking advantage of the fact that I'm hurt to injure me further. And might I add I haven't done anything…"
Throwing Creston a pointed look that said 'I-beg-to-differ', Essa spoke. "You were smirking," she explained. "And it was a mocking, I'm-better-than-you kinda smirk," she elucidated.
Sitting up slightly, Creston arched a brow at her as if she was a fool. "How could I not have smirked? You made a comment about me being agile and just so handsomely hot on the field." He teased and received a playful punch on the arm which had been accompanied with a deep frown which morphed into a glare. "C'mon Evans, I'm just joking with you."
The soft vibrating of Essa's phone interrupted their conversation as she reached into the pocket of her hoodie to retrieve the device. Able to see that it was Trisha calling,
she brought the phone to her ear only to put it at arm's length because of the ear-piercing screaming in the background.
"Let me guess," Essa began but was cut off.
"Ocean High won!!!! That was such an awesome game Ess!! Seriously awesome!! And I usually hate the bloody game but geez-"
By now Sophia had managed to grab the phone off Trish, half screaming into the phone. "It was such a close game!! They had five minutes left to shoot, and the team was desperate!! So Chris took control and the team started playing together. But hell Ess, the groupies are going crazy!"
Looking up, Essa's gaze met Creston's smiling expression. There was no doubt he was over the moon right now as she hung up the phone. When she gazed up, she caught sight of Creston and his arms which were spread out into a hugging gesture. Not knowing what came over her, Essa found herself leaning into him. It wasn't because she felt obliged to return his embrace – no – it was the fact that she had lost all self control when she was sitting so close to him.
Laughing at the ecstatic chuckle Creston released, Essa patted him on the back, liking the warmth his body emitted. As they continued to embrace, Essa closed her eyes momentarily as a soothing sensation entered every pore of her body. The only gender of the opposite sex she had hugged was her father and Chris, but nothing like this feeling had ever crossed her before. Aware that Creston was pulling away, her senses started returning as a pang of disappointment filled her.
Gradually reaching Creston's inquiring gaze, she stared at him briefly, embarrassed and unaccustomed to the emotions that had trailed through her veins. Breaking the eye contact, she started getting to her feet, realising her senses were distorted because of the proximity of Spencer. Taking a small step away from the bed, she felt his hand on her wrist, pulling her back.
Heart beating in her chest, Essa hesitated to look at him, afraid that what she was feeling would show on her face. Heck! She wasn't even sure how to interpret the emotions that were having an effect, though she just knew she needed to get away from the source of it – and right now, the only thing she was positive about was that it was Creston.
"I'll be back," she managed to sputter, and was relieved when Creston released his grip on her hand as she practically made a run for it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"This is to US!!" Chorused the soccer team as they clanked mugs of beer and other alcoholic beverages together, followed by downing the liquid in huge gulps.
Creston drank from his bottle of beer, no longer able to feel the pain in his leg. He knew it was the effects of alcohol that had dimmed the tenderness; however he was too joyous to care about his ankle when his team had made it through to the next round. With the music pumping in the bar - which was owned by Rowell's family – he sat back and relaxed.
Eyes wandering over to the settled form of Essa, he noticed that she had been avoiding him all night. After the events at the sick bay, she had literally ran away from him and left him on his lonesome. He didn't know what to think, but he concluded that he must have offended her for she refused to sit near him, look at him, or speak a whole sentence to him tonight. Taking another gulp of his beer, Chris patted his shoulder.
"A little thirsty there Creston," Chris commented, it was evident the blonde was a little tipsy. "You sure do want to get smashed tonight hey?!!?" He asked and they clanked their bottles together before sculling the contents. "Trish is driving tonight, so she'll be our ride home."
Nodding his head, Creston found himself lifting his bottle of beer in salute at Trisha Davis who was located right next to Chris. She smiled politely, her attention falling back to Essa.
Essa Evans didn't know what came over her as she took another swig of her cocktail. It was the fourth cocktail she'd had within an hour and a half and she was certain she was at her limit. In all honesty, the girl didn't know why she was drinking so much. She blamed it on the atmosphere and the music, but deep down within, she knew that the reason was more serious.
From her peripheral vision, Essa could see the pair of familiar stormy grey-blue eyes studying her as she reached for her cup again. Every time she looked at Creston, she was reminded of the foreign emotions that had coursed through her. She recalled the way her heart beat erratically, and the way she enjoyed being hugged by him. As a waitress brought over another tray of drinks, Essa reached for another cocktail whilst downing the remainder of her fourth one.
"Essa you alright?" Soph questioned, and was rewarded with a grin from Essa who then clanked her cup against Sopha's bottle of beer.
"Just enjoying the moment," Essa half-lied. Fact was, the more she drank, the less she thought about the afternoon's events.
As an hour lapsed, Essa felt the need to stand and relieve herself at the female restrooms. She had lost count of how many drinks she had, but all she knew was that she had taken great pleasure in drinking with a hyperactive Chris who had merrily drank with her. Now as she stood on wobbly feet before the mirrors in the female toilets, she washed her face with cool water, trying to sober up.
Never in her life had she felt so blissful in such a crowded environment. There were the soccer boys and their fan clubs, but nothing the squealing, fawning cheerleaders did had managed to dampen her mood. Drying her face, Essa studied her reflection and smiled confidently into the mirror before strutting back out the door. It must have been the effects of alcohol which had transformed her to the rather confident person she was now.
Hearing the restrooms door close behind her, she turned the corner, heading back to the table where Soph and Trish were waiting. Before she had even made it down the corridor, a voice caught her attention.
Shifting to face the source, her dark glossy hair shone in the dimly lit passageway. There standing before her, clad in well-fitted navy jeans, a nice black shirt which was half unbuttoned, topped with a white belt was the figure of Creston Spencer. Standing immobile for a moment, Essa stood to her full height, her shoulders thrown back as she approached him.
"Why hello soccer captain," she greeted, her words half slurred.
Frowning slightly, Creston helped her stand properly. "I think you've had one too many,"
Unable to suppress the sudden rush of giggles, Essa shook her head. "You're telling me," she replied, staring into his eyes.
Even though she was rather drunk, Essa could still make out the fascinating colour of Spencer's eyes. They were more of a murky blue right now as she focussed in on them. The nerves which had existed two hours ago had disappeared, and she was feeling more tranquil then she had been since the afternoon.
Feeling an odd tightening to his chest, Creston turned his head for a moment. "We should get back in there," he said softly, about to turn and lead the way back to his mates.
Feeling compelled to stay for just a second longer; Essa found herself placing a hand on Spencer's arm. "No," she breathed. "Stay for a moment," she commanded and was astonished that he had obeyed.
Standing against the wall and resting her head on the hard surface, Essa gazed at Creston through her long lashes. They were standing opposite each other, with little less than a foot separating them. Incapable of ceasing her staring, the female figure found herself reaching up to touch the lone dimple on Spencer's right cheek.
Had she been in normal circumstances, Essa knew she wouldn't have done anything so blunt, but considering the amount she had to drink, she was acting on impulse.
"You've got a dimple," she mumbled, index finger running past the slight indentation.
Noticing the growing smirk on Creston's soft lips, Essa placed a finger over his mouth to stop him from speaking. She knew very well he'd say something to infuriate her and tonight she just didn't want to get angry.
"Don't," she demanded. "I don't want to bicker tonight Montgomery,"
Creston had to admit he'd been stunned by Essa's words and actions. However, shocked as he was, he was surprised that he actually liked the way she said his middle name. The way it r
olled off her tongue – it was just so… sexy. Nobody ever used his middle name before, and the way her lips curved when she pronounced the 'm'…
Observing, he could spot a smile lingering on her mouth, her eyes staring intently at his before moving down to his lips. Her left hand was resting on his chest, whilst the fingertips of her right hand ran through the hair near his neck. With the music playing in the background, Creston could have sworn his heart was beating to the rhythm.
"You've got really soft hair," Essa whispered and tilted her head to a side, never breaking the eye contact. There was something about those eyes that kept her coming back for more. "And Creston…" She drifted, releasing a throaty laugh in the process. Her cheeks were warm from the alcohol, but she had never felt bubblier in her life. "I'm going to regret this, but you my arrogant friend," she paused for a moment to add some effect. Bringing her hand down from his shoulder, she poked him softly in his hard chest. "You have really nice eyes."