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MENAGE - Public Humiliation ( MFM, MFMM, MFMMM , DP, TP, White Female Shared Hard and Fast) - Volume 3 - 3 Short Stories Book Boxed Set Anthology + BONUS STORY

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by Diaz,Nicola

  “Well listen, Joe. I won’t keep you because I’m sure that you want to get out and celebrate your winnings with your woman, but I have a special invitation to share with you.” Mickey tapped the bottom of a pack of cigarettes and then raised his eyebrows.

  “It’s an event you won’t want to miss. Trust me.” He grinned and then moved closer.

  “It’s a one-off special with a buy in of a hundred grand.” He looked around as if he didn’t want anyone else to hear the details.

  “Only the best of the best are going to be there, Joey. I hope you take me up on the offer.” Mickey grinned and I could see that he had a gold tooth on the upper left-hand side of his mouth.

  “Where’s it taking place?” Joe looked at Mickey with interest and Mickey just smiled.

  “The location is yet to be disclosed, but trust me. If you want in, I’ll give you the details as soon as I’m filled in. How’s that sound?”

  Mickey tapped the bottom of his cigarette pack again. Joe shrugged his shoulders and then pulled out a pack of gum from his bag. He thoughtfully un-wrapped a stick and then slowly slid it into his mouth.

  “I’ll think about it.” Joe took my hand and then guided me out the door and down the steps. The door closed behind us and the lights from Vegas twinkled in their glory. I was excited for the win, but I also knew that this meant more games were bound to follow. Joe didn’t like to stop with just one win. He liked to test his limits and stretch his boundaries. I admired this about him, but I also got a little scared, too.

  Chapter 2

  I was hired at Donnie’s Show-room back when Joe and I had just met. It wasn’t just a job for me. It was a creative outlet. Everything from the clothes I wore to the way I styled my make-up shone through when I stepped into Donnie’s. I loved the attention, too. We got men who were in their fifties and sixties, looking for something to upgrade their wives with, and we got the gamut of fresh twenty and thirty something looking for fresh wheels to impress the women with. I got off on all of it- the glitz, the glamour, the seduction.

  “Charlotte, I have a fun project for you this morning. I got a Porsche out front that I need to look pretty. What can you do for me?”

  Donnie was a big guy with a beer belly and a permanent smile. He paid me well, and even though he flirted with me way too much for Joe’s taste, he still knew when to back off, and I liked to think that he was pretty clued in as to his limits.

  “I think I could give that Porsche a little shimmer.” I shook my ass in front of him and then sauntered to the back of the show-room to get a cup of coffee.

  What worked out great about Donnie’s was the fact that I could make my own schedule and I could always get the night off if Joe had something special planned. Even though I was initially hired as a sales assistant, my job titled had morphed quite a bit to include other interesting descriptions such as “glamour girl” and “under the hood mistress.” It’s not that I was ever unfaithful to Joe, but I did like him to know that I had a pretty strong following.

  I can still remember the day that Joe sent me a text after one of his big wins. “Get on your party dress, baby. Daddy just struck it rich.” I had stood in the middle of the show-room and hollered out loud. Joey and a few of the associates came running out to see what was wrong.

  “What’s going on Char?” Joey looked like he was about to have a heart attack. I tossed my hair over my shoulder and then strutted to one of the black Cadillacs that were on display that week. Then I leaned against it in one of my classic sexy poses.

  “Joey just hit it big.” I batted my lashes at them and then kicked out my legs like one of the Rockettes. They all clapped and laughed, not sure if they should necessarily believe me or not.

  “I’m telling you all the truth.” I smiled and then walked back to the front of the show-room where I was supposed to be greeting potential customers.

  When I got up front, there was a tall, handsome man standing there with a phone in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

  “Well hello there, sweet-cakes.” He gave me a once-over and then scrolled nonchalantly through his phone.

  I smiled and then walked toward the Cadillac. “Hey, I was wondering if you could give me the specs on this baby right here.”

  He slid up to the hood of the car and gave it a gentle tap. I noticed that he wore a sporty watch and had on some expensive looking shoes. I couldn’t lie, there was something about sharp dressed man that always got me a little weak in the knees. Yet I never wanted to lose my will-power and end up cheating. I knew what I had with Joe was special, and I didn’t want to wreck it.

  “I’ll send one of our associates out to help you in just a sec.” I smiled at the man and then turned around to leave, but he took me by the arm and stopped me.

  “You are one of the hottest women I’ve ever seen inside a car show-room.” He had big green eyes and a rugged sort of charm.

  “Thanks for the compliment. I was just getting ready to leave work and see my boyfriend.” I gave him a wink and then continued along my way.

  He wasn’t the first guy to try his hand at getting my attention. In fact, it was hard to think of a day inside the show-room where I didn’t get hit on at least once, usually twice, and sometimes more than three times a shift. I was used to it, and it was motivating if I ever felt too exhausted to go in.

  Donnie knew what he had in me as an employee. In fact, the year before, I won Sales Associate of the Month because I was the only employee to sell over three high end vehicles in the span of three weeks. Donnie couldn’t believe it.

  “This woman just sold one of my Porsches, and two of my Jags. What the hell are the rest of you bozos doing out here? Playing tiddlywinks?” He had handed me a plaque, a bouquet of roses, and a pound of gourmet chocolate.

  Then he’d kissed me on the cheek, lit a cigarette, and stormed away.

  “The rest of you guys better get selling, or start looking for a new place to work.” He opened the door to his tiny office that was connected to the show-room and then slammed it shut.

  We all just stood there, stunned.

  Chapter 3

  When Joe and I got to the parking lot, he grabbed me around the waist and looked deep into my eyes. “You know, the best part of winning like this is that I get to spend it all on you.” He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the lips. I closed my eyes, absorbing the pleasure that came from one simple gesture. Joe had always been able to satisfy me, and he never left me unsatisfied in the bedroom.

  “What do you have planned for us this time?” I whispered in Joe’s ear and then played with the end of his tie. He raised his eyebrows with a mischievous grin and then playfully slapped me on the ass.

  “Oh, just you wait and see.” He smiled and then took me by the arm.

  “I have a special location already picked out for the night.” He knew that I loved eating out just as much as I enjoyed spending the night in posh hotels.

  What was he going to surprise me with this time? I never knew what kind of creative spin he was going to put on the night, but I sure loved imaging what would come next.

  We got in his silver Land Rover and he drove us out of the lot, down the highway, and toward downtown Provo.

  “You know, we don’t always have to stay out when you win, Joey. I mean, if you want to just rub me down at home, and then make love to me on our balcony, that would be just fine.” I batted my lashes at him and then leaned forward to tousle my hair in the passenger seat. He laughed and then flicked on the radio,

  “Baby, we have plenty of time to fuck at home. I want to take you out on the town tonight.” He winked and then made a right onto Sandstone Boulevard, right into the heart of Provo.

  I looked out the window and admired the desert landscape that swept through my peripheral vision. When we had driven about another fifteen minutes, Joe parked the car in front of a huge building that looked like a castle. He turned off the ignition and stepped out of the car.

  “Let’s eat.” He grin
ned and then we both walked up the steps, just like a queen and a king would do, and opened up the door to the majestic restaurant.

  I was impressed with the thought Joe put into our adventure. We ordered the most expensive entrees on the menu and we ordered the most expensive wine. I couldn’t even guess what our bill was, after the rounds of martinis, the trays of truffles and the dishes of caviar. Joe even had a private stringed quartet come out and play for us while we ate, and I basked in all of the attention. When we wrapped it up and paid the bill, it was well past midnight and I was ready for some of the affection I had grown to desire.

  “Wait till you see what I have planned, baby.” Joe took me by the hand and helped me into the Land Rover. I was tipsy form all of the wine, so I wasn’t particularly picky about what he chose to do for the rest of the night, anyway. As long as it involved him making love to my ripe body, I would have no qualms. We drove away from the castle and then pulled into a luxury hotel parking lot.

  “I need you to sit tight for just a second, okay?” Joe whispered in my ear and then hopped out of the Land Rover. I watched with anticipation as he made his way inside the building.

  Just as I was about to nod off in the vehicle, he opened the door and led me out.

  “Wait till you see this place, baby. You’re not going to believe it.” We walked into the lobby and then took the elevator to the third floor.

  “Give me an elevator kiss before we get out.” Joe grabbed me around the waist and pressed his body against mine. We kissed until the door opened, then collected ourselves and walked down to Room 3B: The Dove Suite.

  Joe opened up the door and I stood back in awe. He had sprinkled rose petals all over the floor and hung a strand of diamonds over the doorway. The bar was stacked with ice and alcohol. The blinds were open and the lights from the city glimmered into our room. I was just about to peek into the bathroom when I realized that the bed was covered in hundred dollar bills. As soon as I saw the cash, I threw my body on top of it. Joe joined me in a playful tumble.

  “You’re amazing.” I kissed Joe on the forehead and then laid back while he ripped my dress off in one fell swoop. Joe liked to get rough, and I enjoyed it when he made me submit.

  “I love it when you control me, Joey.” I smiled as he yanked off my bra and tossed it to the floor.

  “I’ve been waiting for some of this all night.” Joe ran his hands down my body. I trembled under his touch and spread open my legs so that he could slide his hand in between them.

  “You know that my skills at the poker table are just as good as my skills in the bedroom.” He whispered in my ear and then groped for my bountiful treasure. When he had found what he was looking for, he slid his fingers deep inside.

  “All I know is that you are a true king when it comes to poker and pleasure.” I giggled and then arched my back to drive his fingers deeper inside me.

  I relaxed under the skill of his hand. After only a few minutes, I felt like I was going to have an orgasm. That’s how good Joe was. It seemed like he barely had to touch me and I was ready to come all over the place. I spread my legs even wider and felt the crunching of the dollar bills under my ass. The sensation was enticing and chic. I didn’t want to think about the night ever coming to an end.

  “Baby, this is the best pussy I’ve ever had in all my life.” Joe groaned and then pulled out his fingers.

  I was just about to tell him to eat me out, when he repositioned himself on top of my body, and jammed his cock inside my waiting hole. He moved inside me like a comet shooting across thee sky, fast and furious, with no end in sight. We were both worked up into a frenzy, sweating all over the money, when suddenly Joe sprung back on the bed and held his cock in his hand.

  “Oh shit. Watch this.” He threw back his head and then arched his back, just as a thick line of come spurted out in an arc across the bed.

  “Now that was impressive.” I laughed and then rolled over, but Joe would have no parts of me being unsatisfied.

  “Let me lick that pussy till you come.” He moved his head down my legs and then nuzzled my hairy bush until he got his mouth positioned right on top of my labia.

  He licked the silky petals of my pussy until I cried out with intense pleasure, and then slid his fingers inside my wet hole. I loved it when he ate me out, and tonight was no exception. He moved his tongue all over, back and forth, in and out, until I finally cried out with such immense ecstasy I thought the hotel receptionist was going to kick us out.

  “Neither of us said a word for the next ten minutes. We were both drunk and exhausted. “Joey, baby. I hope that was just a prelude.” I whispered in his ear and then slid closer to his lean body. He smiled at me and then rolled over to light a cigarette.

  “You’re kidding, right?” He chuckled and then took a drag. I shook my head and gave him one of my signature pouts.

  “Nope. I’m totally serious. I want more.” I climbed on top of him, by breasts touching his chest and my wet pussy rubbing against his groin. He laughed and then took another drag of his cigarette.

  “Come on, Joey. You know that I have a voracious appetite.” I sat up and played with my nipples for a few minutes, then licked my lips with enticement.

  He smiled and continued smoking his cigarette.

  “You know, you really are stunning. I mean, shit. You’re the whole damn package. You’ve got the perfect as and the nicest tits. You’re pussy is to die for.” Joe raised his eyebrows and then flicked the ash from his cigarette into the ashtray.

  “Let’s celebrate your pussy with a toast.” He hopped off the bed and walked to the bar.

  “I got your favorite.” With that he popped the top off a blue champagne bottle and poured out two glasses. I smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Here’s to the sweetest pussy on the planet.” He smiled and we made the toast.

  “It’s waiting for more of that cock whenever you’re ready.” I winked and then sipped my drink with enjoyment.

  I didn’t want to make Joey feel incompetent because he really was an incredible lover, but sometimes I worried that I might actually be too much women for him to handle. My sexual energy was high, and I could often have sex for hours on end. I decided to let it go for now. He had just treated me to a night I’d never forget.

  “Hey, baby. I got to make a decision about Mickey’s offer. What do you think?” Joe looked at me with a serious expression.

  “I mean, it sounds like a hell of an offer. But I’m not so sure I want to get in over my head.” He lit another cigarette and then poured some more champagne.

  “The best players in the country are going to be there.” He shook his head and then looked at all the money on the bed. “It could mean more of where this came from.” He held up a a hundred dollar bill, kissed it to the sky, and then let it fall back down on the bed.

  “Joey, you’re the king. I say you take them on. What do you got to lose?”

  I meant what I said. He was one of the best poker players I’d ever seen, and all of the top dogs knew he was a force to be reckoned with. I tilted my head and then slid over and rubbed him on the shoulders.

  “Since when has Lucky Joe been one to back down from a deal like that?” I kissed him on the forehead and then got up to use the bathroom. He nodded his head in agreement.

  “Yeah. You’re right, babe. You’re absolutely right.” He took one last drag on his cigarette, smashed out the butt, and then fell right asleep.

  Act II

  Chapter 4

  When Joe got the details of the poker event from Mickey, he was convinced it would be worth the stakes. He was a hug fan of No Limit Texas Hold-em, which required a unique mix of skill, chance and fast action. He loved the fact that he could bet all of his chips at any point during the hand, and he craved the adventurous undertones that came with such a style of poker.

  “I have a good feeling about this, babe.” I stood in front of our full-length mirror, getting dressed for work.

  Joe was still in bed, r
esting from a long night out with his buddies. I pulled on my red cashmere sweater and a pair of black print leggings. Then I walked to the closet and pulled out my boots. Joe admired me from the bed.

  “Don’t you go looking too sexy for those guys in the show-room.” He teased me and then rolled over, clearly not ready to greet the day yet. I smiled and then zipped up my boots.

  “Don’t you worry your sexy head. I’m saving my sexiest outfit for tonight.” I winked and then headed out the door and down the hall.

  I had to admit that I was a little bit nervous about the night. I knew that Joe was prepared to play the best game that he was capable of, but a sinking feeling in my gut made me worry that he might get over-confident and lose. I felt guilty for doubting him, but I knew that anything was possible.


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