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MENAGE - Public Humiliation ( MFM, MFMM, MFMMM , DP, TP, White Female Shared Hard and Fast) - Volume 3 - 3 Short Stories Book Boxed Set Anthology + BONUS STORY

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by Diaz,Nicola

  I headed into Donnie’s with my head held high and was greeting with the usual barrage of whistles and cat-calls.

  “Looking good, baby. Looking real good.” Some guy standing next to a BMW asked me for my phone number but I pretended like I didn’t hear him.

  I spent most of the morning sitting inside a Delorean, smiling to potential buyers as they made their way through the show-room.

  When I got down my shift, I hurried home to get changed for the big event. Joe was already in the bathroom, taking a shower and singing a familiar tune. He whistled along and I slithered out of my work clothes, anxious to get ready. I took my cobalt blue dress off the hanger and then reached for my six inch black heels. I knew that Joe loved this outfit, and I wanted to do whatever I could to get him in the right mind-set for the game.

  “Well look at you. Hot stuff!” Joe climbed out of the shower just as I had slipped the dress over my head.

  I pranced in front of the mirror for a few minutes, and then sat on the edge of the bed while Joe got dressed. He picked a gray suit with a purple tie and his signature snake-skin shoes. When we were both dressed to the nines, we locked arms and headed out of the house, ready to take on the world.

  “Lucky Joe just got in the joint.” I heard voices as soon as we stepped foot inside the room.

  Just getting to the secret location had taken some sleuthing. Mickey had given us good directions, but the underground poker room was located in the belly of the sandstone Nevada cliffs, and it was hard to find our way along the dark highway without any help from the moon.

  I closed the heavy door behind me and it echoed throughout the hall.

  “Down here, boys and girls.” I heard Mickey’s voice and gave Joe’s arm a squeeze.

  We walked slowly until we reached the source of the voices, then we stepped confidently inside.

  “So the poker don made it, after all.” A bald man with a heavy accent motioned for Joe to sit down.

  I watched as Joe shook his hand and then settled into a purple velvet chair.

  One of the men at the table, with long red hair and a thick red mustache, lit a cigarette and gave me a wink. I smiled and then smoothed down my hair. There were six poker players, including Joe.

  “Tell your lady friend to make herself comfortable.” One of the other men at the table, heavy set with a thick head of curly blond hair and a patch over his left eye, spoke up.

  I looked around and saw that there was an unoccupied high-back chair in the back, so I moved to where it was and sat down. There were a few other people in the room watching, but none of them said a word to me. Joe looked as ready as ever, and he gave me a wink before they started.

  I noticed that there was a lot of cash on the table, even early on. I had always been one to keep my mouth shut about how the money manifested in these kinds of games, but it was a little concerning to see so much green piled up already. Where did these characters get all that cash? I was sure the answer to that question would have been book worthy, and I chuckled to myself as they got started with the game.

  The first round of betting was interesting to watch. As soon as all of the cards had been dealt, the first player to act was the guy to the left of the big blind. It just so-happened to be Joe, and he decided to match the amount of the big blind. I was trying to follow all of the rules as they unfolded, but it was a little tricky the first time around. One of the onlookers tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a beer. I smiled with thanks, and then took a long, hard sip.

  By the time I had finished my drink, Joe was losing and I was getting nervous. I had watched enough now to understand that the second betting round would take place on the flop after the first three community cards had been dealt. I looked around, hopeful that someone would appear with more alcohol, and luckily, the same guy who gave me the beer offered me a shot of whiskey. I tossed it back and then tried to focus on the game.

  At the start of the round Joe flexed his arms above his head. I could tell that he was getting frustrated because he was down. It wasn’t like him to look nervous, and I started to think that it was my fault for doubting him that was contributing to his poor results. I watched quietly as the action started with the first active player to the left of the button. Would he bet, call, fold, check, or raise? The options were many, and I liked sitting by to see what would happen. The guy who was playing decided to check, and it was back to Joe now to make something happen.

  What struck me most about this game was the high denomination of cash and poker chips being bet. The man with the patch over his eye bet thirty thousand dollars at one point, and I thought I was going to fall off my chair. If Joe ended up winning big tonight, it was going to be an occasion to remember. I started to sway in my chair, drunk from the alcohol, and I saw Joe look my way with concern. Not wanting to worry him, I straightened my posture and smoothed down my hair. Then I got up to find myself some water.

  Chapter 5

  I ran my hands through my hair. A black guy with a ring through his nose made one of the riskiest wagers yet, and it made my mind whirl to imagine how much deeper these guys could go. I could tell that Mickey was thoroughly enjoying himself, as he was one of the first to make a move that raised my eyebrows. It wasn’t that I hadn’t seen my fair share of poker games, but this a Texas Hold-em that was unlike anything I’d ever witnessed before.

  I knew that part of what drew Joe to this game was the thrill of winning. But with the prospect of such a thrill came the recognition of a possible fall, as well. Would we be ready to handle it if we lost? I leaned across the table, my cleavage catching everyone’s attention for a brief moment. I could see a few beads of perspiration on Joe’s forehead, a clear indicator that he was fully aware of just how much was at stake.

  “Oh baby, this is it.” Joe looked at me from his seat and smiled. I could see the thrill in his eye and I hoped that this meant we are on the upswing. I couldn’t tell exactly what was happening, and I couldn’t make out how much cash was on the line for this round, but I sensed that Joe was now riding out the competition with one other player- the man with the long red hair and the patch over his eye.

  “I’ve got an unbeatable hand.” Joe leaned back in his chair and whispered in my direction. I kept quiet, but silently hoped that he was right.

  Just then Joe made a move that got everyone’s attention. He bet it all. My eyes widened when I saw the move he had just made. What was he thinking? I knew he was one of the pros, but to bet it all? Under the riskiest of circumstances? I cringed and then looked away. It was too anxiety-inducing for me to watch any longer. I had a slight inkling as to what was going to happen next, so when the man with the patch, who I later referred to as “Red,” raised on his next go-round, I shook my head with admitted defeat. As feared, Joe wasn’t able to cover the bet.

  In a moment of sheer spontaneity, I got up from my chair and scooted behind Joe’s chair. I rubbed his shoulders a few times and then whispered in his ear.

  “Offer my body as a wager.” He must have thought I had lost my mind because he turned around and gave me one of the most incredulous expressions I’d ever seen.

  “Do it, Joey. You don’t have any other options.” I didn’t want him to hear the desperation in my voice, but it was hard to disguise my anxiety.

  “All right, Char. If you say so.” Joe nodded his head and then looked across the table at the men who were waiting for his next move.

  “I’m offering my girlfriend Charlotte as the stake.” He cleared his throat and then looked away.

  I felt a twinge of excitement course through my body, but I also felt a pang of sadness. Joe had let himself down. He had gone into this as one of the reigning champions, but was preparing to come out as a possible loser. I didn’t want to entertain the thought of us losing everything, so I focused, instead, on him finding a way to make it work in our favor.

  In what felt like a moment frozen in time, I watched the men smile with acknowledgment. It appeared that all of them were in fa
vor of Joe’s proposed stake. I ran the possibilities over in my head, and realized that luck would have to decide our fate. I didn’t want to see Joe lose what he had, but at the same time I had a feeling that my sexual satisfaction might be worth his accepting the fall. All I could do now was simply wait and see what would happen.

  Chapter 6

  I looked over my shoulder, hoping that someone would offer me another drink. At least the alcohol took the sting away form the truth. I wondered what the final outcome was going to be. Part of me was shocked that I had even suggested my body as a wager, but part of me also found a sort of thrill in the prospect. Besides, if it was going to help our financial situation, then I was willing to help out in whatever way that I could.

  I steadied myself on the chair and craned my neck to see what cards had been drawn on the table. I knew enough by the look on Joe’s face that it didn’t spell a happy ending for his game. In fact, the longer I stared at his face, the more I realized that I had never seen him so distraught over a game in his life. The look of defeat was evident, and I watched as some of the other players started counting their chips and their cash. A few of them lit up cigarettes and Joe pushed his chair away from the table. He had lost everything that he staked.

  I swallowed hard and then took a sip of my water. The energy in the room was scattered. A few of the men smoked cigarettes and hooted over their wins, and a few of the others sat with more somber expressions. Joe, however, was red in the face and completely distracted. He looked across the table and then ran his hands through his hair. I knew that he wanted to yell out loud, and was trying his hardest to keep his composure.

  I realized that now was my time. I had made the offer, so now I needed to follow through with the action. I got up and smoothed my hair then walked from the back of the room toward the table. My heart raced as I looked at Joe. His eyes met mine and then fell to the floor. Red stared at me like I was an intruder, but I simply put my hands on my hips and then leaned over so that they could all get a good look at my cleavage.

  “I’m ready for the taking.” I batted my lashes at Mickey and then looked back at Joe. He shook his head with disbelief.

  The man at the table who Joe lost to was handsome and trim. He had a straight, angular nose and dark, wavy hair that hung to his shoulders. As soon as I got closer I had the odd sensation that I’d seen the man before. I tried to jog my memory and then it struck me- he was in the Provo times a few months ago because he was a suspect in a large heroin ring that was popping up in various parts of Nevada. I likened his persona as that of celebrity status.

  As I stood quietly at the table, Joe took me gently by the hand.

  “That guy with the dark hair? He had been staked for the game, itself.” Joe whispered in my ear and then shook his head, realizing that I had no idea what he meant by that.

  He leaned back and whispered once more in my ear. “What that means is that two of the other guys here gave him the back-up funds if he needed them.” Joe looked across the table and then ran his hands through his hair again.

  I could tell that he didn’t like talking game rules with me while they were all still sitting at the table, but I tried to act is if I understood what he had just told me.

  “Well, it looks like this lady in blue had better get ready.” The drug-dealer with the wavy hair sat back with his hands resting on his thighs.

  He jabbed one of the other men in the ribs and the two burst out in laughter.

  “Looks like she’s raring to go.” The drug dealer snickered and then looked to his right as the others continued to laugh and stare.

  Joe looked at me with a pained expression. I knew that he wasn’t going to like what proceeded, but I wanted him to know that it was all for a good cause.

  “Come on, baby. Get up on this bed right here.” Red patted the table with his hand and then shoved some of the poker chips to the side.

  The others sat back and waited with anticipation as I stepped cautiously closer to the table.

  “Come on now. Get going. We don’t got all night.” Red smacked his lips and then pounded the table with his fist which sent the others into roaring into a blast of laughter.

  I lifted up my dress so that I could get my legs in position, then I hoisted my ass up on the lower lip of the table. The men sat back and watched as I got my balance, then one of them started to move the chips and cards to the side.

  “Here you go. Now you got the whole table to sprawl out on.” One of them spoke to me but my eyes were on Joe as he sat in silence, surrounded by poker players, yet very much alone in his thoughts.

  Act III

  Chapter 7

  “I think I ought to be the first one to check out our specimen, don’t you think?” The drug dealer took his hand and ran it along the curve of my back.

  “She looks like she’s going to taste real good, boys. Don’t you think?” He chuckled and then in one motion, ripped the side of my dress down so that it hung off my shoulder.

  “She’s got some nice looking skin, so that’s a good sign.” He laughed and then looked at the others as they watched with satisfaction.

  “Better make sure that her pussy isn’t tainted.” Red piped up and then sat back with his arms folded across his chest. I wanted to punch him square in the face, but I knew that wasn’t part of the arrangement. I didn’t need Joe dealing with any surprises.

  “Go ahead and see if she’s fresh.” He continued egging on the drug dealer and the others watched as they sipped on their drinks.

  The drug dealer yanked the other side of my dress, and then pulled it down to my waist. I shivered as my skin met the cool air. He reached behind my back and tore off my bra, then twirled it around on his finger.

  “Who wants an over-the-shoulder boulder holder?” He rocked his hips back and forth a few times which sent the other men into another fir of laughter. Then he tossed it up into the air and watched as it landed on the massive pile of poker chips.

  “All right, baby. Scoot a little closer.” The drug dealer wiggled his finger at me and gestured for me to move toward him. I squeezed out a smile and then slid over. He grabbed me by the breasts and then rubbed them forcefully with his hands.

  “Okay, boys. They’re real!” He chuckled and the others bellowed in laughter.

  I could tell that a few of them were really drunk by now. I leaned back and then spread my legs open a little bit because I knew what was coming next.

  “You got to get your fingers in there and find out if she’s wet or dry.” Red called out from the table and the drug dealer raised his eyebrows.

  “Ah, yes, you’re right. We better check out that important information.” The drug dealer grabbed my thighs and then rubbed them a few times with his big, calloused hands.

  I could never bear to tell Joe, but the rough handling turned me on, and I actually felt a surge of sexual energy rise within me as his behavior got rougher. He reached for my waist and drew me closer, and then he pulled down my black panties and held them up in the air.

  “I got one pair of damp panties for sale. Any takers?” He grinned while the others laughed, and Joe just buried his head in his hands.

  Without any announcement, the drug dealer groped my pussy with his hand. He rubbed it a few times and looked me in the eye. I didn’t want to admit that it felt good, but I could sense myself growing moist beneath his touch. He jammed a few fingers up into my hole, and then twisted them around until he had them as far up inside me as they’d reach.

  I looked at Joe and realized for the first time that he looked a little bit more relaxed. It was hard for me to believe, but it crossed my mind that he might just have started to enjoy what he was seeing. I closed my eyes and let my body go with the rhythm of the fingers circling wildly inside me. Then it stopped. He pulled them out and held them up in the air above his head.

  “I’d say that she’s got a pretty wet one.” He kept his fingers held high as the men looked on with lascivious stares.

  “Why don’t
you lick ‘em?” Red gave the drug dealer a suggestion and Joe raised his eyebrows.

  I wished I could read minds at that moment because I wanted to know what Joe was thinking at that precise moment, but only my imagination could answer for my curiosity. Just then the drug dealer slid his finger in his mouth and closed his eyes. He rubbed his stomach wit his hand and then smiled.

  “Tastes like nectar.” He wiped off his fingers and then looked at me with a seductive stare. I gave Joe a sideways glance and then drew in a deep breath. I knew that this was going to get more intense, and I had a feeling that I’d be able to handle it. However, I wasn’t so sure about Joe.

  Chapter 8

  “I’m one of the other two that staked in this game, so let me in.” One of the players who had been relatively quiet for the last half hour piped up and then stepped forward.


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