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Willing Surrender

Page 4

by Hole, Carrie

  She bit her lip. “Yes,” she panted, gingerly running her fingers along his stomach at the edge of his jeans. He unbuttoned, and pulled them off. Her cheeks heated, and she felt a flare of trepidation, as she noticed how large he was. He didn't give her time to panic, he kissed her, pushing her backwards until she bumped into the bed, then tumbled her down. He raised her arms above her head.

  “Hold on to the pillow,” He instructed, teasing her mouth with his lips.

  She nodded warily, as he nuzzled and nipped his way down her jaw and neck. He sat on his knees between her legs. Putting his hands on either side of her throat, he unhurriedly moved his hands down her body. He squeezed her hip bones then trailed down to brush his fingers across her sex. She watched him, body shuddering. He steadily rubbed his way back up, kneading her breasts, leaving her nipples begging for attention. He continued to sensuously massage her body, dipping a little further each time, but avoiding the spots she wanted touched the most. Body throbbing, she became lost in sensation, biting her lip, little mewling sounds escaping her. As she closed her eyes, trying to remember to hold on, he squeezed her breasts, then rolled and tugged her nipples. Her body arched, begging for more. He bent down and sucked each one into his mouth, as his thumb pressed and swirled her clit. Moaning she reached for him, so close to the edge. He kissed her brutally, as his fingers continued to torment her. He nibbled her neck, rolling her nipples again. “Please,” she whispered.

  He looked at her, eyes feverish. “Say it again.”

  “Please,” She murmured, eyes begging.

  He flicked her clit, as he eased into her slightly, only to withdraw. He teased her, entering a little further each time, until she was whimpering incoherently. Finally, he put a hand to the side of her neck, pinning her arm to her side, his other hand on her thigh, he surged with a deep long stroke. The friction was enough to send her right over the edge, holding onto him, crying out. When she would have sped up the movement he held her tight, giving slow deep thrusts, making the pleasure more intense. Too intense. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, as she mindlessly said his name. While she was still riding the wave of pleasure, he kissed her, raising her arms above her head, and holding them there. He began faster, harder thrusts. The position stretched their bodies, creating friction on her clit and nipples with every movement. He teased her lips, watching her. Her body bowed as the pleasure continued to build instead of wane. He started to lose control. His hand twined in her hair tugging, face buried in her neck. The rhythm became frantic. She began to come again; he was there with her, moaning as he left small bites along her shoulder.

  He soothingly brushed the side of her face, and down her shoulder. He eased to the side, one leg thrown over hers, giving gentling caresses across her ribs. She closed her eyes, trying to calm her breathing. As the pleasure cooled, her foggy brain started to come back online. Embarrassment and confusion were quick to follow. Her world had inexplicably shifted again, but this time she feared she would never be the same. She sat up. “I’m going to grab some water, do you want something.”

  Before she could stand up, he grabbed her wrist lightly. “Don’t run,” he sat up next to her, as she looked at him doe-eyed. He stroked her face, trying to calm her. As she started to relax, he ran his thumb over her lips. “I still have a couple of weeks before we start shooting again. I’ve rented a house in the Keys, and I’d like for you to come with me.

  She shook her head. “What? No.”

  “Why not? Had enough, now you’re done with me,” He teased.

  More like, afraid of becoming addicted. “Is there a woman shortage there or something? I’m sure you have a harem of girls following you around.”

  He eased in closer to her. “I like spending time with you.”

  “Why? There’s nothing special about me.”

  He cocked his head at her, fingers brushing wild curls behind her ear, then grazing down her neck. He leaned in, as if to kiss her. “I think you’re exquisite.” She would have objected, but then he did kiss her, skewing her senses. Before she knew it she was on her back, him whispering in her ear. “Say you’ll come with me.” By the end of the night, she was begging to come with him.

  Chapter 6

  Reina woke slowly, stretching languidly, stopping mid-movement when her foot touched a hairy leg. She peeked over her shoulder, memories flooding back. James is asleep in my bed. She was tempted to reach out and touch him, but heat flooded her cheeks as she remembered whispered promises. She’d said yes to two weeks alone with him. Her fear wanted her to worm her way out of it; her libido laughed at her. The only way to face this day was coffee. She eased out of bed, trying not to wake him. She slipped quietly into the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and set out an extra toothbrush for him. Sneaking out of her own room, she practically ran to the coffee pot. She poured a cup, before realizing it was the Rock City mug. She grumbled to herself, as she took a few long gulps. She needed to man her defenses with as much caffeine as possible. She turned as she heard her bedroom door open, heart pounding. James stalked over to her with no hesitation and a devilish glint in his eyes. Not giving her time to overthink, he set her cup down, pressed her against the counter, and claimed her mouth. She unconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. When her brain was thoroughly muddled, he looked at her.

  “I have to stop by the hotel to pack, and make a few calls,” he put his finger under her chin, eyes searching. “I’ll be back for you in a couple of hours.”

  She nodded, “OK.”

  He looked at her for a few moments, as if he wanted something else, but he didn’t press it. Releasing her, he prowled around her house, gathering his things and putting on his shoes. She drank her coffee and watched his movements, completely enthralled. When he had his things he came back to her, hand going into her wild hair. He teased his lips across hers causing her to instinctively arch in for more. His hand tensed in her hair, as he lightly nipped her bottom lip. “You’ll be ready in a couple of hours?”


  Seeming pleased by her answer, he headed for the door. He looked over his shoulder on the way out, “See you soon.”

  As he closed the door she grabbed another cup of coffee, trying to remember how to breathe. Fuck. That man robbed her of all good sense. She was in way over her head. She couldn’t really back out, and wasn’t sure she wanted to. All she could do was put on her brave face, and get her ass in gear. She put her playlist on random, showered, shaved, and packed a duffle bag. She picked comfortable clothes, grabbed bathroom essentials and threw in her bathing suit. She was always self-conscious wearing her bathing suit, but she couldn’t very well go to the beach without it. She knew she should eat something, but her stomach was full of butterflies. She settled for a yogurt, and a little more coffee. The coffee wasn’t the best idea, but it brought her a measure of comfort. She was clicking through emails when Amy walked in laughing, followed by James.

  “What’s this,” she asked.

  “Oh, just your friendly local driving service. I was coming home, and James needed a ride. He said something about kidnapping my best friend,” Amy smiled mischievously.

  “I see. Now you’re both conspiring against me.”

  “I would never,” Amy replied, in mock outrage. “Just looking out for your best interests, of course.”

  “Oh yes, of course,” Reina sarcastically remarked. James reclined in the chair next to her, watching and chuckling at them. “Are you taking us to the airport as well?”

  James’ phone buzzed, “That’s our ride now.” Reina started to put her laptop in a bag, but James put his hand on her arm and leaned in to murmur, “Don’t bring it.” As she started to object, he sucked her earlobe between his teeth, sending shivers down her neck.

  “You’re not playing fair,” she whispered.

  He pulled back to look at her. “I’m not playing at all; I’m going after what I want.”

  “What is it that you want exactly?”

��You...I want you,” his thumb came across her lips, driving her crazy. “Do I need to be more assertive?”

  Amy cleared her throat, “Hello. Remember me? Get out of here already.” James took her hand and grabbed her duffle bag. On their way out Amy waved, “See you when you get back. Don’t call. James, I’d take her phone if I were you.”

  “Ha ha, very funny. Traitor,” Reina replied.

  Amy winked. “Have a nice trip!”

  In her driveway was a gorgeous Mercedes, chauffeur waiting by an opened door. “Wow. Ummm, we could have taken a cab you know.”

  James smiled at her, “I know.” He handed the driver her bag, with a quiet thanks, and waited for her to get in.

  “Really, you don’t need to impress me. I’m low maintenance, it’s cool.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with being comfortable.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. He’d used her line, what the hell could she say to that. During the 30 minute drive he swirled his thumb across her hand while she looked out the window. She was contemplative, and slightly apprehensive. She felt as though she were standing on the high dive, staring down at the sea. Maybe it was because they weren’t alone, or perhaps he sensed her strange mood, but he didn’t force conversation. He simply held her hand, and let her think. It was more likely that he was biding his time.

  At the airport they bypassed the main terminal, and drove around to a smaller landing strip. The car pulled up alongside a small jet. Reina’s heart started pitter pattering. She wasn’t the biggest fan of airplanes anyway, but this was sort of ridiculous. James tipped the driver, and stepped out, as she scooted out behind him. “Seriously,” she asked.

  “It’s private, less complicated, less people, more comfortable, not to mention a hell of a lot faster.”

  “Look, I don’t want you to think that I’m that girl. I don’t...I’m not, I agreed to come because I’ve liked spending time with you. I don’t expect anything else, I’m not asking for anything. I don’t need...”

  His hand skimmed her cheek. “Maybe that’s exactly why I want to give it to you. Honestly, this is the easiest way. Enjoy the ride. Stop worrying.”

  She gave him a sideways look, remembering a similar conversation with Amy. “That’s definitely not something I can guarantee. It’s in my nature, I thought you’d noticed,” she smiled. He smiled in return, mood lightened. He gestured her to go first.

  The inside of the jet was comfortably plush, decorated in neutral cream and tan. There were four large, soft leather seats facing each other, with two pull out tables between. Each table was covered in catered trays of meats, fruits and cheeses. There were also drink selections of water, champagne, juice and soda. As much as she felt overwhelmed by everything, she was also touched by his thoughtfulness. Regardless of his intentions or motivations, he’d obviously thought of her. Although, he could also have set everything up for any random girl. She refused to let herself follow that train of thought. She’d decided to take this romantic adventure, with the sexiest man she’d ever met therefore she was going to do her best to let it go, throw caution to the wind. For two weeks she would enjoy, and worry about the consequences later. Easier said than done, but once a decision was made, she had an iron will and amazing stubborn streak to see it through. She reached out and ran her fingers down James’ arm. As her hand grazed his, he turned it over and wrapped his fingers lightly around her wrist, pulling her in. Before he could stupefy her with kisses she turned her face, lips skimming his neck. “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear. Her other hand came up caressing the back of his neck and down his chest. She stepped back, eyes dancing playfully; he let her go, eyes simmering with promise.

  The plane ride was only a couple of hours. They settled in, eating fruit and drinking champagne. If you’re going to be on a private jet, might as well have a little champagne, Reina mused. “If you don’t mind me asking, how long are you usually on location filming?”

  “It depends on the show or movie. This is our last season, and we’re only doing eight episodes. So, we’re figuring around three months or less.” He looked at her intently, “I’ve been doing the show so long I generally stay at my house there most of the time.”

  “I’d heard that in an interview, that you owned a house in Vancouver.” She hesitated, “I’m sorry. It must be strange for people to hear things about you, without actually knowing you.”

  “I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”

  She rolled her eyes, “Yeah right.”

  “You could tell me about yourself.”

  “Nothing to tell really, all boring and average.”

  He leaned towards her, putting his finger beneath her chin. “You keep trying to convince me you’re ‘average’ but I can see the secrets in your eyes.”

  “I don’t have any secrets,” she replied quietly, heart skipping a beat.

  His thumb grazed her jaw. “Perhaps you haven’t discovered them for yourself yet,” he answered cryptically, releasing her. “Do you have any siblings?” He returned to being casual, throwing off her equilibrium.

  “Nope, only child.”

  “When’s your birthday?”

  She made a face, sticking her tongue out. “I don’t have birthdays,” she joked. “Christmas. My birthday’s on Christmas.”

  “Well that explains everything,” he laughed, eyes playful. As the plane touched down he was mumbling something under his breath about presents falling in his lap.

  Chapter 7

  Key West was a world of its own. Steeped in culture and history, vibrant with colorful island vibes and bursting with personality. The island was lush with tropical trees and fauna, with a quirky blend of tourism and quiet beach bungalows. The houses were an eclectic mix of wooden cottages and historic Victorian styles, painted in bright colors. In the air was the refreshing scent of salty ocean air, and good food. The busier streets were lined with eccentric venders and shops, an artistic flair entwined with everyday life. Nestled in were locals quietly relaxing and enjoying the slower pace of life. In this small paradise, being laid-back was more than a way of life, it was a complete state of mind. The overall effect was both relaxing, and breathtaking.

  As the car pulled up, Reina awed by the house James has rented. It was a large white Victorian style, with faded red shutters and a wraparound porch. Located on the edge of downtown, it was within walking distance of everything yet made private by white fencing and a multitude of coconut palms, banana trees, and orchids. “It’s gorgeous,” she remarked, with an easy smile on her face.

  “Go on,” he urged. “Go explore.”

  Feeling lighthearted and happy, she took a peek inside. The floors were dark brown marble tile, the walls light cream with rich local art. The open floor plan, and countless windows, made it feel both airy and welcoming. A living room nook opened into a small dining area, a vase of tropical flowers accented the round wooden table and wicker seated chairs. Beyond was the kitchen, complete with a teak finish breakfast bar and matching cabinets, the hidden cabinet style refrigerator already stocked. Bringing brilliant light into the kitchen were sliding glass doors, leading out to a private patio. It was decked with white wood flooring, decorated with umbrella covered lounge chairs and tables. In the middle was an inground pool with marble steps and crystal blue water.

  Going back inside, she climbed the teak railed, white staircase. On the second floor was a medium sized bedroom with a set of double beds and connecting bathroom, beside it was the master suite. The master bedroom was large and open with tan walls full of windows. The bed, dresser, armoire and desk were themed with the same rich teak finish. Small island pictures were grouped elegantly in various places and a door led to a small balcony overlooking the pool. The connected bathroom was luxurious. On the right was a wall length mirror framed by top lights and teak vanity with marble sinks. In the left corner was a jacuzzi tub, but the real beauty was the walk-in shower next to it. It was large enough to fit at least four people comfortably. The en
try was a tall clear glass door, surrounded by matching glass. The inside had smooth travertine tiled flooring, and matching tan marble walls, with a small teakwood bench to one side.

  Reina moved from room to room in a state of giddiness, as if in a dream. James quietly followed behind her entranced by her unveiled happiness. As she ran her hand along the marble bathroom vanity, James closed the distance between them, pressing his body in behind her. Their eyes met in the mirror. “Do you like it,” he asked, lips close to her ear.

  “Yes,” she replied breathlessly. “It’s amazing.”

  Maintaining eye contact, his hand came around to rest at the base of her throat, as he rubbed his lips across the side of her neck. “Beautiful,” he murmured huskily. She turned towards him. He leaned into her, arms caging her, hands resting on the counter top. Her cheeks pinkened as desire raced through her, with fleeting thoughts of wrapping her legs around his waist. Instead she wrapped an arm around his waist, the other rubbing down the back of his neck. His eyes flicked down to her lips, as she unconsciously licked them. He brought his lips close to hers, as if to kiss her, but stopped before their lips touched. His eyes looked back up to hers. “Do you want me to kiss you,” he asked sensually.


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