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Christmas Present

Page 25

by Lauren Wood

  “This is serial killer behavior. I thought I was hiring a professional and not some deranged killer.” I slipped past him. I could smell his natural scent and was very tempted to drop my towel to give him something more to think about. Those jars of discarded body parts were my safe place.

  “What did you expect to find in this room? I was hiding all of this for a reason. I thought it best to keep some of my life to myself. These are sacred in my eyes. They hold stories that I’m reminded of during the witching hour. I come in here from time to time to take a walk down memory lane.” They were my security blanket. I needed them and without them, I could become jaded and unfeeling.

  “I thought I was going to find guns and other useful paraphernalia in our quest for vengeance.” Those particular delights were under my bed in a locked box. This room was my joy and a chance to rekindle the spark for the reason why I was doing this.

  My family’s tragedy was another ones gain. I didn’t want any of this to happen to some unsuspecting victim. It was inevitable bad things would happen. The prudent course would be to stop it before it did, but it wasn’t always that easy. Predicting when somebody was going to snap was an art form which I had barely scratched the surface of.

  “I keep those things close at hand in case there is a need to use them.” The terry cloth towel was slipping and I wasn’t about to show my embarrassment over my nudity.

  “I want to pretend I didn’t see this, but I can’t do that. It’s disturbing to think that you can find any good reason to come in here. I should be appalled, but it actually makes me horny.” That was quite apparent by the length of his pipe pressing obscenely against his pants. There was this moment of indecision.

  I dropped my towel to see what reaction I was going to get. I was about to find out.

  Chapter three

  He lifted me easily onto his shoulders and carried me into the bedroom. The door flung open in his haste to deposit me on the mattress. I felt weightless and walking in somebody else’s shoes.

  “You don’t know what you’re doing. This is a classic case of transference. You are using me to lose yourself in the moment. You don’t want to think about your sister and I have become a substitute for the grief that has been strangling you.” He was frantically taking off his shirt and showing off his muscles in a more profound way than he did when he was wearing the shirt.

  “You sound just like my shrink. I’m going to tell you the same thing I told him. Sometimes sex is a good way to express what you feel inside.” He had my legs in the air and my body positioned on the edge of the mattress.

  “I’m not complaining. I’m not going to lie here and tell you that I don’t like sex. A person would have to be crazy to say that they don’t enjoy the pursuit of pleasure. It is better when you have a partner willing to expand their horizons.” I felt empowered. I ran the length of his masculine chest with my toes tracing the individual muscles on the way down to his belt line.

  “I haven’t been with anybody who understands what I’m going through. It’s usually one night stands with the sex anonymous and over with before we know it. It does get rid of that sensation for an indeterminate amount of time. I can’t say this is a good idea.” I was making him stumble over his words with my bare toes dipping into the waist of his pants.

  “I would say being naked in front of you is half the battle. There is nothing preventing you from taking liberties with my body.” I was usually the Alpha, but this time he was showing that he was up to my standards.

  “I look at you and I’m reminded of all the things that slipped out of my grasp. There were opportunities that I didn’t grab onto when I should have. We only get this one life to live.” I struggled to a seating position, stripping off his belt and snapping it against the leather to get his attention.

  “Calvin, I was doing my best to keep you at arm’s length. I noticed you from the beginning. I wanted to see what you were hiding. I have become overwhelmed to where I don’t know what my sex drive is going to do next. Be prepared for a bumpy ride. The only way I like it rough and hard.” I was attempting to lower his zipper with my toes. It wasn’t easy and I think that he was amused by how I was trying something totally out of character.

  “This isn’t like me. I usually go out of my way to avoid girls like you. High maintenance is the only thing that I will say.” I had his zipper down and my toes had snuck into the opening to massage his length through his underwear.

  They were red and I could focus my attention on the bugle. I smiled sweetly, but inside I was wickedly enjoying the sexual tension in the air. I wanted him to pull it out and give me my first perusal of the evidence of his arousal.

  “Calvin, I’m going to need you to do the rest. It sounded like a good idea in my head, but the logistics are a little more difficult.” I could still give him a reason to moan my name. My toes became quite proficient at keeping him like stone. My imagination was only limited by how far I was willing to go.

  “I don’t think that I’m going to do that. I’ve proven my point. There’s no reason to take things any further.” He sounded like a woman changing her mind on prom night before penetration in the back of a limousine.

  “I can’t believe you were playing a game with me. It’s dangerous to fool with my affections.” I was anxious to uncover something more than average. He was not exactly shy about bragging. It was time for him to put up or shut up.

  “I just wanted to be the one to let you know this is off limits.” He was once again using my word against me and making the fuming anger steam out of my ears.

  “You can’t be serious. No man has ever been able to resist me in the past. What makes you any different than all of them? The male gender is weak and can easily be subjugated by the female form.” He still hadn’t zipped up but my toes had stopped moving despite my best effort to continue. It was as if my whole body was crying out for satisfaction and wasn’t going to get it.

  “I’ve never been more serious in my life. I can’t let you think that you hold all the cards. No matter how much I want to fuck you, it’s not going to happen until you are coming to me begging on your knees. You may not think it will happen, but trust me it’s only a matter of time. Let that be a lesson not to dangle the piece of meat unless you’re willing to go the distance.” This was a new sensation of rejection and I felt like I had to do something to turn the tables back in my favor.

  “I told you from the moment you stepped into this house that there were ground rules. I believe I mentioned that whatever I say goes.” I wrapped my legs around him and held him firmly between the strength of my thighs.

  “There’s nothing that you can do that will change my mind. I’ve already taken care of myself before coming over here. It was my way to avoid temptation. It’s time that somebody gives women a taste of what they put men through every day of their lives. I can restrain myself. I’m not sure that you can be trusted in the same room with me.” He was trying to wrestle free, but the death grip had not abated. I was determined to make him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

  I flexed the lips of my sex like I was winking at him. He was momentarily spellbound unable to voice what he was feeling deep inside. I took his silence and used it to manipulate his flesh. I was limber enough that I could reach out and pull him from the confines of his underwear.

  “Nobody dares say no to me without facing retribution of some kind. I don’t like this feeling and you need to be taught how to treat a woman right.” I laughed maniacally and lay back in a prone position with my feet grabbing onto his special friend.

  “I don’t know what you are doing, but it’s not going to… work.” He lost his train of thought and whatever restraint he had was quickly diminishing.

  I had him between my feet and he tried to pull free, but only managed to leak profusely. His words had conviction, but his body was falling victim to my charms.

  “Control is only a one-way street. I’m the one in the driver’s seat and I don’t want you to ever forget it.�
�� I was forced into this position by his denial of my pleasure. I wondered in the back of my mind if this wasn’t his plan all along. Whatever happened was going to be by my rules.

  “It seems like I can’t move without hurting myself severely. You obviously have me at a disadvantage.” I was indulging in a bit of kinky play. It was interesting to have him at my mercy.

  “I would, in your position, go along for the ride. The only way you are getting out of this is by shooting your cream all over my toes. I don’t see that being a hardship for a man like you. I don’t doubt you worked yourself into a lather before coming over here. It doesn’t mean I can’t coax another few samples from the reservoir of your excitement.” I could feel that vein in the back throbbing with a need to expel the burden from his balls.

  “You are walking a dangerous line. I won’t let you take my dignity. I’ve had too much taken from me all ready to give in willingly. I might be under pressure in more ways than one, but I can extricate myself from this position. You don’t think I can, but I have ways of taking the power out of your hands.” I thought that he was bluffing. He was just talking to hear himself speak. It must’ve been his way to bolster his strength to walk away from a good thing.

  “I don’t see you going anywhere until I give you permission.” The speed of my feet quickened and he was going to become one of my victims.

  “I could easily stay here and let you finish me off, but that would be setting a dangerous precedent. I don’t want you to think this is easy for me, but it is necessary.” He pulled away from me. He grunted his response when I pressed with more resilience against his escaping appendage.

  “Walk out that door at your own peril. I won’t be coming to you on my knees. I will consciously and with malice tease you until you can’t take it anymore.” He was swallowing hard and biting his bottom lip at the display of a woman in need.

  “I look forward to seeing who can win this game. I admit the attraction is enough to melt the paint from the walls. Someone is going to lose this battle and it’s not going to be me.” It was fine for him to say that, but to back it up was going to take an amazing amount of willpower. I just didn’t think that he would be able to hold strong after I got through with him.

  “The game is only good until one person loses. It’s going to be a little more interesting living with you. I can make anything sexual and you’re going to find out shortly this girl is capable of going the extra mile to get what she wants.” Touching him with my feet and briefly with my hands had given me some degree of pleasure. It wasn’t enough to touch the right buttons to spark something of a four-alarm fire.

  “History has taught us that women have the power to deny or invite sexual advances. I thought that it was about time to change the rules of engagement. Do what you need to. I will fight you every step of the way.” His fiery determination was something I was going to overcome. It was necessary to put the power where it belonged…in my hands.

  “Leave, but don’t expect to be asked back anytime soon. The only way you are going to breach this perimeter is by admitting defeat at the hands of a master manipulator.” He backed away, smiling the entire time. I was looking forward to the day I was going to wipe that smug smirk off of his face.

  Chapter four

  I was looking over the grotesque photographs taken at the scene of the crime. The cord around her neck was courtesy of the drapes in her apartment. It had taken some time, but I had finally found a duplicate.

  “Scarlet, I know that these kinds of murders are personal. He killed her during a heated argument over what she was making for dinner. Who does something like that?” I had found out through my work that people could hurt each other in multiple ways.

  “Calvin, I can’t promise you the closure you are after. Nothing is going to bring her back. Do you really think this is something that she would want for you?” I was getting to know him over the last couple of days. He was still purposely walking around after a shower without any clothes on to get underneath my skin.

  “I don’t know what she would want. She’s not here to give me her unbiased opinion. If you’re asking what I think she would want then I would hope it would be justice. She’s not going to get it by conventional means. This guy has deep pockets and a family willing to turn a blind eye.” My reconnaissance had given me a predictable route for the killer’s daily behavior.

  I was wearing a sports bra tight across my breasts with nothing on underneath it. The gym shorts were a throwback to a different era where shorter was better. I had no problem shifting my priorities. I just had to move a certain way and a part of my anatomy would become exposed.

  “I can see you’re not going to be easily dissuaded. I’ve been drilling you incessantly and you have more than handled your share of the workload. Taking those photographs of him with another woman couldn’t have been easy. You did it without losing your composure and doing something as regrettable as attacking him.” My plan was simple. Wait until the killer was alone and then give him a dose of his own medicine.

  I’ve had my hands on this cord for hours. I can feel the fibers digging into my fingertips. I don’t know what’s going to happen when I finally have him where I want him. I have asked you for the impossible and you have more than lived up to your reputation.” The heat was up and we were both well aware of the games being played.

  The one thing I had going for me was that I was in full control of the heat. There was no way for him to turn it back down which made sleeping something of an effort. I heard him several times pacing back and forth in front of my door. I could almost imagine a tiger sniffing at the premises ready to find a suitable prey to pounce on.

  “Does it have to be this hot in here? “I knew eventually his limits would be reached.

  “You know what they say? If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen. I like it this way and we can certainly revisit this subject when you succumb to my wishes.” I had everything we would need to give this man little chance to find a way to slip out of the net.

  “I know what you’re trying to do and it’s not going to work.” He sounded serious, but underneath I knew that he was crumbling. I needed to have a little bit more patience. It wasn’t easy. I was definitely going to have to look into a heating system where I could adjust different rooms at different settings.

  “Calvin, they say the best thing for heat is to get even hotter. It usually revolves around drinking a cup of coffee, but I think we can do better than that.” He was breathing down my neck and I was tempted to turn to face the object of my desire.

  “Fuck it… I have had just about enough of this.” He lifted me unceremoniously onto the table where the blueprints of this man’s home were currently located. They tore in half when he pulled me towards the edge of the table similar to how he had done the same thing on my bed.

  It didn’t matter and I had already committed them to memory.

  He relieved me of my sports bra and buried his head in my bosom. His tongue was like the feeling of the licks of a flame from a fire. I pressed his face closer to my chest and felt my nipple go into his mouth where he inflicted it with the lashing of his tongue.

  “I knew given the right incentive that you would come around.” He had his hands down my shorts and he found my already wet little hole ready for him. I opened up with the forceful intrusion of his finger. He knew exactly how to elicit the right response by touching me in this way.

  “I don’t care about any silly game. I will gladly admit defeat. In my eyes, there are no losers when it comes to a battle which ends with the both of us sweaty and panting with desire.” I was frantic to get his pants off and I caught my finger in his zipper. It pinched, but the added sensation of pain was running upstream against the pleasure.

  His mouth was not very gentle with my nipples. He was pulling them back with his teeth. The finger was joined with a thumb rubbing my clit at the same time. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I could feel it all the way down behind my knees.
br />   “Keep doing that and I promise the woman I become will be no longer someone you recognize.” I was still smarting from how my finger had gotten trapped in his zipper. It made me cringe to realize every man had the threat of feeling the very same thing on a different part of their anatomy.

  “I’m counting on it. Go ahead and soak my fingers with your juices. I want to feel the heat running down into the palm of my hand.” I was left on my own for way too long. It was about time I found comfort in the arms of another.

  “I’m going to fucking… why did you stop.” I was so close that I could taste it and then he retreated long enough to drop his pants. His number was up. His Johnson was stiff and showed the kind of reaction from the pleasure he was receiving by finger fucking me.

  “I have to take a look at this.” He came forward, pushing me back on the table while lifting my legs into the air. He pulled those shorts all the way down until they were around my ankles. They fell onto the floor with him taking position between my legs.

  “Give me what you have been dreaming about for these last couple of days. I hope you’re the kind of guy that will allow a woman to find her pleasure first. Do that and there will be no stopping what a woman will do for you in return.” I had nothing but pain and misery in my life. This was a necessary vacation from my profession.

  He rammed the phallic symbol into me with his rough hands underneath me. The table legs were not meant for this kind of abuse. He was all the way in and then he was pulling all the way out. He used his glistening shaft to slap some sense into my clit. I jumped every time he made contact and then he was force feeding me the blunt end of his weapon.

  I wrapped one leg around his waist and forced him closer for a deeper penetration. He was really moving to the same rhythm of our hearts beating inside our chest. I was fueling his need by slapping him across the face. This was a good way to spur him to the finish line like a thoroughbred horse about to win the Kentucky Derby.


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