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Christmas Present

Page 26

by Lauren Wood

  I made sure to rein him in by kissing him while he was moving with reckless abandon. The feeling was sublime. He had the kind of equipment to reach those hidden spots no man had been able to touch before. Some were similar in size, but they didn’t know how to use what they were in possession of. Calvin was ready to deliver a performance of a lifetime.

  “We are definitely going to have to make up for lost time. This game was foolish and it’s so much better when you are fucking me until I’m cross-eyed.” The echo of his body coming in contact with my own was a symphony to my ears.

  “I agree with you, Scarlet and maybe I can give you a real reason to wear that moniker.” He was making me believe this was indeed destined to happen between the two of us. Learning this trade wasn’t easy, but he was exactly like me when I first started.

  “I hope you can, but others have tried and failed. I want you to prove me wrong about the ineffectiveness of a man in my life. I want to get fucked like this all the time. I want my clit to throb with a need which only you can satisfy. Come on…put your back into it and don’t stop until you see the whites of my eyes.” He was groaning and grunting like he was dragging himself by bodily force over the finish line.

  “Don’t tease me unless you are ready to back it up. I like a woman with a need that overshadows everything else. This little hole is strangling the very seed out of my balls. The hot honey dripping from your hole down my shaft is having an interesting effect on me.” The ride was spontaneous and there was no predicting when this was going to happen.

  “I’m fucking cumming…” My body betrayed me and my mind short-circuited on the pleasure I was being inflicted with. His body was whipped into submission and his resolve was crumbling like Oreo cookies in the palm of my hand.

  “Yes… cum for me and look me in the eyes when you are doing it” I stared at him with all of my muscles fatigued beyond words.

  The jettison of his release was a profound statement. The only question was the reason why I had given him license to make me a receptacle for his creamy and most desirable hot to the touch ejaculate. I felt every single spurt smacking heavily against the walls of my overanxious sex. There was no evidence when he gave me a breather.

  “I have to say that was better than I expected. You weren’t throwing something at me because you wanted to get back at me for winning this little battle of the sexes.” I lie in a fugue state concentrating on my breathing and listening to everything around me. This was the first time in a long time I had forgotten about the perceived threat over my head.

  “Speak for yourself, Scarlet. That was the best I have ever had and I’m not just saying that to placate you. I gave you my best and you kept coming back for more. I should’ve given in long ago. I would’ve gotten over a bruised ego.” The sex was phenomenal and there was no disguising how we could feed on the hunger in each other’s eyes.

  “Normally, I would send you packing the moment you busted a nut.” He was on top of me and the table was taking a beating like nothing before.

  It was nice to be this close and intimate with another human being. In any other instance, the reason for this kind of closeness would be to get close to my subject without then realizing how they had let the wolf in the henhouse.

  “I have to repeat the same thing. Sex was never more than a means to an end. It was always good, but something always remained out of my reach. I never knew what it was until I met you. A woman needs more than a man to pump on top of them for 5 minutes. They want the whole package and you deserve all of it including a happy ending. I don’t think there’s any doubt the both of us have received one of those.” I still had a few days to make the necessary preparations. Time had become something we couldn’t ignore for long.

  The man in question was scheduled to leave the country at the end of the week.

  The feeling of his cream coating the lips of my pussy made me feel like we were connected body and soul.

  “I’m glad that I could give you something you have never had before. There might be something to this white picket fence and the silly grins that I see on people’s faces when they are in love. I actually think about country songs and know what they’re talking about. They never had any meaning until the light switch was turned on with your body supplying the electricity.” This was a man that was not going to be subjugated. We were uniquely qualified to pick up the pieces of our broken hearts.

  “It would be a novel idea to adjourn to the bedroom, Scarlet. I do like that you can be spontaneously convinced to do it anywhere.” I didn’t know how bad I had shown my desperation for human contact.

  The writing was on the wall and I was afraid to read the meaning underneath each word. Love was the common denominator. It seemed like a foreign idea until it was happening to me.

  Chapter five

  It didn’t seem possible and yet there it was mocking me from the trash can. I couldn’t deal with it. I needed to put it behind me until there was a better time.

  “I’m ready whenever you are.” Calvin was outside the door waiting for me to guide him with a helpful hand.

  Revenge had a double-edged sword. It could be a way to finally breathe easier or it could leave you with haunted memories. I wasn’t sure which side he was going to fall on, but we were about to find out.

  “I lost my innocence a long time ago. Tonight is your time. I will be gentle, but you will lose your cherry. I could do this for you, but you have insisted on being the one to pull the metaphorical trigger. I can respect that. I can even understand and empathize.” The last couple days, between marathon sex sessions, I had told him the vivid details of my own cross to bear.

  “I saw the look in your eyes when you told me about killing those three people. It broke you inside, but you became stronger because of it. You might have lost a piece of your soul, but you gained a whole lot more. Don’t forget that.” I hadn’t thought of it that way.

  I was better off exacting my form of revenge on those who had wronged me and had gotten away with it. No one regardless of intimidation was ever going to make me feel like there wasn’t anything that I could do. I wanted to give him the same gift.

  “I’m not looking forward to this, but I am at the same time. I do have a confession to make.” This was something different and whatever he had to say was keeping him hostage.

  “Are you sure this can’t wait? We only have a small window of opportunity. Let’s not waste it on sappy feelings. I’ve never been comfortable with romantic gestures.” I could see that he was debating whether or not it was important enough to get into.

  “I didn’t get your information on the dark web. We met a couple months ago and you were drinking excessively. You admitted under the influence what you did for a living in not so many words. I was able to read between the lines. We went upstairs and enjoyed an hour of making each other happy.” I was floored and the whole night was mostly a memory that I was never going to regain. It was the anniversary of Jason’s death. I dealt with it the only way I knew how each and every year by drinking myself into a stupor.

  “I don’t want to believe you, but the timeline does work out. One night a year is when I let down my guard. I should be angry, but I’m not. What I remember of that night is barely much of anything. The mistake of sleeping with you and telling you anything is far better than the alternative.” The Dr. had informed me that it had been two months since procreation. I got a second opinion by going to the drugstore and buying one of those home pregnancy kits.

  This was no time to tell him of his impending fatherhood. I knew it was him and there was no doubt in my mind considering I had not been with anybody else without protection.

  “You’re taking this news better than expected. I thought that you were going to throw things and make me hurt in places that I didn’t even know was possible.” It was my first thought, but I knew the bombshell waiting for him was going to be enough of a payback.

  “I live my life by one certain rule. I change the things I can and accept t
he things I can’t. You should take a page from my book, Calvin. You never know when you are going to be blindsided with information. It can be shocking if you are not prepared for the unexpected.” I was giving him a helpful hint, but he wasn’t on my same wavelength.

  We left the house and he was still scratching his head by how easily I had taken the news.

  I drove all the way there and stopped a couple of miles back. We went the rest the way on foot until we were scaling the stone fence around the property. I made sure to circumvent the security. I had retrieved the code from a well-placed source in the security agency.

  It wasn’t long before we were standing over his bed. There was a feminine form beside him and I silently put her to sleep with chloroform over her mouth. I did the same thing to the killer and he struggled for a moment before the fight ceased.

  Calvin helped me to carry him downstairs to a chair set up in the middle of the room. It was arranged with photographs of his sister. Some of the earlier ones showed the innocent smile, but the last one was of the crime scene.

  It didn’t take long for him to wake up from being medicated. I didn’t give him a high dose, unlike his female companion who was most likely going to wake up with a headache.

  “What do you want? I have lots of money. Name your price.” He was struggling against his bonds, but he wasn’t going anywhere. Calvin moved around him until he was wrapping the cord around his neck. He closed his eyes and pulled back hard enough to give this man the idea death was going to come knocking.

  “I don’t want your money. I want your life and I want you to burn in hell.” I was dying a little bit more inside by the way that he was fighting his natural urges. He wanted to continue, but his mind was trying to overcompensate by letting his conscience rear its ugly head.

  The man was begging with his eyes bugging out of his skull. I couldn’t let him do this. He would never be the same. The father of my child couldn’t live with the burden of somebody’s blood on his hands. I was already broken inside. It didn’t seem fair to make him live the same nightmare.

  I quickly and efficiently went over to him and cracked Calvin on the back of the neck. I turned and fired one quick shot into the back of the killer’s head leaving him to be found by his companion in the morning. Calvin was never going to forgive me. It was a small price to pay for him to keep his soul

  Chapter six

  Waiting for him to wake up was interminable. He finally emerged with a sizable knot on the back of his neck. To make my betrayal more palatable, I was already naked and rubbing my sex up along the length of his shaft. I was leaving a glistening shine along the surface of his delicious looking flesh.

  “What the hell happened? I want some answers and I think I deserve them.” He tried to move, but it was impossible with the way that I had trussed him up to the bed. The more he struggled the tighter the chains were biting into his ankles and wrists.

  “I was prepared to let you go all the way, but then I realized a small part of you would have died. I hope you can forgive me. I do have a consolation prize.” I showed him the photo I had taken at the scene. It made him smile, but I think he felt cheated in some way.

  “You had no right to interfere in what was rightfully my revenge for my sister. I don’t know what would possess you to do something like that.” I had the answers, but I wasn’t willing to divulge them. He needed to be in the right frame of mind.

  “Be patient. All will be revealed in time. Don’t think about anything besides the way that I’m making you feel.” I sampled the evidence of my arousal coating his shaft. I had him pulling hard and screaming for mercy within minutes of going down on him.

  “You have an interesting way of asking for forgiveness.” The minutes dragged on and I continued to orally satisfy him. I gave him the best fucking blow job he had ever had in his life.

  I felt him about to go off and I continued to pursue his pleasure. I was leaving him with only one thing to focus on. The pleasing way I was servicing him had him bucking uncontrollably against my sensitive lips and very experienced mouth. The hot lava of my spit rolled down to collect at his balls. I massaged them and I could tell from his reaction this was going to get more bang for my buck.

  I never gave up not even when he was shooting into the back of my mouth. It was a delicacy and one that I was going to take my fill of. I favored the flavor having a party in my mouth. I didn’t stop there. It wasn’t enough to give him my mouth. I had to work against his depleted state until he was a victim of circumstance. He probably thought it wouldn’t happen, but I was making sure to work against his natural instincts.

  “I can’t believe you fucking did that. I could have broken free at any time.” That was his story and he was sticking to it no matter how implausible it might sound.

  “You keep saying that to yourself and maybe you might convince me. In the meantime, I believe I have a better use for this which might benefit the both of us.” I had my knees on either side of him. I was dripping on the head of his cock.

  “I know there must be a reason for all of this. I’m at a loss to think of what it could be. I would say that you are gearing up to tell me something of importance. This is your way of softening the blow before taking off the band-aid.” I wasn’t sure that I had any right to toil with his emotions.

  “Enjoy the ride and forget about everything else.” Nothing was going to be settled until I put the smile on his face.

  Sex was a weapon women used to keep men from learning about some horrible secret. Housewives would ambush their men and would leave them in desperate need of a cigarette before telling them of the damage to the car.

  “I would say you can’t always get what you want, but look who I’m talking to.” I slid along the wetness of his shaft leaving behind the painted evidence of my hunger for him.

  “I would say that you are in no position to argue. This might be your last chance to be with me. It depends on your point of view.” I slowly began to ride the stallion while he was staring at me with daggers in his eyes. His anger only fueled me to make sure to defuse the situation before it escalated.

  “I don’t know what this is all about, but I’m inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt. You do drive a hard bargain. It’s hard to stay mad at you for any length of time.” I released his hands with a well-placed key which appeared in my fingers out of the blue like magic. It was all about sleight of hand.

  I grabbed his hands and placed them on my breasts which were desperately craving some kind of attention. I held his hands to my chest and used the momentum of my hips to slam back down against him in rapid movements to catch him unaware.

  “I’ve been looking for something and I didn’t know what it was. This was supposed to be a simple transaction… Yes…fuck me…make me cum and you’ll get a big surprise.” This simple monetary transaction had turned into something where my whole world was turned upside down.

  “I can feel you squeezing me and there’s no way that I can fight you. I’ve always been a sucker for a pretty face. The attitude can be a little irksome, but I’ve grown accustomed to the sneer of indecision.” I was working without a net.

  I was coming to the end of my rope and I was going to take him along for the ride at the same time. I had to time it correctly. I knew what was in men’s hearts and how to predict when their bodies were under duress. He was ensnared in my web and the spider of my libido was wrapping him up in a tight vise.

  I came with a litany of dirty talk which drove him into sexual madness. The string of his resolve broke under the onslaught of my hot juices raining heavily down along those inches. The gates opened up and he flooded me with a supply of his cream filled balls. I was falling apart and then I lay quietly on his chest with his arms around me.

  I had no energy and the whisper of my confession gave him more than he bargained for. “I couldn’t let… I couldn’t let the father of my baby kill with extreme prejudice. I have walked down that path and I need somebody to teach this kid some mo
rals to live by. It’s not going to be me.” I waited for his response and the silence was deafening.

  “I think that I can do that for our family. I don’t entirely agree with your decision, but I understand the motivation. I will never bring up this topic again. Does this mean you are going to retire?” I kissed him and I wasn’t sure how to answer.

  Only time would tell, but I had to believe love and a child on the way were enough to break the cycle of violence. I didn’t deserve my little piece of happiness, but I was going to take it nonetheless.



  Chapter 1

  “I’ve never been more proud of you and you have certainly come a long way from when you were that naive girl on the playground. The boys were drawn to you like a moth to a flame and they would constantly pull your pigtails to get your attention.” My mother was always praising my accomplishments and getting my degree to be a psychologist was the crowning achievement of my young career in its infancy.

  I thought I could make it big, but in the few months I had my license it was becoming painfully obvious a psychologist was a dime a dozen. I was surprised to get the message on my phone and I was on my way to a law firm which had been in the news in the past few months.

  “I don’t even have the job and you make it sound like they have no reason to reject me. I’m sure they have other candidates vying for the position and besides, it’s only temporary. The owner is looking to evaluate his staff after a grueling case.” I’d always believed in the sanctity of client confidentiality.

  “I’ve always told you that life is full of little disappointments and you have to take the time to realize what is important.” I knew what she was going to say and it had become a running joke with her getting the last word. “Felicia, don’t you want to settle down with a nice young man and give me grandchildren? I know you have been concentrating on your career, but you haven’t even mentioned any man.” I felt like I was the one being interrogated and she was good at putting the spotlight on me to make me feel uncomfortable.


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