Take it Deep (Take 2)
Page 19
“Jake,” I cry. The build up is intense, even more so than the last one. The wait has my body at boiling point and very soon, I know I will come apart.
“Ana!” Jake shouts as he pounds harder and harder.
That was it for me, I caved. My body erupted forcing a scream so violently from my lips that the whole of Sunnyside Apartments must have heard.
“Jesus, fuck, Ana. Every time.”
My orgasm is still going on and on as I dig my nails into his back and scratch him like the tiger I feel.
“Fuck, Ana, I’m going to come!” he yells.
“Do it, Jake. I love it when you come inside me.”
My words seem to be just the thing that sets him off, as a few thrusts later his body went rigid as he violently came again and again.
He rests his head against my shoulder and his breathing is harsh. I’m floating on the clouds now at the most wonderful orgasm, but then again, they always are with Jake.
“Ana, I know I keep saying it, but you’re like a drug. I just can’t get enough of you.”
He looks deep into my eyes and I can’t help but what I do next. I’m completely in love with this man and I don’t know how I’m going to move past that.
I touch his face, cupping and gently caressing him. He closes his eyes and I nearly sob. My emotions are all over the place. I just don’t know what to do.
“I have to use the bathroom,” I say, as a way of escape. He moves off me and I can tell he knows there’s something up, but doesn’t question it. It makes me wonder why he’s not trying to go all caveman on me, demanding I tell him what’s wrong.
I walk to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I watch as a single tear drops down my face. Before I know it, I’m nearly overflowing and frantically waving my hands in front of my face to dry up the tears. Lord knows why women do this. It doesn’t fucking help. It only makes it worse.
I grab at some tissues, disgusted with myself and try desperately to calm down, so it doesn’t look like I’ve been crying. I can’t lose it with Jake a mere ten feet away from me. I manage to take a few calming breaths, when I hear a knock on the door.
“Are you okay in there, Ana?”
I look at myself once more in the mirror and I’m not completely satisfied with the way I look, but it will have to do. Jake will only get more suspicious if I don’t come out at all.
I pull the handle to find a very naked and sexy Jake standing by the door. He looks at me like he’s trying to find something, but says nothing. He just comes in for a cuddle and as always, I relent into his waiting arms.
“Come with me tonight to the police ball.”
I’m thinking this is not such a good idea. I’m treading very carefully on glass here, and I’m not sure how long it will last before I lose concentrating and cut my foot.
“Jake, I don’t think—”
“Ana, please, let me finish. I don’t know what’s going on here; I’m quite frankly confused and scared as hell with it. What I do know, is that I haven’t been this happy since before you left and I don’t want that to change. I’m not going to fight you. You obviously need time and I will respect that. I will take whatever you can give me, Ana, because that’s how much I love you. It sounds like the ramblings of a desperate man, but I can’t hide it from you. I won’t pressure you. I will promise you that. I just want to be with you and I think I’m right in saying that you want it, too?”
I nod my head, the tears threatening again. I know what he says is true. I can see it in his eyes, but is he really going to want me after he finds out I’m having his baby?
“Please come with me tonight. I’m not asking you to move in, or demand you be mine. I just want the pleasure of your company. I don’t want to go alone and there is no one else I would want to go with but you. Please?”
He looks deeply into my eyes and I melt. How can I say no to him when he asks nothing of me other than to be his companion?
“Okay, I’ll go. I would love to.”
He places both hands on my face and smiles. He leans in for a kiss and it is so gentle and sensual, I want him to take me again. He senses my hunger and pulls away.
“Man, you’re insatiable,” he laughs.
“You almost sound disappointed.”
He shakes his head. “Oh hell no, it’s just the timing isn’t great. It’s almost one and I promised to take Matthew to the movies today at two.” He thinks for a second and speaks. “Hey, why don’t you come with me? I know Matthew would be thrilled to see you. Again, there’s no pressure and I’ll just tell Matthew that we’re speaking again. He doesn’t need to know much more than that.”
I wouldn’t normally say yes, but I did miss Matthew. I was carrying his little brother or sister after all. The thought made me remember the conversation in Dino’s when he mentioned he always wanted a little sister. It made me smile to think that maybe I could make someone’s wish come true. There was no hesitation really.
“Okay, that would be nice. I miss Matthew.”
His face was a picture. “Wow, I didn’t think it would be that easy to tell you the truth. I know Matthew will be so happy when I tell him. I’ll give him a call now and let him know we’ll be on our way.”
“Okay, I’ll just jump in the shower and get ready then.”
He smiles grabbing his phone as I skip to the bathroom. I can’t believe I’m going to spend the whole day with Jake and then out with him again tonight. Are things moving too fast between us? How am I ever going to keep my distance from him if I just cave every time he asks me to?
I’m ready in about thirty minutes, wearing a nice tight fitting skirt and polar-neck top. I know it will make my breasts stick out like a sore thumb, but I didn’t care. I feel sexy and I want to be sexy for Jake. I want him to want me as much as I want him. His expression when he saw me satisfied my answer.
“How the hell am I supposed to sit next to you in the cinema with you dressed like that? Fuck, Ana, you’re going to make me die young of a heart attack.”
I start laughing hard and the thought of him feeling this way made me giddy. He looked mighty sexy, too with his navy blue polo shirt and jeans that hung just perfectly on his hips. I’m not sure I will cope either, but there you go. He’s a fucking sex God and I hate him for it.
“You don’t look too shabby yourself, Jake,” I smirk.
I pass him by the door and he pinches my bum. It makes me jump and giggle, as his laughter radiates around the halls of Jessie’s apartment.
“Matthew’s more than happy you’re coming. He asked the obvious questions, but I told him not to read anything into it. I hope that’s okay with you?”
I felt bad as it seemed Jake didn’t know how to act around me. It was almost as though he needed reassurance all the time about whether his actions were right or wrong. Is he really that desperate to be near me that he’ll sacrifice all his caveman tendencies for me? A little devil voice inside me was screaming, “No!” and I couldn’t help but smile. No wonder the saying goes that women are from Venus, but I think I’m on a whole other planet altogether.
“That’s fine. I’m really looking forward to seeing him.” He looked pained for a moment and I knew he was thinking about what I said. He’s probably thinking that it’s madness that if I love him and I love Matthew that we should be together as a family. He just doesn’t realize how close to a family he’s going to get shortly with his child on the way. The thought threatens to plunge me into a depression I don’t want to be in. I must enjoy the day and get this foot out my ass.
We reach the movie theatre at Tyson’s Corner, meeting Matthew by the entrance. When I see him, his smile lights up my heart and pulls ever so slightly on its strings. He’s wearing a Redskins baseball cap and a Gap hoodie with jeans. He’s looking more and more like his dad every time I see him.
“Ana, hi, so nice to see you,” he bellows moving in for a hug.
I throw my arms around him and squeeze him tightly.
“Steady th
ere, Ana. You don’t realize just how strong you are.”
“Sorry. Just missed you I guess, you big lummox.” I smile and he starts laughing.
Jake queues up to get the tickets while Matthew and I get the popcorn. We seem to be running short of time considering I held Jake up a little getting ready.
“So, what’s the deal with you and Dad now? Is it time to call you mom yet?”
My eyes bulge out of my head suddenly as the shock of thinking he knows sinks in before my brain engages. I quickly manage to compose myself enough to speak. “We’re talking again Matthew. That’s enough for now.”
He gives me a cheeky grin, but says no more. He looks as though he’s just heard the best news ever. His brain is obviously working overtime with the thought of Jake and I together, and the thought makes me wish I never came. I certainly didn’t want to get his hopes up.
The movie was one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life. I was sitting next to Jake and the whole time, all I could think about was Jake’s hands and the way he rests them gripping onto his knee. Jake’s arms, the way they bulge perfectly through that polo shirt of his. His chest, the way it rises and falls through each breath he took. I found myself staring so hard at times I thought I might come just by mind fucking him. I really needed to get a grip.
For two hours I fidgeted. I moved my legs over one way, then the other. Crossing them, then uncrossing them. It was all I could do not to scream and run out of the movie theatre.
Once the film was over, I was one of the first ones out of my seat ready to go. We were in the parking lot getting ready to leave straight away as Matthew was meeting up with Cindy. The light was blinding at first when we walked out. It took a while for my eyes to adjust before I settled them back on Matthew.
“I’m glad you came, Ana. Don’t let it go too long again before I see you soon, yeah?”
I lean in for a hug, kissing him lightly on the cheek. “You too, big guy. Give my love to Cindy for me.”
We watch as he walks to his car before getting into Jake’s Range Rover. Jake starts the engine, looking over at me with a smile.
“What?” I ask.
“You want to tell me what that was about in the movie theatre?”
I looked confused. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jake.”
“I think you know exactly what I’m talking about. You couldn’t keep still and I think more than once you were checking me out.”
I huffed, “Don’t be so silly,” but he was right. I’m obviously rubbish at hiding anything from him.
He smiles, puts the car in drive and heads back home. I’m starting to think the matter was finished when he spoke again.
“Hitch up your skirt a little.”
“What?” I ask, confused.
“You heard me. Hitch up your skirt and show me those beautiful thighs of yours.”
I didn’t want to argue with him on that front. I was still horny as hell. I’m always horny as hell.
I do as he asks and hitch it up to just below my bottom. He looks over smiling.
“Are you wearing panties, Ana?”
I shake my head. I didn’t want to around him, just in case. I always wanted to be ready for action.
He reaches over to the inside of my thigh and slides his hand up. He touches my clit and I spasm, moaning out at his touch. He places a finger inside me and it’s bliss.
“Jesus, Ana, you’re so fucking wet. You’ve been wanting this throughout the whole movie, haven’t you? You’re so hot and ready for me. I can’t get enough of you.”
He glides his finger to my clit again and I moan out. He knows exactly what to do with his tongue, but equally knows what to do with his fingers. He always manages to hit that spot that I know I won’t be able to last long with.
I moan, grabbing at his arm. I’m practically fucking his hand and it feels so good. “Oh God, Jake,” I cry.
“Ana, I want nothing more than to please you. You look so goddamned sexy when you come. Do you like that baby?”
He manages to somehow move his finger inside me and still stroke my clit with his thumb. I know I’m going to fall apart soon. “Jake that feels so good.”
“I know, I want to give that to you. I wish my finger was my cock now. It aches for your beautiful pussy.”
That was it, I was gone. It didn’t take much. I clawed at his arm in pure adrenaline in-fuelled ecstasy. My goodness, he should have a medal in making me come. It’s always so good, no matter what.
“You’re so beautiful, Ana. It’s hard to ever keep away.”
My breathing is labored and the happy endorphins are kicking in big time. I close my eyes, taking in the bliss and smile. I look toward Jake and he’s smiling back at me.
“Better?” he asks.
I nod my head, “Much, thank you.”
He nods his head is satisfaction. “Then it was my pleasure.”
The journey home was comfortable and I felt contented. I was still coming down from my orgasm as my legs were tingling from the sensation. I’m starting to think that if they could sell pregnancy hormones it would make a killing. Women all over the world would be constantly horny, making all the men much happier. In turn, everyone gets what they want and the world would be a nicer place. Lord knows I’m floating on clouds right now.
When we reached the parking lot in Fairfax, Jake quickly rushes over to the door to let me out.
“I have something for you in the trunk.”
I start frowning wondering what the hell it could be. He lifts the boot up and reaches in for a flat, square box.
“I want you to open it upstairs. Can you do that for me?”
I’m getting suspicious, but nod my head to his request. “Okay, but you didn’t need to get me anything. I’m sure I’ll love it whatever it is.”
He smiles and leans in for a kiss. “I hope so. I’ll pick you up at seven-thirty tonight if that’s okay?”
“Sure thing, I’m looking forward to it.” He smiles, getting back into the car and I wave at him as he passes.
I look at the box, eager to get upstairs to open it. When I am at the door, Jessie is in the kitchen with a big grin on her face.
“Oh, what’s that you got there?”
I Place my hand on my hip. “Jessie, I have a bone to pick with you.”
She looks at me like she can’t possibly know what I mean.
“I’m not sure what you’re getting at, Missy,” she says with an even bigger grin.
“Don’t give me that, you let Jake in and—”
“And what, he gave you the best sex of your life? You’re welcome.”
I stamp my foot and growl at her. Jessie just laughs and it soon sets me off.
“How can I possibly hate you, Jessie. You’re so infuriating at times, but I know why you do it. And in answer to your question, yes, but it always is with him.”
She spies the box again, “So what’s in that?”
“I don’t know. Jake gave it to me with strict instructions not to open it until I got home.”
“So what are you waiting for then?”
We rush to the living room squealing like a pair of banshees, as I set the box on my knee. I open the top half and see the delicate sheeting over the fabric. When I unfold them, I gasp. It is the most exquisite silk gown I had ever seen. It was red and trailed on for miles. It had criss-cross straps at the back and below that was an opening which meant it would rest snugly to my hips. It was about the most gorgeous dress I had ever seen.
“Oh my fucking God, that looks beautiful, Ana. What’s the occasion?”
“He’s taking me to the police ball.” I think for a minute and then realize something. “Hey, he bought me this before I said yes to him.” I had to smile; he always manages to keep some caveman qualities no matter what.
She jumped up clapping, “Yes, good on ya Jake. I so wanted you to come, and that dress will look beautiful on you.”
I start crying, but quickly it turned to sobbing. “
It is beautiful isn’t it? But I’m not going to be able to fit in it much longer,” I whine.
Jessie pulls me in for a hug, stroking my back.
“I know, but just think at the end of it all you’ll have the most precious gift of all. A baby. You will love that baby unconditionally and the same in return. He or she is being born to the best mom the lucky so and so could ever ask for, and in a few months time, you’ll be able to fit back in that dress again, for sure.”
She gently places a lock of my hair behind my ears, trying to find my eyes. I know I’m being an emotional wreck. I’m not normally so up and down like this. It’s my pregnancy hormones, I realize that, but I don’t like it when I get so teary over something so small.
“Jessie, you are a true friend, you know that? You always know the best things to say to me and I love you for it. I don’t know how you put up with me, but don’t ever change. You’re the best friend anyone could ever ask for.” She averts her eyes, trying to hide the tears which are now forming.
“Well you are a pain in the ass. Quite frankly I don’t know how I put up with you.” She gets up and wonders to the kitchen.
I quickly follow shocked, “Hey, that’s not a tear I saw on your face just then is it?” She shrugs me off.
“No, of course not. I must have something in my eye.”
Jessie never cries. In fact, I don’t think I have ever seen her cry actual tears before. It’s a big shock for me, one that makes me forget why the hell I was crying in the first place.
“I love you, Jessie Lindsay!” I shout, trying my best to make the situation worse for her.
“Oh shut up!” she shouts back.
I can’t help but laugh as she storms off and disappears into her room.
I grab the dress on the way to my room as I’m desperate to try it on. I’m not sure if I have put on any weight yet, so I’m a little worried it won’t fit me. I can’t believe Jake bought me this. It looks expensive and feels divine to the touch.