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Pisces (Zodiac Killers Book 4)

Page 14

by WL Knightly

  He hadn’t earned their respect until he started making his own way and sold scripts, but he knew if they could see him now, they’d disown him and call him a disgrace.

  He went to the shower, and after turning it on, he stepped inside, not caring what temperature the water was. He didn’t deserve comfort, but he was so numb, not even cold water could bring him around.

  Sitting on the floor, he curled himself into a fetal position, his knees to his chin, and closed his eyes, but every time he did, the image of Hannah’s lifeless body was all he could see.

  He thought of how much Tad would hate him and how much Logan would want to kill him. But he’d done it for all of them, for their secret, to keep them from a shameful legacy that would never let Logan see freedom again. Logan had trusted her, and just as Bay had said, she’d used him, lured him into telling their secrets, knowing how weak and vulnerable he’d been.

  But no matter how much Finn tried to convince himself, he couldn’t believe he’d done the world a favor.

  He finally picked himself up and lathered his body, letting Bay’s scent, his delicious, fresh-scented soap cleanse him. His tears flowed, and he knew that once he stepped out of that shower, he wouldn’t cry again. At least, not in front of Bay. He couldn’t appear weak to him anymore.

  When he turned off the water, he heard footsteps in the next room, and as he stepped out of the shower, Bay walked into the bathroom.

  “There you are. How are you holding up? I’ve been trying to call you all goddamned morning.”

  “My phone is dead.” Finn turned to the sink and found his toothbrush, which thankfully, along with all of his other belongings, had been left in the room.

  “That’s why I called the landline. If you had bothered to check the caller ID, I wouldn’t have had to come down here and make sure you’re okay.”

  “Scared I hung myself with one of your neckties?” He couldn’t say the thought hadn’t crossed his mind in the past twelve hours.

  “If you want to hang yourself, use something that’s a bit longer and do it from the balcony. I don’t want any stains on my rugs.” He gave Finn his devilish grin and then walked out, leaving him to brush his teeth.

  When Finn finished his morning rituals and found something comfortable to put on, he joined Bay in the front room. He stood near the bar, looking at his phone.

  “Lou called and said your first body dump should be your last.”

  “I wasn’t aware I was in training, Bay.” His tone was sharp, but he didn’t care. He didn’t have the strength needed to kiss the man’s ass.

  “Careful with the tone, Finn. I’ll think you don’t like me.”

  “Maybe I don’t right now. No one has to like you all the time, Bay. You can be a real asshole.”

  “And yet, you have a major crush on me. What does that say about you?” He stared dead into his eyes and Finn cringed.

  “I can’t believe I did it. I let you talk me into it.”

  “You did it because you wanted to get what you want from me, my admiration. That’s not my problem, friend. It’s yours.”

  “Well, what happens now? I’ve proven myself to you. I’ve done what you asked.”

  “And I appreciate it. You proved your love and fealty. Good job.”

  “Is that all you have to say to me? Good fucking job? We had a deal.” Finn felt the cold sting of betrayal, knowing Bay was doing the same thing he always did, making promises he had never intended to keep. “This is just like before. Just like when you had us hurt Emily Johnson for your stupid ritual. All because some fucking nanny of yours told you it would give us strength and make us powerful.”

  “Watch what you say about her.” Bay’s eyes lit with fiery hatred. He had always been so protective of his nanny, even when the boys were younger and Finn wondered what kind of connection the two actually had.

  Bay had told them that she’d done spells and taught him everything he knew about the zodiac and how the signs influenced everything. Bay had always spoken with such a passion for those things that it was easy to be convinced that he was right. He had certainly charmed the others as much as Finn and used whatever he could to get them all together to do the ritual. Finn was ashamed for trusting him now that the reality of what he’d done sank in.

  “You used that bullshit on me when we were kids, and I listened, just like last night. Even though it’s haunted me since. Everything Hannah said was true. You were just trying to get your way without getting your hands dirty.” He felt his heart breaking as the adrenaline pumped so hard through his veins, his hands turned cold.

  “If you don’t settle yourself down, you’ll see just how much I like to get my hands dirty. Do you think the word of some meddling bitch is better than mine? Then I suggest you go fish her stiff ass out of the fucking river and see what she can do for you. Or you can show me some fucking respect, and maybe I’ll allow you to stay with me as promised.”

  He had never seen Bay so livid. He was shaking, and from what he knew about the man, not much had ever rattled him in that manner. It chilled Finn to the bone.

  “Tell me you’re going to hold up your end of the bargain.” Finn knew he was only going to piss Bay off more, but he needed to hear him say it.

  “Yes. It is my intention, but you tell me, Finn, do you still trust me? Do you still want to do anything and everything for me?”

  He considered those words carefully. He had a life back home, and he knew he needed to get to it, but knowing that he and Bay had a bond, something special between them, was so appealing that he would consider a move once things settled down.

  Finn looked at his only crush, whose attractiveness made him ache. As much as he wanted to deny him, he had already done the terrible deed and sealed the deal. He may as well reap the rewards. “Of course, I do, Bay.”

  Bay walked over to the closest chair and lowered himself to sit. He palmed his drink and took a sip. Then, he patted his knee. “Come to me. Show me how serious you are.”

  This was the moment Finn had been waiting ages for. He’d lusted after the man for so long, holding out hope that one day he’d get to this point. He took a few steps forward, then dropped to his knees and crawled across the room until he rested his head on Bay’s knee.

  “I’d do anything for you,” Finn said.

  Bay patted his head. “Don’t worry. That’s what I’m counting on.”



  Darek arrived at Marie’s office two minutes late, but thankfully, she understood his job was a bit unpredictable.

  “I’m surprised you made it in at all,” she said. “I would have understood if you needed to reschedule.”

  “I didn’t want to do that. I really appreciate the favor, Marie.”

  “I’m a bit behind myself. I didn’t call any of my assistants in to help me, and I’m afraid that I’ve still got to set up all of the supplies, get the instruments ready, find my numbing agent, and diagram the procedure.”

  “Then I don’t feel so bad.”

  “It will only take me about fifteen minutes, give or take, so come on back and relax a bit while I get to work.” She was dressed in a sexy blouse, and he wondered if she’d worn it for him until she stopped by her desk and pulled on her long, white coat before leading him to the same room he’d been in before.

  “Have a seat on the table, and I’ll be right with you.” She went to work gathering what was needed out of drawers and cabinets and put them out on a tiny tray.

  He fidgeted with his phone and sent Lizzy a text. About to go under the knife. Wish me luck.

  She responded immediately. Luck! I hope it goes well, need you here.

  He had put her in a bad place. He hoped he’d make it out in time to grab lunch with Lizzy and go over what she’d learned.

  Marie put a hypodermic needle on the tray and a vial of medicine. “I’m almost done, I promise. I am second-guessing not asking one of my girls to come in early, but they look forward to the late start, and I knew
you wanted to keep it private. Besides, I have you all to myself.” She chuckled softly. “Are you having a good morning?”

  “I’ve had better, but it’s okay. All part of the job.”

  “Oh no. Tough start, huh?”

  “Yeah, a recent missing person was dragged from the river. Nothing new.” He had seen it so many times, but never anyone he had this kind of relation to.

  “Wow, the evil in this world. I tell you, it gets worse every single day.” She shook her head. “Well, I hope that once this is done, you have a much better finish than your start.”

  “Me too.”

  “Okay, Darek. To begin, I’m going to give you some numbing. This should take effect pretty quickly, so once we get started, the procedure shouldn’t take me very long. I just want to draw some guidelines to make sure I’m making the best possible cuts to ensure not only a clean scar but to completely rid you of this lame act of rebellion.” She giggled, and Darek tried not to move as he chuckled under his breath.

  She took a black-tipped pen and started at the tip of his arrow to the end of the shaft, drawing the same football-shaped pattern she had on paper. “That’s going to do nicely, and I won’t have to take away any unwanted skin.”

  “I’d appreciate that. Is this going to be tough healing process?” He hoped he wasn’t going to have to doctor the thing a lot or change a ton of bandages.

  “No, sir. You just keep it clean, change the bandage when needed.” She made it sound like a snap.

  He wasn’t happy that the needle looked so long, and he wondered just how numb she was going to make him as she stuck him repeatedly along the drawing, each time deadening the area a little more.

  “Why all the sticks?” he asked. She could hurry up and get that part over with, and he’d be a hell of a lot happier.

  “I want you good and numb. Don’t worry. I’m almost done.” She chuckled. “If you hate the needle, just wait until I get my scalpel.”

  He didn’t want to tell her how relieved he’d be once that part was over too, and not just because he didn’t want to be carved up. It seemed like a dream come true to be losing the fucking brand once and for all.

  “Okay, so while this is healing, you need to be careful that you don’t rip your stitches by doing anything too physical, and by that, I mean tackling bad guys.”

  He wanted to ask her if sex was okay, but he figured that she would take it as an invitation. She’d given him the eye so many times, he was surprised she could see what she was doing.

  She reached for her scalpel. “Okay, let’s get this rolling. If at any time you feel anything sharp, you let me know. You might feel a bit of pressure. That’s normal. No stinging pain, though.”

  He turned his head and didn’t watch. He never felt anything. He was surprised when a moment later, she put something down on the tray, and he made the mistake of turning to look. It was surreal to see a part of him he thought he’d never lose lying on the table. The little piece of bloody flesh was worth losing if it meant he couldn’t be physically connected to the other Zodiacs. And best of all, he couldn’t wait to be with Lizzy. To have her run her hand over his body, to see him shirtless in the morning after a long night of passion.

  “Okay, let’s stop this bleeding.” He listened as she cauterized the wound, making a wet sizzling sound. “Okay, let’s get you closed up.”

  “That’s it? You’re done?” It really wasn’t so bad and a lot less painful than what Logan had done. No blow torches for him.

  “Well, the stitching is going to take a minute, but yes. I want to make sure I make a good stitch so you will still be wearing those tank tops like you used to in high school. All those rippling muscles, they deserve to be seen.” She looked up, giving him a devilish smile.

  “I haven’t worn sleeveless in a long time.”

  “Back in the day, that’s all you wore. I liked it. I always wondered if your mother hated what you were doing to your shirts, but I was glad she allowed it.”

  He hadn’t known Marie had paid that much attention to him back then. “She didn’t care.”

  “How’s she doing?”

  “Alzheimer’s is taking its toll,” he said. “There isn’t a whole lot I can do but sit and wait for her to forget what little she remembers.”

  “Do you see her often?” She went to work with the sutures, the little, curved needle sewing him up like he was made of cloth.

  “She’s in a nursing facility. It’s better that way now that my father is gone. I can’t take care of her and work, so it’s a good option. She gets great care, and they can look after her twenty-four-seven.”

  “That’s good. Some people hate those places, but they are lifesavers for people who can’t convalesce their parents full time.”

  She gave him three stitches inside and seven out and finally sewed the final stitch. “Okay, you’re done. Now, you just have to come back in about a week so I can remove your stitches.” She patted him on the back.

  “Could I do that myself? I did it once when I was younger.” He had taken out his friend’s stitches at a party. It wasn’t more than a few snips and a tug, and they’d gone back to drinking. He knew he could handle it now, especially sober.

  “Well, you could, but then I couldn’t see you again. Unless you’d like to come to my place and let me take them out there, and after, I could make you dinner.” Her eyes were hopeful when they met his, and he knew he’d have to let her down easy. Thankfully, she’d already done the procedure.

  “I would, but I’m seeing someone.” If he hadn’t started something with Lizzy, he would have taken her up on the offer.

  “Oh, I didn’t think you’d start dating this soon after the divorce. I’d hoped I’d beaten the other ladies to the punch.” She seemed disappointed, but not to the point of awkwardness, which was a relief.

  “Well, it’s new. We’re not committed, but I’m trying to be good to her, and I know she wouldn’t like me having dinner with anyone else.”

  “Well, I tell you what, since I was late to the party, how about you just keep me in mind in case something doesn’t work out?”

  “Will do, Marie. Do you still need to see me about the stitches?” He gave her a sidelong look, and she shook her head, a bright smile on her face.

  “Feel free to take them out yourself.” She gave him a wink. He really liked her and was glad she seemed okay with the rekection. He only hoped she didn’t send him a bill.

  They shared a laugh, and then she finished up writing him a prescription for pain meds. Then he was on his way.

  He looked at the time and realized that despite how fast she’d been, he had still taken an hour longer than he’d expected to, and it was just after eleven. He tried to call Lizzy, but she didn’t respond. By the time he got his prescription and grabbed a bite of lunch so he could start his medication, it was after one.

  She would no doubt go on with her day without him.

  He pulled up to the station and hoped that Max was around to tell him what he’d heard. But when he went into the office, there wasn’t anyone around. He called Lizzy, hoping this time she’d answer.

  She did. “What do you want, Darek? I’m about to go inside and have my meeting with Reed.” Her voice was quiet, and he heard other men talking in the room.

  “Did you talk to Dr. Cobb?” He sat at his desk and kicked back, his head spinning from his medication.

  “Yes, but I can’t talk about that right now. I have to go in.”

  “Call me as soon as you’re out?”

  “Yeah.” The phone went dead, and he wished he could slam his down. Broken screens had taken all the joy from that stress release.

  Max walked in, and Darek could barely move for fear the room would spin.

  “Damn, man, you look like you’re about to hurl,” Max said.

  “I feel like it. I think the pain meds from my procedure this morning are making me sick.”

  “Damn. You already missed all the fun, I heard.”

��Lizzy said something about me missing work?” Darek asked.

  “I went with her in your place. So yeah, I got an earful.”

  “You went along? So, what’s the verdict? Did you find out a cause of death? Was there enough time to do a preliminary?” His head was swimming, and he closed his eyes, hoping it would help.

  “Not determined, but Dr. Cobb is going to call us as soon as he can get to it. He had his assistant on it while we were there, but he had to leave for an exam.”

  “I bet Lizzy lost her shit over that one since I’d had something else going on, too.”

  “Yeah, she’s a little miffed over that, but she’s worried about you. She kept asking me if it really was a cyst and what I knew about it. She said she was scared you were hiding something serious. Of course, when I asked her why she cared so much, she told me to mind my own fucking business. So, maybe you can make it up to her in private.” He grinned big just as Darek jumped from his seat and lost his lunch in his wastebasket.

  “I’ll get the janitor. You should go home, my friend.”

  Knowing Max was right, Darek got to his feet and grabbed his keys.

  Max snatched them out of his hands. “Not so fast, buddy. I’ll drive.”



  Waking up with a sore shoulder was still better than waking up with a Sagittarius symbol burned into his arm, but he wasn’t quite expecting to hear the frantic knocking on his door.

  He rolled over, feeling much better, and got to his feet. He didn’t bother with a robe and went directly to the door in his shorts.

  “Yeah?” He threw the door open, and Lizzy stood there with her fist raised, about to give the door more hell.

  “Hey, sleepyhead. I came to check on you and see if you’re going to be around this morning.”

  “I figured you were still mad at me. You never called.” He pushed the door open and stepped back to invite her in.


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