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Pisces (Zodiac Killers Book 4)

Page 15

by WL Knightly

  She hesitated a moment but then went inside. “I was upset, but my meeting ran late, and then Max told me that you had gone home sick.”

  Darek led her into the kitchen and warmed up the coffee pot before adding water. “Yeah, I had to get different pain medication. Turns out the other didn’t mix well with my daily meds. I’m good now.”

  “Good.” She looked at his shoulder and winced at the bandage. “Wow, it’s a bit bigger than I thought. Let me see.”

  He uncovered it, knowing he had to change his bandage for the day, and her eyes widened. “What’s that, like two inches? It must have been a nice little cyst. Did they biopsy?”

  He grabbed two mugs from the rack. “It wasn’t anything dangerous, but yeah, it’s about two and a half. Does it make me look tough?”

  “Maybe if it were on your face or neck. You know how those neck tats make people look like serial killers?”

  “Right? Dammit and there I was hoping.” He liked playing with her and loved to make her laugh.

  The coffee maker spat out the first cup, and he passed it off to her and then prepared another.

  “Thanks,” she said before taking a sip.

  He wanted coffee with her in his house every morning or at least most. It was definitely something he could get used to. “You’re welcome. So, did Dr. Cobb ever find out anything?”

  He knew the man would call her with any information he had anytime, day or night, and he’d found out about her night trips to the ME office.

  “I talked to him last night, actually. He found two carvings on her stomach, and both were zodiac symbols.”

  Darek shook his head. “You hadn’t seen them when you and Max were there?”

  “No, I had been so focused on the ankle, and they hadn’t even undressed the body. But I went back last night after Cobb called, and sure enough, they are Capricorn and Aquarius.”

  “No others?”

  “Nope. Someone broke her neck, but there were signs of lack of oxygen. He found a small piece of plastic in her teeth, and he thinks that’s what was used. She’d tried to bite her way through and probably succeeded, but then he thinks that just pissed the killer off. They jerked at whatever was around her face, causing some bruising, and then snapped her neck. Dr. Cobb said she lay on her stomach for hours after her death. Lividity was increased in the front part of her body.”

  “And what about the ankle?” Darek asked. “Did you figure out what was used?”

  “It appears that she was kept chained with a metal cuff around her ankle.” It was hard to think Lizzy was talking about Hannah Halston. Darek still couldn’t believe how crazy things had gotten; how out of hand.

  “It’s nothing like the killer’s MO,” Darek said.

  “No kidding, and if this was anyone but Hannah, I’d say we had a copycat on our hands. The symbols are interesting because they are the two symbols she’d have been aware of.”

  Darek nodded. “Yeah, most people don’t know what the symbols look like. I’m sure Hannah didn’t, either.”

  “Right, but she knew Capricorn because her brother had it, and Logan’s sign was Aquarius, which we can only assume she saw at least while they were having sex.”

  “You think she did them to herself?”

  “They were at a strange angle. She could have totally carved them on herself. They also weren’t too deep, although still crazy enough to hurt. I don’t know how she did it, but I think she wanted us to know that it’s all connected.”

  “That’s a good theory, and it’s smart she did that.”

  “She was a smart woman,” Lizzy said. “She was sending us a message for sure, but we have to figure out who took her and who killed her and why. I’m not convinced it’s the same person.”

  “Maybe there is more than one killer?” Darek asked.

  “It would make sense. A couple of homeless men saw two men in a black car about four-thirty that morning, which is when we think her body was put there.”

  Darek didn’t like the thoughts he was having and wondered if Bay had anything to do with Hannah’s death. Had he done it to shut her up and then gave her symbols to make it look connected? He had his own theories but could never tell Lizzy.

  Lizzy shrugged. “Anyway, I wanted to tell you all about it and that I’ll be the one playing hooky today. Reed wants me on a side project, but it shouldn’t take much time.”

  “So, I won’t get to hang out with you all day?”

  “At least not some days, but I’m still on this full time. There’s just something from an old cold case that he wants me to look over. You know those are my favorite.” She stepped closer, and he pulled her into his arms, hoping it was okay and glad she wasn’t angry with him. “So, I wanted to tell you I’m sorry for being upset yesterday. I know things are going to pull us away, and I can’t blame you for wanting your cyst removed. I’m glad you’re okay.”

  She searched his eyes, and then they kissed, long and deep. He didn’t want to let her go when she pulled away, and he seriously thought about picking her up and carrying her to his bed.

  “It’s okay as long as you’re not still upset with me,” he said. “I really just wanted the thing gone before I got my promotion.”

  “I like your confidence, and I thought I’d let you know that Reed asked me a few more questions about you. Nothing I can tell you, but I put in another good word.” She gave him another quick kiss on the lips.

  “Thanks. I guess I get to talk to Logan Miller all alone, then.”

  “Is that what you’re doing with your day?” she asked.

  “That and other things to make up for yesterday, yes. I figured someone should go and talk to him and tell him about Hannah. I don’t want him sitting there, holding out hope if she’s alive. Plus, I need to talk to his lawyers and make sure that they understand the manner of Hannah’s death. He couldn’t have done it, right?”

  “Right, time of death was yesterday. He didn’t kill her.”

  “So, all they’ll have to worry about is Lidia Hobbs.” Darek needed to call Bay and hoped that this time, the motherfucker would answer his phone.

  “Well, I’ll see you,” Lizzy said. “I’ll try to call at lunch, and if I’m close, maybe we can meet up?”

  “I’d love that.” Darek wanted her so badly, but he had to let her go to work. “Did you ever think about tomorrow night? We could have a nice dinner in this beautiful kitchen.” He waved his hand around as she walked to the living room and then to the front door.

  “I’m sure we can, and I’ll let you know soon. I just don’t know what this case is going to take. Maybe I won’t have any time.”

  “Okay, fair enough.” He followed her to the door and then gave her one last long kiss before she left.

  Darek took his time getting dressed, preparing to spend his day at the penitentiary talking with Bay and Logan. He knew that both needed to know what was going on with Hannah. Their main focus should not only be on his defense for Lidia’s murder, but Logan needed to deal with Hannah’s loss, too. Darek also wanted to get a feel for their reactions to Hannah’s death. He needed to know if either one of them had anything to do with it, especially Bay.

  Darek headed out to the car and tried to call Bay again, hoping the man could meet up with him.

  One ring and Bay’s voice sounded on the other end. “You know, now that I’m not representing you, you can stop calling me all the time.”

  “I just thought you should know that we found Hannah Halston.” He started his car and pulled out onto the road.

  “You did, did you?” Bay’s tone told him he wasn’t expecting a call about Hannah, though he could have been wrong.

  Darek decided to tell him what they knew. “Yes, and she’s been murdered.”

  “Boy, that killer is really on a roll.”

  Darek turned and entered the freeway. “No, Bay. We’re not sure this was the killer. It was a pretty messy job, so we’re suspecting someone with interest in the case took her. Are you sure you ha
ven’t seen Hannah lately?”

  “If you’re asking if I killed her, Darek, the answer is no. That’s not my style. When I do a job, I like things nice and tidy.” His voice was tight, and Darek could tell he was insulted.

  “I’m sure you do, but I had to ask. Someone kept her chained up since she went missing, and we have reason to believe that they broke her neck while trying to suffocate her. The coward couldn’t even look her in the eyes.”

  “Very interesting. Where did they find her?”

  “In the river. A couple of homeless men saw the dump and told us that it was two men in a black car. Whoever it is, they aren’t making my fucking job any easier. I’m on my way to see Logan, by the way. Thought you might want to know, and if you want to meet up with us, here’s your heads up.”

  “I can’t. I have something to take care of, but I’ll go see him later. You know, he’s going to lose it when you tell him. He’s probably going to want to confess.”

  “He won’t want to talk, Bay. He’s sacrificed too much already for that secret.”

  “I’m just warning you, friend. Be ready for it. Because when he starts threatening, I’m going to have to handle it, and neither one of you are going to like it.” The phone went dead.

  Darek drove the rest of the way to the prison, where he checked in and waited on Logan to be sent down.

  “Darek. How’s it going, man?” He grinned big, and it was good to see he still had all of his teeth. Logan’s hair had been buzzed, but other than that, he looked good and healthy.

  “Hey, Logan. How are they treating you?”

  “Good, I’m actually making friends and keeping out of trouble, but I know Bay is pulling some strings for me.”

  “Well, I have good news and terrible news.”

  The grin faded from his face. “Just tell me.”

  “We found Hannah. She was killed and dumped in the river.” Darek wasn’t going to offer anything more to the man unless he asked him the right questions. He didn’t need anything screwing with the investigation, and he held his breath for Logan’s reaction.

  “Fuck!” Logan punched the table. The guard on duty walked over, and Darek waved him away.

  “I’m sorry, man. I wish I had better news, but you had to know that this was the most likely outcome.”

  “Bay had said that maybe she’d run. That’s why I was still holding out hope.”

  “Well, the bright side, if there is one, is that she was killed the night before last, so we know that it wasn’t you. And since we don’t have anything but your false confession regarding her, there’s a chance we could get you released.”

  Logan shook his head. “No way. I’m not leaving. I’ll tell your boys that I killed Lidia if I have to.”

  “Why be stuck in here?” Darek asked. “You’re not any safer. Trust me.” He knew that Bay could pull the plug on him at any time.

  “I can’t face it, Darek. I can’t go back out there and face a world where Hannah and Lidia belong, knowing I’ll never see either one of them again.”

  Darek wished he could talk some sense into him, but he knew it wasn’t going to happen today.

  “Take care, man. And watch your back. Even Bay’s capable of putting a knife in it.”

  Darek got up to leave, but Logan stopped him. “Hey, if she just died, where has she been?”

  “Evidence shows she was chained up and held captive,” Darek said. “We don’t know where yet.”

  “Did she have symbols, too?” Logan had felt particularly bad about the marks since he’d been the one to make the brands. Darek wished he could reassure him, but he chose to be honest instead.

  “Yes, yours and her brother’s.”

  Tears filled Logan’s eyes, and Darek walked away to let him grieve. He was on his way to his car when he decided to pull out the burner phone and send a message.

  He typed the words: I don’t think you killed Hannah Halston.

  A moment later as he started his car, the killer replied: Smart man.



  Bay watched Finn apologize over the phone to Wes Finkle. He explained that the artist could keep the deposit, but the film was on hold until he could get his life straightened out back in LA. It seemed the call was going well, and Finn, despite his failure, seemed to be in good spirits.

  That was about to change.

  Bay’s conversation with Darek Blake had angered him. Knowing that Finn had not been able to follow simple instructions had Bay wanting to strangle him. As soon as Finn said goodbye and hung up the phone, Bay approached him. “I talked to the police today. They found a body down in the river. Hannah Halston.”

  Finn’s eyes widened. “Already?”

  “What the fuck do you mean, already? As if they were supposed to find her at all? I gave you and Lou specific instructions, so I want to know what happened. Every. Fucking. Detail.”

  Someone had dropped the ball, and while he thought that Lou had a lot to do with it, which was why the man had called him and told him that Finn had done a shitty job, Finn should have made sure that things were done the right way.

  Finn looked terrified. “There wasn’t a bag of concrete mix in the garage. Since it was midnight, we weren’t able to go and buy any. We had nothing to use except for a few bricks, but those didn’t work. They weren’t heavy enough.”

  Bay was tired of hearing excuses. He had hoped that by keeping Finn close, he’d be able to use him as a scapegoat. Bay figured he’d get his hands dirty, make him feel secure, and then when the time was right, throw him under the bus, but the guy was about as useless as tits on a boar, as Bay’s father used to say.

  “Did they say anything else?” Finn asked, shaking like a leaf. “Do you think they’ll be able to put me at the scene?”

  “That depends. They know it’s the work of an amateur, but as long as you didn’t leave any DNA, say on her clothes when you were suffocating her, then you should be okay. Did you leave a mess, Finn?”

  “I don’t know. I tried not to, but she just kept talking. She wouldn’t shut up. She made me angry, and I hit her.”

  “You left your DNA on her, didn’t you?” Bay asked. “Once they comb her body for clues, they’ll look at her clothes. One hair, one piece of skin under her nails, one tiny trace of anything.” He wanted Finn to worry, to wonder if he was going to be in trouble. Bay needed him on edge to test him one more time. Make or break.

  “I just did what you told me to do,” Finn said. “I thought that you’d keep me safe.”

  “You’re worried about yourself, but what about me? What about the others? If you get caught, it could lead right back to me. To all of us.” Bay knew he had his own bases covered, but he liked the head fuck that he was giving Finn.

  Finn’s wide eyes were ringed red, and he crossed the room, seeking comfort. “I’m sorry, Bay. I didn’t think she’d be found. Tell me what to do now.”

  “You go. You get your ass back to California, and you hope that nothing leads back to my doorstep because if it does, you’re the one who will face the music.”

  “I’m sorry.” He tried to reach for Bay, but Bay pushed him away. He wasn’t into Finn like he’d made him think. The only physical contact had been minimal, and only to coax Finn into thinking Bay wanted more. Making him think he had a chance was the only way he was going to solve his Hannah problem.

  The woman had become more and more violent, and it had become obvious that she wasn’t going to conform for her own good. Bay knew he couldn’t risk allowing her to turn on him, and he was starting to think the same thing about Finn and Logan.

  The two of them, along with Darek, had tried to keep him out of the loop at every recent turn, and Hannah had sung enough that he knew she had almost turned them against him. The fact that Logan had messed up and told her all of the Zodiacs’ secrets had sealed her death warrant, and it amused him to make Finn do it. But now, he was tired of playing. He had to send a final message, not only to Darek Blake but to the killer. Bo
th of them needed to know who was really in control.

  “Just go home, Finn. Get your shit straight, and maybe you can come back to me when you’re really ready to be the man I need.”

  Finn’s jaw dropped. “But I did everything you said. I’ve always tried to please you, Bay. You haven’t even held up your end of things once, and frankly, I’m beginning to think you’re never going to. Hannah was right. You use my love against me.”

  Bay laughed. The fact that he was just figuring this shit out was sad. “Then maybe you should just stay in Cali. Find you a nice girl and settle down. I’m sure she can give you what you need. Maybe Edie will take you back.”

  “She’s pregnant, you know?”

  “Congratulations,” Bay said. “Maybe you’ll figure out how to be a man and a father.”

  Bay couldn’t get over that Finn hadn’t told him, that he’d been willing to stay in New York away from his child so he could become Bay’s lover. Not even his exclusive lover, but a side piece that was third string at best. What a fool. There was no way he’d ever abandon his child, and if Lila ever tried to take off with their baby, he’d put her in the ground, too.

  Finn met his eyes. “You were never going to be with me, were you?”

  “I guess you’ll never know.” Bay shrugged, hoping the not knowing would eat at him for the rest of his days. “I’ll have Lou drive you to your car.”


  “Hey,” Bay said. “It’s the least I can do before I leave.”

  “You’re leaving?” Finn was insulted, and Bay thought it was amusing.

  “I have clients to see. I have a career, remember?” He liked to rub it in since Finn had told him about how his own parents wanted him to pursue law or medicine.

  With that, he readied himself to go and made arrangements for Finn’s departure. When Lou showed up, he patted the man on the back and whispered in his ear. “Call me when it’s done and bring me his phone.”

  He left without blinking an eye and then went to his car, knowing that by the end of the day, he would have fewer problems to deal with.

  He drove down to the prison, and after checking in, he went to the meeting room to wait for Logan. He made sure he was in a private room with one guard and no video. He had a feeling that he was going to be right about the man’s attitude, but he had to see for himself before he jumped to conclusions.


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