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Savage Planet Caveman

Page 2

by Cheyenne Hart

  Julius was wearing nothing but his one-piece jumpsuit, and leaving him alone and naked, unconscious in the pod, seemed too cruel. So, she stepped out from the pod and closed the door behind her to keep him safe, hopefully. In the sky, she saw the faded trail that must have been left by another one of the escape pods. It might not have been someone from The New Horizon ship from Earth, but it was worth taking a chance to find out. She stepped out of the pod, ready to scream as her foot tentatively touched the top of the slime surrounding them.

  It was actually fairly firm, if not slippery. She made her way through the tall trees, looking eerily similar to those of Earth, yet so incredibly different. A dull, roaring hum suddenly became evident around her. It was the sound of nature, teeming with life. Loraine had to keep telling herself not to run back to the relative safety of the escape pod. "No way," she kept saying. "You keep on going." There was no food or water in the pod, and staying there to wait for help that would never arrive, simply was not an option. So, on she trekked into the vast, unknown the seemingly ancient jungle, as naked as the day she was born.



  Tracking the veerax was not difficult. These creatures were loud and had a terrible smell. If it were possible to create a scent from fear and acid rain, that would be the closest thing Raxar could think of. The thing made a thumping sound as it moved, not making any effort to travel through the jungle unnoticed. Few animals considered the veerax worthwhile prey, as plenty of other things made easier meals. He took his spear from his back, ready to throw it as soon as he saw the veerax, if necessary.

  The thing began to move quickly, the sound of fast footsteps coming through the trees and not far away. Raxar's heart picked up pace, his nerves taking over and bringing him right up to the verge of his natural fight or flight response. As always, he knew that there would be no fleeing from his opponent, as this would disgrace him in the eyes of the spirits of the jungle and those of his ancestors. Such dishonor would leave him with little reason to go on living.

  But something was not right. The veerax never moved like that unless hunting something, so he continued, curious to find out what this brute of an animal was doing—but also not wanting to let his prey escape, now that the hunt had begun. There it was again! That smell, such a juxtaposition to the bitter and sickly scent the nearby lizard was giving off that it made Raxar's head spin for an instant.

  "What is this?" he asked, questioning not only in his own mind but also openly seeking guidance from the ancestors that surrounded him.

  Coming through the trees, cautiously and with his spear and club at the ready, there was his answer. The veerax was making its way in the most sinister fashion, slinking in silence—right toward a woman! Right away, Raxar could see that she was not of his people, not even of the Druazz race. She was much smaller, with delicate curves and a lean body that looked to be so fragile that she might fall and break from the force of a strong wind. In a moment of confusing empathy that was not in line with the ways of his people, his heart went out to her. He had to save her from the veerax.

  The lizard was not remarkably large for one of its species, but even an average sized veerax was several times taller than Raxar. The top of its head was at the same height as some of the fully grown trees surrounding it, but not as tall as the larger varieties in the jungle, as they went right up to the clouds above. It walked on two legs and had large claws jutting from stumpy, yet scarily agile, arms coming out from the top sides of its torso. The head was like a lengthy bolder, with a maw that could eat an entire cloof, a docile, hooved animal that his tribe hunted for meat.

  It was already only a matter of paces away from the frail woman, her pale skin and red hair radiated in the daylight that rained down through the tree canopy. The scene unfolded in slow motion for Raxar, making his heart and soul tingle. No living being from his world could be so spectacular. She was surely sent from the stars.

  Clearly, she was as alluring to the savage lizard as it was to Raxar, but for reasons that were polar-opposite. Then, she turned to see the looming shape coming slowly toward her through the foliage and bushes. She screamed and was running off in the opposite direction faster than Raxar would have imagined her capable of. He gave chase, now fearful that the beast might get to this amazing woman before he could intervene.



  Loraine had been moving slowly to try and avoid anything nasty spotting her. The floor of the jungle was littered with debris from trees and plants, making it hard to know what exactly she was stepping on. There must have ben more different types insects in just that square mile of the jungle than on all of Earth. At least, that was how it seemed as her heart rate continued to soar, adding difficulty to keeping her movements quiet and steady.

  She moved through some large leaves, pushing them aside to get through what looked like a promising direction through the thick trees—somewhere she could make some progress without going through any more swamp slime or beds of dead leaves crawling with insects.

  There was no way for her to avoid allowing the thing get so close. First, it was the smell, as her olfactory choked in an acidic, decaying meat scent. Right before her were two blazing eyes. Black irises as large as her fist focused in on her, and the stare of those big eyes was ripe with malicious intent. They were surrounded by leathery, brown-green on a head the size of a small cow! If Loraine didn't know better, she would have believed that Julius and she had somehow gone back in time—and traveled all the way back to Earth—to prehistoric times when dinosaurs rule. Because, it seemed an awful lot like a meat eating, flesh ripping, prey hunting dino much like a t-rex was bowing its head down close to get a peek at her through the lower line of foliage.

  Loraine did not wait around to wonder if she was imagining things. No way, she spun on her heels in the fastest one-eighty degree turn she'd ever seen anyone do, and sprinted in the opposite direction without a care for what icky nasties she stepped on or ran through. A few dozen insects or maybe even some snakes didn't seem so bad suddenly, in comparison to a fucking alien dinosaur!

  Loraine almost fell tens of times, stumbling and stubbing her toes on concealed branches and unfortunately located rocks. If she thought this jungle was packed with, well, nature before, it seemed a million times denser when everything was flying by at top running speed.

  And Loraine could run damn fast. That was certainly in her favor. A few times, she built up the courage to turn her head to look over her shoulder behind her. The nightmare creature behind her was having a hard time trying to keep up as it ducked and weaved around trees, or just plain smacked down smaller plants and jungle debris.

  A low rumbling sound came up before her and then gave way to a keening roar. "No, no, no!" Loraine shouted in between labored breaths; she was getting worn out from running and wouldn't be able to keep it up for much longer.

  That didn't matter anyway, she thought, as she ran toward the banks of a wide river. Cold sweat was beading down her naked skin, and the open air that flowed over the river hit her, causing a shiver to pass her over. Maybe that was also caused by the fact that the giant lizard with the killer instinct was barreling along directly behind her and would soon arrive to enjoy Loraine as a riverside snack!

  Left up the bank of the river, the jungle grew so thick with tree trunks that it didn't seem possible to get through. But, maybe she could squeeze into a tight nook that the monster could not. Alternatively, over to the right, the grass and dirt began to rise and give way to steep rocks that went high up. She jogged to them and started to climb, fear giving her a boost of adrenaline. It was easy going for such a fitness freak, but going with no shoes was painful, not to mention slippery! Splashback from the passing river caught in the breeze and covered the rocks.

  The creature, which was an alien thing, not a dinosaur, no matter how much it looked like one, was fast to make it to the rocks. Loraine had gotten up there just in time, but she kept losing her footing, and the bottoms
of her feet were getting cut up and making the rocks bloody.

  "Shit!" she cried out, about to lose herself to complete panic and get ready to be eaten. She turned to face the dinosaur, hardly able to look at it without shivering uncontrollably with fear. Loraine almost lost her grip on the rock she had her hand on as she tried to climb upward. That snapping jaw, the sheer size of the teeth that could slice her up without any trouble, and the way its tail slashed around behind it like an angry canine—it was terrifying and just a matter of feet below her.

  Then, the beast stopped and began to sniff at the air, the gaping nostrils expanding and contracting as it did. It looked around as though expecting to see something besides or behind it.

  Another animal called out with a fierce roar. Wait, it wasn't an animal! It was some kind of man, possibly even human. A large male rushed out from the trees to the right of the big lizard. He was brandishing a spear in one hand, and a wooden club in the other. As if things weren't confusing enough before, now Loraine really felt as though she'd somehow been thrust backward in time, and somehow ended up back on Earth as well.

  The man, who resembled a caveman more than anything, hurled a slim spear with a large, metal tip at the dinosaur. The throw was impeccable and apparently very well practiced, because it struck the beast high up in the chest, in between two eerily long upper limbs.

  The monstrous lizard shrieked and threw its head back, flailing its tail around and shaking its upper body with rage. It seemed to be trying to shake out the spear that was firmly stuck in its flesh, but the throw had been too powerful and gone in too deep. The moment it received the wound, its whole demeanor shifted. The dinosaur began to act more like a wounded puppy, whimpering and staggering about. Instead, of trying to fight the caveman or continue attempting to eat Loraine, it turned tail, literally, and took off through the thick growth of the jungle. Stupidly enough, she actually felt sorry for the thing that had only seconds ago been trying to kill her most horribly.

  With his club now in his right hand, the caveman started to chase the wounded creature. But then he stopped and shook his head, as though wrestling with two conflicting ideas that he could not reconcile. He stopped and turned to face Loraine. It was like he'd known she was there all along or had been expecting to find her in the area at least. But that was impossible!

  He did look like a human man, but a supersized one! And he was adorned with tribal tattoos, jagged and primitive, totally unlike those poser ones guys got back home. His muscles were bigger than even the most ardent weight lifter could achieve back on Earth, even if they were taking steroids and working themselves night and day. He was agile though, almost graceful with how he carried all of those muscles, not at all like the muscle-bound body builders Loraine had seen back home.

  "Oh, you stay away from me," she shouted at the big hulk of a man. Then, she inspected him more carefully, now that her life didn't seem to be in immediate danger. There was something strange about the way he moved, almost like some kind of wild animal. As the caveman paced around at the bottom of the rock formation, it seemed like he was thinking, weighing up his options. What those options might have been in his mind, Loraine was not sure she wanted to know.

  He made a sound that could have almost been intelligent. He then made more sounds, definitely saying something in his alien language. The words were short, guttural, savage sounding even though he didn't seem angry. A sense of worry was over his face. What he had to be concerned about, Loraine had no idea. The dino-monster was gone.

  Loraine wanted to keep on climbing to get away from him, but the top of the rocks didn't seem to lead anywhere, and her feet were already aching. Instead, she slowing started to descent the jagged, natural slope. "I'm going to come down," she said, completely aware of how pointless it was trying to talk to this primitive man. Maybe her soothing, feminine voice would help to keep him from getting aggressive. "Please, don't try anything. Just stay back where you are." What she really wanted to do was tell him to get the hell away from her and take his unnaturally ripped body with him. All those muscles were intimidating, and the anaconda dangling between his legs looked like it could break her in half.

  Trying to ignore the caveman's nudity, and her own, Loraine took a moment to assess whether she'd gotten hurt with all that wild running through the jungle. With her cut up feet back on solid ground, Loraine took a moment to catch her breath too. She had been so caught up in all the danger and excitement, she hadn't realized how close to dropping she was. "Man, I haven't slept for a long time."

  "Ughra thedegh yuurack," said the caveman. He was just standing there watching her, like he didn't want to come any closer, but also refused to leave her.

  Loraine stood up straight once she'd recovered a little from all that running. "Wow, just look at you." It was hard to ignore how ruggedly attractive he was. Loraine had always liked her men big, strong, and with a take charge attitude. The problem was that most guys who fit that bill were still emotional children, just boys who looked like real men. She wanted someone with a heart as strong as their exterior—the very definition of a real man, as she'd always figured it to be. "You're not going to try and drag me back to your cave, are you? Not gonna hit me over the head with that club of yours?" She'd been trying to ignore the hefty chunk of wood that was still in his hand. He'd lost the spear chasing off the dinosaur ... although Loraine now knew the idea that she could have gone back in time was absurd, even more silly than being stranded on a distant planet with an alien caveman her would-be protector.

  "You saved me," she said. "Thank you."

  The caveman kept looking her in the eyes but quickly glancing away when she returned the eye contact. It was far from how she expected a primitive man to act around a strange female.

  Loraine stretched out her back, pushing her chest forward. Suddenly, she caught him staring at her tits, and his dick became engorged. "Holy hell," she exclaimed with her eyes wide open. "You can't be serious?" It was honestly the most breathtaking penis she'd ever laid eyes on, at least in person. No, she hadn't even seen any pictures online of dicks that big. And she'd been sent her fair share of "dick pics" by the guys she'd trained with throughout the years.

  "You're not getting near me with that thing," she said. Although, secretly, Loraine just kept wondering if she'd be able to take it all on or not. She had been doing Kegels for years and had never been with a small man, strictly by choice. Nope, she liked real men. Too bad he was such a primitive savage though.

  "Kruh?" he uttered, paying absolutely zero attention to is semi-erection and no caring that this naked woman who'd fallen from the sky was openly staring at it and trying to hide her shock. He was certainly used to being naked. He took a sudden step closer, his partial hard on bouncing as he did so.

  "Hey, stay where you are," Loraine said, stepping back away from him and putting her hands up in a self-defense position, ready to show him how much this particular woman could kick some ass.

  "Hungdar, Jab dee Grak," he said, making no sense at all to her, and moving even closer. He put his hand out to try and grab her arm, but Loraine smacked it away with a quick deflection, then spun her body around on the spot and kicked him right in the side of the head with the ball of her foot. The kick was perfectly executed and hard, but the caveman barely even reacted to it.

  "What the fuck?" she said, spinning back around and realizing that her best shot had barely affected him. "Oh, shit." She was about to run, but the caveman didn't try to retaliate or grab her again.

  Instead, he crouched down and put his club on the ground, making himself look non-aggressive. He actually seemed impressed with her, happy that she'd attacked him. If that were the case, there was no telling what kind of twisted games this filthy animal might have in store for her. He was probably just toying with Loraine, having a laugh at her expense and getting ready to take what he wanted from her. No way was going to happen, she decided.

  Raxar was breathing heavily after that encounter. He refused to show i
t on the outside, but he had half expected to be killed by the veerax. If it were not for the danger this astonishing woman was in—he would never have charged into a head on a fight like that with one of the bastard lizards. She was looking at him oddly, as though he were in cahoots with the veerax or something so preposterous. It was as though she believed he was another wild animal from the depths of the jungle.

  Her nakedness made him feel more comfortable. Raxar's tribe knew well that there were more advanced cultures out there in the world, and that people even traveled to and from the stars in mysterious ways. But he had never thought he would actually encounter one of those people! The fact that she had come to his jungle wearing nothing but her natural beauty gave him hope that the two might not be so different. Also, he thought that they might actually become close with one another, and the thought of her small, tight, shapely body pressed up against his muscular form excited him. That thought, coupled with her stretching and pushing out her perky breasts, made his dick hard.

  He had not even considered that such a thing might offend a woman. It was a compliment and nothing to be upset by. It didn't matter—the hope of getting to know her in a more primal way faded quickly after she'd kicked him in the head. It had hurt, he admitted to himself silently. So much power from such a seemingly frail and helpless being! He had not meant to smile, but he was genuinely impressed by her. She seemed to take offense, judging by the way she stood ready to defend herself from him.

  Crouched on the ground without his weapon, Raxar hoped that his ancestors would understand why he was giving such special consideration to a woman. Even though he yearned for a more compassionate way of life, he was afraid of what his tribe and the spirits of the jungle and sky would see him as weak and not deserving of a place with them when he died. "Forgive me," he said to them as he showed her submission. Then, to her, "You are from the sky? I have seen them coming down in their sky boats."


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