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Savage Planet Caveman

Page 3

by Cheyenne Hart

  She responded but with words that meant nothing, although they sounded pure and sweet in his ears. Her red hair was sparkling in the sunlight, and she smelled clean and fresh, like the skies or the wind that moved through the trees. The scent of her womanhood was also potent, but it was very different to the women of his own people. The woman shrugged her shoulders and began to walk back toward the rocks. Perhaps she had been trying to make her way back to the sky.

  Raxar knew this wasn't possible, not like that. He was aware of the machines that were not of the spirits, made by mortal hands. She would need one of these if she were to return to her home in the stars. "You can't get home that way, surely you must know that?" he said. He wished more than anything that he could be understood by her. "Please, stop," he said, seeing how much it pained her to climb back up onto the rocks with bloodies feet. "If you come with me, I can help you."

  The star woman slipped, leaving a trail of blood from the bottoms of her feet, and landed on her perfectly shaped behind. She uttered something with vehemence, which surely could not have been a curse word, not coming from such a pure being.

  As he rushed forward to help her, she slapped his hand away and growled something in her high pitched register that was disheartening, even without being able to understand her. Raxar wanted the star woman to respect him, but she openly despised him, as though he were such lowly beast that made her stomach churn. Raxar would prove that he was worthy of her admiration.

  "Let me take you to the spirit walker. He trusts me to walk between the worlds with him. He can help us understand each other." Lowering himself into such a harmless position must have helped her to feel safe, or maybe she was simply out of options. Either way, the star woman went with him.



  "What the fuck am I doing?" Loraine asked herself. When she spoke, the caveman turned and looked at her with a quizzical look on his face. She kept getting the impression that something about those chiseled, downright powerful features worked to belie a more sophisticated side to him. She'd read, that early people on Earth were supposedly a lot more advanced than they were given credit for in literature and on TV, as far as their ways of thinking went at least. Mostly, Loraine had only agreed to follow him out of fear of the jungle, and desperation to get help for Julius before it was too late. Unless it already was too late for him.

  The farther they got from the river, the more Loraine worried that she was straying more and more away from the crashed escape pod. She had no way of knowing for sure which direction that was now, as running for her life from a hungry lizard monster had not exactly left her with much time to leave a trail of bread crumbs like Hansel and Gretel.

  Finally, the jungle started to thin out, and they came to a clearing. "I thought I'd be trapped in there forever," she said to the caveman, who acted as though he was trying to understand her. She added, "Too bad we haven't invented universal translators yet. I don't suppose you have one lying around do you? No, of course not, that would never happen." She chuckled a little, finding it easier to relax now that they were away from all those daunting trees that towered overhead. The sun was reaching her naked, sweaty, dirty skin now and it was warming.

  They walked into the clearing that ended at the base of a rocky cliff. The open area which must have run about a quarter mile across before hitting the rock. There were holes in the side of it, which must have been the savage's homes. They really were cave people, then. There were people there who looked a lot like "her" caveman, as she was thinking of him now that he'd undoubtedly saved her life; only, they seemed to move without his particular sense of agility. It was like they were the cave dwellers Loraine would expect to find in a primitive jungle village, walking more hunched over, their faces painted with unthinking expressions, and seeming much closer to animals.

  Seeing her caveman tightened his grip on his club and raised it a little as he walked, much to Loraine's alarm. She wondered if he was expecting to get into a fight with someone. Maybe these weren't even his people, and he was just completely deranged. Or, he might have plans to sell her to these strangers and head back to his own home with whatever these people used for money. No, Loraine wasn't in the mood to be traded away in exchange for a bunch of rocks or leaves.

  "Oh my god," she let out. A pair of the savages had caught her attention, causing her to stop walking and stand with her mouth agape. A male and female were having sex right out in the open. On the dusty ground, the thickly built woman was on her hands and knees very much like a dog. The large, muscular man was kneeling, slamming his pelvis into her from behind in the most aggressive movements. He gripped her chunky buttocks so tightly that there were red marks and scratched from his nails, forming on her cheeks. The woman didn't seem to care about that. She was too caught up in the primal rivalry of being taken hard from behind.

  "Shnoo," came a low and very close voice, so close that it startled Loraine and she jumped a little. He was standing right beside her, not paying much attention to the couple but not making an effort to look away. Sex was clearly a natural part of life.

  When her caveman put his hand over her arm to try and pull her along, Loraine flinched and felt an instant urge to hit him. But she resisted that feeling, and walked along behind him instead, sticking close and hoping that he would continue to keep her safe. Maybe this alien caveman was the best chance she had of getting back to Julius alive, after all, compared to the other life on this planet.

  "Gharr!" came that familiar language, sounding like some war cry instead of actual communication. It was the yelling of a nearby native, a male who was as strong looking as her caveman, but not as tall. This man wasn't entirely naked, but had a thick animal skin over his shoulders, tied at the front to keep it on. There was something almost luxurious about it, especially since the others were mostly naked. The man was holding a spear and aiming it at Raxar. He moved the jagged tip of the spear to point it at Loraine as he approached, but her caveman-protector stepped in front of her.

  The two massive savages seemed as though they were just about to come to blows when her caveman savior started talking fast, desperate sounding. He then laughed, followed by the other caveman laughing and nodding at Loraine. What they were saying, she would have killed to know, but it couldn't have been good. Suddenly, the primitive alien who'd saved her from the dinosaur monster showed his true colors at last.

  He grabbed her by the small of the back and dragged her body into his own. There was no escaping such a powerful grasp, and it happened too quickly to allow her any time to move away. She found herself staring right into those bold eyes, which were almost the color of a summer sunset on Earth.

  He grabbed her ass tightly and squeezed one of her tits with the other hand, then kissed her, tasting of meat and foul male stench.

  Loraine didn't let that continue for long, biting down hard on his lip and pushing herself away. "You pig!" she screamed into his face. He did loosen his grip though, but she didn't have the nerve to run. The group of savage natives that was forming nearby seemed like the type who'd love a good chase. Also, there was a look of shame on "her" caveman's face.



  Raxar did not like what he'd just done, but the sexual thrill could not be denied. If he had the chance to repeat it, kiss this majestic creature from the stars, it would be a lie to say he would not. But taking the liberty without her permission seemed to go against everything to spirits held dear. How they could want the star woman to submit to any other person, male or not, was a mystery to him. However, it looked like it had appeased his leader.

  "You are a strange one," said Thukger, the leader of Raxar's people. "If you had told me you planned to eat her, I would have been quicker to believe you. But she is a pretty thing, and good smelling. I understand why you would rather put yourself inside of her, instead of putting her in your belly."

  Raxar grinned, baring his teeth to show that he was happy about this crude remark, and to hide how he tr
uly felt about the idea of eating the star woman or even taking her to his bed without her permission. That was the way of the Hungdar, but it felt wrong. Telling Thukger that he planned to use the star woman as his sex slave, and have her cook and do womanly chores for him, seemed to have worked. Groping and kissing her really impressed the suspicious leader. Just to make sure that she would safe in the village, Raxar said, "You will make sure no other touches my prize then? If another interferes with this woman, you know that I have every right to kill them.

  "Do not tell me our laws. I am your leader. Now, go and enjoy your catch." He confidently leered at the star woman in the most unsettling of ways, then walked away, his distinguished fur coverings and stern features standing out boldly among the dirty faces of the rest of the tribe.

  She looked utterly disgusted and, making Raxar feel even worse for his actions, the beautiful red-haired woman seemed to be on the verge of breaking into tears. But she was holding back her emotions, surely. It was an admirable effort, to be this collected when so much was going wrong for her.

  "Come," Raxar said.

  This time, the woman didn't try to refuse him or linger behind. With the group of gawking Hungdar still lingering near, whispering among themselves and making obscene gestures—some of them making threatening gestures to her—it was no wonder that she didn't want to be left alone there.

  They went to the spirit walker's home, which was at the edge of the village, in the ruins. These were the structures of a people who once lived in this place; had come from the stars just like this lovely star woman. Now, only one of their buildings still stood. It was not much larger than a cave, but the roof and walls were still standing. It certainly impressed the red haired woman, and she made several remarks in her lovely tongue. Moving away from the rest of the village, and the inhospitable tribal members, seemed to lift her spirits too.

  The people who had once lived here had possessed much knowledge and been sophisticated in their ways. This is what the spirit walker said, and the tribe respected his word almost as law, believing without question. Raxar admired the spirit walker for his understanding of these ancient ways, and his ability to walk between the worlds, as well as into the minds of others to heal them of body and soul.

  The spirit walker was an old man, possibly the oldest living Druazz in the world. He spent much of his time resting on his bed of furs, tending to his aching and aging body by the fire.

  "Young Raxar," he said with a raspy voice, "you have brought me a servant girl from another species? I am too old for pleasures of the flesh, you know this." He laughed and coughed up some phlegm, spitting it onto the stone floor of the ruin.

  "This woman was alone in the jungle, in veerax territory.

  "Her?" The spirit walker laughed. "I'm surprised she did not die from an insect bite or get tangled in a bragh bush’s thorns. Wait, what is she doing?"

  The star woman was only vaguely interested in the spirit walker, showing him the most perfunctory nod as a courtesy and then walking around the room with a look of awe. Why she should be impressed, or even remotely interested, in this type of building was anyone's guess. Of particular interest to her was the spirit walker's altar.

  "Perhaps she has seen such altars at her home in the stars," replied Raxar. He honestly had no idea, and he felt small and foolish in the presence of two such other-worldly people.

  "Her body is stimulating to look at, I must say. If I were not too old and frail for it, I might ask you to borrow her for a night."

  "And I would say no, as you well know. This woman is clearly from the stars. You would disrespect her by taking her?"

  "With her permission, with her permission," said the spirit walker in a nagging tone. "Do you take me for a savage?" He stood up and walked over to stand beside the altar.

  The star woman looked at him with fright. She'd been too focused on the switched and glass panels on the altar and didn't notice him coming over to her.



  It just couldn't be true. Loraine kept blinking trying to make sure she hadn't been knocked unconscious somewhere along the way. She stood directly in front of what seemed to be some type of scanner, a medical unit possibly. Of course, she could only really guess at that. There was an area that looked like a bed, where a patient could lie down to be scanned. Above that was a raised, overhead panel with various sections. Mostly though, it was all hidden beneath the metal exterior. While there was clearly a lot of aging to the machine, Loraine could have sworn that someone had been maintaining this thing.

  "What?" she said to the sickly old caveman as he approached her. He started to gesture at the bed as though he wanted her to get onto it. While the idea of finding out if she'd sustained any serious damage was tempting, there was no freaking way Loraine was about to let that thing anywhere near her.

  The old guy grunted when she stepped away from him. It looked like Loraine would have to smack him on the nose to give him the message that she wasn't going to be their test subject, or whatever they wanted.

  "Fruu Mayll," he said with a kind of reverence in his voice that made it hard to even think about hitting him.

  "Guck Mayll, Fruu Reeth," said the other caveman, the one who'd brought her to this place. Then, he walked right up to the scanner and got onto the bed himself. When the old guy pressed a button and the thing actually powered on, Loraine's eyes felt like they would bulge right out of her skull.

  She started stammering and attempting to stop them from messing with it. "W-w-wait a second. That thing actually has power? But how? Where?" It was entirely possible that whatever had been running it initially, was still charged. Some sort of generator that was using nuclear energy, or a much more advanced version of nuclear power possibly. Yeah, that type of thing, or some alien battery even. "This is unreal," she whispered.

  But they were now ignoring her. The old guy pressed some but buttons and slid a small lever over. The machine started to blink lights and hum, while a bright hue emitted from the panel above the bed, shining down its radiance onto the younger of the two cavemen. If he was at all worried about what might happen to him, he certainly wasn't showing it.

  Loraine was pretty sure at that point that these guys had been messing around with this machine for some time. It was probably all automated, really, so maybe they actually knew how to operate it.

  The scanner stopped, and the younger caveman stood up, smiling at her like he'd just won a game of ball or something. No, he'd been right about it being safe. There were no words needed for Loraine to notice that from his smug expression. These people weren't all different from the folks back on Earth—in some ways, anyway.

  "Fruu Mayll," he said to her.

  "You guys might actually have a clue about what you're doing … but I don't see why you would want me to get scanned."

  The old guy grunted and then nodded to her while looking at the younger caveman with furrowed brow.

  Shaking his head and looking like he was about to be put in the naughty corner, the more youthful caveman looked down at the floor, up to Loraine, back at his elder, and then grabbed Loraine. He pushed her down onto the bed of the machine and held her while the old guy fired it up again.

  "Hey, get the—" she from her prone position on the bed. The moment that light came on though, she couldn't continue talking. It was all a blur, the ruins, the village, the alien planet, The New Horizon, her time at the Space Corps academy, high school, her parents, right across the board from the start of her life until the end. It didn't take long, and she didn't so much think of all those things as just, feel, them in her mind.

  Next, the light went dead, and she jumped up from the bed. "Where do you savage jerks get off holding me down and flashing my brain with your stupid machine?!" she yelled.

  "Calm yourself, woman," said the old man.

  "Please, listen, you speak the language of the Hungdar now, yes?" said the younger one.

  "Fuck you!" Loraine said, running out of the area and
heading for the exit to the ruin. The shock of having her brain shifted around like that was not pleasant. If she'd have been asked, maybe she would have agreed. To learn an alien language in an instant? Sure, what space faring woman wouldn't want that to happen? "You didn't even ask!" she yelled back at them from just outside the door to the ruin.

  Slowly walking after her, the younger caveman responded, "We did, but you could not understand. This is the only way to help you. Do you disagree?"

  "Shit." Loraine spat on the ground and wiped her lip. "Okay, I guess. Don't ever touch me again though."

  "I am sorry. What I did in the village, it was to stop them from taking you as a slave. I had to pretend that you were already mine. I would never want to disrespect a star woman," he replied. "My name is Raxar, by the way. And this man, he is the spirit walker of our tribe. He does not take any other name."

  "Great, religious nuts. Hold on a second, did you just call me 'star woman'? Oh boy, are you in for a rude surprise when you get to know me better."

  "We will not know you better," said the spirit walker. "You will need to go back to the stars, woman, when I have decided the best way to do so. But of course, you must have known this when you came to our world."

  "You need to stop calling me star woman, okay? My name is Loraine. I'm a self-defense trainer from a spaceship, in space, not from some star. Do you even know what a star is?"


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