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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 78

by Michelle Love

  “He didn’t answer me. I know I broke his heart, and he’s done with me.”

  “I’m sorry, pumpkin.”

  “Don’t be,” I say as I lean into him. “I’m done with that. It’s the past and you’re right here. A good looking, charming, well off man who seems to like me. Do you know I had a crush on you when I was ten and you were nineteen?”

  A smile creeps across his lips, which are a very light red and pleasingly plump. “We’re even then, because I have a crush on you now.”

  “I don’t want to marry you just yet, Logan, but I don’t want that to stop us from seeing if we have what it takes to get along for the long haul.” I move my body up his and stay close enough he can kiss me if he wants to.

  His hand tightens around mine. “So your past is out of the way and you’re ready to move forward with me?”

  “I am.”

  He bites at his bottom lip as he looks at mine. I wait for my heart to start pounding, but it doesn’t. The electric current never starts, but his lips touch mine, and it’s not so bad. They’re soft on mine as he pulls me closer to him, pulling me onto his lap where he cradles my body as his tongue pushes through my lips and into my mouth. He tastes like chocolate, but there’s no fireworks.

  Will it ever be like that again?Max

  The sun is finally coming up. Some monster fish, most likely a shark tormented me for quite some time last night. I managed to punch it a couple of times and it went away.

  No land can I see and the idea of being able to continue to tread water until someone finds me is falling apart. So with the rising sun, I know where the East is, and that means I must swim away from the rising sun. Hopefully I will find something. I’d settle for a floating trash island at this point. Anything to get me out of this damn salty-ass water.

  I’ve come up with my motivation for making it out of this mess alive and intact. I’m going to go to all the big networks and all the social media to get help to find Lexi. I mean what’s the use of having mountains of money if you can’t use it to buy some help.

  No more thinking she doesn’t love me because I damn well know she does. She’s just a little crazy and time will fix that. I should think I might have to keep her locked away in a bedroom with me. I’ll make love to her until she can no longer walk so she can’t run away again, but it’ll be worth it, in more ways than one.

  Something is floating on top of the water a little ways in front of me. I have to swim pretty fast as it keeps moving away. Finally I have it, a small piece of some kids broken knee board. I hope this means I’m closer to shore than it looks like I am. Finally I can just hang on to this and let my legs and arms rest.

  Thank you God!

  It isn’t even noon, and the sun is beating down on me. I’m naturally tan but I can feel my back burning. Maybe I should just give up, maybe the next life will be better. I have to get out of this funk so I yell, “Lexi, I’m coming for you!”

  There, now my head is right again and I can keep on swimming. There we go, now that’s stuck in my brain I’ll get somewhere. And it seems like God is smiling on me because a cloud covered the sun and I am relieved of that if only for a moment. Have to be happy with the little things.

  A drop of cool water hits my hot shoulder and I find myself thankful even more until I look up.

  That’s one of the biggest thunderheads I’ve ever seen!

  Maybe it only looks so huge because I’m in the middle of the ocean, maybe that’s why. Lightning strikes and it begins to pour. Oh, joy! Now the waves are getting bigger, and that should be some real fun I bet.

  “God, please don’t kill me. Whatever I’ve done to offend you, I promise I will rectify it.”

  I look behind me and wish I hadn’t. A giant wave is about to barrel down on me. At least I have my little broken knee board.


  “Take me to your bed, Logan,” I say as he holds me on his lap. His kiss is just not doing enough. Maybe if we have our clothes off that will help me to feel a little bit excited. I mean, there needs to be some excitement when two people are going to be married and doing this a lot.

  If the spark isn’t there, then why waste the time, right? My V-card has been cashed in anyway, why not?

  “Alex, that’s not really how I wanted to go about this,” he says, but he’s getting up and carrying me back to his bedroom, so I guess he’s finding himself alright with the idea. “I’m doing this for you, baby.”

  I giggle and lay my head against his chest. “Thanks, you’re a doll.”

  As he lays me down on his bed his eyes go dark and I see desire glimmering in them. I smile and he takes off my shirt, then runs his hand over my bra. “Take your shirt off,” I say and he does. His chest is wide and a small amount of hair grows over it, going all the way down to the top of his slacks. “You work out?” He has a small six pack and some very nice lines.

  He nods and undoes the clasp on my bra which is in the front. Now my breasts are bare and he looks at them for what I deem a little too long before he puts his hand on one and his mouth on the other. And I find that I’m still waiting for the awe factor.

  I run my hands through his hair, trying to spur myself on. The smell is nice, a clean musky scent which I find appealing. Still no electricity though.

  His lips run up my neck in little kisses and it tickles a little. I find myself giggling and he raises up and smiles at me before he crashes down on me, kissing me hard and I find my breath taken away a little. His hand runs in between my legs and up my inner thigh then right onto my woman parts and he rubs at it over my shorts.

  Now my heart is pumping harder!

  He stops and stands up, dropping his slacks and kicking off his shoes. In one quick motion he pulls my shorts and panties off and I’m naked. As he climbs onto the bed I notice his little white socks still on. “Are you going to leave those on?”

  With a husky laugh, he falls on top of me and says, “Don’t worry they won’t affect my performance, baby.”

  His body moves down mine and I see the direction he’s going, making me remember Max. I close my eyes and try not to think about him. “You do have a condom, right?”

  “I’ll put one on right before, I promise. Now lie back and let daddy give you some attention, babygirl.”

  Nope that didn’t sound freaky at all coming from a guy I used to think of as a brother figure!

  “You know, maybe…” I say but shut the heck up when his tongue touches something down there that makes my toes curl and starts an ache in my belly for him. “Oh, dang it, Logan. Oh, that’s, Oh, Logan, that’s some smancy tongue work you got goin’ on there. I, uh…”

  He stops and looks at me. “Honestly, I’m going to need you to be quiet because your choice of words is distracting me and I want to laugh. Laughing doesn’t really go with what I’m attempting to do right this second.”

  I smile and nod and he gets back to work. I close my eyes and grip the blanket as he takes me away from thinking about anything other than how fantastic this feels.

  Heat fills my body as I burst and he climbs up me so fast I’m still pulsing inside as he fills me with his perfectly normal sized man part. But it’s still a good one, and he moves it the right way, I guess. He looks down at me as he pumps away and then puts his lips on mine and I almost pass out because he forces his tongue through my lips. I realize that I’m tasting myself and that’s pretty gross.

  He pulls his head back and smiles like he’s done something great. “That’s you, baby.”

  With a fake smile I say, “Yum.”

  “Mmm,” he moans. “You taste so good, baby.” I didn’t think so, but if he’s happy, that’s good, I guess. “Wanna try something?”

  I look at him with big eyes. “I am trying something, I thought.”

  His laugh makes his whole body shake all over me and it feels weird. “I’m going to flip you over.”

  “Flip me over what?” I ask in horror.

  “Over what!” he says with another rou
nd of laughter. “You’re such an innocent. I’m going to put you on your knees and take you from behind, silly girl.”

  Now is that a thing to say and end with, ‘silly girl’? I think not!

  As he flips me over and drags me up on my knees, I ask, “You’re not talking about my bum hole now are you? Because no sir-re-bob is that anything I want to try, ever!”

  “Trust me, baby. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.”

  “That wasn’t the answer I was looking for,” I say and find him sliding into the right hole and breathe a sigh of relief. “Thank God.”

  He bangs away back there and I feel a lot of burning pain in my crotch area, but it goes numb after a minute so that’s better. I get tired of holding myself up, so I lean down on my elbows, and I guess that’s sexy or something cause he moans and says, “Yeah, baby, you like it. You want it deeper?”

  “Umm hmm,” I say but don’t have a clue what he means.

  He starts to make some weird noises, and it’s at that moment I realize what he’s about to do, and I never saw a condom go on. “Stop, you didn’t put on a condom!”

  At that moment he pulls out and some hot, thick stuff flows over my back. “Damn, I’m sorry, baby,” he says as he jumps off the bed and runs to the bathroom.

  I stay completely still, my booty still up in the air and think this wasn’t anywhere near as good as my first experience. A piece of my hair falls down my side from my back and it’s coated in a white oozy substance. The sound of footsteps coming back into the room make me look up to see Logan using a white towel to clean himself before he tosses it on my back. “Let me get that off you, sweetie.”

  “The shower, Logan,” I say. “I need to take a shower.”

  His face looms in front of me and he smiles. “What a great idea, Alex. You’re so free with me already. See how great this is going to be?”

  With a weak smile, I get up and walk to the bathroom and notice he’s following me. I turn the water on as he leans against the sink, looking me up and down. I step into the shower and find him right on my heels. “What are you going to do in here?”

  My back is pushed against the wet wall as he pulls me up in his arms and makes me wrap my legs around him, then his semi-hard manhood mashes into me with a squishing sound. “You like that, baby?” he asks and I nod. “Bet you never thought it could be this good, did you?”

  I smile to stop myself from frowning like I’d like to, but I don’t want to hurt his feelings. “Nope, I never thought it would be like this, that’s true.”

  “You think you can cum for me, baby girl?” he asks, and again I’m finding the things he asks ending with, ‘baby girl’ very off.

  “I did that already, while you kissed my, well, you know, that, oh gosh how can I put it…”

  He interrupts me. “While I ate you out?”

  My face goes red and I realize how ludicrous that is as he rams into my womanly parts while my back is against the wall and my legs are wrapped around him. Of course, he would say such a vulgar thing at this exact time. He doesn’t normally talk like that, but I suppose now is the time to talk that way so I give it a shot myself, “Yes, while you licked and sucked my uh, my, uh…”

  “Pussy?” he asks.

  “Yeah that thing.” No, I’m just no good at this.

  “Say the word, Alex,” Logan says as he lifts me up away from him then places me on my feet and makes a motion with his finger for me to turn around, which for some odd reason I do and he puts his hand on my back making me bend over and I find him pushing into my woman area again. “So go ahead and say the word, Alex.”

  “I’d rather not.”

  “Hey, see if you can grab your ankles, you’re a pretty flexible girl.”

  I walk my hands from my knees down my legs and find myself gripping my ankles as he bounces around behind me. “I don’t want to say that word, Logan,” I say, but find it a little hard to talk in this position.

  “Most girls can’t grab their ankles. You’re a natural for this, babygirl,” he says and then makes another grunt, reminding me that yet again he has no condom on.

  “Hey, don’t do anything inside me, please. You forgot the condom again.”

  “You sure are hung up on that damn thing,” he says. “I’m going to marry you, you know. There’s no reason to be worried.”

  Then why am I definitely very worried?

  I stand up and Logan steps back. “Whoa, that’s moving a little fast, there buster,” I say, and he looks at me like I’m crazy.

  “A little warning is polite, baby,” he says. “I know you don’t know that, but it is. Also, letting me finish is polite too.”

  I turn around for some unknown reason and grab my ankles again and he resumes his bouncing away at my backside. I seriously don’t see what the fun of this position is. I can’t breathe very well and the blood is going to my head and if I look through my legs I can see his jingle bells bouncing everywhere and well it’s just a very unflattering position for us both, I think.

  After a grunt and a groan he steps back and I see some more white goop flow between my feet and down the drain.

  Bye-bye, what might have been a little baby. I’m not ready for you yet!

  Still holding my ankles for reasons unknown, I then feel a slap on my bottom. “Hey, silly, you can stand up now.”

  “Oh!” I stand up and rub my back which feels a bit out of sorts. “What kind of shampoo do you have in here?”

  His hands rub together and suds form. He runs them through my hair. “I’ll wash it for you, come here.”

  As his hands massage my scalp it makes me moan. “Mmm, that feels so good.”

  With a chuckle, he says, “Now that’s the moan I was looking for a few minutes ago.”

  No fireworks, no electric currents, no needing him to stay with me forever, why? Why does one man do so much for me and another doesn’t? Why can’t I feel that spark with Logan?

  I turn in his arms and look him in the eyes. I will make the spark happen if it kills me. This man is perfect for me and by the ding dang holy man above us, I will get a fire going in my body for him. “Logan, do you really want to marry me?”

  He smiles and nods as his hands gently push my head back to rinse the shampoo from my hair. “I love you, Alex. I would’ve told you that before I made love to you, but you rushed that a little. I want to marry you and have children with you. Maybe we can even get a dog.”

  “The perfect family,” I whisper and think of Max and how that’s all he wanted too, and I ran from him.

  As we snuggle on his bed and watch television, we eat the pizza he ordered and drank beer. One of his T-shirts I had put on as he lounges in his boxers. Not the tight kind the baggy ones.

  Logan has a great body, and he’s adorable. The sweetest man on Earth and he wants me to be his wife.

  Tell me why that isn’t enough for me!

  I make up my mind. I am done with this crazy, ‘what if stuff’ I have going on in my head. This is a great guy and I ain’t getting any younger. So I just bust out and say, “Let’s get pregnant.”

  Logan laughs and looks at me like I’m looney tunes. “Um, okay,” he says. “Is that what you want me to say? Because I thought you understood what it was I was talking about a while ago. I want to marry you and have babies with you.”

  “No, I know. I’m just letting you know that I’m on board with that and stuff.”

  His eyebrows raise and he says, “I thought you being in here, in my bed meant you were on board with that already, Alex.”

  Maybe this is wrong, maybe we don’t communicate well. I haven’t even told him I love him.

  Do I love him?

  “Logan, I think I might love you,” I say and lay my head on his leg as he sits up on the bed.

  “Sweetie, I’m sure you do,” he says with a shake of his head. “Those fucking bitches that did that shit to you really fucked up your head, baby girl.”

  My heart clenches with the reminder. Am I really messed
up? Is that why I have such a hard time with feeling more for Logan than I do? Is that why I ran from Max?

  Logan’s arm runs around me and he gently kisses my cheek. “Don’t worry, Alex, I’ll never let anything happen to you. You’re safe with me, forever, babygirl.”

  I turn my face up to his and push all that stuff to the very back of my mind. Max, the girls who beat the hell out of me and the way I’ve kept myself at a distance from everyone. “I love you, Logan.”

  His hazel eyes shimmer as he says, “I love you too, and we will be happy. No worries.”

  I lick my lips and take the beer bottle he holds out of his hand and place it on the nightstand. “Make love to me, please.”

  With a flick of his finger, the television goes off and he scoots down into the bed with me. “I want to cum inside you,” he says and I give him the nod of approval.

  “I want to have your babies, Logan,” I say as I feel warmth welling up in me. “I want to take care of you and be your wife.”

  My panties he rips away, then rips the shirt off me, throwing them to the floor. I grab at his boxers, but I can’t rip them, so he pulls them off and positions himself over me. A long, hard kiss, making me dizzy, then he says, “Get ready to get pregnant, babygirl.”

  How can I get him to stop saying that? It’s so inappropriate!


  Somehow I made it through the storm and it’s safe to say I feel ready to leave this world. After being tossed and turned from the bottom to the top of the Gulf of Mexico, I can say with no hesitation that I hate this planet and am ready to get off it.


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