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Page 13

by Varsha Dixit

  “No. It’s very light for the weekend. Probably the cold. Maybe we can close early.”

  “Maybe,” Danika dusted a shelf she had just emptied.

  “I'll be in the back room. Can you hear the door from here?” Param asked

  “Yup! I'll call you if I need anything.”

  “Please don't!” Param quipped.

  “What do you keep watching in the office?”

  “You don’t want to know sis.” Param guffawed loudly as he walked away.

  “Whatever!” Danika rubbed her eyes and went back to cleaning. She went down on her knees to clean the side of the shelf. Her forefinger got caught on a protruding edge of metal bar. “Ouch!” Danika pulled her hand back and put the stinging tip in her mouth.

  “Need a doctor?”

  Startled, Danika turned her head.

  Noah stood there behind her, his hands thrust in the pockets of his long black coat. But there was nothing calm about Noah's eyes, they were livid as he stared down at Danika.


  The burst of emotion inside Noah on seeing Danika surprised him. He was angry! Angry that she was here working alone in a store on a weekend lifting heavy bags and wiping dusty shelfs because she had bills to pay and no one who would help her out. Noah was angry that the women currently partying in his house wore nice clothes and had the time to pamper themselves, while Danika who was probably prettiest of them all had white powdery substance covering her jeans and something close to what resembled a web stuck in her hair.

  Noah was also angry that Danika had stayed away from him depriving Noah the deep seated satisfaction he got from observing her petite face with big haunting eyes, a pert nose and fleshy mouth which loved to tell him off. He was angry that Danika had it so hard.

  Danika slowly got to her feet, her eyes locked with Noah. That is one thing Noah would never be angry about, her gazing at him.

  “What are you doing here?” She asked her voice tremulous.

  Noah watched her quietly. “Apparently my party is missing some guests.”

  Danika wiped her hands even as her insides quivered like jelly at the manner in which Noah was staring at her. “I'm sure you can't find them here.”

  “I just did. You.”

  Chapter 42

  Danika felt her heart skip a beat, at the way Noah said 'you'. The possessive tone in his voice really did something to her heart. It made it sing. Danika averted her face, nervous that what she was feeling would be revealed in her face. Her balloon burst as she remembered Simi’s words. ‘I think he is having this party for neighbors only. He did not invite you but he did ask if Anya is coming down this weekend.’ Danika’s mouth became pinched and she dusted flour off her jeans, her actions agitated. “The norm is to invite guests before the party not during.”

  Noah cocked his head to the side and then rubbed his forehead. “What are you talking about? I had specifically told Simi that you were invited.” He held the bit that he had thrown a party for her. In the current mood Danika was displaying she might throw something at him. A pair of iron skillets was close to her.

  Danika frowned thoughtful. Maybe his invitation was a pity invitation, an after thought, that’s why Simi B did not tell me about it.

  “Please stop having a one-sided conversation in your head. Just say it!” Noah requested and ordered simultaneously.

  Danika’s mouth made an ‘O’. “How do you-“ She changed her words, her face mutinous. “I did not get any invitation. And anyhow now it’s too late.”

  “It’s not. The thing just started.” Noah gestured with his hand.

  Danika shook her head. “I'm not going. Please go back to your party.”

  Noah made an exasperated sound at the back of his throat. “Danika I'm really sorry about the mix-up. Come to the party, you will have fun!”

  “No I can’t. The store gets busy.”

  Noah snorted. “This place is empty. Is there no one else to watch the store?”

  Reflexively, Danika's gaze went toward the back of the store. Noah saw that.

  “No there isn't. Now please leave!”

  “There is somebody back there isn't it?” Noah walked in the direction Danika had glanced at.

  “Stop! Listen to me.” Danika called out but Noah disappeared in the back of the store.

  Danika rushed to the CCTV camera nearest to her and cupped her mouth and said. “Just say no. Just say no! NO!” She hoped Param was watching the CCTV footage in the office rather than YouTube on his phone.

  Chapter 43

  Noah rapped on the fragile door of the only room at the back of the store. It swung open. He saw the beefy, dark skinned young man wearing a beany, tight t-shirt and black shiny track pants reclining back in the chair, his feet resting on the desk.

  “Only staff in this part of the store Bro.”

  “Are you the store owner?”

  “Yeah! And you?”

  “Noah Collins. I recently moved to the area.”


  Noah came inside the room. “Hi Param, nice to meet you. Could you please let Danika off? She has to be somewhere else.”

  Param shrugged nonchalantly. “Can’t do! She is working here till we close. How do you know Dani?” He flexed his arm as if in warning, showing off the bulge of his bicep.

  Noah appreciated the protectiveness Param was showing for Danika. Even though the move was rather juvenile. “I live next door to her brother. She cooks for me.”

  Param whistled. “Oh so you are the doc Diane is crus-“ He ended his sentence in a cough.

  Noah ignored that comment. “There is a small party going on at my place right now. There was some mix-up about invitations and Danika did not get hers. But I would really like her to come. She seems to be working round the clock. A break would be good for her.”

  “So the party is going on right now?” Param leaned on his desk.


  “And you left your own party and came here for Dani?”

  “Because the store is close by.” Noah fumbled. “I wouldn’t be gone for long.”

  Param studied Noah for a few seconds and then said. “No, sorry I can’t, I would like to. But if Danika leaves our sales would be affected. I’d suffer a loss.”

  Noah scowled. “The store is empty and you could go in front instead of sitting here with your feet on the desk. You wouldn’t miss any sales.”

  Param clicked his fingers. “What I'm doing here is thinking. You know how Mark the Zuckerberg came up with the concept of Facebook? By thinking? Steve Jobs came up with iPhone by thinking about it. How did Drake come up-”

  Noah cut him off and took out his wallet. “I get it. I’ve been thinking too. How about I sweeten the pot?”

  “Are you bribing me?”

  “No I’m just making up for the loss you might have to suffer?” Noah took out a hundred-dollar bill. “So hopefully this would be compensation enough.”

  Param yawned.

  Noah dropped another hundred-dollar bill.

  Param watched him not making a sound.

  “Fine. Here’s another hundred.” Noah dropped another bill. Param did not blink. Noah looked inside his wallet and pulled out the last hundred-dollar bill. I will have to cut a check to the caterers!

  Param put his hands out. “No that should cover it!” Standing up, he gathered the money off the table.

  “So I can take Danika?”

  “Yes, you may!” Param got to his feet smiling. “You like Dani eh?”

  Noah ignored Param’s comment and went to the front of the store where his very reluctant-to-leave guest was. She will probably be tougher than him to negotiate with.


  Danika was sitting behind the cash register, her mouth puckered. She watched Noah walk toward her. “Bye then, enjoy your party.”

  Noah stopped in front of her. “Your Boss agreed. You are free to leave.”

  Danika jerked her head back. Her eyes narrowed. “Param hates working
here in front. What did you say to him?”

  “I just asked him nicely. Told him about the confusion and he agreed, quite like a gentleman.” Noah said the last words through gritted teeth.

  Just then the subject of their discussion joined. “You are free to go. I got this Sis.” Param moved to join Danika.

  “You stop right there.” Danika put her hand out. “What did he say to you?” She gestured at Noah with her hand. “Whatever he did, let me tell you-“

  Param grabbed her hand and leaned in and whispered. “Please sis. Just go for that party. Your boyfriend paid me $300 to let you off. Please! Please. Don't say no. Now I have enough money to take Sandy out. Pleaseeee.”

  Danika gazed at Param, her expression as shocked as someone who had just found a snake in the car. “You took money from him?” She accused Param. She turned to Noah. “You bribed him to force things your way?” Both men avoided her eyes. “Fine. Have it your way. You Neanderthals!” Danika grabbed her purse and stormed towards the exit.

  Few minutes later, Danika was marching on the pavement. I’m not going for the party.

  The streetlight and the lights from the adjoining houses added a warm yellow glow to the dark night. Danika was oblivious to everything but her anger. Her cheeks were flushed and eyes narrowed till they were slits. She heard and felt Noah come up on her side.

  Danika stopped and turned to him. “Of all the high-handed things you has done with me, this has to top all that.” She rarely raised her voice but today was one such occasion where she did and an accusing finger in Noah’s direction. “To begin with you don't invite me to your party and then later you think, ‘oh I should have invited her’. Probably just to win some brownie points with either Anya or my brother. Just like the flowers for me, an after thought.”

  Noah stepped closer. “I’m sorry! You are right about the flowers. But the invitation you are totally wrong about.” His voice rose just like his emotions. “Of course, I invited you and I don’t need to earn brownie points with anyone. I-”

  Danika cut him off. “What I want just doesn't matter to you. You can shove your pity up your-“

  Whatever else Danika was going to say was cut off for Noah grabbed her arm and pulled her into him. The unexpected closeness to Noah’s body caused Danika to forget the rest of her words.

  Noah’s dark eyes glittered. “I did not come to get you out of pity.” He looked down into Danika's face, inches away from his.

  “Then why?” Danika stuttered, anger and confusion warring on her face.

  Noah slid his fingers in her thick hair. It was silky to touch. He saw Danika's eyes widen but she did not pull away. Her mouth parted in surprise and Noah saw her tongue graze her teeth. He thought he would explode with desire. “This is why!” With a low growl Noah fused his mouth with Danika's.

  Chapter 44

  Danika was lost, as Noah pressed into hers. His lips were soft against hers. His musky smell, the passionate way Noah held her close and her own surprising desire drove every thought out of her head except one. She wanted more.

  Noah ran his tongue on her fleshy lower lip. He groaned as he stroked that spot on Danika's lips, the one where she chewed it the most. He sucked it in his mouth, feeling heady passion overwhelm him. Danika’s fragrance enveloped him, her soft body pressed into him and he yearned to possess the woman in his arms. Noah shuddered, against her.

  He stroked her lips roughly. He wanted to taste Danika. Merely holding her wasn’t enough. He wanted more, he wanted all, he wanted all of Danika, body and soul.

  Danika lashes fluttered close as she felt Noah’s lips and tongue move over her lips demanding and yet softly coaxing. His tongue was like rough velvet, and with every stroke it was slowly but surely melting her body into a puddle. Every bit of it was pushing her in the direction of the man who held her like she was someone precious, someone that only belonged in his arms.

  Heat build between her legs, her nipples hardened and Danika strained to get closer. The need to be kissed by Noah was burning Danika. Unsure, she parted her lips against Noah’s already open mouth. Noah groaned in satisfaction. His tongue slipped in and tangled with hers. He angled her head with his palms so he could kiss her deeper.

  Danika did not protest becoming a slave to the pleasure his mouth was giving her. After several long minutes that were only filled with the sound of their mingled breaths and sounds of kissing lips Noah pulled his mouth from her. Disappointment kicked Danika but Noah was far from done. He pressed hot pressing kisses on the tender skin of her jaw trailing down to her collarbone. Danika moaned as Noah's mouth seemed to burn her in sweet heat.

  I want all of him! Driven by some primal need, Danika rubbed herself against Noah. His embrace tightened in response and his teeth gently nipped her lobe and then sucked on it hungrily. Danika thought she would die of longing. She was sure if Noah hadn't been holding her she would have crumpled to the ground. He gently walked her back a step or two until she felt a brick wall behind her.

  Their eyes met and Danika felt such power at the moment. Never before she had been so aware of being a woman like she was now under his searing gaze. “I…”

  Noah took her mouth again. This time the kiss was deep, binding their lips and bodies together. Danika raised her arms and put them around his neck. Groaning, Noah slid her hands to her breasts, gently cupping and kneading them. He rubbed her nipple between his forefinger and thumb even as his tongue continued to mate with hers.

  Mewing Danika arched into his hand. Danika had never even imagined that it was possible to experience so much pleasure through one's body. Wanting more of him, she stood on the tips of her toes going deeper in Noah’s embrace. Her fast dampening center connected with his hard arousal and Noah grabbed her thighs and pulled Danika more on to his. He rubbed her on him and they both moaned. They pulled apart slightly and their eyes met.

  Danika blinked, and noticed the window of the house behind Noah’s head. Anyone can see us! Some sanity came back to her mind. Shit! I’m practically having sex on the sidewalk. She dropped her arms from around Noah’s neck. They both were breathing hard.

  Noah's eyes matched Danika’s expression as he removed his arms from around Danika. He moved away and turned around presenting his back to her.

  Danika slumped on the wall behind her. She was fighting tears, tears for now she knew her relationship with Noah would never be the same. She had seen the horror on his face when realization had dawned on him. Realization of the line they had just crossed. I have lost him!

  Danika, simultaneously realized that all this while she had been working for Noah, Noah had inadvertently worked his way in her heart. Confused, she blinked her eyes as she attempted to calm her racing heartbeat. Her body was throbbing for him. What did we just do? Danika groaned softly.

  The tiny sound cause Noah to raise his lowered head as he very slowly turned around to face Danika. The dark made it hard to read his expression.

  Noah's eyes ran over Danika's face. She looked mortified as she slowly removed her hand covering her mouth and straightened avoiding his eyes.

  Noah’s eyes lingered on her slightly swollen and ripe lips. I did that! And his body stirred again - for her. Noah carelessly ran a hair through his head. “I'm sorry! I just..”

  Danika licked her lips even as she averted her face.

  Desire kicked his guts. Noah almost moved toward her but she had turned, her hand resting against the wall. “You have a party to go to!” Her voice was thick.

  The party! The guests at my house. Noah backed away from her. He started walking, dazed steps toward his house. He paused and slightly rotated his head. “Aren't you coming?”

  "I don't know if I should.”

  The anguish and confusion in her voice punched Noah's conscience. He knew that by kissing Danika so intimately and thoroughly he had done the unthinkable; pushed them to a place that neither of them would be able to come back from. “You should come. I can't say much for the company but the food is to
p notch.”

  Danika started moving, hesitant and slow. “I’ll go to Bro’s house and clean up a bit and then join you all.” She needed some time to gather her composure.

  “Sure!” Noah waited till Danika crossed him and walked behind her, keeping more than an arm’s length distance from her. They walked the rest of the way in silence. Noah paused at the entrance of his house, Danika kept walking without glancing back at him.

  “Danika!” Noah called out.

  She paused and then spoke hesitantly. “Yes!”

  “You are coming back right?” Noak asked his voice quiet.

  Danika nodded.

  “I’m sorry about how I acted back there. I lost control and I’m very sorry if I offended you. I don’t know what happened, what came over me.” Noah swallowed. “I know that we don’t… I just reacted to my baser instincts.” Words just kept tumbling out of his mouth, rushed and unplanned. “We are poles apart and this is not what I’m looking for right now. I’m just keeping things,” he cleared his throat, “as in dating loose and casual and I don’t think you would do anything, which lacks stability. Am I right?” Noah stepped closer to Danika, an urgency to hear her and see her face, riding him. All Noah knew that he had to make amends. He had acted rashly and mindlessly. His body still craved the woman standing few feet from him but his mind was made up. He wasn’t ready to fall in love yet.

  You just implied that I’m boring! Danika shuffled her feet, her mind still unable to come to terms with her passionate response to Noah’s touch. Danika had always considered herself frigid, incapable of physical passion as Piyush had claimed but the moment Noah had kissed her she had gone up in flames. The fire within Danika was still flaming demanding that it be put out in the most delicious manner by the man standing close to her. The very man who could not wait to get rid of her! All this is so confusing.

  “I know I have an effect on women but I have never left anyone speechless for so long.” Noah used mockery to hide his anxiety at Danika’s unnerving silence.

  Danika stiffened and bitterness got the better of her. She wanted to hurt Noah as bad as he was hurting her. “I too am sorry, I lost control. I used you as a substitute for someone else.”


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