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Page 14

by Varsha Dixit

  In seconds, Noah was in front of her, his chest thrust out and nostrils flaring. “What are you talking about?”

  Danika schooled her face. She lowered her head and then looked up like she were guilty of something. “Craig my ex-boss. You saw us hugging that day. I was just missing him a lot. He’s the most skilled-”

  “I get it!” Noah clamped his jaw so hard that it hurt. He felt like kicking something. His blood boiled at the thought of Danika in that blond man’s arms responding with such uninhibited passion. “That is usually what one calls cheating.”

  Danika felt satisfied on seeing Noah angry. “Its fine, Craig will understand. It’s very new between us. I will chalk you to something in my past.”

  Noah felt jealousy go off in him like fireworks in a dark sky. I will wipe out the thought of every other man from your mind. He stepped close to Danika, his head already lowered to kiss her, his arms reaching out for her.

  Danika stepped back. “Stop! Someone’s coming out of your house.” Danika hated how her voice became husky and her body constricted in anticipation of feeling Noah’s mouth fuse with hers.

  Noah stopped and drew his hands back even though his expression remained pinched. Danika looked at him from under her lashes.

  Without saying a word Noah rotated sharply and walked away from her. Her words continued to sear him. She was thinking of another man and here I was forgetting the world for her.

  Danika did come back to the party making it a point to avoid Noah even if it meant hiding in the kitchen or conversing with any group of people who stood furthest away from him. It did earn Danika a few 'Who are you?' and 'I'm sorry have we met?'. She braved through all those just to avoid the man whose taste and touch seemed to be imprinted on her soul.

  Noah seemed to be following the same dictate but he could do nothing about his eyes that only seemed to focus on Danika throughout the evening.

  Chapter 45

  Next morning it took the combined cries of the twins to break Danika's slumber. She opened her eyes but they stung because of lack of sleep. Groggily trudging Danika exited the loft she had crashed last night in. Her brother's soothing voice reached Danika's ear as he sang to his daughters. The twins’ cries immediately ceased. Her brother had a way with children.

  After a quick shower, Danika packed last night's clothes in a bag and walked down to the kitchen. She saw her brother sitting at the dining table as the twins watched TV in the family room. “I’m going to make my coffee hot and strong. Do you want some?”

  “Sure! You didn’t sleep well?” Hans asked.

  “Can I have the coffee first and then the questions?” Danika murmured, ducking her head to avoid his gaze. She had been awake the whole of last night, staring at the ceiling. Noah and his kisses had knotted her worse than a pretzel. His blunt words after, had broken her heart. He didn’t really want me. Baser instincts mean that he could have kissed any woman in that moment. Damn, I really was right not to like him the first time we met.

  Danika carried her coffee and Han’s to where he sat. He gestured her to sit with him.

  “I’m running late.” Danika resisted.

  “It’s only 7:30 on a Sunday morning, I’m sure you can spare a few minutes.”

  “Okay!” Danika sat down but hid her face behind her coffee cup. She took a sip too soon and scalded her tongue. “So where are Simi B and Anya?”

  “Still asleep!” Hans took a deep sip from his cup. “Is anything going on between you and Noah?'

  Danika put her cup down with jerk and some coffee spilled. “Sorry!” She got up and grabbed a kitchen towel and wiped down the table.


  Danika exhaled noisily. “No there is nothing going on between us.” Except for exceedingly long kisses that have awoken strong ass feelings in me for that blasted man and made me horny beyond belief.

  Danika steeled her expression as her brother studied her face for a few seconds.

  “Good!” His smile was relieved.

  Danika felt wary of his smile. “Why the 'good’?”

  “Because last night your sister-in-law told me that she thinks Noah is perfect for Anya so she wants to play matchmaker for those two.”

  “Oh!” Danika finished her coffee in one gulp. She moved away in the pretext of rinsing her cup.

  “Don’t know how Simi did not notice that Noah did not take his eyes off you all night. He was watching you in a way that wanted me to walk up to him and give him a black eye.”

  Danika paused. A teeny tiny smile began to curve her lips. Noah was watching me like that? She pushed that thought aside and was grateful that her brother could not see her face. She kept her voice steady. “You have an over active imagination, Bro. There is nothin-“

  “When I told him that you weren’t coming, he didn't call or text you. He simply just asked me where you were and went to get you from the Indian store. I’m pretty sure if I had said you were twenty miles away he would have gone to get you. Your being there just seemed that important to him. He even said he had thrown the party to cheer you up.”

  Danika hands gripped the sink and heart thundered.

  The buoyancy in her was short lived as she remembered Noah’s words last night. I just reacted to my baser instincts. We are poles apart.

  “Dani will you say something?” Hans came up to her side.

  “Sorry! Sorry! I’m just a little sleep deprived.” Danika kept her cup on the rack to dry. She glanced at Hans her expression serious. “I don't want to go down this route Bro with anyone. After Piyush I was heartbroken even though I didn't love him. It cost me too much last time. I lost my husband and a good friend in minutes and that made me realize that the only person I can ever rely on is myself.”

  “Not every man is Piyush.” Hans reasoned.

  “I know.” Danika sighed. “Its just that I have my personal goals to achieve and a relationship is not one of them. I have to make myself very strong, financially and love would just get in the way.” Danika crinkled her nose fighting tears.

  Hans patted her shoulder comfortingly. “You are a strong girl Dani. I know you will achieve all your goals and more. I just know that.”

  Danika bend down and splashed water on her face and then turned to Hans and smiled. “I’m strong because I have you. You are my strength bro.”

  Hans ruffled her hair. “Where will I go?“ His stomach rumbled.

  “Let me fix you some breakfast.”

  “That would be great. I need something for acidity. Its happening a lot recently.”

  Danika took out the eggs from the fridge. She then went to the medicine cabinet and took out the anti-acid pills. “Show yourself to a doctor.”

  “I’m a doctor. Thanks.” Taking the pills, Hans went to the dining table, his gait slow as he rubbed his chest.

  As she cooked, Danika studied her brother. There were bags under his eyes and his skin looked flushed like someone who had fever.

  “You don't look so well.”

  “I'll be fine. Just give me food!” He chewed the pills noisily.

  Once done making his breakfast, Danika made a sandwich to-go for herself. She picked up her packed bag and purse. “I will see you in a few days then.”

  Her brother waved. “We can meet for lunch next week.”

  “Would love that!” Danika nodded and went to the front door and pulled it open. She stood on the patio her eyes pensive. If Simi B wants Anya to date Noah then there will be dates and dinners. Him coming over, more sightings, more awkwardness. I don’t think I could see that and not feel. . . Danika did not finish that thought. I have to focus on myself, my goals. I will take Craig’s help. He owes me. I have to, just have to, move away from Noah. It will be just to painful to see Noah with Anya. Tears pricked her eyes. Before her determination wavered, Danika took out her cell phone and texted Noah. “I won’t be able to cook for you. It’s getting very hard with my current schedule. Thanks.”

  She did not have to wait for long for his answer
. “As you wish!”

  Danika – I will prorate the money and leave the balance with Bro.

  Noah – Don’t worry. Keep it!

  Danike bristled. I don’t want a damn tip. She started texting him back then paused. Maybe this is how it should end. Danika put her cell back in bag.

  Walking to the bus stop, Danika felt lonelier than a discarded shoe on the rail tracks.

  Chapter 46

  Two months later

  A restaurant in Downtown

  Danika walked into the Mediterranean eatery. Craig was waiting for her at a table near the window.

  “Hi!” Craig got up and they hugged sideways. “How are you?”

  “Good and busy. All thanks to you.” Danika sat down, keeping her new expensive laptop bag carefully on an empty chair between them. Craig had come true on what he had promised. He had recommended Danika aggressively to his connects and several short term and long term assignments had come her way.

  Danika was in the midst of hiring an assistant.

  “So things looking good for you?”

  “They are. Thank you. And you how are things with you?” Danika asked.

  Craig put his elbows on the table. “As good as they can be under the circumstances. I got a job in a marketing company. You are looking at the new Digital Marketing Manager for Adpubs.”

  “That’s awesome. They have top notch clients and pay really well.” Danika high fived him. “Way to go!”


  The server interrupted them and Danika let Craig order for her. Mediterranean food wasn’t really her forte. She glanced out of the window and stiffened, noticing a man standing on the pavement, his back to her. His hair and build was like Noah. Shoot! Is that him? The man turned and Danika released her breath. It wasn’t Noah.

  Sighing Danika, studied her newly manicured nails. She was running a decently successful one-person business. Her clients were very appreciative of her work. Orders just kept coming in. For once Danika had ample money in her bank, leftover over after her rent and utility bills. She had quit all her other jobs and was throughly enjoying her freelance gigs. But Danika still went to bed every night with a hole in her heart. Invariably she would thump her pillow hoping it was Noah’s face there. He had awakened something in her.

  Feelings she had never felt her whole life. Feelings that wouldn’t go away even though he wasn’t around. Feelings that would make Danika emotional when she saw happy couples or happy couples with babies, or happy couples with puppies. Happy couples with babies and puppies could cause an avalanche of tears. Noah had got under her skin. Danika sighed. They had zero contact since the night of the party. She crossed her arms and rested her chin on the shoulder letting the sun fall on her face through the restaurant window. He’s probably taking out loads of women on dates and sleeping with all of them. Keeping it loose and casual and getting STDs on the way.

  “Why the mad face?” Craig asked.

  “Not mad. Not at all.” Danika shook her recently colored and styled hair. Nowadays she could afford to treat herself once in a while to saloon services and clothes that cost more than twenty dollars.

  Danika’s cell beeped. It was a new email alert. “Excuse me!” She opened her email and read it. A small squeak escaped her mouth.

  “Everything okay?” Craig asked concerned.

  “More than okay. I just got a huge order from the hospital my brother works in. They had a RFQ for this new marketing project and I had submitted samples for it. They liked mine and one other person’s.”

  Craig reached out and grabbed her hand. “Congratulations Danika. Its so good to see you happy and successful.” He caressed her hand and his eyes ran slowly over her face.

  Danika’s smiled wavered and she gently pulled her hand from Craig’s. She was at a loss for words.

  “Sorry Danika. I just got. . .you are very pretty.” Craig opened and closed his mouth trying to find the right words. “I forget, no woman would want to be with me.”

  “Its not that at all Craig. It’s just that. .” That I have serious hots for someone else. For a jackass. Craig was looking at her face expectantly. “I’m very focused on my career.”

  Craig sat back in chair and smiled. “So who’s the lucky guy?”

  Danika flushed. The phone rang and saved her from answering. It was Simi B.


  “Hans has had a heart attack at work. I’m going to the hospital. Can you come there?”

  “What?” Noisily pushing the chair back, Danika jerked to her feet. “I’ll be right there.” She squeezed her eyes shut and her breath grew raspy. Her chest and lungs hurt.

  Craig saw the panic on Danika’s face. “What happened?”

  Her eyes shot open. “My brother! He suffered a heart attack. I have to go to the hospital.”

  Craig dropped money on the table. “Do you have a car?”

  Danika grabbed her laptop bag. “No!”

  Craig put a hand on her arm. “I’ll drive you there. Lets go!”

  Chapter 47

  Danika paced the hospital floor, chewing on her lower lip. “He has to be okay. He has to be okay. He has to.” She kept muttering. She truly had to believe that because there was no way she was ready to loose her brother. He is all I have. He is all they have.

  Danika stopped and glanced at Simi who was sitting in a hospital chair, her body rigid and face bleak. Anya was seated next to her. Anya beckoned to Danika to join them.

  Danika walked over.

  “I was just telling Simi that if Hans was to have a heart attack, this was the best place to be at.”

  Danika winced. She is probably right!

  “Shut up Anya.” Simi said with a quiet ferocity. “Do you not know how stupid you sound sometimes?”

  Anya mouth slackened. She wasn’t used to people not seeing things as she saw them.

  Danika noticed how Simi’s fingers were clenched around the edge of her chair. “Anya could you get us some coffee please?” Danika pleaded at Anya with her eyes.

  Anya noddded and rose to her feet. Craig who was seated a few chairs away from Simi, too stood up. “I should go with her.”

  Danika nodded. “Thank you.” She took the chair Anya had just vacated. “Who is watching the girls?”

  Simi blinked but kept staring at the floor. “She with Chloe and her mom.”

  “Good call.”

  Danika and Simi sat in silence for a few minutes then Danika said. “Bro is going to be okay. I just know.”

  Simi gave her a brief glance. Her eyes were shining and she gulped. “I’m not a good wife Danika.”

  “Don’t say that. Bro loves you, you are great for him Simi B.”

  Simi shook her head, her eyes dull as she stared at her hands. “That’s not true. I have always looked down on Hans, never appreciated him for anything, I’m so critical of him all the time. Can you imagine how hard it is to live with someone like me year after year? And Han, he always reciprocates with kindness and understanding. He never gets mad at me. If he did I might not feel so bad, so evil.” She paused and took a deep breath.

  Danika reached out and touched Simi’s hand. “Please don’t be so hard on yourself. You are a cure for Bro’s vices and he does have a few. He loves you and you love him.”

  “Do I? Do I love him? You know nothing!” Simi’s voice was bitter. “I was having an affair Danika. I was cheating on Hans.” Simi put her face in her hands and started sobbing.

  Danika jerked back like someone had sucker punched her. Her hand that she was about to put on Simi’s shoulder hovered in mid-air. She could only stare at her sister in law.

  Simi raised her head to reveal a tear-stained, splotchy face. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Does Bro know?” Danika’s voice was hoarse.

  Simi nodded. “I told him.”

  “And?” Danika could hear the tears in her voice. Bro must have been devastated.

  Simi shook her head as she wiped her eyes. “He forgave me Dani. He forg
ave me. Blamed himself. Said that he wasn’t a good husband that’s why I had strayed.”

  “Is that what caused this?” Danika’s eyes started leaking. She was crying for her brother who was on the operating table fighting for his life.

  “No, no! This was last month.”

  “Why are you telling me all this?” Danika rubbed her eyes.

  “Because I want you to hate me.” Simi said as she wrapped her arms around herself. Her voice went up a few notches. “I want someone to hate me. Hans should not be the one hanging between life and death. It should be me. For what I have done to the poor man. I should be the one suffering. I have been awful to you-”

  Danika just reached over and embraced Simi. “Ssshh! Its okay Simi B. No one deserves to suffer. Not you and not him. You and Bro will get a second chance at your relationship. I just know you will. He is going to survive this. I just know.”

  Danika wasn’t sure how long they sat there, Simi’s head resting on Danika’s shoulders drawing strength from each other.

  “Sis, Dani! We got coffee.” Anya’s voice caused them to straighten up.

  Danika and Simi exchanged hesitant smiles as they wiped their faces.

  “Thanks!” They took the coffee. Danika reached inside her bag and pulled out wet wipes. She handed some to Simi.

  “Thanks!” Simi smiled and wiped her eyes. “Have you eaten anything Dani?”

  “I’m not hungry. And you Simi B?”

  Simi shook her head. “I guess we will eat with Hans. Hospital food for him, biryani for us.” Simi’s smile was watery.

  “Absolutely.” Danika rose to her feet. “Excuse me.” Holding her coffee, she walked over to Craig. “You don’t have to stay. I don’t know how long the surgery is going to be.”

  “Its okay! I don’t have anywhere else to be. I’d rather stay with you.” Craig smiled down at Danika. His craggy face was kind.

  “Thank you so much Craig.” Danika reached out to pat his arm.

  Craig glanced over her shoulder. “Danika!” He gestured her to turn around.


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