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Page 16

by Varsha Dixit

  “No you Dani. Go.” Simi squeezed Danika’s hand and lowered her voice. “I need to tell you something. Please don’t hate me. Noah threw that party for you. To cheer you up. He told me. I’m sorry, I should have shared that with you but that was the old me, not wishing anyone happiness. Will you forgive me?”

  Chapter 51

  Danika walked up the stairs of the Noah’s house. Snow flurries were falling outside. She brushed some off her hair and clothes and pressed the doorbell. Her stomach was hollow and her heart felt like it was participating in Formula 1. Simi’s confession had unnerved her. He threw the party for me? Why would he do that?

  A part of Danika wanted to see Noah and a part of her was scared as to what might happen or what might not. The last part of her thought made her the most anxious. As she raised her hand to ring the doorbell again, the door opened. Noah stood there in his jeans and a maroon sweatshirt. “You shaved off your beard.” Danika blurted. She bit her tongue. “Sorry that was rude.”

  Noah stood there relaxed, laugh lines showing up around his mouth. “Not at all. Please come in.” He moved to the side giving Danika room to come inside. “Everyone hated the beard.” As Danika went past Noah he leaned in and said. “You hated it.”

  Danika shivered as she felt his breath on her hair. “Good call!” She turned to Noah avoiding his eyes. “Simi B sent this for you. She made some Lasagna.”

  Closing the door, Noah took the bag and headed toward the foyer table. “Thank you. That’s nice of her.”

  Danika stuck her hands in her jeans. “All right then, I’ll-’

  Noah stopped and cocked his head to the side. “What? You are not leaving are you?”

  “Simi B was saying you returned from Baltimore. I’m sure you have to unpack and all.”

  “I was gone for two days, don’t have much to unpack. Unless you have to be somewhere.”

  “Well. . .” Danika fumbled.

  Noah ran his eyes over Danika. Her hair was set in soft curls, she wore light make up enhancing her beauty, a black and white silky blouse, figure hugging dark jeans and ankle length boots. “You look beautiful. You have a date don’t you. Your boyfriend is a lucky man, Danika.” Noah’s smiled was self-depreciating.

  Tell him the truth Dani. Roll the dice, girl! “Craig is not my boyfriend. He is my ex-boss. He helped me kick start my freelance business.” Her words were rushed.

  Noah flinched. His eyes widened. “You let me believe that you he was your boyfriend.” He hurriedly put down the bag on the foyer table.

  Danika slowly backed into the door. “I did nothing of that sort. I just didn’t correct you.”

  Noah took sure confident steps toward her. His eyes gleamed under the ceiling lights. “Danika, Danika,” He clicked his tongue mischievously.

  “What are you doing?” Danika squeaked as Noah pulled her in his arms.

  “This!” Noah said he slid his fingers in her hair and lowered his face slowly. He gave Danika time to move away if she wanted. She didn’t. Danika closed her eyes and raised her face for Noah’s kiss.

  Noah gently took her mouth. Danika sighed. For few seconds they just savored the closeness of their bodies. Then, Noah traced Danika’s soft lips with his tongue. Danika moved restlessly against him and her lips parted.

  “Kiss me back Darling.” Noah ordered, his voice low.

  Danika looked in Noah’s eyes. His gaze was heated and urgent as his eyes kept dipping down to stare hungrily at her lips. “Kiss me sweets!” He growled.

  Danika hesitated. She had never initiated a kiss but right now she wanted to kiss Noah more than anything she had ever wanted. She leaned into Noah and lightly touched his lips with hers. She heard him inhale sharply and his hands on her waist tightened pulling her closer.

  Feeling bolder, she closed her eyes and went on her tiptoes leaning into him. Just like Noah had few seconds ago, she traced his lips with her tongue.

  Noah parted his lips and met her halfway taking control of the kiss. Moaning, he increased the pressure on her mouth deepening their kiss, his tongue boldly seeking hers.

  Danika mewed and moved restlessly against him. I will never get enough of his kisses.

  Noah’s tongue mated with her fiercely. His hands restlessly stroked Danika’s back drawing her into him.

  They both moaned as Noah’s arousal dug in her belly. Danika pulled her mouth from him. “Noah please stop!” She said her chest heaving.

  “I don’t ever want to stop.” Noah said leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses down her the side of her throat. Danika closed her eyes in pleasure as her head fell back a slave to Noah’s mouth.

  Unexpectedly Noah stopped. Danika lowered her head and opened her eyes.

  Noah was looking at her, his face flushed, he was breathing hard. He stared deeply in her eyes. “I want you and you want me. And I’m going to have you Danika. So lets talk before.”

  Danika could not stop a smile as she licked her lips, which earned her a rough kiss from Noah. “Stop doing that.” She said, her voice husky.

  “Then stop being so darn sexy all the time.” Noah lowered his head, his purpose clear.

  Danika quickly bend and went under his arm and around him.

  Turning around, Noah looked at her, a glint in his eyes. “So is that how you are going to play, huh?”

  “Stop, please!” Color ran high on her cheeks as Danika put out her hand. “What are we doing? What is this?”

  Noah leaned back against the door and crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes were hooded and he ran them over her possessively, his eyes claimed Danika his.

  Danika’s knees felt wobbly. She wanted to rip the clothes off the perfect specimen of masculinity facing her. I’m so savage! She shivered most deliciously at that thought.

  “What I’m doing is I’m just showing some appreciation for my ex-chef.” Noah said, his eyes crinkling at the corners even as he leaned back on the front door.

  Excuse me, appreciation for the ex-chef? Danika blinked, muddled. “Well then I should be leaving.” She walked to the door to exit. She walked to Noah.

  Noah caught her by the waist and pulled Danika in to him.

  Danika eye’s widened even as her body reacted. She felt herself melt. “Noah!” Her voice was breathless.

  “This is how I play.” Noah murmured staring deep in her eyes.

  Danika’s breath hitched in her throat. The ardor in Noah’s eyes, the way he held her was driving every sane thought from her head except to drown in her feelings for the man holding her. “Noah!” She moaned his name.

  Noah placed a finger on her lips. “I love you Danika. Head to toe! I love everything about you.” His throat bobbed. “What you say, what you do. You are spell binding.” His voice and face held such tenderness that Danika felt her eyes crowd with tears.

  He loves me? Oh good lord, he loves me? Danika inhaled a broken breath. “You love me. Why?”

  Noah framed Danika’s face with warm hands. She felt his hot breath graze her lips and her toes curled.

  “There are so many things to love about you sweetheart. Your spirit of never giving up, working harder than anyone I know with no fuss no drama,” Noah’s eyes roved Danika’s face. “Being always there for the ones your care for. Your smile, which I don’t see enough of, your eyes, gosh I have never seen such beautiful eyes and mostly your heart. . .your heart Danika is the most beautiful thing about you. I should know, I’m a heart doctor after all!”

  Danika laughed even as her tears trickled down her cheeks. Noah kissed the tears slowly and lovingly.

  Danika closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of his soft on her cheeks. Her heart felt like it would burst from happiness. He loves me. Danika slid herself fully in Noah’s arms. They bodies fit perfectly against each other.

  When Danika opened her eyes, her eyes glowed as she gazed at him. She let Noah see what she felt for him in her eyes. Noah’s embrace tightened. Danika looked at his mouth from under her lowered lashes. She heard Noah inha
le sharply at her look. “Pity my lips didn’t make it to the list of things you love.”

  Noah growled as his lips brushed hers. “How did I miss this? They need to be explored more I guess. What else did I miss?”

  Danika’s giggle was drowned as Noah took her mouth pushing every thought out of her head except that she needed Noah like she needed oxygen.

  Noah and Danika crowded into each other, lost to the whole world.

  Chapter 52

  Noah may have kissed with his lips, but his soul was centered in that kiss. He was heady with happiness. The woman he loved more than anything in whole damn world seemed to reciprocate his feelings. Danika had not said so in words but her beautiful eyes seemed to reflect what he felt for her, her luscious, ripe body moving eagerly against his, wanting him, welcoming him, egging him to have his way with her was more than Noah had ever dreamed of.

  Danika slid her finger in Noah’s crisp hair and clasped his face more firmly to hers. Their wants were the same.

  Lust exploded in Noah, it throbbed in his body and roared in his ears. He slipped his tongue past her lips and mated with her tongue, sucking and tasting her. Danika tasted of raisins and sugar. Noah groaned and cupping her butt he pulled her closer to him.

  Danika moaned and clung to Noah. Her body felt like puddle of something warm and gooey. Desire and pleasure was drenching her as Noah’s lips and hands moved over her body greedily learning the shape of all her curves.

  Noah pulled his mouth away from her. Don’t! Danika wanted to protest. His breathing was ragged as his eyes glittered. “I want you all of you. I can wait anymore.” Noah said raking a hungry gaze over her.

  Danika felt her nipples harden under his hungry gaze and her center dampened for him. “Yes please.” She whispered.

  A look of elation came in Noah’s eyes even as he dropped a rough kiss on her lips reddening them more. Danika welcomed it.

  Danika and Noah only made it far as the sofa of the living room, a room where all the lights were switched off. The room was lit up in warm and flickering shades of orange and yellow because of the burning logs in the fireplace.

  Noah sat on the sofa, pulling Danika on his lap. He could barely contain his excitement that she was his.

  The look in his eyes made her bold. No man had ever looked at her with such ardor. Danika linked her arms around Noah neck as she lowered her mouth to him. Noah fused his lips with her and his one hand found her soft breast and started kneading it.

  So much pleasure! Danika moaned as Noah’s hungry mouth freed her lips and moved to drop passionate kisses on her neck. His wet warm mouth moving down her soft skin left a trail of sweet fire. His fingers unbuttoned her blouse and the Danika felt the cool air on her skin. Her first instinct was cover herself but the spellbound expression on Noah’s face as he gazed at stopped her.

  “You are beautiful Danika.” Noah whispered staring at her. His voice was hoarse.

  Danika lowered her eyes feeling shy when he saw the passion in his face.

  Noah caught her chin gently and raised her face to meet his eyes. “Don’t look away darling. Watch me love you, see the pleasure you give me.” His voice was throaty.

  Danika couldn’t look away, she watched his face as his hand tantalizingly slipped inside her bra and cupped her soft breast.

  Noah groaned and closed his eyes. His body shuddered as his hand kneaded and shaped her soft mound and then rubbed her nipple between his thumb and forefinger hardening the nub.

  They both moaned.

  “You are mine!” Noah murmured. Pure longing shone in his eyes as he lowered his face towards her breast and Danika’s head fell back. Her whole body sang in pleasure anticipating Noah’s next move. He did not disappoint her.

  As Noah’s hot, wet mouth closed over her breast, Danika felt herself consumed by a sweet heat. His rough tongue licked her nipple and then he suckled on it. Danika felt moisture pool between her legs. Moaning, Danika held his face close to her chest. She arched pressing her breast deeper in his mouth as Noah clamped his hands on her waist, his mouth sucking hard.

  After few pleasure filled moments later, Noah pressed urgent kisses making his way to her other breast. Danika felt like all she had no bones in her body, she was just a pool of pleasure being stimulated by Noah’s touch.

  Danika did not understand Noah’s murmured passionate words of love against her heated skin. Words that made her feel like she were a goddess of sorts. The only sex she had ever had was after marriage. With Piyush it was always act that need to be done once in a while. Piyush and she couldn’t wait to finish it off – there was no pleasure just pressure to move away.

  But Noah’s loving touch and experienced hands and mouth were burning her with such bone deep ecstasy that she never wanted him to stop or shift even an centimeter away. She only wanted him closer and closer to her till a point they were one. Soon sitting close wasn’t enough, Noah and Danika wanted more of each other.

  Still kissing each other Danika and Noah shifted and soon Danika found herself lying on her back under Noah.

  Noah leaned away so he could unbutton her blouse. His fingers shook.

  Danika put a hand on his hand. “I haven’t..”

  Noah understood the uncertainty on her face. Danika’s inexperience was clear in her pure unadulterated responses to his touch; the ones that were driving him insane with the want to know every little inch of her body with his mouth and hands.

  “I won’t be doing all the work sweetheart.” Noah teased and sat up slowly even as his eyes roved over her possessively. He pulled his sweatshirt over his head. Underneath he wore a plaid check shirt.

  Lying down, Danika watched him puzzled. Noah took her hand and placed it on his shirt button. “Your turn.”

  Danika sat up and her partially unbuttoned blouse slipped off her shoulders. Noah moved to study her petite shoulders. He couldn’t stop himself and he leaned down and kissed her lightly fragrant soft skin. “You are so beautiful!” He murmured throatily.

  Mewing, Danika nuzzled her face in his soft hair and she flexed her shoulder. “You make me feel beautiful.”

  Noah moved a few inches away and gazed in her eyes. His look was one of surprise. “Do you not know how stunning you are?”

  Danika shook her head, eyes big and dreamy in her face.

  Noah took her lips in a rough kiss. “Let me show you.” His voice was ragged as he took her hand back to his shirt buttons. “Take it off love, please.” He begged.

  Danika fingers shook but she did as asked. At every button she opened, her confidence grew so did her craving for the man she had fallen for heart and soul. Noah’s smooth supple skin peppered with dark hair glowed in the light of the dancing fire. Danika shifted closer to him and ran her fingers lightly over his chest.

  Noah groaned, his cheeks clenched as fought for control. He did not want to stop her moving hands even though all Noah wanted was to pin Danika down and plunge himself deep in her oozing cavern.

  Danika leaned in and planted kisses at the base of his neck and then her mouth traveled over his muscled shoulder. She let her tongue slid on his skin, it was salty to taste and Danika never wanted to stop. Her hand rubbed his flat male nipple mimicked the action he had done on her breast.

  “Oh god Danika, do you see what you do to me. I want you so badly. When I look at you, I want to believe that I can be happy and whole again.” Noah murmured.

  Danika’s heart cried a little for the pain that briefly flashed in his eyes. She clasped his face tenderly. “Let’s make each other whole.”

  “I adore you darling.” Noah gently pushed Danika’s hair back and started nibbling at her neck. Danika felt a surge of love. She could feel the tension in Noah’s body, in his breath. He was letting her decide the pace of their lovemaking even though his body was raging for her.

  “Noah..Noah!” Danika had to call out again.

  “Yes sweets.” He was busy nibbling on her lips. Danika curled her toes as she ran her hands up his
muscled arms. Mine! “Can you do me a favor please?”

  That got his attention. Noah straightened, his eyes concerned. “What happened sweetheart?”

  “Do you really.. . love me?” Danika asked gazing at him her eyes somber.

  “Yes Danika I do?”

  “Are you sure?” Danika bit her lower lip.

  Noah nodded. He was close enough for Danika to feel his breath on her lips.

  “Even though I called you Dr. Noah-Ass-Colic?” Danika giggled. Noah’s face went from serious, to incredulous to amused in seconds.

  “Thank you for that reminder, Danika. I guess I must exact revenge for.” Noah grinned even though his eyes stayed fixed on her curved lips.

  Emboldened by his heated gaze, Danika unbuttoned his shirt completely and just as she was about to kiss him, she chickened and hid her face instead in his chest.

  Noah slid her blouse off, and unhooked her bra. “You can stop me whenever you want.” He spoke in her neck. His breath tickled her. “Though don’t wait for the last minute because stopping then might give me heart attack.”

  “Oh I thought we were done for the day doc.” Danika teased smiling against his skin.

  “No, young lady we most certainly aren’t. Not for a day, not for a week, not for years.” Noah clasped Danika’s shoulder and tenderly pushed her down.

  Danika blinked her eyes, his words were just so incredibly sweet. Her inhibitions still clung to her as Danika covered her breasts by flinging an arm across them.

  “You can’t hide them from me. Those are mine to enjoy.” Noah whispered softly as he gently caught her wrist and raised her arms over her head. He lowered his dark head toward her breasts. Danika arched her back offering him what he sought.

  After that Noah and Danika did not speak much but they did communicate with the most passionate kisses and most intimate of caresses.

  Soon all their clothes came off. Danika slipped lower under Noah and Noah sucked in his breath as her center grazed his shaft. Danika moaned. She wanted him inside her. Her body was craving the last act of fulfillment the one that would make them one.


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