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Wedding Cake Crashers

Page 3

by Riley, Alexa

  Hank leans up for a moment and I close my legs so he can take them off of me. I watch as he slips them into his pocket and I let out another whimper. I don’t know why that's so hot, but I might just orgasm right this second.

  “I told you it’s mine.” I look down at my panties half hanging out of his pocket and I see his hard cock trying to escape his pants. I part my legs in invitation as my shyness is overridden by my need to come. I want to feel him inside of me because that’s the only thing that will relieve this ache.

  “I don’t think I can take much more.”

  I get the words out, but they might be a jumbled mess. Yeah, there has to be something wrong with me. I’ve never felt this way in my life and I throb with need everywhere now. I only need the slightest of touches, so I reach between my thighs to give it to myself. Hank stops me, his giant hand wrapping around my wrist.

  “I said it’s mine.” Before I can tell him to take it, he’s moving in and his mouth latches around my clit.

  He sucks me into his mouth and it’s all I need. I come harder than I have in my whole life as I scream out his name and the orgasm takes me. My body shakes as it rolls through me, leaving me breathless.

  He doesn’t stop. He downs every drop of me then demands more. “I want another one. I’m a greedy man when it comes to sugar.” My whole body warms at his words, but I chalk it up to the orgasm.

  His licks my clit again as his hand digs into my hips and he brings me off the bed. His tongue leaves my clit and pushes deep inside of me, filling that empty space. Another orgasm pushes down on me and it’s coming as fast as the last.

  “More Sugar,” Hank demands, and I come for him.

  This time my vision starts to blur and black spots dance in my eyes. I don’t know if I should beg him to stop or to keep going. The only thing I can manage is a moan as he keeps devouring me until I’m utterly exhausted.

  My eyes close and I swear it’s for only a moment, but when I jerk up to a sitting position I don’t feel Hank between my thighs anymore.

  The room is now dark and I’m tucked under the blankets. I can still feel where his hands gripped me tightly and I smile thinking that was the most pleasure I’ve felt in my whole life.

  The bed is empty, so I get up and stumble out of the room. It takes me a moment to get my legs in working order, but after I’m able to stand I find my shoes and my purse on the porch of the small guest house.

  I fish out my cell phone and see I have a bunch of missed texts. My mouth falls open when I see Nikki texted me she isn’t coming home tonight. She must have found her one—that’s the only reason she wouldn’t be coming home. I smile because I’m happy for her, but when I turn and look at the empty guest house I’m sad because I thought I did, too. I put my bag over my shoulder and go in search of my car.

  My heart feels heavy as I make the walk and I wonder if this is what a one-night stand feels like. We hadn’t gotten to the sex part because I passed out on him. I groan when I realize all of it had been about me. I never once tried to return the favor and just went to sleep afterwards. No wonder he took off.

  I try and shake off the tears that threaten to fall as I hear the wedding still going on inside. It’s probably now the afterparty, and for half a second I debate going in search of Hank. Shyness takes hold and I think that if Hank wanted something more, he wouldn’t have left me.

  If I learned one thing about Hank in the short time I was with him, it’s that he takes what he wants. Me being alone in that bed rang loud and clear. I wasn’t worth taking.

  Chapter Seven


  “You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I growl low as I leave the guest house and go in search of my cousin Dean.

  “I wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t serious.” His tone is somber on the other end of the phone and I can almost feel the tension coming through the other side.

  I just got finished eating the sweetest pussy I’ve ever had in my goddamn life and my dick is ready to build a fucking house it’s so hard. Sugar passed out after the second and then third orgasm hit her back to back. I tucked the blanket around her and was just about to crawl in bed next to her to sleep when I heard my phone vibrate.

  At first I ignored it, but then it kept going and going and I couldn’t ignore it any longer. I was thinking it might be my brother with another catastrophe, but when I saw my cousin’s name on the screen I sat up in bed.

  The last time I saw him he was with Sugar’s friend Nikki and they looked to be getting along just fine. I’m dying to get back to Sugar because I don’t want her to wake up without me. But like Dean said, he wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t an emergency.

  He instructs me to go back into the reception, which I can hear is still going strong. A lot of the crowd has dwindled down, but most of our close friends and family are staying in the hotel. There’s nowhere else to go, so they’re partying the night away.

  I skirt the edge of the party so no one will see me and try to call me into the mix. I just want to help him with whatever the fuck he needs me to do and then get back to Sugar.

  When I get to the back I see the stairs he was talking about and I take them two at a time. At the end of the hall there’s a door marked storage and I knock lightly against it.

  “Come in.” I hear Dean’s tense voice from the other side of the door and I slowly open it.

  When I walk in, it takes me a second to understand what’s in front of me and instinctively I close the door behind me as I stand there in shock. “What the…?”

  “Okay, so let’s just get the awkwardness out of the way,” Dean says. “Nikki, this is my cousin Hank.” He nods his head in my direction. “Hank, this is my girl, Nikki.”

  “Oh, don’t you even think about it. I’m most certainly not your girl.” She scowls but makes no move to get away from him.

  The two of them are on the floor of the storage closet. There’s an old blanket thrown over her, but Dean is clearly naked and looks to be in the middle of fucking her.

  “Listen, cousin, I appreciate the call, but this is not my scene.” I hold up my hands and they both shoot me death glares.

  “Really, Hank? You think I called you for a three-way?”

  “Explain to me what the hell is going on,” I say as I try to look away from Dean’s naked ass.

  “So when I was in college, I lost a bet—” Dean begins.

  “Faster,” I say, cutting him off.

  “My cock piercing is stuck somewhere inside her and I can’t get it out.” He looks at me and shrugs, and Nikki pulls the blanket over her head in mortification.

  “Wait.” I hold up a finger. “I don’t think I heard you correctly.”

  “Why won’t the ground open up and swallow me?” Nikki mumbles under the blanket.

  “Look, I can’t very well call nine-one-one to the wedding and have Rich and Alisha’s day ruined. You have to help get us to the hospital.”

  I close my eyes and rub the heels of my hands against them. “Dean, what in the actual fuck?” I shake my head and then look at him.

  “Hank, if I had another option I’d take it. But I’m pretty sure the barbell is stuck on something inside her.”

  “It’s my IUD.” I can hardly hear her under the blanket, but I really don’t want her taking it off.

  “Wait, you’re on birth control? Yeah, that’s not going to work for me, sassy pants.”

  Nikki takes the blanket off her face and looks like if she could shoot fire out of her eyes she would. “Stop calling me that.”

  “All I heard was you’re okay with getting that thing taken out.” Dean must have a death wish because he actually winks at her.

  “If you would just stop being hard it would go down and you could pull out,” she says through clenched teeth and I worry she’s really going to hurt Dean if they ever get apart.

  “And how in the fuck do you think that’s going to happen? I’m inside this warm, soft pussy that I just popped the cherry out of and the
n you came all over me.”

  “Dean!” Nikki and I both say at the same time.

  “What?” He shrugs like he’s stating facts. “The only way I’m getting soft is by coming inside you, and I can’t move.”

  “All right,” I say as I pinch the bridge of my nose. “What I’m hearing is that you either need to get off, or I need to get you out of here and to the hospital.”

  “Get off.”


  Neither can agree on a course of action. It’s clear Dean wants to finish off and I can’t say I blame him. That’s probably the less embarrassing of the options, but it seems Nikki just wants to get away.

  I release a breath and pull out my cell phone. I call one of the drivers from today and tell him to come around to the front. As much as I’d love to leave Dean and Nikki to figure this out, I can’t leave her with him like this. She may have wanted this to begin with, but she’s made it clear to both of us that she just wants out of here.

  “All right,” I say, looking at the two of them. “It looks like we’re taking door number two. Dean, you’re going to have to pick her up and carry her out to the car. I have no idea what this is going to do, but if it hurts, let’s stop and call the professionals. Okay?”

  “Deal,” Nikki agrees as Dean nods.

  I turn around and listen to the two of them bicker as Dean holds her close and lifts her up. There are some groans, but none of the sounds seem to be bad and for a moment I wonder if I should leave the room.

  “See, sassy pants, it’s not so bad. Just let me finish and we can go back to my place.”

  “Dean,” I warn, and I hear him curse from behind me.

  After what feels like an eternity, he says she’s covered and I turn back around to see the big dark blanket around the two of them. My phone buzzes in my hand and I look down to see the driver has texted me that he’s already home and it’s over an hour away. It’s then I realize I’m going to have to take them myself and my heart sinks.

  I want to go back to the guest house and tell Sugar where I am, but there’s no time. Hopefully I can drop them off at the hospital and let the doctors figure this mess out and I can be back here before she wakes up.

  “Hold that blanket tight, Nikki,” I say, opening the door to the storage closet. “I don’t want to see Dean’s ass.”

  I curse my brother and Alisha for having a wedding so far away from everything. The hospital is over an hour away and I have to listen to the two of them in the back seat the whole time. It alternates between moaning and arguing, but it’s mostly Dean being an idiot and saying shit to piss Nikki off. What I want to do is ask her about Sugar but now doesn’t seem like the right time.

  I make it to the hospital and park in the emergency spot and run out to ask for a stretcher. By the time they finally get one out and get the two of them loaded on it, Dean and Nikki are back to fighting and I can’t take any more. I close the back door and tell Dean to find his own way home and race away from the hospital.

  The drive back takes just as long and as soon as I’m at the venue, I jump out of my car and run. I’m out of breath and my heart is pounding when I reach the guest house, but there’s a feeling in my gut before I get to it. The second I open the door my fears are confirmed and she’s gone.

  “Fuck.” I slam the door and look around for a sign of where she went or a note, but there’s nothing.

  She was the one, I could feel it inside me, and somehow she slipped away. I’ve got to find her, I’ve got to get her back and there’s nothing I won’t do to have her.

  Chapter Eight


  I shove my key into the front door, taking some of my annoyance out on my keyhole. It swings open right as I start to push and I fall into my living room face first. Nikki lets out a squeak as she tries to catch me, but I only take her down with me. The contents of my purse spill out as we hit the carpeted floor together and we lie there among the gum wrappers and loose change for a good long minute. Neither of us moves as I lie sprawled partially on top of Nikki, but this is the icing on the cake of our shitty week.

  Her body starts to shake and I know she’s fighting a laugh. I bite my lip because I’m not in the mood to laugh right now. I remind myself I’m mad, but she keeps on shaking until it grows stronger and I look up at her. Her whole face is red as she fights it and I close my eyes and give in. I let it take over and we fall into a fit of giggles. Neither of us has wanted to talk about what happened or how terrible the past few days have been. But this feels so damn good.

  By the time we’re done laughing, tears have leaked down our faces and I look up at her again. “I needed that.”

  “Yeah,” she agrees with a long sigh. “Maybe we should get off the floor though.” I don’t want to get up, but we can’t lie here with our front door wide open.

  “Fine.” I roll over onto my back and look up at the white ceiling. I used to love this apartment, but lately I haven't been feeling it. Nikki picks herself up off the floor first and I move my legs so the door closes. “Maybe I’ll stay down here.”

  Nikki holds out her hand for me to grab. “Up.” I take it before she pulls me to my feet. “At least it’s the weekend,” she mutters as we clean up what fell out of my purse.

  “Yay. The weekend.” I roll my eyes at the wall. I’m going to spend all weekend in this apartment because we don’t have any plans.

  As much as work sucks, this weekend is going to suck more. At work I can't wallow in my misery and I can get lost in being busy for a few hours. Home is a different story.

  “You should quit that place,” Nikki says as she walks into the kitchen. A moment later she’s back with a mug in her hand. “Thank God this wasn't done before I heard your key in the door or I might have had it in my hand when I opened the door.”

  She passes me the hot chocolate loaded with marshmallows and I take it eagerly from her. “Are we going to finally spill the details?” I ask, blowing on my hot chocolate.

  Nikki heads back into the kitchen and comes out two seconds later with her own mug. She’s breaking out my favorite, so I know she’s ready for us to talk about what neither of us has been wanting to share. Nikki has had heartbreak all over her face this week, so I knew not to push. But it looks as though time is up now.

  “Sofa,” I say, moving toward it and then sitting down.

  “I’ll go first.” She takes a breath and then tells me about her entire night and I sit there stunned until she’s finished.

  “You just left?” I ask, completely shocked. She said he was the one, and even with everything that happened, she’s still calling him that. There’s no “I thought he was the one.”

  “I snuck out,” she admits and drops her head. “He was talking to the doctor and I kinda gave them all the slip.”

  “We can find him,” I offer, and her head snaps up. “You know that, right? I’m sure we can find him.”

  “He found me at work today. I panicked and ran.” She throws her hands over her face and groans. “What’s wrong with me? I know he’s the one.”

  “Not everything has to be perfect, and I think it’s a little funny.” I fight a smile. “You have this dream idea of how everything is supposed to happen and life doesn't always go according to plan. Sometimes people lose bets and have to get their dicks pierced.” I can't stop the laugh that comes from me. Nikki fights it for a moment before she’s finally laughing with me.

  “Tell me what happened to you,” she demands after we pull it together. God, it feels good to laugh like this. After my week I need it and it helps. I tell her mostly everything, but it’s nowhere near as dramatic as hers.

  “So you passed out and then he left?” she asks, not sounding convinced of my story.

  “Pretty much.” I take a sip of my hot chocolate before I place it back down onto the coffee table.

  “Maybe he was in the bathroom?” she offers.

  “He was gone,” I answer. I tried to come up with a reason for it all week, but nothi
ng changes the fact that he left me there. “At least your man tracked you down, which means he’s the one.”

  Even in the chaos of what happened to them, he sounded sweet and possessive according to some of the stuff he was saying to her. He’s also on the same page as her about them being each other’s person. I thought Hank was my person and I never believed in that crap until that night. Too bad my person didn’t think I was his person. I bet most men run if you start talking to them about weddings and babies and happily ever afters.

  “I’m really sorry, Sugar.” Nikki reaches out and grabs my hand, giving it a small squeeze.

  “I’ll be fine,” I lie. The ache in my chest hasn’t been getting better and I’m afraid it’s getting worse. I still don’t want to talk about it and doing so isn’t going to get me anywhere. I decide changing the subject might be easier. “When are you going to give in to your man?”

  “He got my cherry quick. He can work for this.” She nods sternly and I’m sure it’s the same look she gives to all the kids in her dance class when they’ve done something naughty.

  “I’m sure he will.”

  Nikki smirks at my reassurance and I think she’s enjoying the idea of him chasing her down. My heart aches that Hank isn’t out there looking for me. For all I know he’s eating his way to some other girl’s heart. The thought is like a punch in my stomach and I just can’t believe that he’d do that. Maybe I’m crazy.

  “Sugar, are you sure about this Hank guy? I mean, it sounds like you were going to…” She waves her hand at her lady business.

  “Let him have it?” I probably would have if I hadn't passed out.


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