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Wedding Cake Crashers

Page 4

by Riley, Alexa

  “If he was a dick, would he have woken you up and tucked you into a bed and took off? It just doesn't add up.”

  “Don’t. I’ve already thought about this enough for everyone. I really want to stop thinking about it.” I’m not sure if that’s possible, but this ache can't grow any more or I’ll break in half.

  “You know what you need?” she asks, standing up. “Wedding cake.”

  “You want to crash a wedding?” She hasn't brought up crashing any weddings all week, though we both avoided the other most of the week and kept our heads down.

  “Why not?” She shrugs. “It’s not like we have anything else to do.” She holds her hand out for me and pulls me from the sofa against my will. “Go get dolled up. We’re going out.” She smacks my butt hard and it makes me yelp. It works, though, because I get a move on to get away from her.

  “I’m crazy,” I mutter as go to my bedroom. I’m hungry and I could use some wedding cake. I bet it wouldn't be as good as the one Hank fed me. He not only ruined orgasms for me but maybe cake, too.

  There’s only one way to find out.

  Chapter Nine


  “You owe me,” I tell Dean when we get out of my car and make our way to the building.

  “How many times are you going to throw it in my face?” he complains as we walk through the glass doors.

  “I don’t know. How many times do you plan on getting your dick stuck inside a woman?” We both stop when the old lady nearby turns around to look at us. I lower my voice and lean closer to him. “After this we’re good, okay?”

  “I’m never getting my cock ring stuck again, but that’s mostly because my woman no longer has that piece of plastic inside her that keeps me from getting her pregnant.”

  “Your woman?” I smother a laugh as we walk down the long marble hallway. “I thought she ditched you in the hospital?”

  “She’s playing hard to get, but I found out where she works.” He looks smug as he turns to smile at me. “It’s only a matter of time. Besides, I’m already trying to help you find her. I just need my girl to stop running away from me long enough to ask.”

  He grumbles and I know we’re both feeling frustrated. I’ve tried to talk to everyone that was at the wedding, but it’s clear that these ladies crashed the party and now I have no way to find her. Sugar has disappeared, but I’m doing all I can to bring her back to me.

  “Do you really think this will work?” he asks as we walk into the giant ballroom.

  “I don’t know, but it’s worth a shot.” The music thumps and the bride and groom move across the dance floor. “I’ve never crashed a wedding, but it can’t be that hard. Right?”

  Dean looks at me and shrugs as we walk into the venue. I scoured all the places I could that were near where my brother got married just to be sure it was close enough for her to travel to. It’s the only logical thing I could think of. If she crashed one wedding, maybe she’ll do it again.

  The first place I look is over by the cake and I see the server carving it up and handing out pieces.

  “I’ll be over there,” I say and walk away from Dean. I hear him say he’ll be by the DJ table.

  I wanted him here with me in case I got caught. It’s easier to point to the other side of the room and have a friend wave to you than it is to pick a stranger out of a crowd. At least I’ll have company in jail if we get arrested, but I don’t know if anyone would take it that far. Although, if I knew Sugar was in here and they wouldn’t let me get to her, I might just make a big enough scene for someone to call the cops.

  I make my way over to the cake and stand back a little so if she does show up she won’t see me right away. I give the dessert a once-over and realize that I could make a better one than that. I probably shouldn’t be so smug because I’ve made exactly one cake in my life, but Sugar said it was the best she ever had.

  The room is packed and it’s hard to see between all the people, but the sound of laughter catches my attention.

  “It’s her,” I whisper to myself. She’s standing a few feet away from me in line for cake.

  Everything in me wants to go to her and demand she explain why she ran out on me, but I don’t want to scare her. That weird ache inside my chest is back and I know if I get close to her it will get stronger. I like it, though, because it makes me feel protective of her. It’s need, to be at her side, to hear her laugh.

  There’s a woman in line in front of her. She’s smiling, too, and there’s a man standing behind her. Sugar laughs, turning to look at the man behind her at something he said. The man checks her out, openly trying to look down the front of her dress.

  “Fuck that.” I push away from the wall and stomp over to her, but she’s facing away from me and doesn’t see me coming. The man behind her does and his eyes widen as he staggers back.

  There’s a pause in the conversation and she turns around slowly to see me standing behind her. For a second she’s shocked and doesn’t make a sound, so I lean in close and whisper so only she can hear me.

  “Did you really think I’d have one taste of that sweet pussy and let you get away?”

  She swallows loudly and parts her lips. “Hank, I—”

  “You ran off without so much as a note, Sugar.” I reach out and take her upper arm and pull her closer to me. “I’m not making the mistake of letting you out of my sight ever again.”

  “Is everything okay here?” the guy in line asks and I cut my eyes over to him.

  “Don’t try and be a hero,” I growl, and Sugar puts her hand on my chest.

  That strange feeling I have when I’m with her is pounding through my body, and her touch magnifies it. Blood is pumping through my veins and straight to my cock and I have the need to pin her under me and snarl at every male in the room.

  “Why don’t we go somewhere more private, Hank?” she says sweetly to me, moving in closer.

  The guy is smart enough to see that this isn’t something he wants to get in the middle of, and Sugar pulls at my arm for me to follow her. We don’t make it ten steps before I have her against the wall and my mouth is on hers.

  “Why’d you run out on me?” I demand, but then I kiss her again so thoroughly she can’t answer. “You’re mine, Sugar. I told you I wasn’t letting you go.”

  She grips my suit and I feel her curvy body move against mine. I don’t give her a second to explain herself or to tell me to stop, I just push myself onto her like a dog in heat.

  “Damn you for making me crash a wedding.” My hand moves to her ass. Her sunny laugh turns to a husky moan. “But I’d throw a fucking wedding if it meant finding you.”

  “Is that so?” She’s finally able to get a word out before I press my lips to hers and she smiles at me. “Would you invite me?”

  “Don’t you get it, Sugar?” I hold her face as I look into her eyes. “I’d be waiting at the end of the aisle for you.”

  “Oh,” she whispers, and I lean in and kiss her tenderly.

  This time I’m not as rushed and not as brutal. I’m still just as hungry and desperate for her, but I’m beginning to relax now that she’s in my arms.

  “Looks like you found her. Now tell me where I can find my girl,” Dean says from somewhere behind me.

  Dean takes off and I shake my head as I wrap my arms around her and lift her up. “Dance with me.”

  “I don’t think I really have a choice,” she laughs. I walk us onto the floor and sway with her in my arms. “But yes, I’ll dance with you.”

  “Good. Now tell me why you ran out on me and made me a miserable bastard for an entire week wondering where the hell you went.”

  Chapter Ten


  I can’t believe he’s here. At first I thought maybe I dreamed him. His hard cock presses into me and reassures me he’s real. I lick my suddenly dry lips and his question jerks me back to reality. I got lost in the moment of seeing him again and forgot about everything else. I’ve been heartbroken because he left
me alone in bed, so I’m wondering why he was miserable.

  “You’re the one who ran.” I try to push at his chest, but his hold tightens.

  “I’m not letting you go, so get that thought out of your pretty little head.”

  My fingers dig into his chest and everything settles over me. From the look in his eyes I know he means what he says.

  “You were coming back to the room,” I whisper, and realize Nikki was right.

  “I’ll always come back for you, Sugar. I can’t believe you doubted that after what we shared.” His big hand moves down my back and squeezes my ass. “I had to make myself leave last time and it was a damn emergency.” He shakes his head and I burst into laughter when he mumbles “stupid cock piercing.”

  “Oh my God! You’re the cousin that came and helped them.” It all clicks into place. Hank was the one who helped Nikki and his cousin Dean. That’s why he had to leave.

  “Glad someone thinks that it’s funny,” Hank grunts, clearly unamused.

  “It’s kinda funny.” I fight my laughter, but it’s no use.

  “What’s not funny is the hell I've been in for the last week.” His words sober me because the last week has been the same for me.

  “You too?” I ask, and he nods. I rub my hands across his chest because I want to feel him under my touch. As mad as I am that I thought he ran out on me, I’m madder at myself for not enjoying that night like I could’ve. I didn’t get to see all of him or feel him inside of me. I passed out before we could do more, but even if it had been for that one night, I still wanted it.

  “I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” he admits, and his face looks pained. “You were there with me, Sugar. You had to feel the connection between us.” He takes my hand and leads me off the dance floor. We walk over to the side of the room and he looks at me with so much intensity. “Tell me you felt it.”

  He moves so the rest of the room is blocked from my view. His body is all around me, with my back up against the wall. I look up at him as his eyes search my face and he’s scared of what I’m going to say.

  “I felt it,” I admit, and he leans in close. “I didn’t know if it was normal.” He starts to speak, but I lift my hand and place two of my fingers over his mouth. I need to say this before I chicken out. “I’ve never done anything like that before and I wasn’t sure. I passed out, so I thought…” I shrug as I whisper the last part. My face flushes.

  Hank sucks in a deep breath and wraps his hand around my wrist. He pulls my fingers away from his mouth before he speaks.

  “You’ve never had a man, Sugar?” His tone is filled with disbelief and I’m not sure if he’s upset or happy about it. “It’s hard to believe someone hasn’t gotten a taste of you. But I’ve tasted you and I know that if any man ever had the privilege, they’d be doing the same thing I am.” He brings my fingers to his mouth and kisses the tips. “I saw you walk into that wedding and without a word from your mouth I knew you were mine. It’s a miracle someone didn't steal you away before I found you.”

  “I’ve never wanted a man before.” I admit the truth and as I do, I realize I’ve been waiting for him. I cursed my body all week that the one man I ever wanted didn’t want me back, but fate wouldn’t be so cruel.

  “We have to get out of here.” Hank moves in closer and my body is aching with need.

  “I should tell Nikki,” I rush to say as he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me from the ballroom. I don’t fight him because I want to go wherever he is.

  “Dean has her,” Hank reassures me, entwining his fingers with mine.

  “Where are we going?” I have to run to keep up with him as he pushes out of the front door.

  “Home. That way I can make sure you don't slip away from me again.”

  My nipples tighten and I’m wet against my panties knowing what Hank has in store for me. I’ve been on edge all week, and since he touched me I haven’t been able to get myself off. My body is spoiled and only wants him, no matter how many times I tried. I feared he ruined me, but now it doesn’t matter.

  He opens the door to his truck and points. “In.” I hop up and buckle my seatbelt before he leans in close to me. “I was sure you couldn’t be as beautiful as I remembered, but I was wrong.” My mouth parts in surprise at his sweet words. “You are the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen.”

  His lips crash down onto mine and his tongue swipes into my mouth. I moan as his hand snakes up my thigh and I part my legs, wanting him there so badly.

  I gasp when his finger grazes my sex on the outside of my panties. “Hank,” I moan, pulling my mouth from his.

  “I just need a small taste to hold me over.”

  He dips his finger into my sex and it’s rough to the touch, but he’s so gentle. He skims across my clit and I try to raise my hips, but the seatbelt doesn't let me go as far as I want. He slides his finger across my sex again before pushing it inside of me.

  I moan his name and clench around his finger at the same time. He groans, pulling his hand out from between my legs. “No!” I yell, needing him back there.

  “Home first,” he tells me as he brings the finger to his mouth and sucks my juices from them. His nostrils flare as he locks eyes with me. “I’ll drive fast.” He slams my door and he’s in the driver’s seat in record time.

  I nod and try to not wiggle in my seat as he pulls out of the parking lot and drives away. I glance over at him and I can’t believe he’s here. I never thought I’d see him again and now I find out he’s been looking for me the whole time.

  “Is this crazy? We know nothing about each other.” I’m on my way to his house to have sex for the first time and I don’t know his full name.

  “Tell me about you then.” He shoots me a half-smile like he can read my mind.

  “Not much to tell.” I can’t think of anything important as I wrack my brain for information. I’m a receptionist at a car dealership and it’s a job I hate. I got it to get out from my mom’s house and that’s pretty much it. Every day is the same and even crashing weddings started to feel mundane. Until Hank.

  “I don’t agree. I haven't gotten to spend much time with you, but I can tell you all kinds of things.”

  “Really?” I smile over at him.

  “Yeah.” He stops at a red light and turns a little to give me his attention. “You make the sexiest sounds when you taste something you like.” I moan sometimes when I eat and I feel myself blush. “You think you’d make that sound around my cock if I slipped it in your mouth?”

  My eyes widen as I think about it and my whole body begins to buzz. “Guess there is only one way to find out,” I manage to say.

  Hank’s hold on the steering wheel tightens and a horn honks from behind us, making me jump. The light turned green and neither of us noticed. Hank lets out a quiet curse before he hits the gas.

  “When you get shy about something you look down and your nose scrunches a little. And when you laugh you have a small dimple on your cheek.” He glances over at me and winks. “You cross your ankles when you’re telling a story.”

  “You notice a lot.” I tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. I love how he sees all these small things about me. He’s really paying attention, and if this is what love is, I see why my mom is always in search of it. I just don’t get how she can feel this over and over again with a different man each time. I may not know Hank that well, but I know this is different. I also know I’ve never felt this way with someone else. I can feel it.

  “I notice everything.” He licks his lips and then looks over at me. “Like when you come.” He smiles at me like he’s remembering the way I tasted. “You’re as sweet as your name.”

  His dirty words make my breath catch. Yeah, this is different. I’m not going to run from his bed tonight; I’m going to take all that Hank has to give me.

  Chapter Eleven


  I make it home in record speed, hit the button for the garage and park inside. Before the door is f
ully closed I’m out of the car and around to her side.

  “I can’t wait,” I say, flinging open her door and pulling her into my arms.

  Her giggle turns into a moan as I rush into the house and my lips begin to find every available inch of her skin.

  “Hank, I’m dying.” Her body moves against mine as my lips move lower.

  My hands are gripping her ass and rubbing her against me as I stumble through the kitchen and into the living room. My bedroom is at the end of the hall, but that’s too far away. I’ve already taken all the steps I’m going to before my need brings me to my knees.

  “I’m so sorry,” I mumble as we both go to the floor and I push her dress up around her waist. “You deserve better than this.”

  I yank open the front of my pants and I hear material rip as I pull my cock out.

  “Don’t stop.” She reaches between us with one hand and pulls her panties to the side as her other wraps around my cock and she guides me to her sticky, hot center.

  “Fuck,” I curse, pounding my fist in the carpet and my cock surges forward.

  “More.” Her voice is breathy as she arches her back and eagerly takes more of me into her.

  I dig my fingers into the carpet as I try to control myself, but all I want to do is thrust all the way in and have her heat squeeze me like a vise. I’m growling and salivating like an animal as I slowly enter her perfect body.

  When I feel the tight ring of her virginity, I pause and look into her eyes. I grab her hands and hold them above her head as I lean down and place my lips on hers. With one hard thrust I’m seated fully inside her and she cries out into my mouth. I kiss her harder and let my tongue glide against her as I try to be still. Her body is tense and her legs are frozen around me as I simply hold myself deep within her and savor the unbearable compression of her pussy.

  “You’re so fucking perfect.” I rock a little and she whines as her nails dig into my hands. “Just breathe, Sugar.”


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