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Eve's Spawn

Page 4

by Tuesday Morrigan

  “Hell,” Kiros growled before descending on one breast. Her large, swollen, blackberry nipples alone had been delectable morsels. Coated with chocolate as they were now, they were a treat Kiros couldn’t possible resist. For a few moments, Kiros simply held her in the palms of his large hands, delighting in the weight of her full breasts. With slow, tantalizing, torturous licks, the velvet heat of his tongue removed every speck of chocolate from her breast before turning to the other with the same love-play.

  Her soft gasps and groans of delight drifted above his head. With every swipe of his tongue the sounds grew louder and stronger, spurring him on. She wanted him. And he was more than willing to use every thing in his arsenal to make her need him.

  As much as he needed her at that moment.

  “Oh my god,” Eve moaned when he wrapped his lips around the distended bud of her nipple and sucked hard. The pulse of pleasure humming through his veins seemed to explode at the throaty sound of her arousal.

  “Please,” Eve groaned as he lightly rasped his teeth against the sensitive tip.

  As he suckled her breasts, Kiros’s hands drifted up Eve’s thighs, lifting her dress along the way. Two fingers lightly pressed against her arousal soaked lace thong cut panties. Back and forth, back and forth, they rubbed the cut out fabric along the lips of her quivering mound.

  Unwilling to torture them both any longer, he moved the small piece of fabric to the side to reveal the moist, heated lips of her sex.

  “We can’t,” Eve moaned into his hair before placing soft kisses against the soft, blond tresses.

  “But we will,” Kiros responded as he slid his index finger along her moist slit, parting the swollen lips of her sex. He groaned at the feel of her arousal creaming over his finger. He slowly slid his finger into her pussy, one knuckle deep, two knuckles deep, until he was fully seated. His jaw clenched at the feel of her pussy muscles clenching around his long, callused finger. Kiros couldn’t wait to feel them tighten around his cock.

  “Damn, sweetheart. You’re burning me alive,” he growled as he pulled his finger out of her soaking sheath. His finger glistened in the fluorescent lights, coated with her desire. He slowly rubbed her cream on the distended head of her swollen clitoris. A sigh of desire came from her lips at the soft, but demanding touch of his hands.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered before catching his lips in an open mouthed kiss. Kiros swallowed her moan of satisfaction when he slid two long, wide fingers into her hot, tight pussy.

  “You like that don’t you?” he growled against her neck as he thrust his fingers into her creaming pussy. Eve responded with a moan filled with desire and need. She spread her legs wider, providing Kiros with the unhindered access he needed to touch the deepest parts of her body. His digits glided against the moist, sensitive inner walls of her pussy, tantalizing the flesh, coaxing it into a mind-blowing response of desire.

  “Please,” Eve gasped. Her hips jerked when he withdrew his fingers from her contracting pussy.

  “Please,” Eve moaned.

  “Shush. It’s all right, sweetheart. I’m giving you something more,” he said as he thrust three fingers into her soaking core.

  “Oh... my... goodness,” Eve sighed against the moist flesh of his neck.

  She was tight, almost too tight Kiros thought as he felt her clenching sheath spasm around his fingers. He wasn’t sure she could comfortably take his cock. The head of his bulbous penis was much wider, thicker, than his three fingers. He might hurt her, but he knew that he could make it worth the pain.

  I need more, Kiros thought as he slowly made his way back to her lips, placing soft kisses against the column of her throat.

  “I want you to come for me,” he growled against her lips before slanting his mouth over hers. The kiss was demanding, teasing, and nipping, coaxing her into a reaction as his fingers forced her to acknowledge her own needs. The three fingers thrust into the inner cavern of her body, sliding along the sensitive flesh, caressing, teasing, and plundering. Within moments he was surging into her body with powerful, dominating strokes that elicited shivers and sighs from her body.

  “Oh my,” she screamed into his mouth seconds before her body burst and her pussy contracted around his fingers tighter than a vise. Kiros captured her lips in a soft kiss as the last shivers of release shuddered through her body.

  “Eve, I need to be inside you,” Kiros growled against the tender flesh of her breasts. The rough tone was a mockery of his smooth baritone. He was losing control.

  Kiros was at the breaking point. He had never needed to be inside of a woman like he needed to be inside of Eve. He needed to taste her, touch her, suck her, and fuck her until she screamed his name and only his name.

  “Eve,” he groaned against her lips.

  Eve looked into his eyes and gave him a soft, sultry smile.

  “Then take me home,” she said.

  Chapter Five

  The Seer’s Payment

  The swirling mists of fog clung to the ground, shrouding the headstones in darkness. The Indian summer heat from the day wrapped itself around the shrouded figure, coating it in moisture. The seer absently wiped at the drops of water that coated her long blonde hair.

  She stilled as she sensed the other’s movement. The other made not one single sound, trained as he was, but she still recognized his presence. His foot had just touched the sacred ground.

  He was on her turf now.

  She could feel his heartbeat. It beat a wild staccato rhythm in his chest. He was uneasy.

  Foolish man, she thought as she stifled the laughter that threatened to bubble from her throat. He was afraid of a little death. The graveyard did not sit well with him. She could feel the tension crawling up his skin, settling in his chest, terrorizing his mind.

  His kind was all the same. Their strength lay in their bodies, never their minds.

  Death was what you made of it. One could fear it or one could embrace it, as she had, several times.

  As he neared her, his apprehension grew. He knew she was close, but he could not sense her. He could not smell her.

  Wolves, she thought. They are all the same, never changing, never learning. Without learning one did not evolve, which was why they were still the animals God had made them in the beginning of time.

  “After all that you have learned, you still try and sniff me out,” she called when he was less than twenty feet from her.

  He instinctively stilled at the sound of her voice. She could see him peering into the mist, trying to detect her.

  “Always relying on your senses, Rubio,” she said before allowing her vision to clear. The fog that had swirled around her, cloaking her from his sight slowly dissipated. After long moments she was visible to his preternatural gaze.

  She gave him a slow grin when she felt what was left of her human soul perk up at the look on his face. Rubio was staring at the sight before him. She had done well to construct a façade that still appealed to the arrogant wolf. No matter how many times he saw the seer, he was always besotted by her beauty.

  She thought of the long years it had taken her to create such an image. With her long, bright blonde hair that flowed around her shoulders to fall just beyond her small waist, high breasts, and full hips, she was the feminine ideal. To top it off the seer’s bright blue eyes were beautifully framed by naturally black, long lashes.

  She watched with a harsh smirk as Rubio took a leisurely look at her figure. She could see his thoughts in his cognac eyes. Same style, different decade.

  The seer still favored the medieval style clothing that had been in fashion during her youth. The tight corset and full skirt showed off her high breasts, small waist, and full hips to perfection. But like all things perfect, the vision was a pure façade. A façade she had painstakingly created. A façade she loved.

  Damn brute, he’s smart enough to know I’m not who I appear to be.

  Apparently this one has a brain, she thought before her plump lips spread into a
cruel smile. “Still trying to figure me out, Rubio?” she taunted. “You know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I’m more of a dog.”

  “Actually, wolf, you’re more of a rat,” she retorted before gifting him with a chilling smile. “Come on, Rubio, don’t tell me you’re stalling,” she said when he stared at her stoically in response. “Tell me what I already know.”

  “The Controller could not reach The Spawn.”

  “Yes, he was not alone, and both you and the fey do not want to disturb the humans.”

  “We have rules.”

  “Yes, I know all about your rules,” she said with an icy smile. “Your rules bind you, but with me you are set free, aren’t you, Rubio?”

  “I need more time.”

  “You have until dawn,” she said. “Or I collect my price.”

  “Capturing him alive will be difficult.”

  “Then it’s a good thing you don’t need to capture him, isn’t it?”

  His chestnut head jerked up at her words. “What are you saying? We had an agreement. I would pay you in his blood. You can not change the contract now.”

  “I can and I will, but don’t worry. It’s not him I want now.”


  “No. I want her. It’s her blood I need now. But not until dawn. From her, I will gather the blood I desire.”

  “You want the human woman?” he asked, clearly shocked. “I can not take a human without either The Corridor or the Guardians noticing. It is unheard of.”

  “I care not how you accomplish it. I only care that you do it. You think I care what the werewolves or fey think? I am not governed by their rules.”

  “But I am.”

  “Yes, but you are bound to me in unholy sanctity. You will bring me the human with the long black braids.”

  “Why her? Why this human?”

  “Fool, you can not see what I see, but you can smell what I can not smell. How can you not tell?” she said before letting loose a chilling laugh.

  How she relished these moments, taunting the werewolf like the beast he was. They were all so full of pride. All of his kind had the same flaw.

  And that flaw would be their destruction.

  They never once thought her worthy of defeating them. For years they had shunned her, kept her on the outskirts of their realm, calling her only when they needed something from her, and now she had manipulated one of their very own to bring about their fall.

  No, he did not see what she saw. If Rubio did he would not be here bringing about the end to his very race.

  “Lay off the riddles, woman. Just answer the question, seer,” he growled at her.

  “She is his mate. Bring her to me and I will have all three pieces I need.”

  “She is his mate? But she is human. Are you sure she is his mate?”

  “How dare you ask me whether what I see is the truth,” she screamed at him.

  “And then we are through?” Rubio asked through clenched teeth.

  “Yes, wolf. And then our contract is fulfilled. Bring her to me and you are free,” she said before disappearing into the mist.

  Free to watch the demise of the very kingdom you live in.

  Chapter Six

  Breaking the Rules Never Felt So Good

  The short ride to her apartment felt endless to Eve’s jagged mind. She was still reeling from the effects of Kiros’s lovemaking.

  If someone had asked Eve this morning if one mind-blowing orgasm was enough to tide her over for the rest of her life, she would have happily replied with yes. But now she knew better. One touch from Kiros and she knew she could spend forever, or at the very least the whole night, in his arms.

  The single thought was unnerving.

  Eve flinched when Kiros turned off the motorcycle’s engine. The steady hum of silence etched itself inside her brain. There was no longer the intoxicating purr of the bike’s engine to block out her thoughts. Without it, all the misgivings she had pushed aside reared their heads.

  She knew nothing about him. And he knew nothing about her, yet she was supposed to trust this man with her body?

  Eve was not a one-night stand girl. She had survived four years of undergraduate schooling and two years of graduate school without ever checking that off the list. She was a girl with a firm three month rule. If she hadn’t known a guy for that long, she did not sleep with him. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it. And she was about to break that rule.

  She slowly made her way off the bike and took a step toward her apartment. She had only taken two steps when she took a deep breath and turned to Kiros. He stood beside the propped motorcycle.

  He gave her a slow, heated smile that for some reason reassured her. Then he held out his hand. She stared at his large, long fingered, callused hand for long seconds before taking it.

  She could do this. She wanted to do this. She needed to do this. Because if she didn’t, she would wake up with the kinds of regrets that haunted one for years.

  When his palm closed over her smaller hand, Kiros gave her a wolfish smile.

  She was his. She wasn’t going to run away from the pulsing attraction that radiated between them. She’d run from her own life for too long. Tonight she was going to enjoy being Eve Barnard.

  Eve looked up at Kiros and gave him a shy smile. “I’m right there,” she said before pointing out a door a few feet away from the parked bike.

  “I’ll walk you to your door,” he said before pulling her into an embrace. With his arm around her shoulder he guided her the few feet home. When they reached the door, she broke from his arms to slide the key into the lock with shaking hands.

  You can do this, Eve chanted to herself as the fear that Kiros had changed his mind crawled down her skin. Eve, you can definitely do this.

  “Here we are,” she said before her tongue darted out to nervously lick her bottom lip.

  “May I come in?” Kiros asked as he pulled her to him. No sly attempts and no subtle remarks about wanting a cup of coffee.

  She stared at him with wide eyes, afraid to say anything. She simply shook her head yes.

  That seemed to be all Kiros needed to let his leashed hunger free. He grabbed one of her fluttering hands in an almost crushing grip and strode into the darkened doorway. His large foot connected with the wooden door, slamming it shut.

  Eve flinched as the sound echoed throughout the apartment. Kiros darted a glance at her. Her nervousness apparently did not go unnoticed by the man beside her.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I promise to take care of you,” he said before bending his head to capture her lips in a tantalizing kiss.

  She was on fire. The moment his firm lips touched hers, Eve felt aflame. She gripped his arms, trying to steady herself in the midst of his raging desire. Her fingers clenched, sinking into the fabric of his leather coat. Her small hands drifted down the center of his chest to grasp his zipper.

  Eve tugged hard and was relieved to hear the rasp of the zipper teeth opening. Within moments, Kiros had shrugged out of the leather coat without once breaking the kiss.

  Lips fused, tongues tangled, desires raged out of control as they tasted of the hot, wet desire that ran rampant within the other’s body. His tongue thrust in and out of her mouth, stroking the sweet, tender flesh of her mouth, and elicited a deeply erotic groan of wanton pleasure from Eve.

  She felt so much. She had never in all her life felt so many intoxicating and sexual emotions.

  His hands were everywhere. Long fingers tangled in her braids, grasping her head, holding Eve still for his plunging tongue. His hands cupped her heavy aching breasts, rubbing their distended nipples into points of aching desire. His fingers ran up and down her spine, playing a beautiful melody of desire on her skin.

  Belatedly, Eve realized that Kiros had found the corset dress’s invisible zipper. Within seconds her dress pooled around her ivory heels. With careful movements, he manipulated her body until her back wa
s against her front door.

  “The bedroom,” she muttered against his scorching skin before placing a hot, wet, open-mouthed kiss against the long, corded column of his neck.

  “Next time,” he said before placing a kiss between her breasts. Eve threw her head back at the feel of Kiros’s hard, hot lips against her skin, blazing a trail down her body, between her breasts, on her stomach, above her pelvis, between her widened legs to place soft kisses against the moist lips of her aching pussy.

  “Good god,” Eve groaned when she felt Kiros spread the lips of her sex to reveal the swollen head of her clitoris. Her head slammed against the door when she felt the hot, wet, velvety rasp of his tongue against her clit. Once, twice, thrice, he licked her clit before venturing south to lick at the weeping core of her shuddering sex. “Oh my...” she moaned when she felt him thrust the hard length of his tongue into her creaming cunt.

  The molten desire streaming through her veins ignited Eve like a flame to kindle. The wet rasp of Kiros’s tongue glided atop the swollen head of her clitoris before flicking it. She shivered and gasped in response. He growled against the spread lips of her sex and the coarse sound vibrated along every sensitive inch of her skin. Her mouth opened on a breathless scream as heat snaked from her clenching pussy to the rest of her enflamed body.

  Her full breasts quivered as he thrust his tongue in and out of her weeping cunt. The hard, wet length plowed through her to wreak havoc on her senses and illicit a gut churning orgasm from the depths of her soul. Within seconds her small fingers were clenched in his pale blond hair, holding his mouth to her, as she came around his tongue with a harsh groan.

  He lifted his head from her for a second, just long enough to growl out the words, “Say my name,” before resuming his sexual assault on her senses. His tongue was relentless, absolutely merciless as he wrought fast, hard, ardent flicks against the full head of her clitoris. “Come for me,” he whispered against her moist, heated flesh before wrapping his full lips around her engorged clitoris and sucking it deep into the recesses of his warm, wet mouth.


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