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Eve's Spawn

Page 5

by Tuesday Morrigan

  “Oh god... oh god,” Eve panted as he continued to suck at her tender flesh. She guided him closer still, as her satin heels dug into the flesh of his back. “Oh... my... Kiros.” Her words ended on a wail as a million glittering lights exploded behind her eyelids.

  “Now for the main entrée,” he growled before lifting her limp body from the door.

  Eve smiled against his shoulder as he carefully placed her on the carpeted floor. When he had her settled, she looked deep into his violet eyes as she caressed the hard line of his clenched jaw. She knew that the same hunger that had driven him to give her three orgasms raged inside of him, yet he still took exquisite care of her. It was amazing how someone with so much hard strength could be so gentle with her.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful,” he groaned against her lips before the velvet warmth of his tongue thrust into the inner cavern of her open mouth, sharing the taste of her satisfaction with her.

  “No, you’re beautiful,” Eve blurted out the moment his lips moved from hers. “You make me feel beautiful,” she muttered before gifting him with an honest, shy smile.

  She watched as his tanned, callused fingers grasped the hem of his black tee shirt and pulled it over his blond head. Eve’s breath caught in her throat as she gazed at the sight before her. She had thrilled at the feel of his muscles beneath her fingertips, but nothing had prepared her for the sight. His strong, thickly corded biceps bulged as he threw the shirt across the room.

  “Amazing,” she whispered as she scraped one finger down the hard ridged line that halved his chest and stomach. Her finger paused at the waist of his leather pants before drifting along the hard muscles of his abdomen. With both hands she touched and explored every inch of flesh exposed to her gaze.

  “Absolutely beautiful,” she said before resting her hands on the bulge that marked the front of his leather pants. Her fingers tightened tentatively around him. Her eyes fluttered at the size of mass in her hands. On the dance floor, Eve had felt the hard, long length of his cock against her ass. Kiros was, apparently, as gifted with girth. He overflowed her palms.

  “Christ,” he groaned before pulling her hands from him. In one short move she had shredded what was left of his control. In seconds he had his pants off. His lips curved into a wry grin as he thanked the heavens that he had opted out of underwear this morning. It was just one less obstacle between him and the snug, tight fit of Eve’s heavenly pussy.

  Kiros lifted his head long enough to look down at the woman beneath him. Her long jet black braids were strewn around her head, creating a midnight halo around her beautiful face. Her deep brown eyes shone up at him with a mixture of apprehension, anticipation, and desire. He grinned down at her. Three orgasms later and she was not satisfied. A woman after his own heart. Her full lips were swollen and bruised from his hungry kisses. She was the picture of a woman comfortable with her sexuality. One short index finger lifted up to scrape at the skin of his chest.

  “Like what you see?” she asked with a sly smile.

  His eyes swept her body, starting from her little feet, up her calves, her thick thighs, her swollen, open pussy, the soft bulge of her stomach, the high, full breasts that lifted with her every breath to settle on her deep, chocolate brown eyes. After long moments of staring into her dark gaze, Kiros replied. “I definitely like what I see.”

  Kiros settled himself between Eve’s splayed thighs and lifted the heavy head of his cock. He stared at her flesh as he placed the bulbous head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy. She was a creamy confection of strawberries and chocolates.

  The sight of her naked, tender flesh raised something dark and primal in his soul. Kiros was forced to take a deep breath to steady himself before sliding his cock into her creaming pussy.

  Eve’s eyes flew open at the feel of the wide head of his cock stretching her. He smiled down at her knowing his smile was harsh and brittle, but he was at the end of the very short leash he had placed on his hunger. Eve was small. Long before he had touched her naked skin, long before they had kissed, Kiros had realized that Eve hadn’t had sex in years, and he was a large man. He had always felt comfortable with his nine and a half inches but as he placed his cock at the entrance to Eve’s pussy he felt obscenely large.

  He didn’t want to hurt her, but he had to be inside of her.

  He was going to fit. He had to fit. Anything else would be his demise Kiros thought as he blinked away the fat drops of sweat that glistened on his brow. He found himself besotted with the sight before him. The red ruddy head of his engorged pink cock speared the pink and brown flesh. They were a pretty picture of intertwined, beautiful colors.

  “God, we look good together,” he groaned as he bent over her. Kiros placed a soft kiss against her rapidly beating pulse as he slid another inch into her tight sheath. They groaned in unison when her pussy responded by clenching around his hard length.

  “You are beautiful,” Kiros growled through clenched teeth as he thrust another inch of thick, hard cock inside of Eve. Her small nails dug into his biceps warning him as he slid inside of her. “Deeper,” he said, his husky baritone pitched just above an animal’s growl, before lifting her right leg into the air. He immediately sunk in another two inches. Eve moaned and shifted, as he thrust into her tight pussy, spearing the clenching muscles.

  Her lips were in a tight line of discomfort. Eve moved beneath Kiros, and shifted her hips. He brushed his lips against hers hoping to ease some of the tension within her body. His sweat–slicked skin slid along hers as he moved his hips a little. Kiros immediately felt himself nudge inside of her another two inches.

  “Almost there, sweetheart,” he said against her lips before taking the plump petals in a drugging open mouthed kiss. With his mouth fastened to hers, he allowed one hand to drift down her body to settle in the nest of onyx curls cloaking her swollen pussy. He sifted through and found the wet, engorged nub of her clitoris. The rough pad of his callused thumb rubbed back and forth against the sensitive flesh, eliciting captured moans from her lips. He rubbed, flicked, and pinched the turgid head of her clitoris until his fingers were drenched in her cream and then he surged the last two inches of his cock into her pussy as her orgasm ripped through her body.

  Kiros clenched his teeth, fighting off the pleasure Eve’s clenching pussy muscles wreaked upon his flesh, even as he felt the need to howl at the moon. Finally, all nine and a half inches of his cock was deep inside of her.

  He tipped her head back and looked deep into her glazed eyes, allowing her to see the raw hunger smoldering in his amethyst gaze, the hunger that blazed for her. For the first time in his very long, lonely existence Kiros wished for something more. He could feel his soul calling out, demanding something that could never be. He was an abomination, never meant to exist, forever destined to wander alone, but tonight, as he laid in Eve’s arms, he wanted and wished for things that were out of his reach. As he stared into Eve’s eyes, he ruthlessly pushed down the churning emotions inside him.

  This was just sex. It had to be, for both their sakes.

  “Now it’s my turn,” he said before his lips twisted into a harsh smile. His teeth lightly scraped against the sensitive skin rimming her left ear as he slid his long length out of her soaking sheath. She immediately groaned. “Don’t worry, love, I’m giving him back,” Kiros said before sinking back into the wet, clasping heat of her body. Her back arched as he glided along the sensitive tissues of her drenched canal. Every inch of his body was focused on the hidden depths his cock scraped and pulsed along. Once more he slid out of her, only to thrust back in seconds later. Kiros kept up the tantalizing rhythm dragging her higher and higher until her breathy moans were a mockery of words.

  He stroked in and out of her tight, creaming pussy, rubbing against that delicious spot deep inside that he knew would make her scream. With every thrust, he pressed the swollen head of his cock against Eve’s G-spot. Then he suddenly stilled, grasped her left leg and lifted it so that both her legs wer
e in the air. She was wide open and unable to do anything but accept his every hard thrust.

  With one hand wrapped around each of her thighs, he held her open as he surged back into her, slicing through her frantically fluttering pussy muscles.

  Kiros knew there was a difference in his rhythm. He was rougher, coarser, and hungrier as he entered her. Whereas before he teased her, now he ravished her pussy. He moved with deep, powerful strokes that plowed through her pussy, stretched her to the limit, filled her completely, and had them both groaning with pleasure.

  He belatedly realized that Eve was frantically searching around, fingers clutching, seeking something to steady herself as he plundered her pussy.

  The sound of flesh sinking into wet flesh echoed through the room, broken only by the melody of their groans and sighs. Suddenly her body arched into a beautiful bow. A keening scream was ripped from the depths of her soul as she convulsed into a body burning orgasm.

  Kiros surged once, twice into her as her pussy muscles clenched around him, milking the seed from his balls. He poured what was left of himself inside of her with a harsh growl that was her name. With one last, shivering groan, Kiros collapsed on top of Eve and entered her waiting arms.

  Long moments later, after his heartbeat had returned to normal, Kiros lifted himself from Eve’s warm embrace, strode across the living room, and picked up the plush velvet throw on top of Eve’s leather couch. After he settled himself on the carpeted floor, he pulled her sleeping form from the moist evidence of their arousal and into his arms, before draping the covering around her body.

  Her eyes fluttered open when he placed the blanket on top of her. She gave him a soft, sensual grin that made his cock stir. Then she turned over and sighed.

  “If I had known it would feel this good to be bad,” she muttered to herself. “I would have strayed from the path years ago.”

  Kiros’s soft laughter floated through the air. Thank god, he came along at the right moment. To think he might have missed out on Eve.

  Chapter Seven

  The Rules

  “If we are this far away, why must we stay in this form?” the old, stoop shouldered woman grumbled to the child beside her. Aged and weathered, her skin barely clung to her brittle bones, but the voice, the tone was one filled with youth and agility.

  “You’re starting to let your age show, Gabrielle,” the child responded before turning away. “The Controllers sent before you were stronger and wiser and The Spawn dealt with them. Don’t add yourself to the list with your excitement.”

  “I’m just curious, is all,” she said, sweetening her voice.

  Gabrielle knew that she had overstepped the line with her whining, but it was difficult not to voice her anger and agitation over the situation. She was a Controller, part of the elite group of fey commissioned to protect and punish those in their realm. She was a fighter, trained since her fifth birthday. The Spawn was less than a mile away yet they stood in the cold waiting. “Waiting for what?” she wanted to scream at the child beside her.

  “Have you ever asked yourself why the Guardians want him dead?” he whispered on the ghostly air.

  Chills raced down her spine as she contemplated the man cloaked in the child’s façade. She knew nothing about him, except that he was her commander in this mission. But he was not of the Controllers. This man was not part of the Guardians, the fey’s governing board. He was not even a fey. He was a were. He was one of the enemy, but he stood there with her, waiting to kill The Spawn.

  “No,” she said. It was the truth. She did not care why the Guardians wanted him dead. He had disobeyed their laws and his punishment was death. A death she would bring about.

  “Do you even know why the Guardians call him The Spawn?”

  “No.” Another truth revealed. She did not know why the Guardians had taken such a strong stance against the one known only as The Spawn. It wasn’t her job to know what the accused had done wrong. She was the executioner, never the judge.

  “Do you know he is a mixed breed?”

  “Yes, he is part fey.”

  “Do you have any idea what the other part is, little one?” he asked with amusement in his voice.

  “He is surely part human. What else could the other part be?” she asked incredulously. She knew that humans and fey mated sometimes, creating children that were a mixture of both realms. She had never heard of a fey mating with an Other.

  “That, sweetheart is the question you should be asking yourself. Why would the Guardians send a fey and a were to annihilate a mixed breed?”

  “You can not mean to say that he is...?” Her words trailed off, unwilling to say the unthinkable.

  “Yes, fey. He is the abomination that is not supposed to happen genetically. Both were and fey can mate with humans and produce children, but the fey and the were are not supposed to be able to mate with one another. At least that is the story we are all told.”

  “So we can mate one another?”

  He simply shrugged one small, bony shoulder. She stared at his back, willing him to speak.

  “He may the exception or he may be the rule. The truth is the fey don’t want anyone to know that their kind can be tainted by --”

  “A mere were.”


  “You’re welcome, were,” she said with a wry grin. “So our job is to make sure that no one finds out that our kinds can procreate.”

  “With one another. Yes.”

  “So that is why the Guardians want him dead.”

  “Interesting, isn’t it. But now we have a more complicated matter.”

  “What exactly could get more complicated than this?” she said as she waved a hand in the direction The Spawn lay.

  “We must bring them the woman.”

  “The human woman?” she asked, clearly baffled.

  “Yes, the one with the long black braids.”

  “Why?” she questioned, intrigued.

  “Because she, fey, will be his very downfall. With her in our hands, we simply have to wait for him.”

  “And what makes you think he will follow her?” she asked curiously. The Spawn was a loner in the strictest sense of the word. He did not have friends. He did not have lovers. Why would he care about this particular woman when he had never cared for a single being in his existence?

  “He is part fey, loyal and proud, and part were, dominant and protective,” he said with a harsh smile.


  “So, she is his mate. There is nothing he won’t do to get her back. When he comes for her, we will be waiting and ready.”

  He was a man ruled by logic and understanding. Centuries of living had taught him the ways of the world, and he still didn’t know how to avoid his predicament. He waited in the cooling fall air for the dawn to come so that he could betray the very man who had schooled him. Because if he did not betray his master, it would be his own demise he would witness. It was a bitter pill that he swallowed as he ate his pride to stand in the shrouded brush awaiting his reckoning.

  Rubio looked at the true figure of the woman beside him. With her pale pink hair and sea green eyes she was enchanting and ethereal. Too bad really, he thought, as he contemplated her demise. She would not even get to see the dawn. It really was a shame, he thought, before turning back to his night surveillance.

  Chapter Eight

  Like Never Before

  He watched her sigh and roll over, away from him. “How long have you been watching me sleep?” she mumbled into the thick carpet.

  “Long enough,” he replied with a deceptively nonchalant shrug. He could already feel the desire rising inside of him at the sight of her nude body.

  He hungered for her.

  He hungered for her as he had never hungered for a woman before.

  “Do I snore?” she asked curiously. The indulgent smirk on her face told Kiros that Eve had always wanted to know if she snored, but there was never anyone around to inform her. He now knew that she never brought
men home with her.

  He was special.

  She turned to him, seeking his eyes in the darkness. He was less than three feet from her but the pitch black room prevented her human eyes from seeing him. He on the other hand, could see her squinting, searching for him, her hair a sexy, beautiful tangled mess, her intoxicating lips parted.

  “Long enough to know I’m ready to try that bed of yours,” he said before picking her from the floor, throw and all.

  She felt right in his arms.

  He acknowledged the thought for a second before discarding it. Thoughts like that would lead to something more than a one-night stand, something more than he could handle.

  “Kiros!” she screamed when Kiros threw her petite frame over his shoulders.

  “Eve,” he replied with a soft, satisfied chuckle before smacking her upturned ass.

  “Hey!” Eve protested. “With that kind of behavior...” she muttered against his back.

  “Yes?” he said before throwing her atop the bed. He stared into her bottomless brown eyes for long moments, before breaking into a devilish smile. “Yes?” he prompted.

  “Yes,” Eve replied as she trailed her hands down his washboard abs.

  “You do snore, just a little, but it’s cute.”

  “It is?” she asked with a sly grin.

  “Oh yeah,” he said before bending his head to rub his lips against hers. Her plump lips softened beneath the hard line of his mouth. His tongue skirted out, flicking against the seam of her lips, coaxing them to open. She arched against him, pressing her soft curves against the hard lines of his body. Kiros immediately felt fire snake through his body in response to the feel of slick skin rubbing against his.

  “Going to make me work for it,” Kiros mumbled against her closed lips before grasping her head in his hands. He held her prisoner as his tongue stormed her tightly guarded treasures. Kiros slanted his lips over hers, teasing, licking, and nipping the sensitive flesh with a series of tender kisses.


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