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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 11

by Jillian Neal

  “Yeah and Em, no offense…” Garrett added, “but Fi’s a little more powerful than you even.”

  “I know that.” Emily stated, but her fury seemed to have ebbed slightly as she thought about Vindico’s reasoning.

  “What happened to Amelia messed him up bad, Em. I really don’t think he’ll ever get over it.” Garrett reminded the girls gently.

  “I know,” Chloe lamented in a dejected drawl as Rainer pulled into the restaurant parking lot. Vindico and Bridgette followed Chloe and Garret in to secure the table as Logan and Adeline pulled in. Adeline looked almost as furious as Emily, a sight Rainer was stunned to see, and Logan looked morose. Adeline and Emily instantly moved to one another like magnets, and Logan hung back with Rainer.

  “Yeah, so apparently, telling your fiancée that you’re going to have dinner with your boss and his stripper girlfriend, after she’s worked a twelve hour shift and has nothing but scrubs to wear will in fact get you screamed at all the way from D.C. to Alexandria.” Logan hushed dejectedly. Rainer sighed.

  “Yeah, well join the club.” Logan held the door for Emily and Adeline who refused to even look at Logan as she went by.

  “I don’t know what I did wrong. I’ve apologized a million times, but I don’t know what for.” Logan begged Rainer for his help.

  “I don’t really think there’s anything we can do but endure this.” He noted that the restaurant was very nice. The grills were located in the center of the tables each side seating two people. This left a small area for the chef’s to enter to put on the show. It was relatively dark and decorated in tones of black but there was an impressive fire pit in the center of the tables. Bridgette sauntered up to Logan. Vindico noticed a few seconds later. Rainer was astonished at his ability to completely ignore her.

  “This is Logan Haydenshire. He wasn’t there for the take down at the Tantra.” He informed Bridgette. While giving Logan a flirtatious grin, Bridgette slid her hand down Logan’s chest much to his horror. She winked.

  “Well, I clearly need to get a job at Iodex, if all of the officers are as cute as the four of you.” She drawled sassily. Vindico rolled his eyes, but no one else responded as Adeline and Emily glared hatefully at Bridgette. Logan quickly stepped back from Bridgette’s caress and turned his terrified, puppy dog eyes on Adeline.

  In a show of petulant, female solidarity, Emily shoved Logan out of her way, and she and Adeline took one of the sides of the table leaving Logan and Rainer to sit by one another, with Garrett laughing under his breath.

  “You knew she was a spit-fire when you gave her a ring.” He goaded Rainer under his breath.

  Logan threw his hands out in fury as he flung the chair back that he’d pulled out for Adeline and seated himself. Bridgette turned to Adeline with a spiteful glare.

  “So, are you one of those hospital candy striper thingys?” She drawled as she took an overly appraising look at Adeline’s pink scrubs.

  “Oh hell.” Logan groaned desperately as he let his head fall into his hands.

  “Because I have a costume like that, but it’s way cuter.” Bridgette gestured to Adeline’s scrubs.

  “I’m an Obstetrics Medio.” Adeline huffed, but upon seeing the confusion on Bridgette’s face she edged. “That’s a doctor. I’m finishing my fellowship to be an OBGYN.” Bridgette wrinkled her nose.

  “Eww gross! That’s a doctor for down there, right?” She scowled as she pointed to her own crotch. Logan whimpered audibly as Adeline’s mouth fell open, and Emily rolled her eyes. As Bridgette was awaiting an answer, Adeline ground her teeth and shot Logan a look that said he should consider himself very lucky if he got to see ‘down there’ any time in the next decade or so.

  “Down there?” Adeline huffed. Logan squeezed his eyes shut and turned to Rainer.

  “Seriously, I had to ask her to stop using the medical terms for everything when we were in bed because it wigged me out. She’s gonna blow.” He hissed. Rainer tried to look sympathetic, but he’d never seen Adeline so irritated. It was odd as she was usually so passive and happy as long as Logan was nearby.

  “If you’re referring to your female reproductive organs including your uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, vulva, vaginal walls, along with a myriad of other things then yes, I suppose it is.” She fumed and stared at Bridgette like she had two heads.

  Bridgette didn’t seem to notice Adeline’s disdain. She stuck her tongue out and pretended to gag.

  “Those words are all so gross, but maybe once you’re a real doctor, they’ll let you wear cuter clothes.”

  Emily gasped as Logan stepped in to defend Adeline.

  “I think she looks beautiful no matter what she’s wearing, and the work she does is incredible. She’s saving women’s lives and bringing new lives into the world everyday.” He vowed. Adeline melted slightly. She was still irritated, but she did give Logan a very sweet smile and even reached for his hand.

  The waiter appeared, and Logan and Rainer each ordered a beer immediately. They watched the chef prepare their meals in front of them. Things were relatively quiet, and Garrett began a conversation about the Crown debates the following evening.

  “So, why isn’t your dad running for king?” Bridgette huffed as she pulled a piece of steak off her fork. Rainer and Logan shared a quick glance and waited to hear Vindico’s explanation. After drawing a long sip of his own beer, Vindico shrugged.

  “It’s, uh, Crown, Crown Governor, and Dad’s never wanted to be Crown. He became a Governor when the Constitution was ratified almost thirty years ago now, but even if he wanted to run, which he doesn’t, if you’d ever met my sister Lindley, you’d know why he’d never stand a chance.”

  “How is, Lindley?” Garrett motioned the waiter over to refill Chloe’s drink.

  “She’s Lindley,” was Vindico’s remorseful quip. Garrett didn’t seem to need any further explanation.

  “Now you’re brother and sister right?” Bridgette quizzed Logan and Emily.

  “Uh huh,” Logan was concentrating on his food.

  “And you’re his brother?” Bridgette pointed to Garrett.

  “Yes!” Emily spat. “I have lots of brothers.” Rainer shot her a pleading glance to be nice.

  “How many?” Bridgette quizzed.

  “Nine, and a sister on the way.” Emily explained. She took the edge out of her tone slightly. Rainer glanced at Logan. None of them ever stated that they only had eight brothers living. Cal was always a part of them, no matter what.

  “Wow! I would love to have a big family.” Bridgette’s entire face lit as she glanced at Vindico who adamantly refused to meet her gaze. “My mom left when I was a baby, and my dad’s fourth wife threw me out when I was fifteen. He’s a guard at Felsink.” She explained.

  “Oh,” Emily hushed as her entire face fell. “I’m sorry.”

  Bridgette shrugged.

  “What can you do? But I always thought it would be so great to have tons of kids. You know, so you always have someone to be there for you.” Emily glanced from Garrett to Logan.

  “Yeah, I guess I do always have that.” She stated thoughtfully.

  “Yeah, Em, you do.” Garrett eased. With one quick phrase, he’d pointed out all that she had and everything that Bridgette never would.

  “Yeah, you’re really lucky.” Bridgette admired. Guilt washed over Emily violently, and Rainer wished he could reach and hold her hand. He reminded himself that she had forced the seating arrangement so he just smiled at her and gave her a reassuring wink.

  “My dad got into some gambling debt after his fourth wife left him so I’m trying to help him pay it off, and I make tons more money dancing than I did just waitressing. It’s worked out great plus the extra cash for keeping up with Nic’s boys.” She rolled her eyes, and it took Rainer a minute to realize she was talking about Wretchkinsides.

  “Yeah, well, we really appreciate everything you’ve done for us.” Vindico vowed in the longest sentence he’d spoken to Bridgette th
e entire evening. She looked thrilled to have his attention. After dessert was served, Vindico picked up the bill for the entire table despite Rainer, Logan, and Garrett’s objections.

  “So, thanks for showing me around the stadium thingy.” Bridgette drawled to Chloe as Garrett offered her his arm. “I can’t wait to see the game tomorrow.”

  “It’s an arena, and we call them challenges, and I didn’t know you were coming tomorrow.” Chloe tried not to sound put out but failed miserably.

  “My dad had a few extra tickets,” Vindico commented.

  “Great,” Chloe forced a half smile. Rainer wondered how Bridgette would really be able to tell what was happening at the challenge the next day against New York. Non-Gifted people couldn’t see the energy that would be being used in one way or another to release the Iode. They couldn’t see the energy that was constantly around them in any way at all.

  He moved to Emily, offered her his arm, and gave her a sweet smile, which she returned.

  “Sorry, I was being a brat.” She sighed as she took Rainer’s arm.

  Rainer shook his head. He knew perfectly well that Emily Anne Haydenshire could be a hot mess sometimes, but he’d never agree that she was being a brat. She was his hot mess, and he could never love anything more. He brushed a kiss across her cheek.

  He recalled a few years ago, during the last few weeks of Mrs. Haydenshire’s pregnancy with the twins. She’d been horrendously uncomfortable and generally in a horrible mood, very unlike her normal happy, loving, caring self. Logan and Levi along with Connor had gone to Governor Haydenshire to complain about their mother’s terrible mood. Rainer had been present for the conversation and with a wry grin he recalled the Governor’s adamant vow.

  “Boys, take it from me, if you can’t handle her at her worst, then you don’t deserve to have your hands on her at her best.” He’d chuckled as the boys shuddered and groaned. They didn’t want to think about their father having his hands on their mother in any way, but Rainer had filed the advice away just as he always had.

  He’d wanted a love and a marriage with Emily just like the Haydenshires had, for his entire life. Maybe not with eleven kids, he thought wryly, but definitely the love and commitment they’d always shown towards one another.

  The Way Back Home

  After he’d returned Chloe and Garrett back to the arena, Rainer drove Emily home. He found it odd that he didn’t know what to say to her. He remained quiet for most of the drive.

  “Are you mad at me?” Her voice shook. She was on the verge of tears.

  “No, baby. I’m not mad at you.” He studied her as the familiar smell of the leather seats and the thrum of the motor of his beloved Mustang revved and reverberated through his soul.

  “I wouldn’t have flirted like that, if I’d known we weren’t going to be alone tonight.” She confessed. Rainer chuckled and squeezed her hand.

  “I enjoyed your flirting. Believe me, your texts made an otherwise extremely boring day quite exciting. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything about dinner with Vindico. I really thought I could blow him off. I was really hoping I could take you up on some of your requests.” He reveled in her sweet giggle.

  “Well, if you still want to, I might could be persuaded to let you play down there?” She quoted Bridgette as Rainer joined in her laughter. He felt his heart pick up pace as their bodies magnetic need pulled them closer.

  “And how would you like to be persuaded, Miss Haydenshire?” Rainer waggled his eyebrows at Emily. Her eyes danced and glimmered as she laughed, and Rainer felt his heart beat disjointedly, for a moment.

  “I’m pretty sure you know most of the stuff I like.” Emily challenged. Rainer gave her the growl she was after.

  “Most huh?” He shot back just to hear her laugh again and to watch her face flush. “If there’s something else I need to learn, baby, I’m all ears.”

  “Mmm, I like it better when you’re all hands.” Emily sassed as Rainer turned down their driveway.

  “Oh really?”

  “Oh yeah,” Emily drawled.

  After pulling the Mustang into the garage, Rainer exited the car and rushed to her door. He pulled her out of her seat and then scooped her into his arms. She gasped and giggled delightedly.

  “Wanna see what I can do with my hands, baby?” She shivered in anticipation. It drove him wild as he unlocked the door and took her to bed.


  “You enjoying playing house, sweetheart?” Rainer teased Emily the next evening as they put the twins to bed in the farmhouse and settled in to watch the debates. Emily had prepared a delicious dinner and seemed thrilled to cook in her mother’s expansive kitchen, complete with gourmet cookware.

  Rainer had paid close attention to the smile she’d worn, while he’d helped her prepare dinner for the boys. The debates weren’t set to start for another ten minutes, so Rainer decided to bring up something they hadn’t really discussed, as of yet.

  “So, where do you want to live after we get married?” Emily looked like the question shocked her as she furrowed her brow.

  “I don’t know. I mean I’ve never lived anywhere but here.” She offered as a hesitant explanation. Rainer gave her a sweet grin. This was going to be hard on her. He knew that.

  “Well, I know, baby, but you know we have a little bit of money. If you keep playing like you did today, then you’ll soon be the highest paid Receiver in the league, so I thought if you wanted, we could eventually move out of your parent’s guesthouse.” Emily beamed; though, she always bristled slightly if Rainer pointed out the fact that they were quite wealthy.

  After enduring the sting of their loss to the Bombers, the Angels had crushed the Neutrons in a stunning defeat. A reluctant knock sounded on the door. Rainer sighed, stood, and answered. The Iodex team, assigned as back up to Rainer for the evening, was doing one of their random checks.

  Rainer allowed them in and watched as they checked the twins and the house. By the time they’d finished, the debate was beginning and Rainer and Emily watched as the cameras panned over Mrs. Haydenshire seated beside Will and Brooke on one side and Garrett on the other. Logan and Adeline had arrived early to address Peterson’s accusations on Logan’s drug use and then the redacting of the story.

  Patrick and Lucy, Levi and Sarah, and Connor were seated on the same row as their mother. They were all wearing conservative suits and dresses. The camera moved to take in Yvette Peterson wearing a rather loud, neon green and black dress complete with a feathered fascinator.

  “Did she get attacked by a peacock outside the arena?” Emily gasped. Rainer laughed hysterically as he cuddled her closely on the couch. Samantha was seated beside her mother and was wearing a dress that made her appear a good five or six years younger than she was. “Oh please!” Emily rolled her eyes.

  With Peterson’s numbers falling rapidly after his admission that the story about Logan and Adeline might’ve been fabricated, he was clearly trying to play Samantha up as a cute, innocent, little girl in hopes of restoring his faltering image.

  Rainer could feel Emily’s nerves churning in her rhythms as he slid his hand rather smoothly, he thought, just under the edge of the t-shirt she was wearing so he could feel her stomach.

  This was the first of two debates between Governor Haydenshire and Peterson and would be the first time the two men had been in each other’s presence, since declaring their candidacy.

  “Your dad’s gonna be great, baby. Don’t be nervous.” Rainer soothed. Emily gave him his favorite mischievous grin and rolled her eyes.

  “You think you know everything about me, Mr. Lawson?” She sassed.

  Rainer shook his head.

  “Most definitely not. I’ve been thoroughly committed to you since I was about four, and I still can’t figure you out.”

  Emily giggled in her delight as she grabbed Rainer’s hand from under her shirt and slid it to her bra.

  “You might get a better reading here.” She flirted as Rainer cocked his ey
ebrow upwards.

  “I don’t know.” He feigned ignorance. “Might have to take this off. It’s blocking your energy.” He mocked as he popped her bra strap. She seemed to decide that she liked her game so she reached back and unclasped her bra. Rainer shuddered and moaned.

  “I think it might offend your dad if I did you on their couch, while we’re supposed to be watching him on television.” Rainer contested as he pulled the loosened bra forward and grasped her breast.

  “Oh,” Emily feigned concern. “Then maybe you should put that back on.” Rainer leaned and kissed her. He moved slowly to form her lips around his as he added to the intensity, until she was gasping for breath.

  “Unfortunately, baby….” he husked as he pulled his mouth away from hers. “I only know how to take them off. I haven’t ever tried to put one back on you.” He watched her giggle deliciously.

  With that, the first notes of the Senate Anthem were played by the house orchestra on the television, and Rainer tried not to be distracted by the fact that Emily wriggled beside him and pulled off her bra altogether. She declared that it had been pinching her anyway and threw it on the floor.

  As the anthem played, Governor Haydenshire and Peterson took the podiums to a standing ovation from the crowd. The Senate banner was unfurled. It displayed the Senate crest with the large falcon wings widespread and smaller versions of all of the animals of the family crests in the known Realm. On either side of the Senate banner, two smaller golden banners were lowered. These had Interim Crown Governor Vindico’s crest splayed across them. The Vindico crest was the wolverine displayed with a fierce snarl. Its teeth were bared inside the falcon’s widespread wings. Fierce, vengeful, protector, Rainer recalled the meaning of the Wolverine from his Histories of the Realm classes. That certainly suited Vindico perfectly. Rainer tried to pay attention to the debates as he considered whether or not Vindico’s father lived up to the family crest the way his son did.


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