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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 18

by Jillian Neal

  With a slight shudder, she seemed to strengthen her resolve. She drew a steadying breath, and a slight groan echoed from Logan as she drew from him. It was incredible, but he wanted her to continue.

  “I just don't think I could ever do that. I mean not out in public, in a restaurant, but Rainer was eating it up. He clearly loved what she was doing and….” Her breath hissed from her lungs, and he rescued her. He was simply unable to watch her equivocate anymore. He hugged her close as he murmured.

  “And you think I want you to do that?” She nodded, and he felt her tears return.

  “Baby,” he shook his head. “I don't want that. I'm not him. We're not them.” He took a moment to try not to think of Emily as his sister so he could continue. He brushed her cheek with his thumb in an effort to remove the tears. “Em's always been a spitfire, and if that gets Rainer going then good for them, I guess. But you drive me wild.” He paused to let several of his favorite images of her fill his brain, before he continued.

  “Look at me.” He whispered, and she raised her head tentatively. “When I think about you doing anything at all, it makes me want you, Adeline. When I watch you at the hospital, the way you take care of everyone, or when we were in school and we would study together, and you would pour over books in the library. I almost failed out because all I wanted to do was sit and stare at you.” She gave him a hesitant grin, but she was still skeptical.

  “The way you twist your hair up whenever you have a meeting with the hospital Medios, because you think it makes you look older.” He chuckled at the thought.

  “It doesn’t make me look older?” She squeaked as concern furrowed her brow.

  “I don’t know, baby. All I can think about when I see you with it like you fixed it tonight is how badly I want to unclasp it and let it fall all over me.” His vow was low and reverent. She moaned softly as he braided his hands in her hair and pulled her in for a long, seductive, drawing kiss. “You know….” He murmured a long moment later. “We're not the only ones who saw my sister's outrageous display this evening. Rainer was too enthralled to notice the waiter and several other guys who were very intrigued, but you see…” he moved to lay her head down so he was staring down into her eyes as he let his hands glide over her soft fevered flesh. “…when I get you like this, I want this all for myself. I'm not sharing. No one else gets to see you like this.” He slid his hands to her breasts and groped and massaged. He moaned as he felt her nipples pebble into strained, taut mounds under his pliant caress. “I want it all, and I don't want anyone else to even have a little piece of it. You’re all mine, and I don’t share.”

  With his proclamation, he pulled off the lace panties he’d left her in and tenderly traced his fingertips over her. He watched as she writhed and rolled, so hungry for his touch. It drove him wild. He listened intently to her breaths pant from her lungs.

  Unable to stop himself, with her body fevered, swollen, and wet for him, he slipped his fingers between her soft, sweet lips. Her muscles clenched tightly around his fingers. They pulled him deeper. Her eyes darkened and her face flushed. She was absolute perfection. Her body throbbed under his touch. She whispered his name in the darkness, and he shuddered as fervent need coursed through him.

  “Does that feel ok, baby?” He prayed that he wouldn’t hurt her.

  “It feels amazing.” She panted as her eyes closed in the ecstasy of his touch. Her body gave languid, needy writhes in his hands. He locked her eyes with his.

  “I want it all, Adeline. I want you to come in my hand and in my mouth baby.” He urged as another loud moan evulsed from her lips. “I don’t ever want to hurt you, sweetheart. I swear I’ll be so gentle, but baby, I need you. I need to feel you all around me. Nothing will ever feel as good as you.” His voice was strained and rough in his need.

  She nodded. Her eyes beseeched him. As he gazed adoringly into them, he felt her give way for him as he stretched her as tenderly as he was able. He delicately prepared her to take all of him. He kept his fingers moving over the places she was most sensitive as her breath stuttered, and she swelled. Her muscles cinched tightly around his hand.

  “That’s it, baby.” He reveled in the knowledge that he knew exactly what to do because she was all his. He kept his fingers gently caressing her just the way she wanted it. “Right there, baby. Right there. I know. Does that feel good?” He was desperate to hear her tell him.

  “Yes, please don’t stop.” She begged in heated need.

  “Oh, baby, I’m not stopping until I explode inside of you.” He assured her. With that, he had her. She broke hard. Her orgasm seized her body. Her back arched deeply as her energy unraveled for him.

  “I want to drink you, baby.” He moved down her body. She’d shut him down the past two times, when he’d tried to take her orally. He was desperate to taste the sweet honey that flowed from her. She wanted it too. He felt her energy spike again as he gave her the warning. With a deep, guttural growl, he held her thighs with his hands and opened her as he laved his tongue over her slit. The taste of her and the feeling of what he’d just elicited from her, of her energy flowing readily into his mouth, drove him wild.

  He wanted more and was beyond the ability to use the head above his waist. He pulled his tongue away. He watched her body roll and buck. She wanted more as well.

  “Come here, baby.” He ordered as he rolled to his back. He pulled her over his face until she was straddling him. He delved deep and kneaded her backside as she moved above him. He sucked her clit and slipped one finger back inside of her. He continued to explore her deeply with his tongue. She flooded his mouth. He drank her dry. He licked and sucked the sweet nectar of her. She fell back and looked afraid of what he’d just done.

  “I have never tasted anything sweeter, baby. Eating you out is like heaven.” He assured her. He flipped again and continued his commands. “Lay down, and spread your legs for me, baby. I’m gonna set the cast ok?” With a fervent nod, she bucked again, and he summoned. He closed her womb instantly as he was already part of her energy.

  “You ready for me, baby?”

  “Yes, now.” She sang as she did as she was told. Her desperate desire and her permeating need seared through him. It ignited the fire burning deep within his groin.

  A groan thundered from his chest as he moved on top of her. He caressed her hips tenderly with his hands and reveled in how good she felt. While he was dragging his tongue over her breasts sucking and pulling, she began to beg.

  Her pleading became fervent, and she reached down to stroke him. His eyes rolled back in his head. She wrapped her fingers around his length, and he pulsed in her hand. She moaned as she sprang up suddenly and swirled her tongue around his head.

  “Oh hell yeah, baby,” fell from his mouth in a shuddering groan. She moaned. The sound reverberated through his length and through his soul. It was incredible, but he wanted inside of her. He wanted to own her.

  “That what you need, baby?”

  “Please,” she begged as she eased her mouth away from him but continued to pull and beg for him with her hands.

  “Show me where you want it.” He watched as she fell back on the pillows and let her legs fall open for him again. Unable to stop himself, unable to draw it out any longer, he moved and pushed into her. She was so tight he had to steel himself not to lose it immediately.

  He thrust gently, at first, as not to hurt her. She lifted her hips into his and pulled him deeper as steady, streaming, moans evulsed from her. He took her harder and faster. He added to the friction and force. He felt her swell and let the feeling wash through him. Nothing would ever feel as good as that. Being drowned deep inside of her was otherworldly perfection.

  She broke, but he held on. He refused to surrender. He was going to claim her. He was going to make every inch of her belong to him. He was going to prove to her how incredible and indescribably beautiful he thought she was. He was going to show her that she was everything.

  “Give it to me again.
” He eased his thrusts as the orgasm washed through her then began again. “I want them all. You’re all mine.” He repeated, and she clenched around him again. His directives seemed to drive her wild. She gasped and bucked. Her eyes flashed unrestrainedly. Her moans echoed loudly around him as he ground into her.

  He let go as the waves crashed through her hard and fast. He held her tightly and refused to allow any space between them. As she stilled, he kissed away the last of her moans and told her how much he loved her.

  As the blissful haze of his explosive release began to dissipate, Logan grimaced.

  “Uh, Ad, baby, are you ok? I’m sorry. That was too rough.” He felt harrowing guilt wash over him, but she giggled softly. The sound soothed his soul.

  “Logan, that was amazing.” Her cheeks were a dizzying array of pinks and reds from her climaxes and her embarrassment. “I feel fine. I’m not hurting at all. That was completely amazing.”

  “You’re sure?”

  She nodded and moved so he could hold her tighter as she eased her leg over his and wrapped herself around his body. “Will you promise me something?” He swallowed down the guilt that had come on him suddenly.

  “Of course.” As he remembered her confessed fears that she didn’t do things that would make him want her, he explained.

  “Baby, you drive me wild. Like so wild I can’t think sometimes. So, please just promise me if I ever do anything you don’t like, or don’t want to do, that you’ll stop me.” She considered for a minute.

  “Ok, but sometimes you do things that I‘m nervous about, but then it ends up being the most incredible thing I’ve ever felt.” She tucked her face into his chest. He could feel the heat that radiated from her cheeks against him. He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. It was the only part of her face she was currently allowing him to access.

  “Ok, I just don’t ever want you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “Logan…” She eased her head upwards to meet his heartfelt gaze.

  “What baby?”

  “I love everything that you do, and the things that you say make me feel beautiful. When I’m wrapped up in your arms, it doesn’t matter if we’re doing that, or if we’re just lying on the couch watching TV. When I’m close enough to you to feel your energy and hear your heartbeat, then it’s like, in that moment, nothing bad could ever happen to me because you’re there.” The devoted plea seemed to spill from her heart with fervor as Logan let her words wash over his soul. They soothed and filled him.

  He shoved several of the pillows off of the bed and laid back on one. He held her tightly on his chest and caressed her face tenderly with his hand.

  “I would never let anything bad happen to you.” He whispered for her to go to sleep, that he had her, and that he'd never let her go.


  ~Rainer Lawson~

  Hazy, orange sunshine warmed Rainer’s face as he let his eyes slowly blink open. He pulled Emily tighter into his embrace and let their first night in Paris replay in his mind in slow motion. She’d driven him wild in the restaurant, and they’d enjoyed each other thoroughly, when they’d returned to their suite.

  Logan’s irritated glare, when they’d parted company last night, flitted through Rainer’s mind. He suspected that he’d seen at least some of Emily’s show at the tower. Rainer grimaced. He wasn’t certain what to say but supposed he should apologize.

  He smiled down at Emily. Her hair was splayed wildly across his bare chest, and he let just a few of his favorite fantasies replay in his mind as he watched her sleep.

  After glancing at the clock on the bedside table, he leaned and kissed Emily’s forehead. Her eyes fluttered open a minute later.

  “Hey there, baby. Did you sleep well?”

  “Mmm hmm,” she moaned as a deeply satisfied grin spread across her face. “Very well.” As he tried to hide his smirk, Rainer kissed the top of her head.

  “They're delivering our breakfast this morning, and I thought maybe I should have on clothes, when I answer the door.” He teased as she yawned deeply. With a mischievous grin, she giggled.

  “I like it better when you don't have clothes on.”

  He shook his head and edged away from her as she scooted back on her own pillow and allowed him to get up and throw on a pair of jeans. She decided to dress as well, in case the room service attendant should come inside the room. She began reciting all of the places she and Adeline planned on going.

  “Hey what did Logan say about the Louvre last night at dinner? You had me all hot and bothered, and I couldn't pay attention.” She laughed with the gleam from the night before still in her eye.

  “There’s a Gifted section in the Louvre, probably lots of stuff about Coulomb.” She huffed which made him chuckle. “But anyway Will told Logan that it’s got some cool stuff, and he wanted to see it, since you can’t go shopping with us today.”

  Rainer bristled. He didn’t want to say what he needed to say. Emily noticed it instantly.

  “Hey, Em, baby, I kind of think we might’ve….” he hemmed, but Emily interrupted.

  “You mean I might’ve hurt Adeline’s feelings last night, because she’s nervous about being here, and I kind of completely ignored her and was a terrible best friend.” She was suddenly riddled with guilt. Rainer wouldn’t have put it quite like that, but he didn’t argue. “I know. I’m going over there to apologize now.” She explained as she pulled on a pair of jeans and an oversized black sweater.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” She leaned up on her tiptoes to brush a kiss across his jaw as she shook her head.

  “No, I screwed up. I mean I loved flirting with you like that and what it led to…” she teased as she glanced back at the bed and the couch in their room. She was clearly recalling the locales of their amorous love making the evening before. Rainer gave her a sly grin. “But I was rude to them. I shouldn’t have done that. I kind of got all caught up in the fact that no one here cares who we are, and I let the freedom of it all and just being in Paris get to me. I need to tell both of them that I’m sorry.” She stated firmly and then marched across the hall.

  Several minutes later, Emily re-entered the room. She looked like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Adeline and Logan followed as the attendant delivered all of their breakfasts. They were supplied with trays of fruit, croissants, and pastries along with rich, dark coffee.

  Logan and Adeline gazed at one another adoringly the entire time they ate, and Rainer assumed they’d enjoyed their first evening at the Ritz as well. He chuckled and punched Logan in the shoulder.

  “So, we still up for the Louvre?”

  Logan smirked.

  “Gee, you remembered. I wasn't sure you would seeing as how you couldn't keep your mind north of you belt at the restaurant last night.” As he bit his lips together, Rainer glanced at Emily who had turned the color of her hair. Neither of them commented as Logan and Adeline laughed at them heartily.

  After the delectable foods were gone, Emily moved to her purse. She wiped off her mouth, with a napkin, as she went.

  “Ok,” she instructed in what Rainer and Logan instantly identified as her bossy tone. “These are the places we're going on the Champs today, in case you need to find us.” Logan grabbed the list and rolled his eyes at his sister as he glanced over it and took a large swig of his coffee.

  “I thought you were going wedding dress shopping?” Though he was harassing his sister, he didn’t look like he cared that much.

  “We are,” the girls insisted. “But we're shopping for other things as well. I mean it's Paris.” Emily insisted. Adeline blushed slightly and then pointed out several stores on the list that Brooke had given Emily.

  “These are lingerie shops, and they’re supposed to be amazing.” She informed Logan and beamed at him as she made her announcement. Logan looked like she’d just made his entire week. While laughing at her outright, Logan waggled his eyebrows.

  “Well take your time then,

  A little while later, Logan and Rainer walked the girls to the Metro, reminded them how to get to the Champs and the other stores nearby, and to watch everyone around them.

  “Be careful and call me, if anything seems off.” Rainer ordered. Emily and Adeline shared an incredulous glance.

  “Yes, Daddy.” Rainer scowled and gagged slightly.

  “Ok, do not ever call me that again.” Emily laughed and kissed his cheek.

  “We will be fine. We’ll call you, if we need you. If not, we’ll see you back in time for tea. Now go have fun.”

  He was being a bit overbearing, Rainer supposed. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her heatedly in the train station, until she wiggled away. She and Adeline boarded the Metro, with a wave.

  Relics of the Louvre Museum

  Logan and Rainer eased out of the underground station and headed towards the Louvre. As it was Saturday, the Parisian sidewalks were teaming with people, all bustling about. Rainer glanced around. He was suddenly feeling edgy as they neared the museum.

  “So, where’s the Gifted area?” Rainer gestured his head forward towards the opulent museum.

  “Oh, Will said it’s in whatever part is shut down. They move it around so the Non-Gifted people don’t get suspicious. They say they’re setting up new displays or whatever. You have to summon to get in.”

  Rainer was thankful that Logan seemed to have forgiven he and Emily for their behavior in the Tower the night before, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched. As they neared the edge of the river, they made their way into the courtyard of the grand museum. They stared up at its majesty. The boys paused momentarily to take it in. The building alone was stunning.

  They climbed the stairs that led to the imposing marble columns. Logan nudged Rainer’s shoulder.

  “Hey, does that guy look familiar to you?” He gestured with his head to a man who'd paused and was glancing around the courtyard. He was studying a map. With a slight headshake, Rainer furrowed his brow. He felt his stomach start to churn as he studied the man. Logan nodded.


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