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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 19

by Jillian Neal

  “I could've sworn he was at the Tower last night, at the restaurant.” While he collected his thoughts, Logan shuddered briefly. “Not that you remember anyone or anything in that restaurant. My sister's got you eating right out of her hand.” He goaded with a disgusted smirk.

  Certain that he had no defense for his behavior the night before, Rainer decided to raise the white flag, or at least make Logan think he was. He gave a sheepish nod and willed away his reddened cheeks.

  “Yeah, she does. I can't help it. I'm head over heels. She drives me crazy, and when we get started she does this thing with her…”

  “Ah geez,” Logan nearly shouted as he slapped his hands over his ears and scowled at Rainer. “I do not want to know! Stop talking now!” He demanded. Rainer cracked up as Logan had fallen right into the trap he'd set.

  Rainer glanced back again as they reached the entrance, but the man Logan had pointed out wasn't in the courtyard anymore. He looked around, but he didn't see him anywhere. It was almost like he'd disappeared. After chuckling at Logan, who was still shooting him infuriated glares, Rainer advanced to the entrance stairs and allowed Logan to enter ahead of him.

  They followed crowds, of tourists and Parisians alike, through the entry of the Louvre Museum. Rainer allowed himself a moment to reflect on how long the building had existed and all of the information it stored. It struck him as he considered the parts of history that his own father had played a part in, and the fact that the American Realm was centuries younger than the French.

  They took a moment to look at a large interactive map, near the entrance. Logan pointed to a wing on the ground floor that read ‘closed for maintenance.’

  “That’s it.” He hissed. Rainer followed him to the closed wing. They waited and allowed several Non-Gifted tourists to pass them by. They turned down the darkened corridor quickly.

  “Je suis desolee….” A guard began, but Logan halted him as he and Rainer cupped their hands. Their brilliant green shield casts spun in their hands. The guard smiled and waved them through.

  They began their journey with statues of great Gifted scientists that had contributed to the Non-Gifted world. Rainer paused in front of a statue of Coulomb. The large, marble figure was surrounded by interactive screens. They all displayed how his law was calculated mathematically and gave examples of how he had, in fact, determined that the force of attraction or repulsion between two point charges is directly proportional to the product of magnitude of each charge and indirectly proportional to the square of distance between them. He pulled his phone from his pocket and chuckled.

  “I shouldn’t do this.” Logan joined in his laughter and urged him on. Rainer snapped a photo of the entire display and texted it to Emily with the message:

  “Your favorite Gifted scientist says to tell you hi, baby.”

  They moved on to a large display on Henry Ford and Rudolf Diesel that they were both drooling over when Emily texted back.

  “We’re in a fabulous wedding dress boutique, and I’m flipping you off.” Rainer laughed heartily. He’d expected nothing less. He and Logan stood enamored, for a long while, just watching the display of different engines running rhythmically.

  There was an entire wall devoted to Tesla, and Rainer and Logan both grimaced as they took in the information. Nickola Tesla was probably one of the most Gifted men to ever live. The time that he lived was his downfall.

  He’d wanted to share the Gift of electricity with the Non-Gifted and had figured out the ways to make that happen. It wouldn’t have cost the Gifted people anything at all, but the powers that be, during those dark days, wanted to lord their powers over the Non-Gifted. They certainly wouldn’t share them with them. They had stifled Tesla at every turn. He’d been beaten, starved, and shamed all at the hands of his own people.

  Finally a hit man had caught up with him in a hotel room in New York City, and, in his weakened state, had stopped his heart from beating and walked away.

  Rainer hated Tesla’s story. It made him sick. He looked away from the large display and saw the man Logan had pointed out in the courtyard earlier. He was whisking away from Rainer quickly.

  After reminding himself that they certainly weren’t the only Gifted people in Paris, and that thousands of Gifted people from around the world visited the city every year, Rainer tried to push away the feeling of dread that kept washing over him.

  As they moved on to the display on Joule and the invention of professional summation, the man was there again. Logan noted him as well, and with a quick glance at one another, they both turned and followed the stranger. Rainer almost caught up with him by cutting down a shorter corridor, but the man disappeared. Logan pointed to his left and they sprinted that direction, but he was nowhere to be found.

  “I’m not picking up on his energy. How did he get in here?” Logan searched the corridor frantically.

  “He’s suppressing it.” Rainer called as he rushed back to the entrance but found nothing at all.

  Rainer phoned Emily to make certain she was all right. She assured him she was and informed him that they were having a ball. Her delight made his heart beat in rhythm again.

  They returned to the Joule display. Rainer snapped pictures of the first Arlington Angels team. They were the first all women’s Summation team in the world, and had fought endlessly to allow women to challenge professionally. To make up for his earlier text, he sent that to Emily as well with the message.

  “These angels aren’t nearly as pretty as mine.” A few minutes later, she texted back a smiley face and informed him she had some surprises for him later. Rainer tried to envision what she might be picking out, but he quickly decided whatever it was, he’d be happy to help her remove it. After a few more displays, with both of them still fretful over the man, Logan complained of hunger.

  “Let’s go get lunch.” Rainer glanced at his watch. It was still early, but he assumed if Adeline and Emily weren’t wedding gown shopping then maybe they’d let he and Logan tag along. They took the twists and turns out of the Gifted section. They were halted by the guard and had to wait several long minutes, until all Non-Gifted people were away from the corridor, before they were allowed to leave.

  They finally emerged into the sunlight outside of the museum. Logan shielded his eyes and glanced around the courtyard. They began walking and stumbled upon a patisserie that was giving out free samples. After tasting a delicious raspberry and cheese filled pastry, they decided to have lunch there.

  They struggled through the menu printed above the counter, but they were able to determine a few sandwiches and soups that looked good. When they approached the counter, Logan attempted to pronounce the sandwich he'd chosen. The owner scowled and shook his head.

  “Just tell me in English.” He demanded. He’d spoken his command in perfect English.

  “Uh sorry,” Logan hesitated but then placed his order. After ordering a chicken sandwich and a bowl of French Onion Soup, one of his favorites, Rainer heard the tinkle of the bell on the door.

  He wasn’t certain why it sounded ominous suddenly. He'd heard it half a dozen times since they'd entered. Rainer turned immediately to see the man that he and Logan were concerned might be following them as he exited the Patisserie.

  As they slid down the counter, Rainer picked up the tray containing his soup and sandwich and a soda. He followed Logan to a table outside as all of the indoor booths were taken.

  It was a brisk day but not too cold to eat outside as long as they stayed in the afternoon sunlight. When they'd found a table, Rainer leaned in.

  “Hey, that guy that we saw in the Louvre just left this Patisserie.” Logan cocked his jaw to the side and narrowed his eyes. He scanned the area methodically.

  “He gives me the creeps. You know?” He admitted as he broadened his search.

  “I know.” Rainer stood up and pretended to have dropped a napkin so he could scan further. There was no sign of the man, but Rainer stomach lurched as he thought that it was ju
st a little too coincidental for them to have seen him so many times.

  He shook his head and tried to remove the morose feeling settling on him. Rainer picked up his sandwich and took a bite. His phone chirped.

  “I found the dress! OMG I love it! It’s perfect! Now, we’re off to find what to wear underneath!” Emily’s text had his heart lurching momentarily. The reality of their wedding cemented in his soul.

  It was just after 12:00. Rainer noticed as he glanced at his watch. He responded to Emily’s text and informed her that he couldn’t wait to see her in it.

  “After we eat, you wanna go check on the girls? Then we can head back to the hotel. Em found her dress.” Rainer informed Logan.

  He looked relieved that Rainer had suggested it as he agreed.

  “Good. Tell her to buy the damn thing, because we’re not doing this them going off by themselves thing anymore.” He huffed. Rainer nodded his agreement.

  After deciding to finish his soup first, as it warded off the breeze, Rainer started in on his chicken sandwich. It was delicious. The croissant was delectable as was the chicken. Logan finished his sandwich quickly and started in on the large pastry he'd ordered.

  Imminent Threat

  As he drew a sip of his soda, Rainer felt the hair on the back of his neck stand. He jerked his head up and swallowed. His eyes flashed dangerously as the man, whom he and Logan kept seeing, seated himself between them.

  “Who the hell are you?” Logan demanded viciously. He cupped his hand and summoned instantly. Rainer followed suit. He glared dangerously at the man.

  With an ominous chuckle, the man smirked.

  “Not nearly as important who I am, as it is who you are, Mr. Haydenshire. Ladies shopping on the Champs today gentlemen?” He asked; although, Rainer and Logan both realized that he already knew the answer. Rainer’s blood ran cold as he clenched his jaw. The man looked familiar, now that he could see his face. He knew he'd seen it somewhere before they'd arrived in Paris.

  “Mr. Lawson…” the man drawled. His French accent did nothing to cover his sinister tone. “Saw the little show your fiancée put on for you last night at the Tower. She's quite a handful isn't she?” Bile flooded Rainer’s throat as he leaned in.

  “Tell me who you are and what the hell you want right now!”

  While ignoring Rainer’s questions thoroughly, the man glared.

  “Yeah, she's wild. I could tell. Wouldn't mind having a piece of that myself.”

  Rainer leapt to his feet. His chair shot backwards as he leaned into the man across the table.

  “I don't know who the hell you think you are, but if you get anywhere near her, I'll kill you.” The man backed away as Logan tried to throw him with a shield. He missed by a millimeter. The guy was fast. The man glared and gave a final quip.

  “Well then, Mr. Lawson, you better hope you find her before I do.”

  Rainer reeled as he and Logan began to chase the man, but he ducked into an alleyway and disappeared.

  “Emily!” Rainer shook from the terror of the realization of what the stranger had just threatened.

  “Come on! Now!” Logan demanded. He drew the list of places the girls were planning on shopping from his pocket. He took off in a furious sprint to the metro. They jumped on the first train headed towards the Champs d'Elysee.

  Rainer harnessed the engine and Logan cooled but the engine was too large for the two of them to speed it up much. Rainer shook his head and tried Emily’s cell.

  “Hi this is Emily. I’m sorry I missed your call…”

  “Dammit!” Rainer ended the call. They exited and sprinted down the enormous street. Logan pointed to the first place on the list. It was a bridal shop, and after bustling through the store they quickly determined that the girls weren't there.

  “Who the hell was that?” Logan heaved as he sprinted.

  “I don't know!” Desperation shook Rainer’s voice.

  “What are we going to do when we find them?” Logan threw open the door to the next store on the list. Rainer tried to think.

  “We'll go back to the Ritz, keep them safe, and call Vindico. We can't arrest him here. We have to contact the French Iodex office.” Logan moved quickly through racks of clothes then shook his head as he pointed to a row of dressing rooms.

  They rushed towards them, and Rainer realized what he was about to do. He caught Logan’s shoulder and gasped for breath.

  “Logan, we can't just search women's dressing rooms.”

  While terror and fury pulsed through his shield, Rainer yelled, “Emily!”

  No one answered so they moved on. Logan frantically threw his head side to side as they exited and pointed to the next store on the list, a block away.

  They sprinted into what appeared to be a jewelry store. They almost knocked down a sales woman who scowled at them angrily. They took no time to apologize. They scooted by the woman and searched the jewelry store.

  “They’re not here either!” Frustration perforated Logan’s already angry tone.

  They moved with acridity through several more stores. Rainer swallowed the bile that rose in his throat as images of Serena after she'd been taken flooded his brain.

  “We have to find them now!” He screeched. He tried Emily’s cell again as he ran. She didn’t answer.

  Logan pointed to a large store in the center of the next block. Rainer followed Logan inside.

  Lingerie Store Hell

  “Mr. Haydenshire, Mr. Lawson…” a very well dressed saleswoman, with her hair done up in a sophisticated twist, gushed. “We were so hoping you both would come in and help Miss Parker and Miss Haydenshire pick out a few things.”

  She chuckled as Rainer and Logan attempted to catch their breath enough to speak. They clutched at the stitches in their sides.

  The sales clerk seemed to have mistaken their lack of verbal acknowledgment for confusion. She smiled broadly.

  “Well, you two are rather famous here in Paris as well. Such beautiful girls your fiancées are. I was so pleased they stopped in today. We've been helping them select things you might like, but now that you’re here you can help them decide.” Rainer stammered and gasped.

  “Wait, they're here now?” He started through the store.

  The woman was taken aback by his tone.

  “Oui, yes they're just in the back there.” She pointed to a large curtained area of the store. Rainer nodded and tried to console himself with the fact that she was here and she was safe.

  He hustled to the room the woman had indicated. Logan was right behind him as Rainer threw back the curtain and ran in. An audible gasp evulsed from Adeline’s mouth as it hung open in shock.

  Emily and Adeline were standing in, what Rainer now realized, was a dressing room. They were also wearing the raciest lingerie Rainer had ever laid eyes on. He was simultaneously overwhelmed as he stared at Emily in black leather, and hot pink lace with bows and ties. There were tiny satin ruffles and leather pasties covering her nipples. The see-through G-string completed the confusing ensemble.

  He was also thoroughly embarrassed as Adeline was standing in something equally as see-through and ruffled and leather and clearly meant for Logan’s eyes only.

  Rainer spun quickly and spluttered.

  “Adeline, I'm so sorry!” He covered his eyes even though he'd turned around. He didn't know what else to do. Logan spun as well, and as Rainer opened one eye slightly he took in Logan staring at him with fury emanating from his glare as red energy pulsed from him acridly.

  With a slight headshake, Logan growled.

  “Get dressed! We have to get you out of here.” Still stunned by their interruption, Emily gasped.

  “What are you doing here?” Her embarrassment was evident even though Rainer couldn't see her face.

  “Just get dressed, please.” Rainer pled. “Then we'll tell you everything, but we have to get you out of here.”

  “Why?” Emily ordered. “We aren't finished shopping.”

� Logan screeched. “Just get some fucking clothes on.” His tone had her huffing. She jerked the curtain back as she did what he asked. Rainer glanced back at Logan again. He felt the blood flood in his cheeks as he stammered.

  “Logan, I'm so sorry. You know I didn't mean to. I had no idea.” As he glared hatefully at Rainer, Logan seemed unable to speak. He tried to think of a way to make Logan understand that he hadn't enjoyed seeing Adeline dressed like that, without offending Adeline. Rainer swallowed hard.

  “Logan, you have been my best friend since I was born.” He paused and dropped his voice to an audible whisper. He tried to sound reassuring.

  “I didn't want to see her like that. I don't ever want to see her like that, ever. Please Logan, you have to believe me.”

  “Whatever,” Logan seethed. “Just shut up for a little while ok.” Rainer pursed his lips and willed the girls to dress quickly. The saleswoman who'd greeted Logan and Rainer whisked back and called through the curtain.

  “How did those work ladies? I bet the boys loved them.” As he squeezed his eyes shut tightly, Rainer wanted to melt into the floor.

  “Uh,” Adeline stammered. “Well, I uh think we'll just get the things we'd already selected, and uh save these for another time.” She sounded mortified which only seemed to further infuriate Logan.

  While he glanced at her overly long fingernails, painted a garish red, the sales woman clicked.

  “That’s fine. I've got everything packaged for you. Will you be paying in cash or shall we bill your account ladies?” She smiled broadly at Rainer who gave her a half glimpse before returning his gaze to the floor.

  “We’ll just pay in cash.” Emily’s voice shook violently as she replied. The saleswoman turned back to Rainer and Logan.

  “Mr. Haydenshire, did you see her in the black waspie? Wasn't she simply exquisite?” Certain he had died and gone to some kind of lingerie store hell, Rainer rubbed his forehead.


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