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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 20

by Jillian Neal

  “Uh, we're kind of in a hurry. Could you just take care of whatever they're buying?” He assumed he was probably purple in his embarrassment. Logan seemed to convulse from his fury.

  “Why did you take so long to turn around?” He demanded in an infuriated hiss. As Rainer had taken less than three seconds to turn, he glared at Logan and declared what he considered to be obvious.

  “I was looking at Emily!”

  With another audible huff, Logan threw his arms in the air.

  “Oh come on, Logan!” Rainer galled. “She's my fiancée. Are you really angry that I saw her like that, or are you mad I saw Adeline? You can't have it both ways.”

  Logan crossed his arms over his chest and glared balefully at Rainer. He turned his back to Adeline as the girls exited the dressing room loaded down with bags from other stores. They were both the color of overly ripe strawberries.

  While trying desperately to focus on the reason they'd entered the store in the first place, Rainer breathed.

  “Let's just get out of here.”

  “No!” The girls shrieked and then glanced around to see who might've heard their outburst. Emily continued in a lower tone.

  “You tell us why you're here, now!” Rainer tried not to lose his temper as he explained.

  “Logan and I thought we were being followed today at the Louvre, and we were. The guy came up to us at lunch and threatened to take you, if I didn't get to you first. We need to go back to the Ritz and call Vindico. I need to know who the hell he is, and I need to talk to the Iodex officers here.”

  The sales woman returned. She was carrying two large, pink bags, each tied with a black bow, and handed Adeline’s purchases to Logan and Emily’s to Rainer.

  “Enjoy,” she cooed as her eyes flashed excitedly. They each gave a single nod, took the bags, and exited the store.

  Logan seemed to focus solely on getting everyone to safety as he took Adeline’s hand.

  “Are you sure we should go back to the Ritz? They probably know where we’re staying.” He challenged Rainer.

  “I don’t know anywhere else to go. I can call Vindico from here, but we’re still all out in the open. I’d probably have to cast the phone. Someone could clone it. There’s just too many people everywhere.” Rainer concluded.

  “We could go to Brooke’s mom’s house?” Emily offered hopefully; though, Rainer noted the aggrieved notes in her voice.

  “I don’t know how to get there, and the directions are in the room.” Rainer lamented.

  “Let’s just go.” Logan commanded and with that they took off to the nearest Metro station. Rainer and Logan paced around the girls and studied every person on the Metro car they were in. Neither had a gun. The new regulations, imposed by Peterson no less, Rainer thought with a great deal of irritation, said they couldn’t fly with them.

  They reached the stop for the Ritz and each took the girl’s hands as they leapt in a furious sprint. They dodged around people, carts, dogs, and strollers as they raced the steps of the hotel. A sense of impending doom settled harshly in the pit of Rainer’s stomach. He ignored glares of the faces flying by.

  Rainer summoned instantly and brought an already traveling elevator back to the ground floor. They rushed on, and Logan raised his cupped hand. The elevator rocketed to the twelfth floor.

  Steady streaming tears ran down Emily’s sweet face. The impending threat coupled with Logan seeing her in the racy lingerie was almost more than she could bear.

  As he tried to swallow down the pain of watching her ache, Rainer knew that his seeing Adeline like that did nothing to soothe her as well. With his heart racing and terror pulsing through his veins, Rainer forced the doors open quickly.


  “Very impressive, Mr. Lawson.” Rainer instantly recognized the accent and the threatening drawl.

  “You want to do this? Let’s go! You won’t win. I’ll kill you.” Rainer spat venomously. They moved like a well-oiled machine. Logan instantly threw his cast over the girls while Rainer summoned more of his own power and shot a fluid heat filled spark of electricity at the man’s heart.

  “Whoa!” The guy screeched. He leapt to the floor and threw a powerful shield. He deflected Rainer’s cast. Whoever he was, he was one hell of a Shield. Rainer had only seen one other Shield that was faster; he was almost as quick as Vindico.

  His heart raced as his cast seared a small hole in the wall and shattered a vase on a table nearby. Rainer turned to cast again, but the man stood and held up his hands.

  With fury in her emerald eyes, Emily summoned and ordered Logan to release his shield cast. Everyone in the hallway tried to shield their eyes from the brilliant burning light of her cast with the ring.

  “Ok stop!” The man pled. “Please, just let me tell you who I am. Here…” he lifted his hand gun from its holster and held it between his thumb and index finger. “I’m going to give Officer Lawson my gun, and Officer Haydenshire, I’ll even let you pat me down. I don’t have any other weapons.” Rainer took the gun and turned it on the man. He chambered a round and racked the slide in a second flat. The man was a weapon in and of himself.

  Logan shoved the man up against the wall and patted down rather forcefully, which he allowed. Logan withdrew a badge from the man’s shirt pocket. He flipped it open and studied it momentarily.

  “This a fake?” He demanded. Rainer caught a glimpse of the Elite French Iodex Captain’s badge.

  “I don’t want to do this.” The man quoted Rainer’s threat. “Certainly not with the two of you and her with that ring.” He chuckled. “The way Danny brags about you two, and I see I was mistaken in my assumption that he might’ve made a hasty decision when he appointed you two to Elite Iodex.” He confessed.

  Utter exhaustive confusion rocked through Rainer. The man continued.

  “I’m Jean Paul Fitzroy. I am Captain of Elite Iodex here in France.” He gestured to the badge in Logan’s hand. “I went through Special ops training with Dan in the states. He’s one of my best friends. We tracked the largest of Wretchkinside’s instillations here in Paris and worked tirelessly to bring it down. Dan would fly back and forth all the time to see Amelia, but in the midst of all of our work I fell in love with the city and with the woman who is now my wife.” The man explained fervently. “So, I took a job with Iodex here, and then Amelia was killed.” Fitzroy shuddered slightly. His pain was evident in his tone. “I was a pallbearer in the funeral. I’m sure you’ve probably already figured out that Dan hasn’t handled her death well. I love him like a brother, but he’s consumed with his hate and revenge for Wretchkinsides. I was concerned when he hired you on, fresh out of the academy.”

  “Why?” Rainer demanded. He was still furious.

  “Well, I don’t know, Mr. Lawson. The last pictures I saw of you, you had your hands up her skirt and your tongue in her navel.” Fitzroy shot back instantly. Rainer bristled but couldn’t deny the argument. “Dan kept insisting that you were phenomenal officers. The best he has, save your brother.” Fitzroy nodded to Logan and Emily. “I just didn’t see it. You’re too young, not seasoned enough, but you proved me wrong.” Fitzroy gestured to the still smoking hole in the wall of the Paris Ritz. “I’ll get that taken care of for you.” Fitzroy grimaced slightly. He turned back to them and continued.

  “But I needed to see it, before I handed the evidence I’ve collected over to you. It’s taken me years to put some of this together, and I’m not handing it over to some kid who’s going to set it down in the chair beside him, while he makes out with his girlfriend in an airport lounge.” He was smiling as he laid out why he’d done what he’d done. “Please accept my fervent apologies for what I did and what I said.” He gestured to Emily. Her brow knitted as her chin trembled slightly.

  “What did you say?” She demanded in a heart broken plea. Fitzroy gave her a wry smile, winked at her, and shook his head. “But we do have a slight problem.” His smile faded quickly.

  “Oh yeah. What’s that?�
�� Logan still looked thoroughly irritated.

  “Wretchkinsides sent a snatch and grab team along with a hit team led by Ferratus into the country, just a few hours after you arrived. So, I’m certain you can see where this is going, Officer Haydenshire, let me be the first to congratulate you on your recently extended trip to Paris and Mr. Lawson, let me be the first to console you on the fact that you’ll be leaving a day early.”

  Conrad Ferratus had recently executed the hit on one of the German Realm Governors. He’d thought a job of that magnitude meant he deserved to be promoted within the Interfeci. He’d apparently mouthed off about wanting to take Cascavel’s place as the top hit man. Only he’d been sloppy and had left evidence behind that had led the German Iodex to Wretchkinsides.

  Since then, Iodex officers around the world had been on high alert to discover what was going to happen to Ferratus. Rainer assumed that pulling off the removal of the evidence Fitzroy had collected, and perhaps disposing of he and Logan, might buy him back into Wretchkinside’s good graces. He nodded his defeat as air laced with irritation left Logan’s lungs in a huff.

  “Dan gave me each of your cell numbers, before you flew out here, should anything go awry. You’ll be meeting me at the time, and airport gate, that I text to you in two days time. I’ll send one piece of the information to each of your phones. Do not respond to the texts in any way.” Fitzroy explained. Everyone nodded their understanding.

  “You won’t need to rush on your departure day.” Fitzroy stated cryptically to let them know that they would be leaving Monday night probably late. “I’m sorry to ask, but could we, uh…?” He gestured to Rainer and Emily’s suite.

  “Oh, of course.” Rainer unlocked the door and allowed everyone in. The maids had been in to make the bed, and Rainer was thankful that Emily had picked up the nightie she’d worn for him the night before.

  “I’m running a sting tomorrow at Charles de Gaulle.” Fitzroy explained as soon as Rainer had closed the door. “They know your return tickets were for tomorrow afternoon. I’ll have Elite Iodex everywhere. We’ll see if we can’t take down the team he sent in.” He stated hopefully. “You’ll actually be flying back separately. I’ve divided the evidence and heavily encrypted it. You will have to have both thumb drives to access information on either. So, Logan, you and Miss Parker will fly back about twenty minutes before Rainer and your sister.”

  “Good,” Logan threw another hateful glare at Rainer. His tone visibly confused Fitzroy as Rainer felt his heart sink rapidly. Fitzroy continued with a slight shrug.

  “Like I said, I am sorry about today, but I had to know you were really the men for this job.” With morose nods, after the day they’d had, no one spoke for a moment. Emily drew a steadying breath and raised her head. She had been raised in a governing family, after all.

  “Uh, Mr. Fitzroy, sir, we’re having tea in the Salon downstairs in a little while. Would you care to join us?” She offered sweetly. Fitzroy smiled.

  “No, thank you, Miss Haydenshire. I don’t want to intrude on anymore of your trip, and please call me Fitz everyone does. I will talk with Henri. He runs the tea salon. I’ll see that you get the best table in the house. It’s the least I can do. Uh, could I ask you one more question?” Fitz urged. Rainer nodded.

  “Do you have any idea how Wretchkinsides knew you were coming to Paris? Did you discuss it outside of work? Are you certain your phones aren’t cloned.”

  “We never discussed it. I didn’t say a word about it until her birthday. I was afraid someone would tell her. Maybe someone figured out who I was or what I was doing when I booked the flights. I rarely cast my phone. I know it could be cloned.” Rainer shrugged dejectedly. Fitz nodded his understanding.

  “Well, why don’t I get a few officers to hang out in the lobby so I make certain you’re safe while you have tea. After that, it would really be better if you stayed in your room until I determine how much Ferratus knows about where you are. I’ve had men all over here today, and it doesn’t appear that he knows where you’re staying. They’ve called no doubt, but the Ritz is an impeccable hotel. They would never give the names of their guests to anyone.”

  “We’ll be fine.” Logan vowed. Rainer nodded his agreement. He didn’t want escorts to tea. Fitz shrugged.

  “You’re a fierce team to be certain. Just keep them safe.” He gestured to the girls. “And I think I’ll keep several guys patrolling around here, just in case.” A moment later, he was bidding them good-bye, after Rainer returned his pistol and Logan returned his badge.

  While trying to let the information he’d just been informed of and the events of the day settle in his brain, Rainer watched as Logan followed Fitzroy out of their suite and stalked quickly into his own. Adeline had followed. She looked terror stricken as she’d given Emily a sorrowful gaze.

  The bags Emily had been carrying fell to the floor as she curled up in a ball in their bed. She buried her face in one of the pillows, and to Rainer’s horror she began to sob uncontrollably.

  “Baby,” he rushed to her and wrapped his body around hers. He had no idea what to say to make any of this better. His mind raced. He assumed she was more upset about the dressing room than about their trip being cut short. Complimenting her on what he’d seen her in seemed like the wrong thing to say, but his brain kept offering that up feebly. He had to acknowledge what had happened.

  “Em, baby, shhh.” He soothed. “Please don’t cry. I'm so sorry. I just… I mean… I thought he was really after you. I thought he worked for Wretchkinsides. I knew I recognized him. I thought it was from Vindico’s office wall. I didn't even realize what store we were in.” Rainer willed her to believe him.

  “I know,” she choked with her tears still flowing in sheets over her beautiful face. She shook her head convulsively. “You weren't supposed to see that.”

  “Ok,” Rainer soothed. He rubbed her back and caressed her head with his hands. He had no idea what to say but wondered who was meant to see the extremely naughty lingerie, if not him.

  “Ugh,” she groaned. “I cannot believe that is when you two busted in!”

  “I'm sorry,” Rainer offered again. She sat up and shook her head dejectedly. She allowed him to wipe away a few of her tears.

  “It was a joke. We dared each other to try on the raciest things in the store. I can't believe you saw me in that.” Her eyes flashed. “I can't believe you saw her in that.”

  With that declaration, she fell back on her pillow and buried her face.

  “I swear Em I really only saw you. I mean I saw her, but I was looking at you. I didn't want to see her.” He tried to be truthful. She’d been standing right there. Obviously she knew what he'd seen.

  “Oh my gosh. Logan saw me in that!” She whimpered, as her blush grew more violent. Rainer smiled down at her and brushed her damp hair away from her face.

  “Trust me, Logan was only looking at her.” She was clearly desperate to believe what he was saying to her. Her chin began to quiver again.

  Rainer laid back down beside her and pulled her onto his chest.

  “I know it was only a joke…” He kissed her head. “…but you looked amazing. If Adeline hadn't been standing there, believe me, I would never have turned around.” She clung to him with force and unburied her face.

  “I bought a few things. Nothing quite so…” she blushed violently as she tried to come up with a word to describe what she’d been wearing. She settled on “…outlandish, though.” She returned to her hideaway in his chest. He chuckled and stroked her hair.

  “Good, because although you looked stunning in all of that. I had no idea how exactly to get you out of it, and I really wanted to get you out of it.”

  Finally giving a small laugh, she shook her head at him.

  Rainer decided a slight subject change might help.

  “Did you buy the gown, sweetheart?” She’d been carrying several bags, but he didn’t think any of them were large enough for a wedding gown.

“No,” Emily whispered. “I found it, and I love it, but I'm supposed to go back tomorrow to try it on again to make sure it's the one. Then we can take it back with us so mom can make the alterations.” Rainer smiled. He was suddenly overwhelmed as he thought of her dressed all in white and walking towards him on her father's arm.

  Talking about the dress seemed to dry her tears, and her eyes lit with excitement as a contented grin spread across her face. Not wanting to ruin the momentary reprieve from her day, Rainer knew he had to go ahead with his warning.

  “Em, baby I don't think you and Adeline can go back tomorrow. Not alone; not with Wretchkinside’s teams here.” Her face fell and tears welled in her eyes again. Rainer felt like someone had sucker punched him.

  “Rainer,” she fumed. “I have to go back. They're holding the dress for me. That's the dress I want.” Rainer held up his hands and reassured.

  “Ok, ok. I know. I didn't say you couldn't go back at all, but maybe Logan would be willing to go with you, just until they get that evidence home, or I'm sure, seeing what he put us through today, Fitzroy would probably give you an escort to the store. I'd be happy to go. I could stay outside. I swear I wouldn't look at the dress. I would never take that away from you, Em. You know that.” She nodded, but that wasn’t at all what she wanted.

  “I can take care of myself.” She spoke her defiance weakly. He’d heard her utter that phrase so many times growing up it always made him smile. She did point to the ring as he nodded.

  “I know that, Em, but I also know that until that evidence is out of the country and in Vindico’s hands, we're all in a lot of danger.” The thought occurred to him that the reason Emily hadn’t picked up on Fitzroy the night before at the tower was because he’d never summoned black energy. He’d never used his energy to harm another. He was one of the good guys.

  With a dejected glance at the door, Rainer knew he had to go talk to Logan. Emily picked up on his nerves immediately.

  “You gonna go talk to him?” She reached and touched his forearm. Her soothing Receiver’s cast worked through his arm and into his heart.


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