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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 25

by Jillian Neal

  “Just take her to get the dress, Fitz.” He huffed.

  “How long is she going to take?” Logan whined as soon as Fitzroy checked the shop thoroughly and then escorted the girls inside. Rainer could see him as he took post in the entryway to wait. Vindico rolled his eyes.

  “I would assume the approximate time it takes girls to buy, what they definitely consider, the most important dress of their lives.”

  Rainer nodded his agreement.

  “It’s her wedding gown. Blow off, man. She can take as long as she damn well pleases.”

  “Geez,” Logan spat. “I know you got laid last night so what is your problem?” Rainer shook his head. He hadn’t meant to take out his bad mood on Logan, but he was shocked Logan made that kind of quip in front of Vindico. Their boss was laughing heartily and didn’t seem to mind.

  “I don’t know,” he sighed. “My uncle and whatever the hell he’s up to, and everything else that’s gone disastrously wrong on this trip.”

  Vindico’s brow furrowed.

  “Hey, even with all of the crap that’s happened, she’s completely thrilled.” He gestured his head into the shop. Logan changed his tune as well.

  “You wanted her to pick out the dress, and she did. We don’t have to go on anymore shopping excursions up and down the Eastern Seaboard. So, all in all, not too bad, right?” Logan urged hopefully. Rainer tried to focus on the good instead of everything that had gone so horribly wrong.

  Two men approached in French Iodex uniforms. Vindico bristled instantly.

  “Chief Vindico, sir. How are you?” One of the men spoke kindly. The other said nothing and appeared annoyed to be there.

  “I’m fine Oliver, how are you?” Vindico offered politely.

  “Very good sir. Uh, have you met Officer Malden? He’s a new hire. I was just showing him this beat. Captain Fitzroy said you’d be here this morning.” Oliver explained.

  “We’ve met.” Vindico sneered. “Uh, these are two of my top officers, Lawson and Haydenshire.” He introduced. Rainer and Logan offered polite smiles. Rainer couldn’t figure out why Malden looked so uncomfortable. Something about him seemed almost familiar. With another kind wave from Oliver, he and Malden continued on their way.

  Logan waited until they were out of earshot.

  “Why don’t you like that guy, Malden or whatever?” He leapt.

  “I don’t know, Haydenshire. He bugs me. He has since Fitz hired him. He’s a pompous prick and that’s sort of my gig, so maybe that’s it.” Vindico chuckled. Rainer laughed; though, he would never have agreed.

  Suddenly Adeline stuck her head out of the plate glass front door of the shop. “Rainer, Emily needs you.” Rainer wasn’t certain what to do.

  “Why? What’s wrong? I’m not supposed to go in there.” He had been given very specific instructions, after all. With a slight giggle, Adeline beamed at him. “She’s not still in the gown, oh, but Rainer it’s magical. She looks resplendent.” Logan chuckled at her exuberance. “They just need you to sign something. I think.” Adeline assured him.

  “Oh ok,” Rainer drew a deep breath as he edged up the stairs to the shop. Upon entering, Rainer thought he’d stepped into some kind of alternate universe. He was assaulted by pink carpeting and walls with massive gilded mirrors hung every few feet. Bright lighting illuminated every space and made sweat dew on the back of his neck. Every available surface was covered in silk, satin, and lace. The fragrance of roses and baby’s breath seemed to permeate the air. Rainer froze. He wasn’t certain which direction he was supposed to turn.

  An older woman with her jet-black hair tucked into a tight bun approached.

  “Monsieur Lawson, je presume?” She drawled.

  “Uh… oui,” Rainer offered. After placing her hand on Rainer’s shoulder, she led him to the center of the white lace, womblike area. Emily was standing at an antique desk. She looked concerned.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Rainer prayed nothing had happened with her gown. He wasn’t sure how much more bad news she could endure.

  “Well, nothing really. It’s just there was some kind of security breech at the Senate Bank, and I don’t have the other checkbooks. So, they need both of our signatures on all purchases over a hundred dollars. It’s… uh… it’s over a hundred dollar.” She stammered hesitantly. Rainer chuckled.

  “I kind of assumed it would be, sweetheart.” As Rainer added his signature under Emily’s for the money to be withdrawn from their account, he assumed that either Mr. Buffett or Will had probably tried to alert him as to the breach. He’d turned his old phone off for good, after he’d received the fake text from Fitzroy the night before. No one but Emily had his new number. Rainer had secured their suite at the Ritz for an additional night so Emily had the dress sent there. Utter elation filled her eyes as she glided along the streets of Paris beside him. The delight he felt from her as he held her hand instantly made everything that had gone wrong seem to fall away as he reveled in her exhilaration.

  Vindico and Fitzroy waved their goodbyes as soon as the dress had been purchased. They had an hour to get to the airport and try to take down Ferratus. Rainer had never seen Vindico more focused.

  “Stay out in public. Shop, eat, whatever. Stay away from the hotel and stay together until I let you know what happened.” Vindico commanded. Rainer and Logan agreed instantly. Fitzroy fell in line beside Vindico and something about their armored drive had Rainer certain that the Interfeci was going to lose a few key members that afternoon.

  The Parisian air lightened around them. Possibility and hopefulness sprung in Rainer’s soul. Maybe they could have a day to themselves to just enjoy one another. Maybe their vacation wasn’t completely ruined. He would worry about Stan when they returned home. He turned to gaze at Emily. She wore a replete smile. Excitement and curiosity lit in her emerald eyes as she took in the enchantment and allure of the city before them.

  Confessions of Adeline Parker

  With a quick conversation, both Logan and Rainer vowed to take the girls anywhere they wanted to go. The girls had a ball in the perfumeries and in pharmacies that contained more beauty products and potions than either Logan or Rainer had ever seen before.

  Adeline had fussed over the price of a perfume she’d admired, and Logan had quickly purchased.

  “I only said it smelled really good not ‘please buy it for me immediately.’” She lamented as they walked to a boulangerie for lunch. Logan scoffed and kissed the side of her head.

  “Yes, but you would never say ‘please buy this for me’ about anything, so I took ‘wow that smells amazing’ as your way of saying ‘Hey Logan get off your ass and buy your fiancée some perfume.’”

  “Thank you.” Adeline wrapped her arms around Logan’s neck and squeezed him tightly, just outside of the restaurant. “I still can’t even believe I’m here and that you got me French perfume.” She squealed slightly. Rainer and Emily shared a grin. Logan looked thoroughly delighted that he’d been able to spoil Adeline, even just a little.

  “And we got loads of French lingerie, and you got that amazing skirt, yesterday.” Emily added excitedly as Rainer held the door open for everyone.

  “I know, and you got the most gorgeous wedding dress I’ve ever seen.” Adeline added. Both girls were on the brink of jumping up and down. It hadn’t been lost on either Rainer or Logan that their hotel suites were full to bursting with bags from the Champs. They’d joked at the amount the girls had accomplished in one day’s time.

  “Are you going to go back and get those boots?” Adeline quizzed Emily. Rainer and Logan led them to a table and tried to pry the girl’s from their fashion conquests, just long enough for them to tell them what they’d like to eat.

  Logan and Rainer both felt terrible that their jobs and Wretchkinsides had put such a pall on their trip. They were anxious for the girls to do anything they wanted, before they all had to head home the next day.

  “If you want boots, baby, let’s go get them.” Rainer urged
, after ordering his and Emily’s food.

  “I don’t know. They were kind of expensive.” Emily hemmed. “I still can’t believe I walked into one Parisian bridal boutique and found the dress that has been in my head since I was eight.” Emily continued to gush.

  “Yeah, but we looked at so many at home you really knew what you wanted.” Adeline reminded her after thanking the waiter for her water.

  “That’s true. I’m sorry about that.” Emily felt bad that she’d dragged Adeline to so many stores, before they’d come to Paris. Adeline smiled at her sweetly.

  “I loved going to all of the wedding dress shops. I mean, you always knew you’d get married, since you were little. I never thought anyone would want to marry me, so I never thought about what kind of dress I would want or anything.” Logan looked crestfallen.

  “Adeline,” he stunned. “How could you say something like that? How could you think something like that?” Adeline’s face colored rapidly.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t mean it like that. I just never really thought about it, I guess. I mean you really are my knight in shining armor. It just seemed like too much to ever really hope that someone would want to rescue me. I guess I just always assumed I’d have to rescue myself.” She tried to form her deep childhood fears into words. The effect had the entire table choked up.

  As he shook his head in stunned disbelief, Logan wrapped his arms around her tightly and began whispering reassurances in her ear that had Adeline beaming. Emily and Rainer politely looked away and pretended to talk about the stunning Parisian architecture.

  Several minutes later, their lunches arrived and everyone ate in silence. Adeline continued to glance Logan’s way coyly and with a hint of flirtation. She couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off of him. Whatever Logan had whispered in her ear had made her entire day.

  Logan and Rainer’s new cell phones chirped. Logan sighed and fished his from his pocket as Rainer did the same.

  “Now, I’ve got to go in and reset all of my ringtones.” He lamented. Rainer turned the screen on as he recalled that Logan’s last text tone had been the Venton fight chant. Delighted smiles broadcast quickly from Logan and Rainer’s faces.

  “What?” Emily urged excitedly. They were texts from Vindico.

  “Thought I’d send you some pics you wouldn’t mind showing around. I plan on making Monahan my wallpaper.” Was the message and the pictures were of Ferratus, three other scowling men, that Rainer assumed were the rest of the snatch and grab team, and Dedric Monahan, another of Wretchkinside’s underbosses. He was the one that ran most of the Interfeci operations in Belgium. They were all behind bars in what Rainer assumed must be the French Senate building.

  “Damn, they’re badass!”” Logan admired Vindico and Fitzroy’s work. Rainer nodded his agreement.

  “Yeah, when they worked together they must’ve been unstoppable.” Rainer tried to imagine Vindico and Fitzroy being a partnered team. Another text came through a moment later.

  “Try to enjoy the rest of your day. Sorry for all the trouble, and Fitz wants me to offer you four tickets to the Moulin Rouge show tonight. Maddie was a dancer when she and Fitz met so she can get tickets whenever she wants. He feels badly about all he put you through yesterday. He felt worse after I yelled at him for an hour last night, but anyway I’d take her up on it. It’s a very Parisian show to see. Headed back to D.C now. See you tomorrow. Just text Fitz and let him know,” was the parting line along with Fitzroy’s cell number.

  “Wow a show?” Emily’s eyes lit excitedly. Rainer chuckled as he studied Logan and Adeline. He’d done a great deal of research for this trip. He knew what kind of show took place at the Moulin Rouge, but it didn’t appear that any of his travel companions did.

  “Uh, baby, I’m not sure you’re going to be comfortable at the Moulin Rouge.” He hemmed hesitantly. Truthfully, he wasn’t certain where Emily would stand on topless dance shows, but he suspected she would consider them not too many steps up from the Tantra.

  “Why?” She quizzed instantly.

  “Well,” Rainer considered. His eyes landed on a brochure display just outside of the boulangerie. “Hang on a sec.” He scooted from the booth and out the front door. It took him less than a second to find a brochure for the Moulin Rouge, as it was an extremely popular tourist attraction. He carried the brochure back to the table. “Because….” He handed the paper to Emily.

  Still giving him a quizzical smile, she flipped open the tri-folded paper. Her eyes goggled instantly as her mouth fell open.

  “Oh,” she choked. Rainer was unable to contain his laughter. “Wow!” She handed the brochure to Logan who took one glance at it and closed it immediately.

  “But there were kids in the audience of those pictures?” Emily stunned. Rainer took a quick bite of the soup that had been placed at his seat during his absence.

  “That’s just not a big deal here like it is at home. I don’t think.” Rainer explained. Adeline had perused the brochure as well and giggled slightly at Logan’s reaction.

  “So, if Fitzroy’s wife used to be a dancer how do we turn them down politely?” Rainer was impressed at the lack of judgment in Emily’s concern. Rainer thought for a few minutes then shrugged.

  “I’ll just tell them we had other plans, since it’s our last night in Paris, but thank them for the invite.”

  “She must be beautiful.” Adeline vowed wistfully.

  “All the women here are beautiful. I’m starting to get a complex.” Emily huffed. Logan and Rainer rolled their eyes.

  “Have you seen every single French male we’ve walked by check you two out?” Rainer quickly pointed out. This observation seemed to delight Emily, but it embarrassed Adeline.

  After lunch, everyone decided that since Vindico and Fitzroy had taken care of the imminent threats that the couples would part ways until dinner.

  Adeline wanted to see the displays on Gifted medicine in the Louvre, Rainer and Emily were planning on visiting a few of the smaller museums and sights and to do some more shopping.

  Emily informed her brother and her best friend that she and Rainer were going to make out in important locations throughout Paris and perhaps purchase the boots she’d seen the day before.

  “Hey, what they’re doing sounds like way more fun.” Logan had teased Adeline. She’d rolled her eyes and giggled.

  “Well, we can do that too, after we go to the Louvre.” She’d assured him.

  Thoroughly Paris

  They returned several hours later after exploring all of Paris’s grandeur. They showered, and Rainer pulled on another dress shirt and tie along with his slacks. He reclined on the bed and watched a French soccer game, though he understood none of what the announcers were screaming, while he waited on Emily to emerge from the bathroom.

  She appeared a few minutes later and spun for Rainer as his mouth dropped.

  “Wow!” He exclaimed.

  “Too much?” She instantly began biting her lip. She was wearing a purple button down shirt with several of the top buttons unclasped and a mini-skirt. To top it all off she had on the long, brown, high-heeled boots that zipped past her knee that they’d purchased a few hours before. A large portion of her thigh was visible, and Rainer had to remind himself not to drool.

  “Uh, wow,” he stammered again. He began thinking about unbuttoning the rest of the buttons on her shirt and reaching his hands under the skirt. She blushed.

  “So you like it?” She somehow seemed unsure.

  “Uh yeah, baby. You look gorgeous, but I'm absolutely certain that we should just stay in.” Emily rolled her eyes as she pulled him towards the door.

  “We just did that this afternoon.” She teased.

  “Uh, you say that like that means I shouldn’t want to do it again now?” He feigned confusion.

  “No, I’m just saying I’ll take good care of you when we get back. It is our last night in the most romantic city in the world.” After giving her a hungry growl, they moved out i
nto the hallway to wait on Logan and Adeline.

  Rainer began telling her how luscious she looked and earned himself several kisses. They were rather involved in each other when Rainer heard Adeline giggle. Emily spun as heat began a slow creep up her neck and settled in her cheeks.

  “Oh… uh sorry. We were just waiting on you.”

  “Uh huh,” Logan rolled his eyes. Adeline and Emily both squealed excitedly as they examined each other's new outfits. The effect made Rainer and Logan shudder.

  The restaurant was only a few blocks away so they walked and enjoyed the lights of Paris as the sun gave off its last vestiges of daylight.

  “I’m so glad we got to stay another night.” Adeline stared contentedly at the beautiful sights and sounds of the city.

  “Yeah, today was amazing.” Logan agreed. The far-away look in his eye let Rainer and Emily know they weren’t the only ones that had spent a little time in a hotel room that afternoon.

  They entered the tiny, rustic restaurant filled with candlelight. The tables were constructed of huge wine casks that were turned on their ends. Bench seating ran all along the walls and made a pattern in the center of the restaurant with the wine barrels placed around indeterminately. It allowed for a table of two or a large group to sit along the benches together.

  After choosing the barrel in the back corner, they slid along the benches until everyone was seated. The food smelled amazing and a waiter appeared to supply them with glasses of wine.

  While drawing a sip of her wine, Emily scooted closer to Rainer as he wrapped one arm over her and used the other to flip through the menu.

  After translating some of the menu, as best as she could for everyone, Adeline tucked under Logan’s arm, which seemed to bring her a great deal of contentment.

  The waiter smiled as he set down a platter of artichoke tartlets. He asked what they'd like. As it turned out he didn't speak any English so Adeline attempted to order for all of them, which took a good deal of time. Everyone tried the artichokes and agreed that they were good.


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