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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 26

by Jillian Neal

  As more and more patrons crowded the restaurant, Rainer was surprised that it remained relatively quiet. He supposed the candlelit atmosphere had something to do with the laid back ease inside the eatery.

  When a large party crowded around the two tables nearest them, Emily scooted over to allow room for everyone to fit. Somehow, being crowded together with her very nearly seated in his lap, as their waiter slowly supplied them wine and delectable foods felt more romantic than if they'd been in a restaurant seated across from one another just the two of them.

  After the soups, the main courses were served. The food and the wine were outstanding, and everyone was having a wonderful time talking and laughing.

  They let the wine mellow them as they discussed their day and what would be going on once they returned home.

  The dessert course included decadent hot chocolate, fruits, and cheeses that could be dunked in the warmed sauce. Emily pulled off a hunk of croissant and dunked it in her large mug. As some of it dribbled down her thumb, she giggled and licked it off.

  Rainer watched intently. She wasn't even trying, and she was driving him wild. He stole a quick kiss on her cheek.

  Two older Frenchmen entered the restaurant and were greeted by the large party seated next to them. The men scooted onto the benches and didn’t seem to notice that there really wasn't any room. Emily slid into Rainer’s lap, and Adeline followed suit into Logan’s.

  No one seemed to mind the new seating arrangements. Since she was sitting in his lap, Emily noticed the effect her licking the chocolate off of her fingers had caused and giggled as she smirked at Rainer.

  He raised his eyebrows at her hoping the candlelight disguised his slight blush. He let his arm fall across her lap between the top of the boots and the bottom of her skirt. She continued to giggle soundlessly as the effect she was having became more pronounced.

  Thankfully Logan and Adeline didn't seem to notice her laughter as he was whispering in her ear and she was smiling and blushing in the candlelight. Bringing a small tray of candies and their check the waiter smiled at Emily and Adeline in the boys’ laps. He offered an apology in badly broken English about the regulars always taking up all the table space. Smiling at him Logan told him they didn't mind which Adeline repeated in French and the waiter nodded his agreement. He complimented Adeline and gave her a wink.

  Logan narrowed his eyes in a scowl, but Adeline shook her head and kissed him, which seemed to reassure him quickly. It took quite a bit of maneuvering to exit the table but after a few moments, several members of the party seated nearest them got up and allowed everyone to scoot out of the benches.

  They walked back the long way to take in the Paris skyline, lit by the Eiffel Tower in its center.

  The Kiss by Rodin

  “Oh!” Emily exclaimed suddenly as they walked along the river.

  “What?” Rainer quizzed.

  “There's just this one other thing I wanted to do before we have to go home.”

  “What, baby? Anything.” He urged and ignore Logan’s eye roll. “What do you want to do?”

  “Well, I always wanted to… and it’s this really romantic thing to do.” She paused and the three of them leaned in to will it out of her.

  “What Emily? Just tell us.” Adeline encouraged. Emily nodded though she was glancing at Logan nervously.

  “Well I wanted to kiss at ‘The Kiss’ statue.” Rainer understood her hesitation. For their entire childhood she’d tried desperately not to be overly girly around her big brothers. She’d been formed into a tomboy from an early age. It had served her well in Summation, but Rainer rather liked her more feminine wiles.

  Rainer chuckled and took her hand.

  “Ok, I certainly would never deny you a kiss most anywhere. Where is the ‘The Kiss’ statue?” Emily beamed ecstatically.

  “It's in the garden of the Rodin Museum. You can see the Tower from there. It's really beautiful, and it’s a tradition to kiss in front of the statue.”

  “Do you want to go now or tomorrow?” Adeline looked excited by the idea as well.

  “Well,” Emily equivocated. “The museum is closed now, but the gardens are always open. The view from there at night is supposed to be amazing.”

  After seeing how thrilled the idea made the girls, both Rainer and Logan began guiding them towards the Metro station.

  They exited the train and walked slowly towards the museum. The skyline was lit majestically and the lights of Paris set a warm glow around them.

  They came upon a street performer, obviously a Gifted individual who was feigning magician, as he used his hands to set paper on fire and then quickly put it out.

  Logan rolled his eyes, but the performer made Rainer think of his uncle. Stan’s ridiculous performances at Non-Gifted children’s birthday parties where he charged ridiculous amounts of money to perform mediocre magic tricks using his lacking Gifts. That was the last person he wanted to think of while he tried to make their last night in Paris romantic and all that Emily wanted it to be. He shut those thoughts down quickly.

  Emily began to shiver, as the temperature fell, so Rainer shrugged out of his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. He reveled in her adoring smile.

  They turned a corner and found themselves entering a hedged garden. It was well manicured with benches and seating around several of Rodin's famous sculptures.

  Behind the house, that was several centuries old and contained Rodin's works, was the sculpture of two lovers entwined in a rather involved kiss.

  They were clearly not the only couples wishing to kiss at ‘The Kiss’ as several of the benches and stone ledges contained people engaged in varying degrees of making out.

  Rainer winked at Emily as he led her to an open bench, somewhat obscured from the moonlight. Only in Paris, he thought, would there be a statue with an area around it designed specifically for kissing. Rainer quickly decided that he liked Paris a great deal. He sat down and pulled Emily beside him.

  “So, shall I kiss you like the guy in the statue is doing?” He teased. As she took in the placement of the hands in the statue and the lack of clothing she giggled.

  “Maybe later.”

  “I don't know…” Rainer continued to tease her. “He looks like he's enjoying himself.” He gestured to the statue again and listened to infectious laugh.

  While watching her laugh at his lame jokes lit by the moon and the lights of Paris, Rainer was suddenly overwhelmed. He brushed her cheek with his hand. She turned to gaze up at him. He leaned down and laved her lips with a slow, drawing kiss. His breaths quickened as she wound her hands around his neck and pulled him tighter to her.

  He wrapped his arms around her and slipped them under his coat. He used it as a cover as he trailed his thumbs over her breasts. He could just barely make out her nipple drawn tightly. He devoured her mouth until she was breathing heavily and he pulled away, more than ready to return to their room.

  He watched the fire begin to swirl in her eyes, and he kissed her again. He was desperate to touch her. Everything that he had when he held her began to well inside of him. His entire life was wound up inside of her. She was each and every thing he would ever need. Their first kiss, their first time, the sounds she made, the way she moved, the heady scent of her, the way she tasted on his tongue, it all pulsed in his mind and took up residence in his member. He wrapped his arms around her again and pulled her as close as he could get her in public.

  “Em,” he whispered. His voice barely carried to her as she laid her head in the crook of his neck. While cradling her to him, he let his eyes close as the feeling of her tucking into his embrace flooded through his body. He honed in on her energy. The feeling of her wanting him, wanting his love and his protection, wanting to be a part of him, drove Rainer to distraction.

  “I want you to take me back to the hotel.” She whispered with a pleading edge to her voice. He nodded and pulled his head back a little to study her.

  “You ok?”

sp; She nodded and laid back on his shoulder. He could feel her breath hot on his neck. Understanding made him desperate to leave. Neither of them able to explain it completely, but the sudden need to be alone, just to be with each other, permeated the air around them. The magic of the lights and the skyline coiled deeply in their souls that longed to be one.

  He became aware of his heartbeat quickening as he let his hand drift under her short skirt briefly.

  “Em,” he hushed as she gave him a sultry smile as he began to knead her thigh. His mind flew with delicious thoughts of her and the things he wanted to do.

  “Rainer please,” she whimpered which made him ache.

  “Baby, I'll take you anywhere you want to go, and I’m gonna take you back and make you feel me. I’m gonna make you all mine, baby, but we have to wait on Logan and Adeline. Just give them a few minutes ok?”

  She nodded, but he saw the need circle her eyes as frustration began to set in. She kissed him again urgently. She pulled him closer. She was on fire. She needed to be set free, and there was nothing he could do in a garden full of people. The wild look in her eyes made him weak.

  He stood and shifted uncomfortably as he pulled her off of the bench. He wrapped his arms around her. After willing himself to look away from her and the frantic storm swirling in her eyes, he spotted Logan who had Adeline backed up to the large stone platform that held the famous statue.

  Although Rainer couldn't see Adeline as Logan was a good bit taller and vastly more muscular than she was, Rainer assumed it was her face that he was devouring and her chest he was feeling up. He was obviously hoping everyone else was so involved with what they were doing they wouldn't notice. Adeline's embarrassment at knowing Rainer and Emily had seen Logan doing that was all that stopped him from tapping Logan on the shoulder and announcing they were leaving, before making a quick exit.

  Emily shuddered and shot Rainer desperate gazes. Rainer tried frantically to figure out a way to get her in bed and give her what she was clearly desperate for.

  Finally, Logan slid his hands to Adeline’s back, and Rainer scooted behind them. He cleared his throat slightly.

  “We're leaving.” Logan never broke from Adeline’s lips. He simply nodded slightly and removed one hand from her backside to wave Rainer away.

  Rainer chuckled at the two of them as he returned to Emily. Her eyes were dark and hungry as he smoldered over her. She threw her arms around his neck as he reached her and tucked her face beside his ear.

  “Please, please…” she pled. Her voice quaked from what she wanted “I need you now.” He'd never known her beg quite this way. Her ardent desire drove him over the edge.

  “Come on.” He pulled her around to the front of the mansion.

  They caught the metro and took a seat in the back. The steady thrumming of the train car did nothing to quell either of their libidos, and they kissed passionately for the entire ride

  It Rains And It Pours

  Rainer awoke the next morning to rain pouring from the sky and Emily pouting. He was alone in the bed. Emily was frowning at the window as she attempted to stuff all of her purchases from their trip into her suitcase. Rainer stretched and yawned.

  “Hey there.” He watched her shudder at the thunder. Storms in Paris apparently frightened her just as much as the ones at home.

  “Hey,” she sighed. “Fitzroy texted over our flight information and said we weren’t carrying any evidence about a dozen times.” She rolled her eyes. Rainer nodded and picked up his new phone off of the bedside table to read the texts. Fitzroy was following protocol in case Rainer’s new phone had, in some bizarre twist, been compromised as well.

  Rainer had no concern over this; however, as he’d yet to make a call on the phone so he’d certainly never amplified the signal. They spent the morning eating a fantastic breakfast from a bakery and walking around and seeing the sights of Paris in the drizzling rain, once more, before returning to check out of the Ritz. They gathered their things to take the train back to Charles de Gaulle.

  “Be careful,” Emily fussed for the tenth time as Rainer shifted slightly. He was carrying the large, cumbersome white zip up garment bag that contained her dress.

  “I am, baby.” He soothed.

  “Em,” Logan spat. “What the hell do you think he’s gonna do set it on fire?” he huffed indignantly.

  “Logan,” Rainer and Adeline scolded simultaneously as Emily stuck her tongue out at her big brother.

  Rainer tried not to think that the dress must have a train as the bottom of the bag was twice as heavy as the top. Emily didn’t want him to know anything about the dress until the moment he saw her walking down the aisle. He could see it, though, in his mind’s eye. He could see her walking down an aisle in her parents’ back fields, on her father’s arm, dressed all in white, and walking to him. He let his mind travel as the train did.

  Their wedding night, their honeymoon, buying a house of their own, her pregnant with his child, taking care of her, raising a family with her, Rainer was overwhelmed with the emotion of it all coming on him so suddenly.

  “Hey Em,” he hushed over the roar of the Metro. She turned to him and smiled sweetly. “When do you want to get our wedding bands, baby?” He quizzed. She gazed up at him and looked like the simple question had made her entire day.

  “Soon, I guess. I mean I want to get yours engraved so….” Rainer thought of the engravings on his parent’s wedding bands now tucked in a safety deposit box in he and Emily’s name. Before Rainer could respond, they’d reached the stop for the airport and Rainer gingerly carried the dress and one of their suitcases through the crowded station. He felt badly that Emily and Logan were carrying the rest of their luggage; though, there wasn’t much he could do.

  A few hours later, they exited the plane to flash bulbs and reporters screaming questions at them. Rainer sighed and wrapped his arm tightly around Emily.

  “Well, welcome home, baby.” He lamented. Emily turned her face into Rainer’s neck as they moved quickly towards the Hummer.

  “Logan, Logan, Logan,” chanted from the reporters.

  “What do they want me for?” Logan grumped.

  “Do you think your parents will keep the baby even if it isn’t Gifted?” Called a reporter right beside Rainer.

  “What?” Logan stunned. He turned to Adeline who shook her head and urged Logan onward to the car. Rainer released the cast on the car, carefully scanned and rescanned the Hummer for anything that wasn’t supposed to be there, before he allowed anyone to enter. They slammed the doors closed Rainer backed out quickly.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Logan demanded.

  “Well I mean one of the possibilities of what might be wrong with the new baby is that she might not be Gifted, but how did they find that out?” Adeline gestured her thumb back to the throngs of press scattering behind the Hummer. Rainer turned on the car radio and then summoned until he tuned in a local Gifted talk station.

  “So, Governor Haydenshire’s numbers continue to plummet as news that the newest little Haydenshire might be disabled come to light.” The reporter drawled. “I think we’re just concerned that Governor and Mrs. Haydenshire might have overextended themselves this time.” Sneered the woman being asked for comment. With an audible huff, Emily turned off the radio.

  “We need to go check on your mom.” Adeline insisted. Everyone agreed instantly.


  When they entered the farmhouse kitchen, Mrs. Haydenshire was sitting at the kitchen table sipping tea with Governor Carrington and Serena. Her eyes were red and swollen. Governor Haydenshire was pacing and sporting a furious scowl. Judy Young, the Governor’s campaign manager, was standing off to the side looking morose.

  Governor Haydenshire smiled as soon as Emily entered the room.

  “Daddy,” Emily moved to him as he hugged her and kissed her forehead.

  “Well baby girl, do we have a dress?” He visibly forced everything else that was pulsing through his m
ind out, for the moment at least. Mrs. Haydenshire stood instantly. She hugged everyone and welcomed them home. Emily nodded as she studied her parents closely.

  “Well where is it?” Mrs. Haydenshire did sound genuinely thrilled.

  “It’s in the Hummer, but tell me what happened while we were gone.” Emily begged. Mrs. Haydenshire sighed as she glanced around to all of the inquisitive stares she was receiving.

  “Well,” she started as Governor Haydenshire quickly escorted her back to her seat at the table. “I uh, had a few problems Saturday.” She explained hesitantly. Rainer assumed the problems had to do with something she didn’t necessarily want to discuss with he, Logan, and Governor Carrington. “So, your father insisted I see that specialist Adeline recommended.” She went on. Adeline sank down in another chair at the table and nodded her understanding.

  “What did she say?”

  “They did several other tests that I’ve never even heard of before, and mind you I’ve had ten children.” She drew a steadying breath. “Anyway, there is something different about the baby.” She placed her hand on her slightly protruding stomach. “Strong heart rate, strong brain function, everything…” Mrs. Haydenshire seemed to draw peace from her statement as everyone nodded. “But she appears to have an extra chromosome, and her cells, right now, don’t appear to carry the Gifted energies, but they were quick to tell me that they might develop later.” She elaborated.

  “But, as you know, in recent history there hasn’t been a child born having either parent be Gifted that didn’t have the energy. I think it surprised everyone. What I’m so thoroughly shocked over is the reaction in the Realm.” Her tears returned instantly. It visibly wounded the Governor. He moved to her quickly and grasped her hand. She drew from him in heavy doses.

  “Peterson paid off a nurse working with the Medio specialist and rushed the story to the press. The prejudices that we’ve worked so hard to eradicate from Gifted people seemed to have been there all along, just lurking under the surface.” Governor Haydenshire concluded in an infuriated huff.


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