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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 27

by Jillian Neal

  “So, people are voting for Peterson because there’s something wrong with the baby?” Logan quizzed in stunned disbelief.

  “There is nothing wrong with the baby.” Mrs. Haydenshire spat instantly. “She’s just different. I don’t understand what’s wrong with that. I mean all ten of you are different. Every child in the Realm is different. Why is this such a huge deal?”

  “I’m making a speech tonight. I’m going to tell the Realm everything we know, and how disappointed I am in the reaction. So, we’ll see where that lands us, but I’m not going to play Peterson’s game of picking and choosing pieces of my life to put out for the Realm to see. If they want me as their Crown, then they take the love of my life.” He stared deeply into Mrs. Haydenshire’s tear filled eyes. “And they take all eleven of my children, whether they’re Gifted or not, or here with us or not.” He stated firmly.

  Everyone stared at the ground as memories of Cal replayed vividly in their minds.

  “Wait, an extra chromosome?” Adeline quizzed hesitantly. “You mean the baby has Down Syndrome?” She looked extremely concerned.

  “Well, sweetheart, we’re really not certain. We don’t know how it will manifest itself, given the fact that we are Gifted.” Mrs. Haydenshire smiled sweetly at Adeline.

  Adeline’s brow furrowed.

  “But we can’t heal that,” fell from her mouth without her seeming to have meant to say it out-loud.

  “No,” Mrs. Haydenshire shook her head. Her smile made a timid return as she continued to draw on the love of her adoring husband. “No more than we could cure Emily of being my sassy red-head, or her daddy’s baby girl, or Rainer of loving cars, or Logan of making people laugh, and we wouldn’t want to.” The strength and dignity in her voice rang with every syllable. “So,” Mrs. Haydenshire stood. “Your father has a speech to get ready to give, and I want to see this wedding gown. Then I think Hope and I would like a nap.” She smiled kindly at Emily.

  “Hope?” Emily’s voice shook as she reached and Rainer grasped her hand. Her mother smiled serenely and rubbed her hand over her stomach again.

  “I think that seems appropriate.” She informed them. “But your father likes Abigail.” She smiled broadly. Everyone’s eyes turned to the Governor.

  “It means strength.” He gazed adoringly at his wife. Rainer pulled Emily to his shoulder as she began to sob. With acrid determination, she nodded and smiled at her parents through her tears.

  “I kind of think Abigail Hope is really perfect.” Emily vowed. Everyone nodded their agreement.

  “Me too,” Mrs. Haydenshire beamed. “Now send that strapping stud you’re marrying out to the car to get your dress.” Everyone laughed, and Rainer immediately followed his orders.

  A little while later, Emily tried on her gown for her parents. Her mother pinned the waist where it needed to be taken in, and marked the hem, all while Logan and Rainer played outside with the twins. Governor Haydenshire appeared outside, but this time he was the one who had been overcome with emotion.

  “Is it too late to tell you that you can’t give her the ring?” He choked slightly as he shook his head. Rainer with Logan laughed.

  “Uh, I’m gonna go with yes, sir.” Rainer stated speculatively. Governor Haydenshire chuckled; though, the day appeared to have been more than he could take.

  “I had a feeling you would.” He gave Rainer a wry smile. “All right, well, as if your mother hasn’t been through enough, I’m heading out yet again to try and beg for a job I’m not certain I even want anymore.” He shook his head in indignation. Logan sighed.

  “Is there anything we can do to help, dad?”

  “Just look after her for me. You know how you feel about Adeline, son?”

  “Yeah of course.” Logan’s brow furrowed as he pushed Keaton on the swings.

  “That’s precisely how much your mother means to me times eleven.” Governor Haydenshire vowed. As his gaze fell on Rainer, he shook his head again. “Make that times twelve.” Logan and Rainer nodded their understanding. Rainer was deeply touched.

  “Sir, my dad used to tell me, sometimes, that being Crown was an honor he wouldn’t wish on his best friend.” Rainer added hopefully. Governor Haydenshire laughed heartily.

  “Yes, that’s precisely what Regis said.” Governor Haydenshire shook his head and fished in his pocket for his keys and sighed.

  “Well, I’m off. I hope to be home to kiss them good night and try to actually be somewhat helpful to your mother.” He quipped dejectedly.

  “She knows you love her dad.” Logan offered hopefully.

  “Knowing it and feeling it are two very different things son, and thinking like that will land you in a divorce lawyer’s office faster than you can say ‘I do.’” Governor Haydenshire looked concerned as he studied Logan. “Don’t ever forget that.” He demanded.

  “I was only trying to help.” Logan huffed. His back was up immediately.

  “I understand that, son, but your making incredibly unintelligent comments doesn’t help.” Governor Haydenshire vowed.

  “Ok sorry geez,” Logan spat.

  “We’re going to talk more about this when my life has begun to resemble something sane.” Governor Haydenshire informed Logan as he walked briskly towards his car.

  Rainer, Emily, Adeline, and Logan all stayed at the farmhouse to look after the twins so that Mrs. Haydenshire could try to rest.

  Levi and Sarah brought dinner over for everyone and stayed to watch the Governor’s speech. Tension crackled through the living room as Governor Haydenshire took the podium in the Senate. There was no audience and Rainer noted how the Governor looked terribly alone.

  Emily moved to sit in Rainer’s lap. Her energy was anxious and troubled. Rainer wrapped his arms around her and tried to soothe her. They all watched as the man they respected, more than any other, stated his case.

  The Governor cleared his throat, narrowed his eyes in on the cameras, and vowed that he loved his wife and his family, and that they would love their eleventh child whether the Realm wanted them to or not. He stated that he didn’t believe that Gifted energies made a person’s worth or relevance, and that if the baby didn’t have the energies that his other children had that it wouldn’t make her less of a person or mean that her family wouldn’t love her just as much as they loved all of their children.

  He lambasted the Realm for thinking that a Non-Gifted child would mean that he couldn’t do the job he’d been asked to do, and he stated that the decline in his poll numbers after his opponent willfully and wrongfully committed an egregious invasion of privacy proved that his work was far from done. His tone shifted to a snarl as he pointed out that the simpleminded opinion that Gifted people were somehow better than Non-Gifted meant that the prejudices, that had led to so many invasions, wars, and the loss of life, in every capacity, in every nation around the world were obviously still there. He vowed that he wouldn’t stop until he felt he’d done his duty to make the Gifted Realm understand that they were no better than the Non-Gifted world. He laid it on the line, and everyone waited with baited breath to see the results.

  The Price and The Value

  By Wednesday evening, Governor Haydenshire’s numbers were strong, once again, and it appeared that the Realm took their reprimand fairly well. Rainer climbed into the Mustang a little after five. He was looking forward to the plans for the evening.

  Emily had phoned before they’d left for Paris to tell him that the oil light was on in the Hummer, and he’d called Sam to see if he could change her oil and help Rainer replace the clutch on the Mustang. It was sticking again.

  Sam had been only too happy to help. Emily had suggested that they take Keaton and Henry with them, as they would love all of the cars that were typically at Sam’s shop, and it would give her parent’s a break.

  Unfortunately, with only two weeks left until the election, Rainer had just escorted Governor Haydenshire to a plane headed to Portland to campaign there for a few days.

bsp; Rainer had followed Emily to one of the last practices for the Angels, until the new year, that morning and was going to follow her to Sam’s.

  There were no Summation challenges in November and December so the teams took the months off to perform service work within the Realm. Garrett and Vindico had been at the farmhouse all day to look after the twins and make certain that everyone was safe.

  Garrett had agreed to meet Rainer and Emily at the stadium to give them the twins and to take Chloe out to dinner. Rainer smiled at Emily as he pulled in the parking deck. She was already loading the boys into the Hummer. He flashed his badge at all of the additional security and then parked beside her. As he exited his car he realized she’d been crying.

  “Em, baby, what’s wrong?” He instantly panicked.

  “Nothing,” she lied.

  “Hey,” he caught her hands and spun her towards him. “What’s wrong?”

  Her eyes closed and she shook her head as she swallowed down her emotion.

  “Can we talk about it later, please?” At that moment, Fionna appeared. She’d changed out of her practice uniform and into a black micro mini skirt and a sequined blouse. Garrett let a loud wolf whistle slide through his teeth.

  “Who’s the lucky guy?” Garrett teased flirtatiously. Fionna shook her head.

  “His name is Chad. It’s just dinner. He’s kinda boring, but I don’t mind letting him take me to expensive Italian in the city. He’s definitely not hard on the eyes.” She admitted with a giggle.

  “Neither are you, baby.” Garrett drawled as he tousled her hair. Fionna rolled her eyes. She turned to Emily instantly.

  “I know you’re kind of bummed, but I swear it’ll be fun. You can room with me, and you’ll fall in love with the kids. I promise.” Fionna gave Emily a tender hug. Emily nodded and forced a smile.

  “Ok,” she agreed in strained enthusiasm. Fionna gave her a sweet smile before she climbed in her canary yellow, Pontiac Solstice and flew out of the parking deck.

  “What was that all about?” Rainer quizzed. Emily relented and leaned against Rainer’s chest.

  “Uh… well…” she began as Rainer rubbed her back and waited on her to talk. “The Angels are going to Brazil to work in the orphanage Garrett volunteers at all the time.” She choked back more tears.

  “Oh,” Rainer felt guilty for wanting to demand that she stay home with him. “When,” he quizzed. “We leave November first.” She pulled away to look him in the eye as he nodded. “And we’ll be gone for most of November.” She managed the words just before her tears began to fall in earnest.

  “Wow,” Rainer held her tightly and tried to imagine her being gone for the entire month of November. The longest they’d ever been apart was barely two weeks, and she’d flown across an ocean to bring him back. They couldn’t exist apart. It just didn’t work.

  “We leave the morning after dad’s inaugural ball.” She shuddered. Rainer nodded his understanding.

  “Hey, ok,” he forced himself to smile. “Em, baby, I’ll miss you like crazy, but this is why you wanted to be an Angel to do the service work. Remember?” he urged. Emily nodded and began trying to wipe away her tears.

  “I know. It’s just that’s a really long time and…” her explanation was drowned in renewed tears.

  “I know, baby.” He assured her that she didn’t have to explain her resistance. The twins began fussing, and Rainer drew a steadying breath. “Let’s take them to see Sam, and then we’ll talk when we get back home.” Emily seemed relieved to know that Rainer understood and to be leaving the stadium. He brushed a kiss across her cheek and wiped away a few more tears. Rainer squeezed her tightly.

  “We’ll be fine, baby. I promise. You’re going to have an amazing experience.” He vowed as she climbed in the Hummer. She summoned and turned on her phone. She plugged it in as it began playing nursery rhymes, for the boys.

  Rainer returned to the Mustang. His heart ached as guilt took up residence in his stomach. He knew Emily would be amazing with the orphans and that it was selfish to lament her going, but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t want her to be away from him for a day, much less weeks. His stomach churned as he cranked the Mustang and followed Emily out of the parking deck.

  Garrett and Chloe followed behind Rainer. They were heading the same general direction. Garrett phoned while Rainer drove.

  “She ok?” Garrett greeted.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t really get to talk to her much.” Rainer watched Emily’s eyes in the rear view mirror of her SUV.

  “I mean I know you two are like symbiotic, or whatever, but this’ll be good for her.” Garrett urged.

  “Yeah I know.” Rainer was not really in the mood to talk to Garrett. They pulled onto the interstate as Rainer listened to Garrett drone on about Emily and the orphanage.

  “Shit,” he spat as a Dodge Charger cut him off. The driver edged sharply between the Mustang and Emily’s Hummer. Rainer slammed on his breaks.

  “Moron,” Garrett huffed. “I wish people would freaking learn to drive.” He spat as Rainer vehemently agreed. He willed his heart to beat in rhythm again. The Charger cut over again and almost took out a Hyundai in the left lane.

  “What is wrong with that guy?” Rainer eased closer to Emily and glared at the offending driver. He felt the hair on the back of his neck raise. He thought he recognized the driver of the Charger. Certain he’d been mistaken, he drew a deep breath and stayed close to Emily’s bumper. She waved to him in the rear view, and he blew her a kiss. Garrett asked him if Sam might be willing to help him find a replacement for his Highlander.

  “I’m sure he’d be glad to.” Rainer assured Garrett that he’d talk to Sam about it. Suddenly a silver Jaguar flew past Rainer and pulled over directly in front of Emily. She slammed on the brakes. Rainer saw the twins lurch forward in their car seats.

  “What the hell?” Garrett spat furiously. After checking all of his mirrors frantically, Rainer suddenly felt faint.

  “Garrett,” he panted. “Who’s in that Olds Alero on your rear left?” He gasped as panic surged through his veins. Hysteria began to set in quickly.

  “Shit,” Garrett cursed. “That’s him. Chloe! Call Em’s cell. Tell her to get off at the next exit. Tell her we’re being chased!” He demanded. “Stay on the phone with me Rainer. We’re gonna have to tag team them to get them away from Em.” Garrett strategized. Rainer glanced in his rear view mirror and watched Chloe call Emily. He looked forward and watched Emily answer her cell.

  With every harrowing heartbeat, the details fell into acrid detail. The discussions and planning for the trip to Paris hadn’t been the only plans Wretchkinsides and the Interfeci had heard. This was what his Uncle Stan had to do to earn the rest of the money. He had to run Emily’s car off of the interstate, while she was carrying the twins. Vile revulsion washed through Rainer as he moved to Emily’s driver side and blocked her from being hit from the side. He clenched his jaw as the Charger clipped his front bumper.

  The Jag swerved in and out of several lanes in front of Emily. Terrifying tears leaked from her eyes as her chin trembled, and she slammed on her brakes again.

  In a quick move, Garrett zipped around Rainer and instructed Chloe to tell Emily to slam on her brakes. He sideswiped the Jag with his SUV. The Jag fishtailed into the emergency lane. The driver emerged screaming loudly and brandishing a gun, which he pointed at Garrett’s Highlander.

  Rainer rolled down his window and shot his fierce Shield at the driver. He threw him in the air and behind his own car.

  “Garrett, tell Chloe to tell Em to cast the Hummer.” Rainer demanded. Garrett followed his instructions instantly. The Hummer began to glow a brilliant green.

  The Charger moved in front of Rainer and slammed on his brakes. It forced Rainer to swerve around him to avoid hitting Emily.

  “Dammit,” he spat. He jerked the Mustang over now in front of Emily as Garrett caught up to her from behind. The Charger was now directly beside her.
r />   Rainer could see Henry sobbing in the rear window. Garrett moved behind the Charger and bumped him from the rear.

  Suddenly his uncle’s Alero pulled to Emily’s passenger side, and Rainer watched in horror as his uncle, his only living relative, pulled a pistol and took aim.

  “Oh shit!” Garrett stunned. “Rainer, you’ve got to stop him. She’s freaking. Her shield is weakening. She can’t hold that much power. She’s just not that strong.”

  Like watching a horror movie he already knew the ending of, Rainer heard his pulse ring in his ears as he watched his uncle rack the slide of the pistol.

  He was never going to stop. It was never going to end. The money would always be more important, and Emily would always be his preferred target. I’ll always take care of her, sir Rainer’s fervent vow to Governor Haydenshire, before he’d taken Emily to the beach house at the beginning of the summer echoed loudly in his mind.

  Tears stung his eyes as he shook his head. He gasped for breath and swerved hard to his right. His blood ran cold. He threw the most powerful heat shield he’d ever thrown in his entire life out of his window and into his uncle’s car.

  He watched in horror as the car fishtailed out of control. It spun and screeched in harrowing, terror filled, chaos. It hit the guardrail, and Rainer shot another stream of heated electricity into the car just before the engine ignited and the car burst into flames.

  Rainer was sobbing by the time he pulled the Mustang into the emergency lane behind Emily. He fled his car as she raced from the Hummer and into his arms. Garrett pulled in behind them.

  “Vindico’s on his way. The state police have the other two drivers.” He physically held Rainer upright as Rainer sobbed into Emily’s neck. He heard Vindico’s Agusta roar to the scene as Henry was lifted from the Hummer and handed to Rainer.

  Henry allowed Rainer a moment of clarity and realization of the finality of what he’d just done.


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