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Every Action (The Gifted Realm Book 3)

Page 30

by Jillian Neal

  Rainer recalled how heavy he’d felt at that moment. It was like trying to walk through quicksand. He was unable to hold his eyes open. He shook himself to stay awake and to keep the world from swallowing him whole. The world had simply been too much to bear that evening as well.

  Emily had appeared suddenly. She’d brought Logan and Rainer a plate of Mrs. Haydenshire’s chocolate chip cookies straight from the oven, warm and gooey. She handed Rainer a glass bottle full of cold milk.

  “Let’s go eat them in the loft.” She’d shivered slightly and had drawn a knit blanket she’d carried with her tighter around her shoulders. Rainer remembered every detail. Rainer and Logan had followed her back to the barn.

  When they’d arrived at the ladder, Emily had handed Logan several cookies and then instructed.

  “You can leave now.” Logan rolled his eyes.

  “Whatever, Em. He’s my best friend. I’m supposed to make him feel better.” He’d argued. Rainer recalled feeling extremely uncomfortable as he was being discussed.

  “And you’ve done all that you can, and you’re basically terrible at it so now it’s my turn. Bye, Logan.” She’d sassed and began making her climb up the ladder.

  “What if he doesn’t want to hang out with you?” Logan retorted.

  “I do,” Rainer had choked instantly. He was never certain why he’d said it, but he knew that it was the complete truth. He didn’t want to walk around the lake with Logan trying feebly to make him feel better when nothing would, nothing but Emily.

  Rainer let his eyes close. He breathed in the scent of her hair and held her tightly as he realized suddenly that the world was only too heavy if he wasn’t with her. She wriggled beside him and then her eyes blinked open.

  “Hey there.” He hushed. Her broad beaming grin warmed his heart.

  “Feeling a little better I take it?” She asked sweetly. Rainer nodded. “Good, because I’m starving. So I’m going to make us food.” Rainer chuckled and then immediately found the sensation odd. He crawled out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

  When he emerged, he pulled on a pair of basketball shorts and a sweatshirt and then proceeded quickly to the kitchen. Emily grinned at him as she fried up bacon and eggs. She was spoiling Rainer thoroughly. Thankful that he could do something Rainer perked a pot of coffee and poured Emily a cup. He added cream and sugar and then made one for himself. He slowed and forced himself to really taste the coffee as he glanced out the front windows of the house.

  He saw a news truck circle the block, but it didn’t stop near the beach house. They didn’t know anyone was there, but they were definitely on the prowl. Rainer returned to the kitchen with a sigh.

  “I saw them already.” Emily took in the dejected look on Rainer’s face. “But like I said, mom packed us tons of food, and we can stay in the house until Sunday night, if you want to just hang out.”

  “I don’t want to keep you holed up, Em. I mean, if you want to go somewhere, I’m going to have to face them sometime.” Before she could reply, Rainer’s cell rang. After glancing at Logan’s name on the screen, Rainer answered.

  “Hey,” he cleared his throat. His voice was still rough from his emotion.

  “Hey man, listen,” Logan began. “Ad and I will come down if you want. I mean we’re happy to, but if we come the press will be all over you. They’re getting vicious. Everyone wants a comment, and no one can find you or Em so it just keeps getting worse.” He huffed disgustedly. Rainer appreciated the sacrifice and the offer.

  “What was in the papers today?” He cleared his throat again and tried desperately to sound normal. Logan ignored his voice and supplied.

  “Well, mostly that your uncle was killed in a car accident, and a few reported that Iodex took him out along with two other members of Interfeci. No one knows what really happened.” He stated firmly. “They just want to know your reaction to it for now.” His reaction to it was certainly not something Rainer wanted in the papers. He was still trying to get over his mortification that he’d cried in front of Vindico and then completely broken down in front of Emily.

  “If you don’t mind not coming and covering for me at work and all, I’d really appreciate it.” Not only would he never deserve Emily, but he’d never deserve a friend like Logan.

  “No, it’s cool. Garrett and I are taking care of the twins. Dad threw everyone out last night. He informed his security detail, his press agents, campaign manager, and the whole load of them that he was spending the night alone with mom, and that they weren’t to be disturbed.” Logan shuddered audibly as Rainer felt his cheeks pull into a smile for the first time since the afternoon before.

  “Good for him.” Rainer commented with Logan begrudgingly agreeing.

  “Anyway, Vindico says to take all the time you need, but to be back in the office Monday. You and Em just chill, but I’m serious if you go out and you’re spotted, it’ll be like grand central station there. If I were you, I’d shut the blinds and get comfortable.” Logan urged.

  “Yeah, I think that’s probably exactly what we’re gonna do.” Rainer hung up with Logan and moved to Emily. He kissed her cheek as she scooped bacon and eggs onto two plates and beamed at him adoringly.

  They sank onto the sofa in the living room as another news van circled the block.

  “The term shark attack comes to mind.” Emily rolled her eyes as they both made certain to stay away from the front windows.

  “Em, I feel terrible. I mean we’re at the beach, your favorite place in the world, and you can’t even go out to the water.” Rainer knew that his guilt should just go ahead and take up permanent residence in his gut.

  “Rainer,” Emily shook her head and studied him speculatively. “First of all, it’s the middle of October, and it’s freezing out there.” She gestured to the gray sky and the swirling Atlantic waters, which Rainer was certain were quite cold by now. “And my favorite place in the world to be is wherever you are.”

  The statement that it was the middle of October and then her assurances that she wanted to be wherever he was forced the information he’d received just before their fateful car ride to the forefront of his mind. Emily leaned up off of him. Her back had been to his chest as they’d attempted to eat tangled up in one another.

  “What? What’s wrong? I had you all calm.” She lamented. Rainer drew a deep breath and finished off his eggs. They were delicious, and he was starving.

  “Brazil,” he tried to gage her. With an irritated huff, she shook her head.

  “I’m not going, so stop thinking about it.” She stated firmly.

  “Em,” Rainer furrowed his brow. He wasn’t letting her stay home because of him.

  “Rainer,” she quoted right back. He set his now empty plate down on the coffee table and moved so he could look into her eyes.

  “Baby, you can’t stay home because of me. I’ll be fine. I mean I guess you and Garrett and everyone else is right. I didn’t have a choice, and I’ll get over it eventually.” He wondered if he was being heartless and crass.

  The appalling image of his uncle leaning out of the window of his Alero and chambering a pistol, aimed directly at Emily’s head, had his stomach churning instantly.

  Concerned his breakfast might make a rapid reappearance, Rainer instantly decided that maybe he hadn’t had a choice.

  “I know you will.” Emily vowed. “But I can’t leave you until you are, and mom and the new baby, and the twins, and the election, and my first nephew.” She began enumerating all of the excuses she’d come up with not to leave. Rainer let her get all of them listed without interruption. When she finally exhausted all of the reasons she had to stay, he kissed her cheek.

  “Baby, you know as well as I do that part of being an Angel is participating in the service projects, and I know that the projects are usually a little closer to home. But, Em, this is going to be amazing. I don’t want you to miss out on an opportunity like this because you’re worried about me, ok.” Rainer didn’t point out that pe
r her contract if she didn’t participate in the service projects that she would probably not be playing the next season. Emily knew that. She didn’t need to be reminded.

  “We’re going to be gone a really long time, and Brazil is really far away.” She lamented dejectedly. Rainer cuddled her closer on the couch. He was immensely thankful to feel like he was comforting her now.

  “Well, maybe I could come see you in the middle or something. I mean I know you’ll be working, but I’d love to help.” She shook her head with a defeated sigh.

  “No guys. That was one of the rules. Only Garrett can come to make sure we get there safely and everything.”

  “But Garrett goes down there all the time and works?” Rainer argued.

  “It’s not the orphanages rule. It’s the team owners’ rules.” Rainer felt his heart sink. He hadn’t realized how much he’d be counting on flying down to see Emily on the weekends, or anytime at all.

  “I just don’t want to think about it right now, ok?” Emily begged. Rainer continued to cradle her tenderly in his arms.

  “Yeah, me either.” He brushed her hair off of her shoulders and kissed her cheek. “But how about this? After we go to your dad’s inaugural ball that night, then I’ll take you somewhere, and we’ll have a night, just the two of us. Whatever you want to do, ok?” His mind was still trying feebly to figure out some way to see her in Brazil. She nodded with an audible huff as she turned and buried her face in this chest. The motion in that moment righted Rainer’s world as he hugged her tightly to his chest.

  “You’re assuming dad is going to win.” She sighed.

  “Em, he’s gonna win. He has to. There isn’t another choice.” Rainer couldn’t fathom watching all of his father’s work falling by the wayside if Peterson took office and Wretchkinsides ruled supreme.

  “And when I get back you’ll kick Logan and Adeline out so we don’t have to get dressed all weekend?” She bit her lip and gave him a mischievous grin. As he noted how good it felt to laugh with her, Rainer nodded. He never wanted to let something like her sweet laugh or that sexy grin be taken for granted. He couldn’t survive without them.

  “Oh yeah, baby. That will not be a problem.” His vow made her giggle sweetly. They laid on the couch and cuddled for a while. They dozed in and out and watched a cooking competition marathon on the Food Network.

  Alone With You

  “Wanna watch a movie?” Emily quizzed as the sun began to set.

  “Sure.” Rainer moved to the kitchen to heat up some of Mrs. Haydenshire’s crab soup for the two of them. Emily began flipping through the on-demand movies. She stopped on The Fast and the Furious.

  “No,” Rainer shuddered. His reaction was defensive; though, he wasn’t entirely certain why. Emily studied him. She looked extremely concerned. “I take it you also don’t want to watch Gone in 60 Seconds?” She quizzed hesitantly. Rainer shook his head. He didn’t want to meet her worried gaze.

  All of he and Logan’s macho talk that had been taking place, since before they could even drive, about car chases being awesome, and what they would do if they were ever involved in one washed over Rainer with a tidal wave of nausea. Not certain he would always feel this way, but, at that moment as he summoned and waved his hand over the soup bowls, if he never saw another car chase in a movie it would be too soon.

  Rainer shuddered slightly as he placed the soup bowls on plates and added cornbread. He carried them into the living room.

  “I’ll probably regret this, but I kind of want to see what’s on the news.” He admitted hesitantly.

  “You sure?” Emily hesitated. Rainer tried to brace himself as he nodded.

  “Ok,” Emily summoned and projected on the TV until she located the Gifted news channels. She halted on a picture of Logan scowling outside of the Senate building.

  “Realm news has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Lawson’s best friend Logan Haydenshire. Logan, Logan…” the pert woman, who appeared to have had several cups of coffee too many, raced to Logan as he tried to escape into the Pentagon.

  With an obvious sigh, Logan glared at the reporter.

  “Logan,” the woman plastered on a fake smile. “Cat Harris.” She batted her eyelashes at Logan before drawling, “Any idea where Rainer Lawson has disappeared to in the light of his uncle’s fatal car wreck yesterday afternoon?” Logan seemed to consider the question for several seconds. He made the woman hopeful.

  “Yeah I have an idea where.” He huffed. Emily and Rainer both laughed as they continued to watch what was obviously a clip from that morning. Cat’s eyes flashed as she gave an ostentatious laugh at Logan’s quip.

  “You heard it here first folks Realm news has the source right here in person.” She drawled to the camera. Logan cocked his jaw to the side and tried hard not to laugh.

  “So, Officer Haydenshire where is Rainer mourning the loss of his only living relative, his uncle, Stan Lawson?” She feigned deep concern over Rainer’s loss as she gave Logan a pensive stare.

  “I’m not really certain, but I’m sure that wherever Rainer is he appreciates the press giving him time to grieve the loss of his uncle without their intrusion into his personal affairs.” Logan goaded wryly. Emily bit her lip clearly not certain if she should laugh, but the frustrated look on Cat Harris’ face was quite hysterical Rainer agreed. She gave an uncomfortable laugh for the camera and then urged.

  “This is a devastating loss for Rainer. I’m certain that you must know where he is. We’d heard that you are to be Rainer’s best man in he and your younger sister’s wedding this Spring?” She tried hopefully. This was the press’s latest tactic to try and wheedle information out of any of Emily’s brothers about the wedding.

  “Really?” Logan mocked. “Hmmm, that’s the first I’ve heard.” Rainer laughed outright. He could tell Logan was enjoying driving Cat Harris to distraction.

  “So, Logan, as Rainer’s best friend since childhood, what do you think must be going through Rainer’s mind, as he is now the last living relative of Joseph Lawson, and where have he and your sister disappeared to, to mourn the loss?” She tried yet again. With a sigh, Logan checked his watch.

  “Like I said, I’m certain Rainer appreciates being left alone. I’m certain that he’s deeply saddened over his uncle’s passing, and we would all appreciate he and Emily being given some space to deal with the loss.” With that, Logan shook his head as Cat tried to follow him past the security boxes into Iodex. She was halted by the guards as she continued to call questions out to Logan who was disappearing behind the massive steel doors.

  The next video was of Governor Haydenshire landing in Portland having delayed his trip a day.

  “Governor, how is Mrs. Haydenshire handling this pregnancy knowing that the child will have developmental disorders that could prevent it from being Gifted?” Another overly animated reporter raced to keep up with the Governor.

  “You don’t know anything about my child, and my wife handles every situation with a tremendous amount of grace and dignity.” The Governor quipped furiously.

  “And what can you tell us about Rainer Lawson’s uncle’s accident, and about he and your daughter’s disappearance after the story of Stan Lawson’s untimely death broke yesterday?” The reporter chanted.

  “I can tell you that I’m deeply saddened for Rainer’s loss, and I will make a plea to the press to leave both he and Emily alone, as they deal with this devastating news.” The Governor stopped near the baggage claim of PDX airport.

  “So, you’re confirming that Rainer and Emily are currently somewhere together?” The reporter pressed.

  “I’m not confirming anything.” Governor Haydenshire stated smoothly. “I’m asking that you give Rainer a little space.” He reached to pick up his suitcase off of the luggage turnstile and made a quick exit into the car awaiting on him outside of the airport.

  The next shot was of the street that the Haydenshire’s farm was on; though, the press wasn’t allowed to get close enough
to actually get any shots of either house.

  “We’ve been here all day, folks, anxious to hear from either Rainer or Emily on the fatal car crash that killed Rainer’s uncle, Joseph Lawson’s only brother, yesterday during rush hour. Thus far we’ve not seen either Officer Lawson or Miss Haydenshire so we have to assume that they are staying close to home here on the farm, but when they emerge we’ll be here to get the first quote from Rainer since hearing of his uncle’s demise.” An unseen reporter vowed. Emily rolled her eyes and changed the channel.

  “Reports are swirling that Rainer Lawson’s uncle, Stan Lawson, was taken out by an Iodex officer. He was allegedly working with known felon, Dominic Wretchkinsides, and with the Interfeci crime organization. We have no confirmation of this, but it is appearing that this is true. Here, here...” A young, overly anxious man in a cheap suit and red tie rushed towards Vindico as he was leaving the Iodex office, carrying a stack of files.

  Rainer knew he wasn’t going home. He was going to have dinner, probably at Frye’s, and was planning on working while he ate.

  “Officer Vindico, can we get any information on the accident that took Stan Lawson’s life yesterday? Was it in fact an Iodex officer that caused the accident? Was Officer Rainer Lawson being chased?” The man ran along side Vindico.

  “That’s an ongoing investigation. I can’t comment.” Vindico gave the typical canned answer for the press regarding anything any Iodex officer didn’t want to discuss.

  “If he was being pursued by Iodex, will there be an investigation or any reprimand for causing Stan Lawson to crash?” The reporter pushed harder.

  “Certainly not. There is no evidence to say that he was being pursued. He wrecked his car. Unfortunately it happens everyday. I give my regards to Officer Lawson in the loss of his uncle.” Vindico huffed and then with a goading smirk he pulled his badge.


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