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I LIKE THE WAY YOU HURT: A Dark Interracial High School Bully Romance

Page 11

by Lorrain Allen

  “It’s nice to see you haven’t changed one bit,” I say to Micah.

  “What’s there to change? I’m a very lovable person.”

  I roll my eyes. I miss hanging out with these guys.

  “I guess you guys will be doing the traditional house party hop,” I say.

  “You know it,” replies Saint.

  I give a sad smile.

  “Oh chica, don’t look like that, you’re breaking my heart,” Lo says.

  “I’m sorry. Adjusting here has been harder than I thought.” They don’t even know the half of it. I don’t want them to tell everything. “I just miss you all so much.”

  “How about we spend the whole summer together before we go to college?” suggests, Saint.

  “I’d like that,” I say, my mood instantly changing.

  “You can stay with me, and we can live freely, partying the whole damn summer,” says Lo.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I reply.

  “You’ll have one final opportunity to have sex with the master,” says Micah.

  “I wouldn’t go anywhere near your dirty dick.” I laugh.

  “Hey, I wash it,” replies Micah in mock anger.

  After talking for another hour, we end the call with promises to talk again soon.

  The school year might suck for me, but my summer will be epic. With that thought in mind, I go to sleep with a smile on my face.

  Where the hell is Maverick?

  He knows damn well the project is due today. I swear, I’m going to kill him if he doesn’t show.

  I asked Mr. Barnes if Maverick and I could present our project last, but he still hasn’t arrived. I’m praying that he’s running late for some reason. The last pair presents their project, but still no Maverick. Shit, they’re done. Mr. Barnes pointedly looks in my direction with a not-so-happy look on his face.

  “Where’s Maverick?”

  “I don’t know, Mr. Barnes.”

  His expression turns stern.

  “Can I present the project by myself?” I ask.

  “Absolutely not, this project is also about the ability to work as a team, which you cannot display presenting your project alone.”

  “Can I speak to you after class?”


  When class is over, I remain in my seat. Once the class is empty of all students, I walk to Mr. Barnes where he sits at his desk.

  “Mr. Barnes, please give us the opportunity to present our project tomorrow. I know allowing us an extra day doesn’t seem fair to the other students, but …”

  “You’re right, it’s not.”

  “Mr. Barnes, I had no idea that Maverick wouldn’t be in school today. We’re not exactly friends.”

  “Cocoa, I’ll give you a one-day extension, but that’s it. Also, unfortunately, I’ll have to deduct ten-percent of the final grade for a late submission.”

  “Okay, thank you, Mr. Barnes. I really appreciate this,” I say, leaving the classroom.

  My blood is boiling right now. During lunch, I’m going to drive to his house to confront him. He better have a damn good reason for not showing up in class today. I can’t help but think that he did this on purpose because he has never missed a day in physics class, but today he doesn’t show. It’s too much of a coincidence for me to ignore.

  The rest of the morning is going by at a snail’s pace because I’m anxious to confront him as soon as possible. I’m sure he thinks I wouldn’t have the nerve to show up at his house. Well, surprise, he has no idea what I’m capable of. It’s bad enough that I had to complete the project on my own when he refused to participate, but he didn’t show up for the presentation. This was an easy grade for him. All he had to do was memorize the notes.

  Part of me is surprised that he would go to this length just to piss me off when his grade will be affected, too. Maybe he doesn’t care about getting a good grade. I’m positive that his father has plenty of connections that will ensure Maverick has the option to be accepted into the best colleges.

  When the bell sounds, I immediately leave the classroom, racing to my locker to grab my car keys. I see Dee and Nix as I leave the building. I step right into their path, ready for a confrontation.

  “Where the fuck is he?” I ask with vehemence in my voice.

  “Damn, somebody must have PMS today,” says Dee with a smile on his face.

  “This isn’t a game, asshole. I draw the line at messing with my GPA.”

  “Oh, that physics project was due today, wasn’t it?” asks Nix with mock innocence.

  I raise my hand to slap him across the face, but he catches it in midair. He pulls me close until our noses touch.

  “You don’t want to do that,” he says angrily, his breath brushing across my face.

  I snatch my hand away. “That bastard has gone too far this time. I’m going to his house right now.”

  “His room is the third one on the left,” says Dee, causing Nix to give him a sharp look.

  I walk away. I’m a ticking time bomb right now.

  I hear Nix ask. “Why did you tell her that?”

  Dee replies, “I’m tired of the whiplash happening between them. This shit needs to be settled once and for all. Don’t call Mav. He made his bed so let him lie in it.”

  Dee is right about one thing; this thing between Maverick and I will be settled today.

  A short Mexican woman answers the door when I arrive at Maverick’s house.

  “Hello, how may I help you?” she asks in a strong Mexican accent.

  She looks miserable.

  “Hello, I need to speak with Maverick.”

  “He’s not available.”

  “Please, it’s really important.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, I’m sorry,” I say, pushing by her into the foyer.

  I run up the stairs, stumbling a few times in my quest to get to his room quickly because the Mexican woman is right behind me. I open the door to the third room on the left, stepping inside then slam it shut before locking it to prevent the housekeeper from coming in. Maverick turns from his side to face the door. He sits up when he spots me. The housekeeper is banging on the door. As he gets up from the bed, the blanket covering his body slips to the floor.

  He’s naked.

  A naked Maverick is a glorious thing to behold. His sleep-ruffled hair adds to his sexiness. Veins are visible along his thick, muscular arms and his broad chest, which is well-developed and tapers down to hard, sexy-as-fuck abs. My gaze moves lower, to his to die for V-line, leading to his well-endowed penis nestled in dark brown pubic hair.

  I swallow hard as he slowly walks to me. His dick rubs against my lower stomach as he reaches over to unlock and crack the door open. There’s an ache between my legs now. My body and common sense are at war with each other.

  “It’s fine Maria, go back downstairs.”

  He closes the door and then locks it again. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “You didn’t show up at school today. You know the project is due, asshole. Ten-percent will be deducted from the final grade because of you. You better be in school tomorrow. I’m not failing physics because of you.”

  “Oh, I know why you came here today. You want my dick between your legs.”

  “Excuse me? This isn’t a game, you sick pervert. Why weren’t you in school today? You look fine to me,” I yell, mad because his words hold some truth.

  “I didn’t feel like going to school today,” he says nonchalantly, and I lose it.

  I start punching him in the chest and stomach.

  “This is my future you’re fucking with.”

  “Hit me harder.”

  I do.

  “Harder, is that all the fight you have in you? I’m disappointed.”

  I punch him in the face, hurting my knuckles in the process.

  “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  He picks me up, carrying me to his bed.

  “What are you doing? Put me down, now

  He drops me on his bed, immediately covering my body with his much larger one.

  “Let me go, Maverick.”


  When I yank his hair, he grabs my wrists, pulling my arms over my head, using his left hands to secure my wrists in place. With the other, he slowly runs his finger up my thigh.

  “I’ll scream if you don’t stop, Maverick.”

  “Go ahead, Maria won’t help. You shouldn’t have come here. Now, I have you at my mercy, with no one to stop me.”

  He pushes his hand into my panties.

  “Stop Maverick, please stop,” I say breathlessly.

  But, fuck it all. I don’t want him to stop.

  I turn my face away from him because I don’t want him to see the desire there. He starts to kiss my exposed neck, while working my clit with his fingers, raising the pleasure.

  “Nah, you don’t want me to stop, your pussy is too wet. You want me.”

  Maverick sucks on my neck with intensity.

  “Stop, you’ll leave a mark,” I whimper.

  He moves his fingers against my clit faster.

  “Maverick, please…” I don’t know what I’m begging for anymore.

  Fuck it. I kiss the side of his face. He breaks his hold on my neck, returning my kiss with just as much fervor. He sucks on my tongue, while his fingers continue to work magic on my clit. He groans in my mouth. I feel his hard dick against my thigh. The ache in the pit of my stomach is overwhelming. When my orgasm hits me, I’m in a trancelike state. I scream as my body shakes.

  Maverick releases my wrists and sits back to rip open my shirt, causing buttons to fly everywhere. He lifts my bra over my breasts and begins to feast on them like it’s his last meal. I moan, overcome with the feeling Maverick is causing in my body. He twists his hand in my panties, tearing them from me. He makes his way down my body, and when he reaches his destination, he buries his face between my bare pussy lips.

  The first touch of his lips on my clit causes my upper body to involuntarily lift from the bed before falling back down. I grip his hair to push him against my pussy, and to push him away at the same time. He sucks, nips, and licks my pussy like a madman. When I orgasm, I try to push his head away, but he won’t release his hold on my thighs.

  “No Maverick, no, no, no,” I chant repeatedly.

  Once the last tremors leave my body, Maverick rises over me and starts kissing my lips. I can taste myself. He moves further up until his dick is positioned at the entrance to my mouth.

  “Open your mouth,”

  There’s no way I want this to end now, so I do as he says.

  “Wider,” Maverick says in a guttural voice.

  I extend my jaw as far as I can.

  He jams his dick in my mouth until it reaches the entrance of my throat. I immediately try to push him away from me. I’m gagging, and it’s difficult to breathe. I scratch his stomach and upper thighs. I clamp my teeth down around his dick. He hisses as he grips my hair so hard I can feel some of the strands tearing from my scalp. The pain is so severe that tears run down the sides of my face.

  “Open your damn mouth. If I feel your teeth again, I’ll rip your hair from your scalp.”

  I open my mouth. Maverick starts to ruthlessly ride my face. I feel vomit coming up whenever his dick hits the back of my mouth. I breathe slowly through my nose to get oxygen. I feel like I’m suffocating. After a few more hard strokes, Maverick releases his cum down my throat as he groans. When he pulls his dick out of my mouth, I take in deep, shuddering breaths.

  “Leave, you served your purpose. Don’t ever show up here unannounced again.”

  When I don’t move fast enough for him, he grasps me by the arm to drag me to the door, bending over to pick up my shoes from the floor along the way. He lets go of my arm long enough to unlock then open the door to push me out with so much force that I slam against the wall across from his bedroom. He throws my shoes out and then slams the door.

  I pull my ruined shirt together as I run down the stairs. I don’t bother putting on my shoes.

  I will not cry, I will not.

  When I get home, I take a long hot shower before climbing in my bed to wrap myself in blankets. I break down, unable to stop the flow of tears no matter how hard I tried. I feel like a used slut.

  “Damn it,” I say to myself as I punch a hole in the wall by my door.

  I rub my hands through my hair in frustration.

  What the hell am I doing?

  This is the first time that I ever tried to make a girl I’m with come. I wanted to give her pleasure. The beast took over. Cocoa is different, but I don’t want to admit that to myself. The hurt look on her face is imprinted in my mind. I don’t know how to be a normal person. I’m damaged goods.

  I can still smell her on my lips, the fragrance like heaven. She’ll really hate me now, but hate I understand. What I don’t understand is this feeling that she evokes in me. I wanted to fuck her so bad, but I was afraid that, afterwards, she would have complete control over me.

  I’ll have to face her tomorrow, but I’m ready.

  I arrive to physics late the next day. Maverick has finally gotten to me. I let my anger get the best of me. I shouldn’t have gone to Maverick’s house yesterday. I’m usually the type of person who thinks before acting.

  “Thank you for joining us, Cocoa,” says Mr. Barnes.

  I’m not in the mood for Mr. Barnes’ snarky attitude today.

  “Sorry,” I grumble, walking towards my seat next to the monster.

  I don’t meet Maverick’s eyes as I sit next to him. I fully expect to receive a zero on the physics project. I’m done begging Maverick for anything, but I did bring the project just in case, by some small chance, he wants to finally act like a civil human being for once in his life.

  “Maverick and Cocoa, we’re all waiting.” Mr. Barnes sweeps his arms around the classroom.

  Our classrooms give us their undivided attention, waiting for one of us to make a move.

  “We’re ready, Mr. Barnes,” says Maverick.

  I look at Maverick, wondering if this is another one of his games. Could he be attempting to get me in front of the class to embarrass me? I find it hard to believe that he’s cooperating all of a sudden. Did he even read the damn notes I emailed to him?

  When Maverick stands to walk to the front of the class, I follow behind him. Half an hour later, our presentation is done. Maverick really spoke as if he knew what he was talking about. Maybe he did study the notes but didn’t tell me, so I could squirm.

  Cocoa doesn’t make an appearance in the cafeteria. I’m tempted to walk over to her friends and demand they tell me where she is. It was difficult to concentrate in classes this morning. My every fucking thought is filled with her. I wish John hadn’t royally fucked me up, then I would know how to react to her.

  “What happened between Cocoa and you yesterday?” Nix asks.

  “You knew she was coming?”

  Nix looks guilty.

  “We’ve never seen you act like this, you want this girl,” says Dee.

  “Stay out of my damn business.”

  “We’ve been friends for a long time, we love you man,” says Dee.

  I don’t know how to respond to that statement. I don’t know how to show emotion.

  “Don’t let what your father did to you fuck up the rest of your life,” whispers Nix.

  “I know you both mean well but stay the fuck out of it. What happens, or doesn’t happen, between Cocoa and me don’t concern either of you.” I say, leaving the cafeteria. I’m conflicted about what I did to her yesterday, but I liked it, so I know that makes me a piece of shit. John created a wild animal. It’s hard for me to forget everything that was beaten into me as a child. I can’t control my urges or the hate inside me. I like to feel and inflict pain.

  When I walk into Montgomery Preparatory on Thursday afternoon, I walk to my mom’s classroom. She sent me a text asking me to stop by before starting t
he tutoring session with Kayla.

  “Hi baby,” she says when I walk into the classroom.

  “Hi, Mom, what’s up? I ask her.

  My mom leaves the chair behind her desk to take a seat at a student’s desk.

  “Take the seat beside me, Cocoa.”

  Something tells me that I won’t like this conversation with my mom. She looks over at me.

  “You haven’t been your usual self lately. Your bubbly personality has been more subdued. Recently you told me that everything was okay, but I thought I’d ask again.”

  “Mom, don’t worry about me. I’m fine.”

  “Don’t tell me not to worry about you. You are my life, and your happiness matters to me. I feel like you haven’t been honest with me. If anything at school is causing you distress, I expect you to tell me. There’s always been open communication between us. I never want that to change.”

  I grasp my mom’s hand and lightly squeeze it.

  “Nothing is going on. It’s my senior year, so the pressure is on, that’s all.” I lean over to kiss her on the cheek. “I promise.”

  “Okay, just remember that you can always talk to me.”

  “I better get going. I don’t want to be late for Kayla’s tutoring session.”


  I feel like the worst daughter in the world. I can handle what’s going on. The school year will be over soon. The only person I have to guard against is Maverick.

  I take the seat next to Kayla.

  “Guess what?” asks Kayla.


  “I got a B+ on my math test yesterday,” she says, reaching over to give me a big hug.

  “Good job, I knew you could do it.”

  Kayla holds out her test for me to view her hard work with a huge smile on her face.

  “I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for not giving up on me.”

  “I don’t give up easily,” I say, releasing Kayla from my embrace.

  Kayla looks as if she’s about to cry.

  “Oh no sweetie, don’t cry.”

  “All the kids call me stupid. No one wants to be my friend.”


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