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Cassidy's War

Page 20

by Susan Macatee

  “Only one semester at a time, Ma. And Quinn will be here to keep up the practice.”

  Her mother glanced up at Quinn. “Tell her it’s not the same.”

  Quinn rose and placed his hand on their mother’s shoulder. “I think this will be a good thing for Cassie. She’ll be studying with other women, after all. I happen to think, with formal training, she’ll make an excellent physician. I’ll have a well-trained partner when she comes back.”

  Cassidy smiled at her brother, silently thanking him for always standing up for her.

  “You don’t know how much this means to me, both of you.”

  “I do.” Quinn nodded toward her mother, who bit her lip. Now, she wanted to share her good news with George and also be sure Madison hadn’t threatened him. No telling what would happen if those two ended up in a showdown, especially if the doctor learned George was a Pinkerton agent.

  She approached the desk and asked the clerk if he could have Mr. Masters come downstairs. She didn’t want to stir up any more gossip by going straight to his room.

  Moments later, she turned at the sound of footsteps on the stairs. She caught George’s gaze, warmth spreading from the crown of her head to her toes at the look of desire in his dark eyes.

  He strode toward her and took her hand. “Cassie, what is it? I got the note from your brother.”

  She shook her head and smiled. “This isn’t about that. I wanted to share my good news.”

  He frowned.

  She extracted the post from her reticule and handed it to him. He scanned it, then caught her gaze, his eyes wide. His lips curved into a smile.

  “You did it! I’m so proud of you.”

  Cassidy glanced around the room, catching the curious glances of the clerk and hotel patrons.

  “Can we go for a walk? It’s lovely outside.”

  George nodded. “Of course.” He crooked his arm and escorted her outside. The heat of the day had dissipated with the sun now low in the sky.

  A gentle breeze caressed Cassidy’s cheek. She longed to have George wrap her in his arms, but not here. They had to find someplace private.

  He seemed to read her thoughts. “Let’s go around to the back. There’s a grove of trees where we might find some privacy to talk.”

  She nodded and allowed him to lead her to the grove, the air in the shelter cool against her face. She propped her back against a sturdy oak and raised her arms. “I’d like a congratulatory kiss, sir.”

  He stepped into her embrace and took her mouth, his hunger obvious. His scent and taste sent heat swirling through her. She longed to lie down right here and allow him to take her, but they had to be careful.

  After he released her mouth, she held his gaze. “Are you really happy I’ll be going off to Philadelphia to study?”

  “As long as I can continue to see you.” He squeezed her hand and helped her arrange her skirts so she could sit on the cool grass. He settled beside her. “And one day soon, you’re going to be my wife.”

  Her heart lurched. “You’re serious?”

  “Of course.” He frowned. “Otherwise, I’d have never let it go as far as it did in my room. I don’t want to take advantage of you. I love you and want you by my side always.”

  “Even when you go back to New York?”

  He chuckled. “Guess I’ll have to find a new occupation. My experience as a Pinkerton agent will surely land me a job in local law enforcement.”

  “You’d quit being an agent for me?” Her breath caught.

  “I don’t want to have to leave you to go off on long term assignments in other locations. Once we’re married, I’ll resign.” He held her gaze.

  Her eyes stung as she realized the implications of his words. “We’re really going to get married?”

  He shrugged. “Have to now. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “But medical school—”

  He took her hand. “You go off to that school and do me proud. Once you’ve finished, we’ll make our marriage plans. By then I hope to have a job lined up right here in town. The sheriff’s deputy is getting on in years.” He lifted her hand to brush his lips over it, sending tingles down her spine. “And once you’ve completed your doctor training, we’ll settle down, and you can start a practice in town if that’s what you want.”

  “Oh, George.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek, then slid her lips over his. Half-reclining, she allowed him to ravage her mouth. Delicious sensations shot straight to her core. Afterward, they lay side by side on the grass.

  “Well,” George said, “I think we should put a hold on this right now. We don’t want to fuel any more gossip in this town.”

  She laughed. “Tell me, George. Won’t you miss being a detective?”

  He lifted his arms, hands cupping his head. “I don’t rightly know, and I haven’t done it all that long, anyway. I think I’d enjoy working as a deputy here.” He scowled. “Would sure hush up all those older folks who said I’d never amount to anything.”

  She smiled, lifting on an elbow to lean over him. “Anything you want to do is fine with me, as long as you marry me, Mister.”

  He reached up and pulled her down to lie on his chest, then kissed her again.


  George held Cassidy against him and took her soft, sweet mouth yet again. He grew hard. He had to stop before things went too far. This wasn’t the place, and now wasn’t the time. He lifted her off of him and set her on his side.

  Her dark brows lifted as she gazed down at him, lips swollen from his kisses.

  Sitting up, he brushed dried grass from his coat and trousers, then stood and reached a hand toward her. She placed hers in his and he pulled her to her feet.

  “It’s time for you to get on home, Cassie.”

  She nodded. “I know.”

  Before they left the grove, he brushed his thumb along her mouth and planted a soft kiss there. She licked her lips and smiled. “I want to go back to your room, George.”

  “I know, darlin’, but you have to go home now.” He swallowed hard but took her hand and led her from the cool shelter of trees, glancing about to make sure no one saw them emerge from their hiding spot.

  By the time they’d reached her house, the sky darkened to twilight. George had a hard time seeing but held Cassidy’s hand like a life line. He didn’t want to allow her to go but knew she’d be safe at home with her family.

  After ascending the porch steps, he turned to her, squinting to make out her face in the muted glow from the gaslights in the windows. “I love you, Cassie.” He brushed his finger along her rose petal cheek.

  She reached to caress his nape, her sweet breath within an inch of his mouth. “I love you, George. I always have.”

  His lips itched to smother hers in a passionate kiss. Voices drifted from inside the house and he pulled away. “I’d best get out of here, before your family finds more disfavor with me.”

  “I wish I could tell them who you really are.”

  “I know, darlin’, but it’ll all come out after Madison is disgraced for good.”

  She blew him a kiss goodbye and turned to the door. George hurried down the steps and out the gate convinced Quinn would throttle him if he caught him alone with her.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Scott shifted behind the wide oak where he hid out of sight of Miss Stuart and Masters. He’d spotted them in town earlier and followed them. He picked up gossip about the two of them, convinced she’d shared Master’s bed.

  His blood heated as he watched them caress, then Masters hightailed it away, brushing Scott’s hiding spot. He held his breath and waited until the man disappeared down the street before emerging. Miss Stuart hesitated on the porch.

  He bounded up the steps, drawing a startled gasp from her. She peered at him. “George?”

  Using darkness to his advantage, he didn’t speak but strode up the steps and grasped her hand.

  “Dr. Madison.” She yanked against his grip. Before she c
ould make a sound, he clamped a hand over her mouth.


  Madison’s iron grip held Cassidy fast. She had to get to the door, alert her family.

  But he grasped her around the waist and forced her back down the steps and out the gate. She struggled but couldn’t free herself. He propelled her toward the wooded area beyond the house.

  Pulling to a stop, he released her mouth and spun her around. “You whore!” He hauled back and slapped her so hard, tears stung her eyes.

  “Must you continue to humiliate me before the entire town? I saw you together. You Jezebel!” He pulled back his arm again, but this time she was prepared and ducked the blow.

  “Come here!” He grasped her wrist before she could run and yanked her against him, squeezing her chin.

  “I’ve already told you I love George, and there’s nothing you can do about it. So, let me go.”

  He shoved her, then struck her again. Losing her balance, she tilted backward and crashed to the ground.

  “What’s going on?” A man carrying a lantern appeared.

  Relief coursed through her when she realized he was her brother. “Quinn, help!” she called.

  As Quinn raced toward them, Madison backed away, then broke, disappearing into the night.

  “Cassie, are you all right?” Her brother set the lantern down and gathered her into his arms. “Who was that?”

  “Dr. Madison.” She reached around Quinn’s neck, pulling him close as relief coursed through her.

  “Did he hurt you?” Quinn raised his head as if trying to see where the doctor had gone. “If he did, Cassie, I’ll kill him. I swear I will.”

  “It’s all right. He’s gone now.” She grimaced as her brother helped her to her feet. “Please, take me home.”

  As he escorted her back to the house, a new fear gripped her. Would Dr. Madison go after George?


  After seeing Cassidy home, George stopped at the tavern for a lager. After their encounter, he doubted he’d get a wink of sleep without something to numb his ardor. He’d wanted to take her back to his room and make love to her all night but didn’t dare. She belonged with her family, at least until he proposed properly and married her.

  The thought of having her as his wife after so long brought a smile to his face. He sipped his beer, savoring the taste, then set the mug on the counter.

  The bartender sauntered over, eyeing the glass. “Ready for a refill?”

  George shook his head. “No, thanks. After this one, I’m heading back to the hotel.”

  “I reckon, by that big grin on your face, you’ll likely be dreaming of Miss Stuart.”

  George frowned. “What are you implying, sir?” He placed both hands on the counter.

  The bartender raised his hands. “Didn’t mean nothing insulting. Any man would consider himself lucky to have a feisty lady like Miss Cassie. And she’s right pretty, too.”

  “Don’t I know it?” George sighed into his glass.

  “I hear tell you were once supposed to marry the lady. Just after the war.”

  “You heard right.” George nodded. “But I made a big mistake and left her. I’m still kicking myself but am sure glad she’s forgiven me.”

  “She gonna take you back?” The bartender’s bushy brows rose.

  “Reckon so. All I’ve got to do is propose to her proper.”

  “Well, congratulations in advance. I’d say it deserves a drink on the house.”

  “Ummm... I should be heading back.”

  The bartender poured more lager into his glass. “I won’t take no for an answer. Special occasion like this deserves a celebration.”

  George watched the man pour his drink. Wouldn’t be right to spurn his hospitality.

  “Thank you, sir. Reckon one more will help me sleep better.”

  “That’s the spirit.” The bartender rose with a flourish. “Enjoy.” He stepped aside to attend another customer.

  George half turned at a rush of air behind him. He twisted around to find Quinn standing behind him, breathing hard, his rusty colored hair mussed.

  “George, Cassie wanted me to find you right warn you...”

  George rose and planted his hand on Quinn’s shoulder. “What is it, man? What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Doc Madison. He’s gone berserk. Came after Cassie and...”

  George’s pulse raced. “Did he hurt her? Where is she?”

  Quinn gulped. “He knocked her around, but she’s not hurt. She’s safe at home...but she’s afraid he’ll come after you.”

  George frowned. Had Madison gone off after seeing George and Cassidy together? He grasped Quinn’s arm and guided him into an alcove, so they could have at least a bit of privacy.

  Quinn’s gaze narrowed. “He knows about you and Cassie. It’s what got him so riled. He wanted to marry her.”

  “I know.” George sighed. “This is my fault. I should have been more careful with her. I fear I’ve already ruined your sister’s reputation.” He glanced at Quinn. “Your mother must hate me.”

  Quinn grinned. “Well, she did have a few choice words for you, but I think she knows you and Cassie love each other.”

  “What about Madison?”

  “I don’t think he’s caught on that you’re investigating him, but he did set his sights on Cassie, and now he must feel thwarted. There’s no telling what he’ll do.” He glanced toward the door as a customer exited. “I wish I could have found out more about him in Philadelphia, but no one seemed to know or was willing to reveal anything. I reckon you didn’t have much luck either.”

  George scowled. “No. The nurse I interviewed worked for them before the incident with Miss Wellingham, but she did resign because of amorous treatment by Scott Madison. She feared to be alone in the house with him. If his father is as influential as Colonel Wellingham led me to believe, I’m sure he’s instigated a cover up to hide his son’s indiscretions so as not to tarnish his own reputation in the city.”

  Quinn nodded. “So, what are we going to do?”

  George patted his shoulder. “We’re going to keep your sister safe and away from the man.”

  “What about you? Do you think he’ll come after you?”

  George clenched his teeth. “If the bastard comes after me, I’ll be more than ready for him.” He stared off into the outer room. “And if he comes after your sister again, I swear to God, I’ll kill him.”


  Cassidy paced the length of the kitchen awaiting Quinn’s return. After tending to her scratches and scrapes, her mother wanted her to go to her room where she’d be safe. Cassidy insisted she was all right and had to be sure Madison hadn’t gone after George.

  Matt vowed to stand guard so the deranged doctor couldn’t get to her again.

  When the entry door opened, she raced from the room, her mother on her heels. Quinn entered, glanced behind him, and shut and locked the door.

  “Did you find him?” she burst out. “Is he all right?”

  “He’s fine, Cassie.” Quinn’s gaze swept from her to their mother. “He’s more worried about you and assured me he can take care of himself.”

  She wrung her hands. “But he was so violent. He knows I was with George.” Her face flushed. “I have to see him, be sure he’s all right.”

  Her mother grasped her arm. “Young lady, you are going nowhere but to your bed. George can take care of himself, but you’re no match for Madison. It’s up to your brothers to be sure he doesn’t get to you again.”

  Her heart hammered. “But I can’t sleep until I see George.”

  A knock at the door drew a gasp from her. Quinn cracked open the door, then swung it wide. “It’s George,” he announced.

  Cassidy raced into his arms. “I’m so glad you’re all right. I was so afraid for you.” She buried her face in the comforting scent of his coat.

  “Shh.” His hand brushed over her hair, sending shivers down her spine. “We’ll all take care of you.” He lifted her
chin, studying her face. “He hurt you.”

  She gazed into his eyes and read the raw anger there. “He saw us together. Followed us to the house. As soon as you left, he came after me.”

  He raised his brows. “I’m sorry.” He gathered her into his embrace. “I should have made sure you were inside before I left. This is my fault.”

  “No. It’s not your fault.”

  “It is.” He eased her back. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  She rubbed her arms. “A few scratches and bruises. But Quinn came to my rescue. He heard us.”

  George glanced at her brother. “Thank God for that.”

  Quinn cleared his throat. “Matt and I will be here to see the women are safe.” He clapped a hand on George’s shoulder. “You’d best get back to your hotel room and be cautious.”

  Cassidy glanced up at George then at her brother. “Maybe he should stay the night. Just to be sure he’s safe?”

  Her mother shook her head. “I don’t think it would be wise, dear.” She frowned in George’s direction.

  He patted Cassidy’s back. “Your mother’s right. I’ll be heading back.” He looked from her mother to Quinn. “Just keep her safe.”

  “We will,” Quinn said.

  Once George left the house, the trembling started. She’d held herself together since the assault and now knew he was a trained agent, but with Dr. Madison so out of control, her heart refused to slow. What could a man so deranged do to George?

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Late Monday morning Scott stepped from the train at the Burkeville station. He’d spent the last few days at a medical conference in New York City and was anxious to get home and find out if anything had changed since he’d left town. His plans to wed Miss Stuart and combine their practices had been thwarted by Masters. The man not only meddled in his plans but also seemed to be hounding him, ever since he’d first set foot in his office to talk about Miss Stuart. He’d obviously been baiting Scott, but why? And now the sight of Miss Stuart and Masters together proved too much for him to bear.

  He accepted his bag from the porter and strolled down the short platform. After spending time in New York, he realized just how small this town was. Did he want this for his future? Maybe he should cut his losses and move on.


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