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Darkest Designs

Page 16

by Dale Mayer

  Eric stared at him in shock. “And how do you expect me to do that.”

  Paxton shook his head, sending his hair flying in all directions. “I don’t care. But this is big trouble. She needs to go home. Now. We can’t have them trying to come here after her. You have to fix this.”

  Eric studied Paxton. He was right. They needed to fix this, but how? He couldn’t just pick up a wispy cloud and carry it to the next dimension. Could he?

  “You have to fix this.” Paxton was almost shrieking at him. His eyes were panicked, his face turned red and puffy. Eric was starting to get more worried about his health than about him waking up Tammy.

  Then he changed his mind.

  A wail filled the room and damn near killed him. Eric slapped his hands over his ears against the horrible noise. It wasn’t the same as before. It was…worse. It had a disembodied sound, almost an echo that made it amplify in layers. He’d barely heard Storey earlier in her room. Tammy appeared to be able to communicate much better. Or much worse. He shuddered as the waves of sounds scraped down his spine.

  “Make her stop!” Paxton ran to the far side of the room.

  “Paxton? Get the stylus to talk to her,” he shouted over the noise. “Fast!”

  Paxton’s eyes widened. He started writing with the stylus.

  Within seconds, the noise stopped.

  Eric glanced back down to where Tammy had been lying.

  She was gone.

  Storey was led back out of the room. Tammy’s father never said a word or motioned to her in any way. The styluses had been doing the communicating. But something had changed. The same two guards were taking her somewhere – but where? Stylus, what’s going on?

  You have been given an ultimatum.

  What does that mean?

  You have one night’s passing to return his daughter to the way she was.

  The way she was? Oh great. I sure hope you know how to put a spirit and body back together again.

  Great. Not. First things first, she had to get out of here, then travel to the Torans’ and find Tammy’s spirit to bring it back here.

  Got any ideas, Stylus?

  You are being taken to Tammy’s room now. You will be under guard the whole time.

  As she tried to assimilate what the Stylus was saying, Storey was poked – hard – in the back. She spun around. “Hey, be nice.” She glared at the woman staring back at her. To Storey’s artistic eye, the hard angles of the woman’s wide face appeared frozen in clay for the lack of emotion in it. How could they not show anything? She didn’t get it.

  Storey chained her anger up tighter, knowing she needed to stay calm to get out of this place and help Tammy. That was the concern right now. Not Storey or Tammy’s heavy handed father, but Tammy herself. Somehow she needed to be made whole again.

  The trip this time was through a maze of caves and tunnels. She didn’t know how these people had managed to dig so much so fast. They must have some advantage that the Toran and her own people didn’t know about. If they were in the same cave system that she’d seen on her previous trip, it would have given them a start, but nothing like this. The hallways seemed to go on for miles. And maybe they did.

  She was led into another room. And came to a complete stop.

  Tammy lay on a raised surface surrounded by several Louers. She didn’t know if they were a medical team, family, or more security. Nothing in their demeanor or dress gave her any clues to their association. Why couldn’t these people make it easy?

  Then, they were a simple folk and probably didn’t have all the trappings of her own world. Tammy would be undergoing all kinds of tests back home by now if they were in Storey’s dimension. She approached cautiously, afraid she’d be stopped before reaching Tammy’s side.

  No one moved.

  She took a deep breath, then reached out to clasp Tammy’s chunky hand. She was so cold. Her hand, normally hot and active, always tugging Storey in one direction or another, or squeezing tight, lay dead in Storey’s palm. So not good.

  Storey leaned forward to study Tammy’s face. The skin hung slack, her mouth slightly open. Air whistled gently with every breath. Definitely alive, but empty. Like no one was home.

  Except Tammy’s hair moved. Storey’s eyes widened as she understood. Skorky lay curled into Tammy’s shoulder and nestled protectively into her hair. His beady eyes watched Storey’s every move.

  She straightened, fighting back the urge to cry. Her hot tears refused to listen, welling up in the corners of her eyes. She stared at the wall straight ahead until she could regain control.

  Stylus. What are we going to do?


  She almost snorted, barely catching back the sound at the last moment. The last thing she wanted to do was give anything away to those watching her so intently. Wait for what? Eric wasn’t going to be able to sneak in and help her out. He’d end up captive as well. And that was not the answer.

  She had to get away.

  No. The dimension is still settling. Any more travelling right now could be harmful. You could end up anywhere.

  Damn. I thought that problem was done.

  Those were big changes. It takes a little time.

  I don’t have time, she bit off. Tammy needs me.

  So does Eric. He’s lost Tammy.


  Eric walked the room slowly. “Tammy?” He twisted around slightly so he could see Paxton. “What does the stylus say?”

  “It says she’s trying to go home. She’s scared.” Paxton’s voice rose. “And so am I.”

  Eric ignored the last part. “Of course, she is. When she went to sleep she was at Storey’s house. She doesn’t know how she got here. And if she looks weird to us, we probably look weird to her.” He paused, searching the room for Tammy’s misty outline. “Have you contacted Storey?”

  “There is only so much I can do,” Paxton snapped. “I’m trying.”

  “Have the stylus do it.” Eric wanted to shake the older man. His way of doing things was slowing the process. The styluses could do dozens of things at one time. “Remember, they can get other styluses to help.”

  Paxton’s gaze lit with understanding and he started scribbling furiously.

  “First, someone needs to talk to Tammy. Tell her Storey is with her father and that’s where we want to take her.”

  Eric bowed his head, struggling for calm as he waited for Paxton. He thrust his hands into his pockets. He still wanted to clench them, but it was harder to in the small space.

  Then he felt it.

  A slight warmth against his bare arm.


  The heat of his arm deepened.

  “Paxton,” Eric said, “I think she is standing here beside me.”

  Paxton looked up over at him, looked at the space beside Eric, shuddered and returned to his tablet.

  Eric wasn’t sure what that meant, but figured the older man had enough trouble dealing with the current scenario without Eric questioning him on it. “Tammy, it’s going to be okay.”

  He stared down and caught the faint shape of the little girl. She was looking up at him. Like she had so many times before. His heart wrenched. He couldn’t see the expression on her face, but she had to be freaking out. “Storey is with your Father. We’re trying to get you home too.”

  Did she understand anything? He hoped Paxton would hurry up. Surely the styluses had spoken to Tammy by now. He wished he could talk to her.

  Paxton spun around. “Storey’s stylus and the Broken One say you are to go to the Louers’ dimension and take Tammy with you.”

  Eric just stared. “Really? I’m supposed to just take this energy mass to the Louers’ dimension? Tammy in a form they can’t see and therefore won’t recognize that I’m there to deliver?”

  Even Paxton looked unsure on that point. Eric sighed and turned to look down at Tammy. The heat in his arm warmed yet again, as if she understood the problem. He felt like he needed to say something to her, but up until
now he had to admit it had always been Storey who’d been the one to reassure Tammy.

  “It will be fine, Tammy. We’ve been in worse scenarios before.”

  He couldn’t think of another one quite like this though. And hoped he never would again, but after what had happened with Dillon, he realized how much he still had to learn and experience. He was just a youngster when compared to Paxton. Yet he’d experienced so much in this short time.

  And that was, to quote Storey once again, ‘way cool.’

  He laughed. He loved Storey’s attitude. She took on life like it was the greatest of adventures. Facing her troubles instead of running away. She never backed down from a fight, either. If she were in trouble right now, she’d be looking for a way out. And waiting for him to come help her out.

  So he needed to find a way to do just that.

  Storey bent her head, and tried to get the stylus to help her communicate. She whispered to Tammy, “I’m so sorry, Tammy. We never meant for this to happen. We’re working on a solution. Hopefully it won’t be much longer.”

  As she finished, she realized the others were listening. None of the guards stopped her though. They’d surrounded her, but had so far stayed back and allowed her to do her thing.

  Now if only she understood what her thing was. Skorky lay curled on Tammy’s shoulder. Its eyes locked on Storey as if it knew she was here to help. Too bad she didn’t know how.

  She could write on Tammy’s arm, but she couldn’t create a portal on her. Not without destroying her body. She had paper in one of Eric’s bags – at least she thought she did, but it’s not like she’d be allowed to keep it if she brought it out for long enough to do what she needed to do. Besides, as much as escaping here would be wonderful, it wouldn’t help Tammy. And that was paramount.

  You don’t need paper.

  She straightened. The guards straightened. Oh shit. She forced her shoulders to relax and gave the guards a smile. She’d forgotten how intently she was being watched. They could knock her out at the slightest wrong move if they didn’t like her actions.

  She had to remember that. Stylus, what do you mean?

  You are developing more skills. Have more abilities. A surface is helpful for some things. And necessary for bigger things. Small things – no longer.

  So how do we help her then?

  You use your new honor symbols.

  Symbols. She was trying to follow her stylus’s trail of thoughts. Honestly. But at the moment, it was a leap to think she, herself, could create portals and that was just for starters. I don’t understand. You are the one that creates. Not me.

  No, it was I – before. Now it is you…and I.

  She shook her head. Not possible. You are the one that creates. I am just the tool that holds you.

  You have earned your honor marks. They carry abilities with them.

  Abilities? She didn’t know if she should be excited or terrified. She had yet to question how the stylus might have earned their abilities. She had no idea how the honor marks had come about, they’d simply appeared on her skin. Now she realized that the times her stylus had said they would honor her meant they would give her honor marks.

  It had been magical in the beginning, the first mark simply appearing on her after she’d been recognized for a good deed. Now she understood it was so much more than that. They worked on time, energy and even dimensional shifts.

  Abilities had to be earned. And learned. Hence the Broken One’s higher place in their world. He’d been there the longest, learned the most, earned his position. And had the most to offer. Saving him was important.

  She was a novice.

  Not as much as you think.

  What can I do?


  Inside she smiled. Now that’s the right answer. What about Tammy? Can I help her get back here where she belongs?

  Yes. But not without the Broken One, her stylus said. He must do the transition. Like he performed Dillon’s transition.

  Right. So we need Tammy here. Can I leave, go to Tammy’s…soul…and then bring her back here? Without the Louers knowing?

  Not as you mean.

  She almost groaned. Why was nothing ever simple? How do you mean?

  You can leave your body behind. Go in the same form that Tammy currently exists.

  Oh boy. Now that was a mind bender…again. Really?


  And you’re saying I can do that without the guards noticing? How hard a process is this?

  For you now, with your marks…it is not hard.

  She didn’t know if she should believe the stylus or not, but had no reason to doubt it after all the other crazy things he’d helped her do. Is this something Louers can do on their own? Without styluses?


  So it wasn’t normal what happened to Tammy?


  What about the Torans – can they do that?


  So why is this something I can do?

  The Broken One thought it would be an ability to help you as you moved through dimensions.

  She tilted her head. The Broken One?

  You earned your first marks after rescuing the Broken One and the others. We are and always have been connected. He awarded the first honor marks.

  And the second?

  I did

  She brightened. Really? Sweet.

  She wanted to ask more. About other abilities, but time was a definite issue. How do I go to Tammy?

  You need only detach.

  Only? She’d have laughed aloud if she could have. But ever mindful of her audience, she managed to hold back. What about my body? Should I be lying down so I don’t fall? Or can I just leave from here as I am now?

  There was a faint hum in the background. She stole a look at her guards to see if they’d notice. But they appeared unaware. Unless they were causing it. She’d thought it was her stylus. Maybe she was wrong.

  Use the honor marks as a guide.

  That came out of nowhere. Storey stared down at her arm where the marks seemed to glow and twist in place. They were almost alive. Somehow. Maybe not alive, but there was a force in there she didn’t recognize. Energy of some kind. The marks, even as she watched, looked brighter, stronger. More powerful. She was drawn into the glow. Feeling the warmth of it surround her. A tingling sensation she’d never experienced before. She didn’t understand. She hadn’t lifted her arm, yet they seemed closer. Heat soothed her inside and out. How odd was that?

  She desperately wanted to stand up. Did she dare? What was the worst the guards could do, but push her down again? She tossed them a defiant look and stood. Skorky’s head jerked back, his gaze widening. But he never shifted away from his protective stance at Tammy’s shoulder. She took a step.

  And left her body behind.

  She froze. Oh God. Oh God, Oh my God.

  Stylus? Have I separated from my body?

  You are correct.

  Her gaze widened. How?

  You used the honor markings as a guide.

  She stared down at her arm. Her physical arm. The one still resting on the bed, holding Tammy’s hand. The honor marks now seemed softer, calmer and no longer moving. She gulped. Then looked down at what passed for an arm on her body now. Wispy smoke in a lovely white, with a tinge of lavender, filled the space she’d expected to have an arm. Her body was no better. Her hair no longer brushed her ears. Her clothes had disappeared, and boy did she gulp at that one. Although technically she wasn’t exactly standing there in the buff, either. It was weird. She was there, but wasn’t there. There was something representing clothing, but nothing she’d ever seen before. She let her pent up breath out slowly.

  Well she’d done it.

  Whatever it was.

  Now what Stylus? How do I help Tammy and get back inside my body?

  Think of Tammy as you last saw her. Feel the emotions of having her at your side.

  Closing her eyes, she imagined Tammy beside her. Smiling and joyous; so full o
f life. The last time Storey had seen her, she’d been in Eric’s arms. He was carrying her away to safety. Good. She needed to be safe.

  And she is safe. Look.

  Storey’s eyes flew open. She gasped. Oh my God. I’m in Paxton’s lab. She spun around, aware she was leaving wispy tendrils as she moved. Like a princess with a long train, Storey was leaving wispy bits of her new material – energy or clouds – wafting out behind her as she spun. This is amazing. I so don’t understand. But it is definitely cool.


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