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Darkest Designs

Page 17

by Dale Mayer

  You can travel by thought in this form.

  Thought? As in I don’t need you, stylus?

  She clasped her hand to her chest, afraid she’d lost the stylus, and realized she not only had no stylus, she had no chest! Her breath came out in harsh gasps as she fought to control the panic. This couldn’t be, could it?

  Yes. Our souls are connected to our bodies, but the physical body is not a prison. You can move freely in and out. We in the stylus no longer have bodies. They do not keep long term. But our souls are forever.

  Forever. She repeated the word, really liking the concept. And this whole state of being, for all it was scary and fragile feeling, was also incredibly exhilarating and…liberating. If only all people could realize they were more than an organic body.

  They can, but few would want the experience.

  Are you kidding? This is awesome.

  For many, the fear would be overwhelming.


  She was so caught up in the sensation and conversation it took a moment for her to hear the other voices. Eric. And Paxton. She laughed, a sound of pure pleasure pealing across the room.

  Eric stopped talking, an arrested look on his face.

  “Did you hear that?” he asked Paxton.

  “Hear what?”

  Storey grinned. Good for Eric. He was always so sensitive to her moods and presence. Maybe he couldn’t see her in this form, but he was aware of something different. And then she gasped again. Tammy stood beside Eric, her hand nestled in his much bigger one. And she was in the same form as Storey, but in a slightly different color. Tammy appeared as a light blue to white energy swirling in place at Eric’s side.

  Did he know? Considering he was holding her hand, he must.

  “Tammy!” Storey cried out.

  The energy beside Eric turned, then shot toward Storey like a bullet fired from a gun. The blue energy surged around Storey, over her and then finally through her.

  She’d have gasped in shocked delight if she could have, but the sensation of being one with another soul overwhelmed her into silence. She’d have shed tears if she’d had them; instead it felt like her heart was being squeezed small and so tight. Only it was beating hard and strong, because Tammy was inside, helping her.

  “Oh Tammy. I was so afraid for you,” she whispered.

  “Torrey.” Tammy’s faint pudgy hand reached up to pat Storey’s cheek. “I’m happy you are here.”

  They could talk like this. Without the trappings and physical limitations that defined their other reality, the two of them could communicate like they’d always wanted to. She wrapped her arms around the little girl and held her tight.

  “Paxton. Something just happened,” Eric said

  Paxton spun on Eric. “Now what? I can only work on one thing at a time.”

  “Well for one, Tammy, who’d been holding my hand, isn’t any longer. And I think someone else is here now?”

  Storey watched at Paxton spun around searching the brightly lit room. “There is no one here.”

  Yes, there is. Hi Paxton.

  He didn’t hear her. Holding Tammy close, Storey walked over to Paxton’s monitor and hit the keys she needed with a little bump of her non-existent fingers. Hi, Paxton, she typed. I’m here in the same form as Tammy. We’re spirits. Storey.

  Both men raced over to the typing keypad.

  Paxton grabbed his chest and stared at the place in front of his key panel. “That’s not possible.

  Eric whispered, “I sure as hell hope it is. Storey,” He took a deep breath. “Please tell me you’re not dead.”


  Eric studied the space in front of Paxton’s desk. There was a shimmer to the air, a motion to it that he didn’t understand. And hadn’t seen before. He asked, “Is that possible?”

  The keys depressed even as Eric watched. Storey typed in the words, Yes. I am alive. I left my body in the Louers’ dimension so I could help Tammy return.

  Eric froze at the part where she’d left her body. What? He wanted to repeat Paxton’s horrified rejection about that not being possible. He took a deep breath and let it out shakily. “Storey, how do you propose to take Tammy back?”

  The keys tapped faster this time. The words appearing as if by magic. Easy. The same way I came here. Tammy can travel by holding on to me.

  His mind refused to see how this was possible.

  Just then the door to Paxton’s lab opened up and his father strode in, two Toran guards trailing behind. “Paxton, I demand a hearing.” He glared at his son. “These charges against me are preposterous. I have done nothing wrong.”

  Eric struggled to shift from one subject to the next. And adjust to his father’s presence. He opened his mouth to say something, when his father rounded on him.

  “And you, letting your father be treated this way. How dare you?” The pompous man strode across the room as if he still had the right.

  Eric’s felt his eyebrows shoot straight up. His father was actually accusing Eric of not standing up for him? Unbelievable. He glanced at Paxton, who appeared to have had one shock too many.

  “Why are you not in your chambers under guard?” Paxton’s fury was slowly rising as a tidal wave of red filled his face.

  The Councilman sniffed. “Why should I be? My people are loyal to me. And not that upstart otherworlder. How dare she accuse me of such things?” He walked over to the workbench, putting his back to the others.

  Eric blinked. Was he really that dense? Still, he felt himself looking to Paxton for guidance. Except, Paxton looked like he was about to yell at his father. Eric almost wanted to warn him. He glanced back and his eyes widened in horror. His father’s gaze was locked on the monitor. And a fat smile had slipped out. It disappeared as Eric stepped forward and wiped the screen clean with the press of one button.

  But somehow, he knew the damage had been done. He didn’t need to see his father’s beady eyes to know he had seen and processed Storey’s explanation. And was even now looking for ways to use it.

  “However, I will return to my quarters now. To make sure all is how I left it.” He spun on his heels and headed for the door, leaving as abruptly as he’d arrived.

  “Paxton, we have to stop him. He saw the monitor. He’s going after Storey.”

  “How? He can’t.” Paxton ran over to the keyboard.

  “He did already. Look at all the trouble he caused with the Louers last time. If he can get the message to them that Storey has left her body, well…” Eric didn’t want to finish that thought. The stricken look on Paxton’s face said it all. “Why was he walking around as free as you or I? And how is it he is free to go to his quarters? He should be going to the dungeons.”

  “He was taken for medical testing first. To make sure there was nothing physically wrong that could account for the change in his behavior.”

  “And now what, he’s allowed to walk around – free?” Eric couldn’t believe it. An anger like he’d never felt before surged through his veins. His fists clenched. Then opened. Then clenched again.

  “No. No. He’s not.” Paxton ran to his control panel and immediately brought up the guard room. While Eric watched, he ordered guards to watch the Councilman’s room. He was not to be allowed to leave without Paxton’s permission. Paxton then warned that a full inquiry was in progress as to why his orders to place the Councilman in the dungeon after his medical hadn’t been carried out in the first place.

  “Do you think that will do anything? Or have we got a dissident force happening within our own people? People as loyal to him as he claims?”

  “It’s possible. He’s ruled here for a long time,” Paxton muttered. “There won’t be when they find out what he’s done.”

  “Then we need to tell every one of them the truth of his actions. Because I don’t trust him even under guard.” Eric spun around to look for Storey. He couldn’t see her faint energy. He hoped she’d gone back to where she belonged. But just in case, “Storey, we’ll stop him. Hones

  There was no answering tap on the keyboard. No answering movement from anywhere around him.

  Paxton stared wide eyed. “What about Tammy? Is she here? We can’t have her running around loose. Please tell me they are still together. Tammy might have run away after your father’s appearance.”

  Eric would have liked to run away too. He called out, “Storey? Are you still here? Do you have Tammy with you?”

  “Storey? Please talk on the monitor if you are here.”

  Paxton and Eric stared at the keypad. There was no movement. No words appearing anywhere.

  “Damn,” he whispered. “I think Storey is gone.” He could only hope she was okay. Had she been yanked back to her body? Gone back willingly with Tammy at her side?

  Or was she still here – somewhere?

  Storey watched Eric’s father approach. That man gave her the creeps. He was so…so…arrogant, so sure of his power. She hated that about him. And she couldn’t believe he was still walking around. Why? How? Hadn’t Eric said something about his father being taken care of?

  Surely Paxton had followed through?


  She watched his gaze land on the monitor and realized the moment he understood the message she’d written. And the danger of his understanding.

  But it was too late. The energy around her swirled as Tammy snuggled up closer. “It’s okay Tammy. He can’t hurt us.” At least she hoped not. She no longer felt so confident that he’d be punished for his actions. She narrowed her gaze and watched as he bolted to the door. Had he taken something off the bench? Maybe not, but he was up to something. Suspicions raised, she trailed behind him as he walked to the door. Tammy stuck close by.

  Storey looked down at her. Should they follow the Councilman? He was one scary dude, even if he was more of a fat merchant to look at him. She couldn’t trust him, and she didn’t dare let him get up to his old plans again. She had to find out what he had planned.

  She knew it couldn’t be good. Not for her. Or Tammy, and she highly doubted Eric would come out on top. In fact, if the Councilman found out about Paxton being a Louer…well, he’d twist all this mess up and make it look like Paxton was to blame.

  Get himself reinstated at the same time. Next week it would all have been forgotten. The scandal written into the archives for future students to study.

  And that couldn’t happen. She slipped out the door before it closed. She could probably think herself to the other side, but this way was natural. Tammy refused to stay behind.

  Please, Tammy, stay with Eric.

  Tammy’s face grew mutinous and her shoulders squared. Not that she had much for shoulders. Still, she could understand Tammy not wanting to be separated from her again. Storey didn’t want to lose track of Tammy either. And in their current forms, that was all too possible.

  Okay, you can come. Just stay close and stay quiet.

  With Tammy’s nod, Storey picked up speed and raced behind the Councilman.

  He swept into his chambers, the guards taking up their position outside the entrance, and headed directly to the big communication center on the far wall. With a furtive glance around he started clicking on the keypad in front of him. Within moments, a picture formed on the monitor above.

  She heard Tammy’s gasp before the identity of the person on the screen filtered in.

  It was Tammy’s father. How did they have the technology for this? As much as it surprised her, it also delighted her. They’d do just fine in their new home.

  Oh Shit. Tammy tried to pull away from Storey’s hand, but Storey held on. It’s not your father here in this room, Tammy. He’s still in his home, your home. That’s just an image for communication.

  Tammy shook her head. She opened her mouth, and Storey cringed waiting for that horrible sound to come loose. But it didn’t happen. Tammy had stopped, an arrested look on her face.

  Who are you talking to, Tammy?

  She blinked then pointed at the monitor.

  Storey glanced at the monitor then back again. You can talk to your father through the dimension? Not that Tammy understood the dimension stuff. She rephrased the question, Tammy, can you talk to your father from here?

  Tammy nodded.

  Can you tell him that you are safe?

  Tammy nodded again.

  Good. Do that. Tell him that you are coming home. And can you also tell him… Storey stopped. Did she dare have Tammy warn her father about the Councilman? Did she have any choice?

  Tammy, can you warn your father about this bad man?

  Tammy’s face turned fearful. She shuddered. The faint ripples of blue ripple outward like a stone thrown into a pond. I know. I don’t like him either. But he’s trying to hurt me. And you.

  Tammy’s eyes widened. She reached up to pat Storey’s cheek. Torrey.

  Storey leaned into the delicate touch, and smiled. Yes.

  He is coming.Storey froze. Who is coming, Tammy?

  The little girl pointed to her father on the monitor.

  Storey gasped, her own gaze tracking the Louer that dominated the screen. Does he know the form you are in?

  Tammy shook her head. “No. “

  How is he going to come here? That was so not good. He wasn’t likely to come alone either. Damn. Storey glanced over at the Councilman, now pacing in front of the monitor and talking in a language she didn’t understand. Apparently Tammy’s father did, though. His face was getting redder and redder. Whatever the conversation, it wasn’t to his liking.

  Stylus, can you make it so that this conversation is recorded and a record is sent to the other councilmen and Paxton? Can you translate the conversation as well?

  Yes. It is simple.

  Then do it. If there are speakers to send this conversation live to all the councilmen, guards, whoever you can reach – do that as well. Broken One, do you agree? Can you do more?

  His voice murmured in her mind. Done. And more. We’ve taken the message to the people.

  Good. At least whatever the Councilman was up to would be recorded. Someone somewhere would stop him, surely. In the meantime, they were about to have the Louers arrive. And that wasn’t good for anyone.

  Tammy, tell your father not to come, we’re coming home right now.

  Tammy’s gaze widened. She spun around as if looking for Eric and his portal. No honey, I can take you home. Jump into my arms.

  Tammy grinned and immediately did just that.

  Storey laughed. Now. Tell your father. Storey waited a few minutes. Did you do it?

  Tammy nodded. Good, then hold on and I’ll take you home.

  With her arms wrapped tightly around Storey, Tammy laid her head against her shoulder. Their energy snuggled together. Good.

  Stylus, please tell Eric what we are doing.

  I have told Paxton.

  Good enough. Eric might need to come and rescue me.

  She took a deep breath and thought about her body, the beautiful pattern on her arm. She could see the glow on her arm, the warmth of the pattern. Such a weird feeling. But the warmth wasn’t painful. In fact, it was invigorating.

  Storey leaned her head back and smiled.

  And found herself sitting beside Tammy’s bed.

  Back in her body.


  “Damn it Paxton, how does he manage to live so charmed? He should not be walking around free like that.” Eric hated the thought. His father still had some supporters obviously.

  It was as if Paxton aged before him. He wilted, his shoulders slumping. “I don’t know. I don’t understand.” But he wouldn’t look Eric in the eye.

  Eric knew he wouldn’t like what was to come. “Paxton, you need to tell me the truth, did you let him go?”

  “He’s not free,” Paxton blustered. “But the other council members didn’t believe everything I had to say. They want to give him a fair chance to explain.” He looked around, a little lost, and added, “I was working on trying to bring Dillon back and didn’t attend the last
meeting. That’s when they loosened the restrictions on him.”

  Dillon? Eric had forgotten about him. Eric stared at Paxton, seeing for the first time how much Paxton had devoted to helping his people. How much he’d lost personally in his lifetime. Had he ever married? Had children? Eric knew relatively little about his mentor and friend’s family history. What he did know was that something was bothering him right now.


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